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-   -   In Michael Bay's new live action TMNT movie, the turtles will be aliens. Of course. (http://www.discussworldissues.com/forums/hollywood/193895-michael-bays-new-live-action-tmnt-movie-turtles-will-aliens-course.html)

CGH1KZzy 03-20-2012 04:19 AM

In Michael Bay's new live action TMNT movie, the turtles will be aliens. Of course.
Apparently not understanding the meaning of the word “mutant”, Michael Bay said that in the new TMNT live action film he’ll be producing, the turtles won’t be normal tiny turtles turned into big, badass ass-kicking ninjas by sewer slime, but they’ll be aliens. Oh, Michael Bay
When you see this movie, kids will believe one day that these turtles do exist, when we’re done with this movie. These turtles are from an alien race, and they’re going to be tough, edgy, funny, and completely lovable.
In some ways, it kind of makes sense. At one point, Peter Parker gained the powers of Spider-Man after being bitten by a radioactive spider and I didn’t really mind when in some versions it was changed to a genetically modified super spider. The whole radiation thing is so 1950s and 60s and most people should understand these days that’s just not how radiation works. So I’m not terribly unhappy with the idea that the Ninja Turtles could be aliens and not strictly genetic mutants from Earth… it all depends on everything else in the movie.


Utter bullshit and just when the new series rectified the the wrongs of the 80s franchise. I loved both but totally going against the grain. This isn't Biker Mice From Mars dude...

OShellszz 03-20-2012 04:52 AM

Someone please tell Michael Bay to leave my childhood alone

CGH1KZzy 03-20-2012 07:13 AM


Someone please tell Michael Bay to leave my childhood alone
That's what I'm saying man!

rolex-buy 03-20-2012 12:53 PM

I don't know, aliens is a slightly more realistic premise than turtles magically gaining the power of speech through radioactive slime (I can't believe I just said that).

That said.... Michael fucking Bay ><

Crilosajsamq 03-20-2012 07:12 PM


Someone please tell Michael Bay to leave my childhood alone
Exactly. What a maroon. http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...milies/mad.gif

CGH1KZzy 03-21-2012 02:26 AM

[quote]I don't know, aliens is a slightly more realistic premise than turtles magically gaining the power of speech through radioactive slime (I can't believe I just said that).

That said.... Michael fucking Bay >

UJRonald 03-21-2012 02:29 AM

ooze isnt radioactive

Fuck Michael Bay

goddammit i was so excited about this someone dick slap this idiot into changing it back to the original story. follow the comics ffs

CGH1KZzy 03-21-2012 02:30 AM


Someone please tell Michael Bay to leave my childhood alone
Exactly, I'm tired of Hollywood screwing with my childhood classics. I was so disappointed in G.I. Joe. I had never watched the short lived Sigma 6 series at the beginning of the last decade so when they came out with the movie, I was like WTF, this isn't what I remember at all. Now that I've watched GI Renegades the movie makes more sense, but it's still not my GI Joe. This TMNT will be the same and it's ashame the CGI TMNT movie was great to me.

rolex-buy 03-21-2012 02:40 AM


They're comic superheroes. Wtfs realistic about anything with superhuman abilities.
Aliens are way more believable when we're talking about superheroes that look like turtles!

CGH1KZzy 03-21-2012 02:43 AM


Aliens are way more believable when we're talking about superheroes that look like turtles!
Meh IDGAF don't fuck with my childhood http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...es/tongue2.gif

UJRonald 03-21-2012 08:23 PM

I'm not interested in Believable, I want true to the story

alex_loudermilk 03-21-2012 09:43 PM

Fuck you Michael Bay.

CGH1KZzy 03-25-2012 01:37 AM


I'm not interested in Believable, I want true to the story

UJRonald 08-13-2012 10:23 AM

So, so many fans were irate with the changes the production company shelved the movie until Bay rewrites the script

CGH1KZzy 08-16-2012 09:19 PM

Sweet... Just Googled it. While a new live action TMNT would have been great, I'd much rather see another CGI movie that sticks to the original story than that crap.

77chawzence 08-16-2012 10:02 PM

TMNT all the way staightedge.

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