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Old 11-22-2008, 06:24 PM   #1

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Default Who is Dr. Tahir ul-Qadri?
As'salaamu alaykum;

Does anyone have any info on who Sh. Tahir ul-Qadri is? I googled him and found some info, I also read his wiki but I'm still not clear. One tidbit of info I found interesting was on the wiki of his Shaykh, Sh. Tahir Allauddin. In regards to his students it stated:

"He had many students who become very popular.[11] Some of the political and governmental leaders of Pakistan used to sit in his gatherings and learn from him.[12]Some of his prominent students are Shaykh ul Islam Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, al-`Arif Billah al-Imam Mowlana Mustafa Raza Khan, the Barelwi muhaddith Moulana, Syed Ahmad Sa'id al-Kazmi, the Deobandi `alim and Muhaddith, Mawlana Yusuf Binori, the Deobandi Mufti of Pakistan, Moulana Muhammad Shafi and the Pakistani politician, Haji Muhammad Hanif Tayab. Some of the governmental rulers who attended his gatherings were the President of Pakistan Ayub Khan, Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, and General Zia ul Haq.[13][14]"

It seems that he is neither Barelwi nor Deobandi though he may have opinions common among Barelwis minus the harshness. I'm a little confused. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Jazak-Allah khair.
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Old 11-22-2008, 06:39 PM   #2

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As'salaamu alaykum;

Does anyone have any info on who Sh. Tahir ul-Qadri is? I googled him and found some info, I also read his wiki but I'm still not clear. One tidbit of info I found interesting was on the wiki of his Shaykh, Sh. Tahir Allauddin. In regards to his students it stated:

"He had many students who become very popular.[11] Some of the political and governmental leaders of Pakistan used to sit in his gatherings and learn from him.[12]Some of his prominent students are Shaykh ul Islam Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, al-`Arif Billah al-Imam Mowlana Mustafa Raza Khan, the Barelwi muhaddith Moulana, Syed Ahmad Sa'id al-Kazmi, the Deobandi `alim and Muhaddith, Mawlana Yusuf Binori, the Deobandi Mufti of Pakistan, Moulana Muhammad Shafi and the Pakistani politician, Haji Muhammad Hanif Tayab. Some of the governmental rulers who attended his gatherings were the President of Pakistan Ayub Khan, Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, and General Zia ul Haq.[13][14]"

It seems that he is neither Barelwi nor Deobandi though he may have opinions common among Barelwis minus the harshness. I'm a little confused. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Jazak-Allah khair.

That should suffice.
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Old 11-22-2008, 10:29 PM   #3

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It was discussed here, especially check out last 2 pages. Basically, Dr. Tahir ul-Qadri should be avoided.

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Old 11-22-2008, 11:09 PM   #4

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and then people call him "Shaykh ul Islam"...

Dr. Tahir is a slippery personality to say the least. I once read an article (posted here on SF) in which Barelwis were actually criticizing him for his views on different things...

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Old 11-23-2008, 02:07 AM   #5

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Deceptive man...
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Old 11-23-2008, 03:34 AM   #6

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and then people call him "Shaykh ul Islam"...

Dr. Tahir is a slippery personality to say the least. I once read an article (posted here on SF) in which Barelwis were actually criticizing him for his views on different things...

Deceptive man...
Lets see:

1) Barelwees disagree with Dr Tahirul Qadri (see below)

2) Deobandees disagree with Dr Tahirul Qadri

3) Salafees disagree with Dr Tahirul Qadri

4) Ahl-e-Hadeeth disagree with Dr Tahirul Qadri

The only person whom I know has praised Dr Tahirul-Qadri is General Parvaiz Musharraf!

P.S: The words of the article below is not mine it is of the Barelwee scholars!


Certain "half-baked" individuals and "intellectual pygmies," dressed up in the garb of "Molvis", have claimed that there are no valid accusations against Tahirul Qadri. They are saying that Sunnis have no proofs against Tahirul Qadri's beliefs. They are saying that the Ulema of the Ahle Sunnah Wa Jamaah are causing open fitna. Ma' azallah!We want you, the Sunnis, to now use your common sense and judge for yourselves the beliefs of Tahirul Qadri. We have translated Urdu extracts from books written by Tahirul Qadri himself, and some of his corrupt anti-Sunni beliefs. We have commented only on a few of his beliefs, but a more in-depth explanation will follow in the next chapter. Here are his shocking revelations:-


"With all praise to Allah, all the Islamic schools of thought in the issues of beliefs do not possess any differences on basic fundamental beliefs, However, in minor subsidiary matters this difference is only as far as minor details, whose types and kinds are explanatory and detailed. It is due to this, that in missionary affairs to leave the areas of fundamental beliefs and solely become immersed in subsidiary and minor details, and on the basis of this, to make other schools of thought one's target of criticism is not fairness and wisdom". Reference : Firqah Parasti Ka Khaatimah Qu Kar Mumkin Heh, page 65.

What Tahirul Qadri is trying to say is that as far as the beliefs of the different groups (firqas) are concerned, they are only based on "subsidiary and minor details"! When Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) has said that it is these very same groups that will enter Jahannam, Tahirul Qadri says that to pick on the beliefs and teachings of Shias, Deobandis, Khaarajites and other groups is "not fairness and wisdom". When Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) has already passed a decision on these groups, do we need a misguided "professor" to tell us that these are small matters! May Allah save us from Tahirul Qadri's fitnah.


"When the Creator of the Universe did not give the Prophet the authority that he appoint anything according to his wishes in the affairs of religion...". Reference: Firqah Parasti Ka Khaatimah Qu Kar Mumkin Heh, page 86

Does this "professor" realise the implication of his statement? As far as Tahirul Qadri is concerned, he says that Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) has no authority over any matter. What greater disrespect towards the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) than this! This belief is akin to that of the Wahabi/Deobandi/Tablighi belief as stated in "Taqwiyatul Jmaan", page 41 by Molvi Ismail Dehlwi, wherein he says that "Whosoever's name is Muhammad or Ahmed has no authority over anything".


"I do not only like performing Salaah behind the Wahabis and Shias but whenever I get the opportunity I perform Salaah behind them". Reference : Risaalah Deed Shoneed, Lahore, 19 April 1986, page 4

Immediately after this interview, which was recorded in the above magazine, Tahirul Qadri claimed to the Sunni Ulema of Hyderbad that he had never made this statement. The editor of the magazine has the cassette of this interview. Attempts are being made to obtain this cassette.


"I curse sectarianism. I do not belong to any sect. I am a representative of the Prophet's community". Reference: Risaalah Deed Shoneed, Lahore, 19 April 1986, page 4

In a video recording interview taped in Durban (South Africa), Tahirul Qadri, very emotionally, told his unsuspecting audience that he is a Sunni Hanafi. Yet, he holds a firm belief that he does not have an excessive devotion and adherence to any particular group. This "professor" has already cursed himself!


"In Salaah, to fold one's hand or to leave one's hand is not amongst the Wajiba�adats of Islam. The important thing is Qiyaam. In the (position) of standing l am following (whoever the Imaam is). If the Imaam makes Qiyaam, Sajdah, Qadah or Salaam then the Muqtadi should do the same. At this point, it is not necessary that the Imaam leaves his hand, and the Muqtadi folds his hands and performs the Salaah or leaves his hand". Reference: Nawaa-e-Waqt Magazine, 19 December 1986.


"I am not working for the loftiness of Hanafiyat or for the school of the Ahle Sunnat". Reference : Nawaa-e-Waqt Magazine, 19 December 1986, page 4.

If Tahirul Qadri is not working for the school of the Ahle Sunnah, then what is he really working for? The Ahle Sunnah Wa Jammah is the only right group that have been promised Jannah. Tahirul Qadri is not working towards Jannah, need we say towards which place he is heading for!


"If a person claims that a certain person who has read the Kalimah is a Munafiq and Kaafir, if this is not similar to sitting on the Throne of Allah and His Prophet, then what is?" Reference: Firqah Parasti Ka Khaatimah Qu Kar Mumkin Heh, page 72

"Allah and His Rasool did not issue any school of thought a permit to Jannah. If any person is involved in this conceit, that because he is involved in a certain school of thought and is entitled to Jannat, then this is his vain thoughts and his personal fraud". Reference: Firqah Parasti Ka Khaatimah Qu Kar Mumkin Heh, page 54

"There should be such a religious institute which is above the constraining teachings of schools of thought so that a student of any school of thought may gain advantage from lessons in this free environment". Reference: Firqah Parasti Ka Khaatimah Qu Kar Mumkin Heh, page 91

"The clear victims among the worshippers of school of thought have been those people whose education and training have been (confined) to a special school of thought. After they become armed with religious education and they walk in the field of a life of action, then they make their own beliefs and thoughts and the propagation of this as their objectives". Reference: Firqah Parasti Ka Khaatimah Qu Kar Mumkin Heh, page 108


"Bareillvi'at, Deobandi'at, Ahle Hadithi'at, Shia'at, and these titles (makes me) fearful". Reference: Firqah Parasti Ka Khaatimah Qu Kar Mumkin Heh, page 111

Tahirul Qadri cannot say that the book, "Firqah Parasti Ka Khaatimah Qu Kar Mumkin Heh" is not his work and not published under the banner of his organisation, "Minhaajul Quran". We have ample proof to show that this is his own writings!

Sunnis must bear in mind that Shaitaan has always used religious frauds to put forward arguments, which are totally contrary to the Holy Quran and Sunnah. Tahirul Qadri wants Sunnis and all other groups to compromise or come to a settlement. We must remember that Shaitaan uses people to present arguments based on misconstrued (distorted) compromise. We should realise that this "total compromise" is nothing but the evil whisperings of Shaitaan. Almighty Allah has stated in the Holy Quran that "Shaitaan is an open enemy to you". An appeal is made to innocent Sunnis not to he deceived by this compromise. We should bear in mind that this message of "total compromise" preached by Tahirul Qadri is even against the teachings of I'jma (Consensus). It should, therefore, be the priorities of Sunnis to refer to the learned Ulema of the Anle Sunnah Wa Jamaah if they are in doubt about Tahirul Qadri.

O Muslims! Bear in mind that when a thief intends stealing from a house he first throws a stone. If there is no reaction from the occupants of the house, then the thief takes full advantage of the situation. This self-styled "thinker" and "scholar of Islam", Tahirul Qadri's, first stone on the house of Islam was on the issue of DIYAT or compensation for Blood-Money. Tahirul Qadri presented points totally contrary to the Ijma-e-Ummah (Consensus of the Ummah) on this issue.

But, Al'hamdulillah, we wish to state that the occupants of the House of Islam were not sleeping. The foremost among the Ulema-e-Ahle-Sunnah who refuted this "professor's" corrupt teachings were, amongst others:-

1. Allama Mohammed Abdullali Qadri Ashrafi Barakaati who wrote "Awrat Ki Diy at". This book contains enough proof exposing the ignorance of Tahirul Qadri.
2. Hazrat Allama Ata Mohammed Saheb Bindiyaalwi.
3. Ghazali-e-Zamaa, Allama Sayed Ahmed Saeed Kazmi (radi Allahu anhu)
4. Allama Moulana Abu Dawood Mohammed Sadeck. He has written the book entitled "Khatreh Ki Ghanti" in which the true beliefs of the Taahiriyah group has been clearly exposed.
5. Allama Mufti Mehboob Raza Khan who wrote "Fitnah Taaiiriyah Ki Haqiqat".
6. Allama Mufti Ghulam Sarwar Al Qaadri who has written two in-depth volumes entitled "Professor Ka I' imi Wa Tahqeeqih Jaa' izah".

Many other books have also been written by the Ulema-e-Ahle Sunnah exposing Tahirul Qadri's corrupt beliefs and teachings.

We humbly supplicate in the Darbar of Almighty Allah that He reward these distinguished Ulema for having revealed this new and corrupt group.
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Old 11-23-2008, 04:17 AM   #7

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Asalam O Alikum,

I dont like to go in other links I just wanted to share that information which I seen or heard though right place....

1... Tahir-ul-Qadri is the person who firstly attached with Nawaz Sharif... then left him after getting his goals
2.. Then I found one of my Cousin who wanted to get admission in his Mihaj-ul-Quran Institute... But my cousin knows how to go out in nights mostly he goes in Race Course Park or Food Street just to see girls... Astafurullah At the end my cousin left without completing the studies there...
3.... Dance activities can seen in many CDs .... Plus he is the guy who is attached with any Silsala in Town ship but wanted to sit on the chair of his peer.. Whatever
4.. . Just about I would like to say in other words that not more than 10 days a Live programme Bolta Pakistan telecasts from Ajj TV 5 days in a week & the anchors was discussing about Pakistan politics... I missed that program I dont knows what did they said there.. But I seen other day on same channel the guys of Tahir ul Qadri surrounded that TV station... In return the anchor persons said him ACTOR.. & the wording was....a man of showbiz"...... Which is very perfect word for this guy as well as Dr. Amir Liyaqat...
5... I dont know how this guy can claim for Sheikh ul Haith or Majadad....

Simple is that this guy used many resources to come in Politics first...

Jazak Allah Karim

Asalam O Alikum
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Old 11-23-2008, 04:33 AM   #8

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1) Barelwees disagree with Dr Tahirul Qadri (see below)

2) Deobandees disagree with Dr Tahirul Qadri

3) Salafees disagree with Dr Tahirul Qadri

4) Ahl-e-Hadeeth disagree with Dr Tahirul Qadri

The only person whom I know has praised Dr Tahirul-Qadri is General Parvaiz Musharraf!
He is beloved by shias. And celebrate also jesus birthday(la haula wala quwwata illa billah.)
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Old 11-23-2008, 04:37 AM   #9

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I still don't understand why he is still highly regarded by the likes of Shaykh Yaqoubi and the habaib if he were that bad. I thinkl you'll find most barelvis disown him as well.
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Old 11-23-2008, 05:29 AM   #10

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does he run a madarsa something.

i think one man asked about him to Makki al hijazi, but hazrath said i dont want to do the geebah by taking his name, but the one u asked about is everything, but not a islamic scholor.

and he gave an example of one man, he happen to write tafsir of Quran, some one brings a copy to wellknown scholor, he reads the tafsir and then he says " ismay sub kuch hai, lekin Quran ki tafseer nahi hai(it has everything but not the tafseer of Quran)
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Old 11-23-2008, 09:03 AM   #11

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I still don't understand why he is still highly regarded by the likes of Shaykh Yaqoubi and the habaib if he were that bad. I thinkl you'll find most barelvis disown him as well.

Shaykh Muhammad al Ya'qoubi (db) and the Habaib (db) are not from Pakistan and they, most probably, don't know the reality of Dr. Tahir ul Qadri and are not aware of his actual stances/practices/beliefs. The 'Ulama of Pakistan (and India) are in a much better position to judge a personality of their own lands as opposed to somebody else outside.

He's trumpeted as the 'Shaykh ul Islam' by his followers and maybe that is what Shaykh Ya'qoubi and the Habaib have heard about him as well and thus accord respect to him.

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Old 11-24-2008, 01:08 AM   #12

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That's true (that the sub-continental scholars are better judges in this case), but it's a circular argument at the end of the day. I guess what I mean to say is - How will an Arab alim judge as to who is right in the sub-continent(or any other place whos language they don't speak). Keeping in mind he can not trust ones judgement over the other, as he can not fully inverstigate either of the groups.
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Old 11-24-2008, 03:40 AM   #13

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please ammend the title of the thread calling him sheikh is an insult to all mashaikh, he is a disgrace to islam simple.
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Old 11-24-2008, 06:13 AM   #14

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As far as I know, he is linked with some kind of sufism, and believes in tawwasuf. I did some searches in youtube about him, and most of them are sufi related. There are some other dodgy videos that show another side of him, a more extreme view of him. I am not sure what his intention is, Allahu 'Alam. I think it is best if we just stay away from him, and research from our Madhab Insha'Allah. I do believe though that he does not have the status to have the title Shaykh Ul Islam at all. Wiki even says he is a politician Allah knows best his intention, but lets just stay away from him, until we really find out what he is doing, I am nearly for certain that he is up to no good. Khair, Allahu Alam.

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Old 11-24-2008, 06:17 AM   #15

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WHere have the Haba'ib praised him? Any references?
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Old 11-25-2008, 02:06 AM   #16

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I do not know if the Habaib have praised him explicitly (even if they have, so what? They might just be doing Husn ad-Dhann based on what they know about him) but sometime ago, there was a photo posted on SF where Dr. Tahir was sitting on a chair and Habib 'Ali al Jifri (db) was sitting on the ground as if listening to some sort of Dars being given by Dr. Tahir...

This picture prompted the poster to declare that 'when Habib 'Ali could give so much respect to Dr. Tahir, then I wouldn't question his validity/authority' or something like that...

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Old 11-25-2008, 02:43 AM   #17

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I do not know if the Habaib have praised him explicitly (even if they have, so what? They might just be doing Husn ad-Dhann based on what they know about him) but sometime ago, there was a photo posted on SF where Dr. Tahir was sitting on a chair and Habib 'Ali al Jifri (db) was sitting on the ground as if listening to some sort of Dars being given by Dr. Tahir...

This picture prompted the poster to declare that 'when Habib 'Ali could give so much respect to Dr. Tahir, then I wouldn't question his validity/authority' or something like that...

Salaam, I remember the picture - you had Shaykh Habib ali ans shaykh sudani in it aswell - It was like they were recieving ijazah from him.
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Old 11-27-2008, 01:06 AM   #18

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Asalam O Alikum,

So Tahir-ul-Qadri is Sufi... ?

Asalam O Alikum.
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Old 11-27-2008, 02:44 AM   #19

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Asalam O Alikum,

So Tahir-ul-Qadri is Sufi... ?

Asalam O Alikum.
he is a filtyhy agent working for the shias.
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Old 11-27-2008, 05:05 AM   #20

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Salaam, I remember the picture - you had Shaykh Habib ali ans shaykh sudani in it aswell - It was like they were recieving ijazah from him.
Habaib and Dr Q http://www.minhaj.org/en.php?tid=3155
Shaykh Yaqoubi http://www.welfare.org.pk/en.php?tid=81
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