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Timoxari 06-17-2010 02:07 AM

The Friends Appreciation Thread

Fertassa 06-17-2010 02:14 AM

Whenever my girlfriend and I order two pizzas (which needs to happen more often), we refer to it as the "Joey Special."

Timoxari 06-17-2010 02:30 AM

The other week, a co-worker bought several bags of multipack crisps and announced "you guys are about to see something special". All I could think of was the episode where everyone was late for Phoebe's birthday and Joey had to eat everyone's dinner.

asharbiq 06-17-2010 02:38 AM

"I'm not even sorry!" Still my favourite Friends moment ever. Well, that and Ross being FINE.

Friends is also valuable for teaching us about life.

  • Made a poor decision about furniture? Just think about Ross's couch or Monica's racing car bed.
  • In love with your flatmate's girlfriend? Just be honest. Don't cross the line. Don't go so far beyond the line the line is a dot to you.
  • Jealous of your ex-boyfriend's new girlfriend? Bald her.
  • Confused by bearded men? FOG THEM. (Please don't fog me.)
  • Do you have a clingy, foghorn girlfriend you can't stand? Catch a plane to Yemen.
  • Do you want to invent a new sport? Just try and imagine what's really involved in FIREBALL.
  • Did you accidentally leave the stove on, some water running, and a window open and then lock your baby in your home by itself? An eagle might fly in, land on the stove and catch fire. The baby, seeing this, jumps across the apartment to the mighty bird's aid. The eagle, however, misconstrues it as an act of aggression and grabs the baby in its talons. Meanwhile the faucet fills the apartment with water. Baby and bird still ablaze are locked in a death grip, swirling around in the whirlpool that fills the apartment.
  • Adopting a child? Pretend you're a minister and/or a doctor.
  • Is Gary Oldman drunk? Gary Oldman is always drunk.
  • Is Paul Rudd hot? Marry him.
  • Do you fancy Jacques Cousteau? I'm sorry, but I think Jacques Cousteau is dead.

Timoxari 06-17-2010 02:41 AM


An eagle might fly in, land on the stove and catch fire. The baby, seeing this, jumps across the apartment to the mighty bird's aid. The eagle, however, misconstrues it as an act of aggression and grabs the baby in its talons. Meanwhile the faucet fills the apartment with water. Baby and bird still ablaze are locked in a death grip, swirling around in the whirlpool that fills the apartment.
You're going to be really sorry if that's true.

Z3s9vQZj 06-17-2010 02:42 AM


"I'm not even sorry!" Still my favourite Friends moment ever. Well, that and Ross being FINE.

Friends is also valuable for teaching us about life.[*]Is Gary Oldman drunk? Gary Oldman is always drunk.
One of my favorite moments ever: "I'm wearing two belts."

Blolover11 06-17-2010 02:54 AM

LOVE Friends.

I've seen each episode about 622 times and NEVER GET TIRED. The early seasons are perfect. One of my fave moments from the later ones was Phoebe's outburst when everyone was late for her birthday dinner

tomsmuidh 06-17-2010 03:39 AM


This ALWAYS cracks me up!!! (embed doesn't work)

Each time someone moves house this comes up!


Nigeopire 06-17-2010 03:42 AM

wout - just click on the film strip icon in quick reply and then copy the link itself, not the embed link. Easy peasy!

tomsmuidh 06-17-2010 03:44 AM

This ALWAYS cracks me up!!!ll

Each time someone moves house this comes up!

thanks Kari!!! http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...es/biggrin.gif

Timoxari 06-17-2010 05:08 AM

OH MY GOD. "PIVOT!" and Joey's French are referenced pretty frequently by me and Pete too!


Z3s9vQZj 06-17-2010 05:11 AM


giturbewan 06-17-2010 05:34 AM

Phoebe's posh accent!

Pheboasmabs 06-17-2010 06:59 AM

I love Phoebe's posh accent! "It's hard to stop."

There's something about the film quality, the palette, and the fashions of early Friends that is so comforting to me. The best episode is the one where Phoebe has a crush on Jack. "Ugh, what I wouldn't give to be that can of...condensed milk."

JaK_MarkoV_Pi 06-17-2010 10:19 AM

I love Friends. TBS changed when they air their reruns, so I keep missing them, not that I haven't seen them a million times. There are episodes streaming at the WB's website too.

I love the Ross/Rachel fights. "We were on a break!" never stops being funny and I loved how they called back to that season after season. "You fell A-SLEEEEP?" I loved too. That whole episode with the strip Happy Days and Joey's boobs was great.

Some of my other favorite things:

"My sister's going to have my baby!"

then later "I'm finally going to have my band!"

then later "It's Fonzie's half-birthday!"

"It's a moo point.... You know, like a cow's opinion. It's MOO."

The "fine Italian craftsmanship" of the entertainment center.

The trifle.

The flashback episodes.

"That's MS Chanandeler Bong!"

Regina Falangie

Princess Consuela Banana Hammock Crap Bag


Chandler in the box


"I, Ross, take you, Rachel..."

Michael Rappaport shooting the bird.


That cat. ("It's not a cat!")

Adfcvkdg 06-17-2010 10:41 AM


There's something about the film quality, the palette, and the fashions of early Friends that is so comforting to me.
Yes! I don't know if it is just because we're all so familiar with the series, but "Friends" always feels like home.

Blolover11 06-17-2010 05:41 PM

Scarlet, yes - the trifle! ("It tastes like FEET!!") and Mrs Whiskerson!
I also love Phoebe's songs. "My sticky shoes... my sticky, sticky shoes..."

Pheboasmabs 06-17-2010 05:50 PM

And the crusty old man said "I'll do what I can"
And the rest of the rats played maracas

Timoxari 06-17-2010 06:02 PM

Oh, the cow in the meadow goes "moo"
Oh, the cow in the meadow goes "moo"
Then the farmer hits him on the head and grinds him up
And that's how we get hamburgers.

asharbiq 06-17-2010 06:05 PM

There are times when you get older
When you'll want to sleep with people
Just to make them like you
But don't!

Who thinks this thread is pretentious-stroke-garlicky?

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