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-   -   New pics of Mark Walberg as "Max Payne." (http://www.discussworldissues.com/forums/hollywood/47460-new-pics-mark-walberg-max-payne.html)

vintsqyuid 08-10-2008 10:04 AM

New pics of Mark Walberg as "Max Payne."
Check it out.

How does everyone feel about Walberg as "Max Payne" in the upcoming film?








gluckmeea 08-10-2008 10:42 AM

Trailer is out too. He's a great actor, but not the right choice for Max Payne. They should have casted Eric Mabius:


He looks very similar to the game character. Can't think of anyone better..

WhiliaStelt 08-10-2008 04:49 PM

He's a terrible piss poor actor.

...but he's hot so its forgivable. Film will suck anyway.

doksSirmAdods 08-10-2008 05:54 PM

I was happy to hear about a Max Payne film, but its not looking like it would be too good. I think i'll just go and watch it for Mila Kunis http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...es/biggrin.png

brilkyPlayday 08-10-2008 06:47 PM

Will he singing this song during the movie?

YouTube Player

fkjghfg 08-28-2008 03:32 AM

looks like it will turn out to be pretty good who knows the first game was good but the second one sucked well see

Golotop 08-28-2008 03:51 AM

You're a double decker at best!

OlgaBorovikovva 08-28-2008 05:15 AM


looks like it will turn out to be pretty good who knows the first game was good but the second one sucked well see
The second one was a let down storyline wise but I still very much enjoyed it. I would love to see one more Max Payne game. Max Payne one was without question one of my favorite "last gen" games, a definitely gem to say the least.

Logaleta 09-15-2008 12:16 PM

looks good,marky mark will do great. He's a good actor.

payowlirriply 09-15-2008 01:50 PM


The second one was a let down storyline wise but I still very much enjoyed it. I would love to see one more Max Payne game. Max Payne one was without question one of my favorite "last gen" games, a definitely gem to say the least.
Haha THIRD!? well, you never know we might get to see one IF Remedy can ever manage to Alan Wake out of production hell and to retail.

I don't mind Mark playing Max too much, I like Mark's acting and he is likeable..so fingers crossed this will deliver but I am very much doubting. I wonder if it will cover the beginnings of his wife and child getting slaughtered!

vladekad 09-15-2008 03:04 PM

this maybe a actually Good Mark look's to fit the part nicely so thank you for posting this

and letting us see the pics

elalmhicabalp 09-22-2008 08:45 AM

when doeds this come out? I know both these games and they are INCREDIBLE (if you don't have it for the Original Xbox pick them up they are hidden tressures)

if this movie is HALF as good as the game it will be an AMAZING movie

opdirorg 09-24-2008 12:39 AM

I too loved both of the games. The second may have been short as hell and I seem to remember beating in a couple hours, but the stories were excellent. This movie actually looked pretty bad ass. I don't mind Mark Walberg in there; he looks the part enough. However, all hope I had for this movie was crushed when I saw preview of it last night and at the end it said "Rated PG-13". You can't make a PG-13 Max Payne movie. This will suck.

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