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Old 08-13-2012, 06:31 PM   #1

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Default Is giving bayat to a Sheikh haram and bida??
From my understanding "bayan" is pledging blind obedience to a Sheikh.

Is this practice of unconditionally obeying another persons commands sunnah or innovation?

It sounds like something the Shia would believe and do.
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Old 08-13-2012, 06:36 PM   #2

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I think the term is 'bayat', bro. Yes it's definitely a bida't...nah not really.
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Old 08-13-2012, 06:52 PM   #3

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From what I have read "bayat" is sworn allegiance to an ameer.

But giving bayat to a sheikh is innovation.
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Old 08-13-2012, 07:22 PM   #4

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Bro just like in life in general muslims also have different personalities and since the beginning of Islaam there has been diffrences of opinions etc. Some of our brethren (and sisters) are more in tune spiritually than others (erm...I for one am not that spiritiual type of person thus do not follow this path.) They believe to attain ihsan & tazzkiya e nafs you need to take bayat from a sheikh who will serve as your guide/mentor etc. It's only some hard core 'Salafee' types who hold that (not just bayat to a sheikh of a turuq but even Tawassuf/Sufism as we know it in a orginised sense itself) is bida't. In my humble view it's really up to the individual if you want to follow that path or not.
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Old 08-13-2012, 07:29 PM   #5

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One is the concept of Bay’at and the other is the concept of Islaah al – Nafs/Tazkiyah al – Nafs (purification of the soul).

Bay’at refers to the promise of allegiance that the Mureed takes with the Sheikh that he will not go against the dictates of the Shariah. Bay’at is sunnah.

Islaah al – Nafs (self reformation) refers to the purification of the soul from the bad qualities (Akhlaaqe – Razeelah) and to imbibe within ourselves the good/praiseworthy qualities (Akhlaaqe – Hameedah).

Islaah al- Nafs (self reformation) is Fardh (obligatory) on every mature adult Muslim.

While one can reform himself by practicing on certain Ashgaal/Ma’moolaat, in today’s day and age of Fitnah, Fasaad and filth it is practically impossible for one to reform himself on his own. The above can be illustrated by a simple example:

If a person intends to proceed for Hajj, he can either walk to Makkah Mukarramah or he can use the available mediums of transport such as train, airplane or ship. Obviously, a person would choose one of the various modes of transport available. These mediums of transport signify the Sheikh who acts as the agent/medium in transporting one to the Maqsood/desired objective which is Nisbat/pleasure of Allah (Ta’ala).

According to Worldly standards, if a person aspires to become a professional, for example, a doctor or carpenter, he will have to undergo rigorous training under an experienced doctor or experienced carpenter. Similarly, if a person desires to become a friend/Wali of Allah (Ta’ala), he has to undergo rigorous training under a Sheikh e Kaamil who has similarly undergone training under his Shaikh and so forth until this chain of spirituality reaches Rasullullah (Sallallahu Aklayhi Wa Sallam).

Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) says:

(يا ايها الذين امنوا اتقوا الله و كونوا مع الصادقين (التوبة

” Oh you who believe, Adopt the fear of Allah and be in the company of the truthful ones

The above verse links the quality of Taqwa with that of the companionship of the truthful ones. This clearly advocates and demonstrates the importance of Suhbat (companionship of the pious). Allah (Ta’ala) has given us the prescription of Suhbat in order to develop Taqwa.

The Sahabah (Radhiyallahu Anhu) were called Sahabah due to their Suhbat (companionship) with Rasullullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam). They could have been described by so many other good qualities that they possessed, but, they were described with the quality of Suhbat. This shows the importance of being in the companionship of the Sheikh e Kaamil.

Hakeemul Ummah, Hadhrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (Rahmatullahi Alayhi) has written that “To sit in the companionship of the pious is Fardh” (Imdaad al–Fatawa, Baab al – Sulook, Vol.5, Pg.139)

We advise one to search for a suitable Sheikh e Kaamil within close proximity so that you can derive maximum benefit from him. The objective is Islaah and one should see how that objective can be best attained.

Hakeemul Ummah, Hadhrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (Rahmatullahi Alayhi) writes in his book entitled Kamaalaat e Ashrafiyyah that “The main thing is Islaah and always stay in the companionship/suhbat of the Ahlullah/friends of Allah (Ta’ala). (Kamaalaat e Ashrafiyyah, Pg.172, Suhbat e Ahlullah aur us ka fawa’id, Pg.53)

There are two issues of note:

1. Bay’at. This is refers to the pledge that the Saalik takes with the Sheikh of a Tareeqah.

2. Islaah al-Nafs. This refers to the spiritual reformation of the Nafs (lower carnal self).

Bay’at (pledging allegiance on the hand of the Sheikh) is Sunnat, whereas Islaah al-Nafs (Reformation of the soul) is Fardh (obligatory). Bay’at is not a precondition for Islaah al-Nafs.

When a person is sick, he will go to a doctor, when a person wishes to purchase Mango’s, he will go to the Mango Wala (Mango dealer), and similarly, one who is spiritually ill and sick will have to go to the spiritual heart specialist. Who is this person? He is referred to as the Sheikh or Murshid (spiritual guide).

When a patient is given a prescription by the doctor, he does not question why this amount and why that color tablet and medicine. The patient knows that his cure lies in following the full treatment or prescription of the doctor. Similar is the case of the Sheikh and Murshid, the prescriptions of the Sheikh is like that of a doctor, the doses of each person varies according to his/her immune system of Taqwa, spirituality and capabilities.

While it is indeed commendable that you prescribe for yourself some Zikr, Tilawat, etc, we advise one to search for a Sheikh e Kamil to be one’s life guard from sins and guide towards good and closeness towards Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala).

Hadhrat e Aqadas Qutbul al-Alam Hadhrat Moulana Rasheed Ahmed Gangohi (Rahmatullahi Alayhi), a very great Faqeeh and Aalim of the Indian Sub – continent, was asked as to why he had bowed his head at the feet of Hadhrat e Aqdas Sayyidul Millat Wa al-Tara’iq Hadhrat Hajee Imdadullah Muhajir Makki (Rahmatullahi Alayhi), the simple reply was that “We have studied the books in Deoband, we have now come to Hadhrat Hajee Saheb to learn how to implement what we have learnt”.

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Old 08-13-2012, 07:59 PM   #6

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So this is more of a Sufi practice?
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Old 08-13-2012, 07:59 PM   #7

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Old 08-13-2012, 08:25 PM   #8

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There are two aspects to it:
1) Tassawuf is a science,you want to learn it,you need a teacher...and obviously you need to obey him as for as the subject under discussion is concerned.This blind obedience does not stretch to any other aspect of your life,unless it is somehow concerned with the subject under discussion.For example if you are not earning Rizq e halal your Sufi teacher has every right to put you back on the right track etc.
2)Blind obedience to Shaikh in all the matters,considering his halal as halal...and his haram as haram.....without checking it with Quran and Sunna.This kind of bayat is haram,null and void and one must leave such Shaikh as quickly as possible.
As for the question of 'Bayat per se"', I don,t see any reason why it should be haram.A student comes to a teacher,make tauba from the mistakes of his previous life,and make a pledge that he will spend the rest of his life according to Quran and Sunna,under the guidance of the same spiritual master.This can only be called good,and there is evidence from the life of our Prophet sallaho alai he wa sallam,taking bayat from different people for different reasons,like they will not commit zina,or steal etc.
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Old 08-13-2012, 08:32 PM   #9

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How does one know who to trust? A Shaykh might be a charlatan who just wants to increase his students and control other people, make it look like he is a guide? I mean as a murid you may be required to serve the shaykh...maybe its kind of nice having servants doing things for you?
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Old 08-13-2012, 09:54 PM   #10

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One couldn't be a Sheikh if he doesn't follow the Islamic principles properly. How could one get an authority? ... I don't think so.
You have fortunately found a proper Shaikh,not every one is so lucky,this world is full of all kinds of Mashaikh.I just wanted to point out a fact.
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Old 08-13-2012, 10:13 PM   #11

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Brother, if one found unluckily a fake Sheikh then he could realize that by time to time. Like, he won't feel comfort while sitting with him or talking to him. His sheikh won't come in his dream. If he would get upset his Sheikh will call him while no one has informed the Sheikh about his situation. There are many many things ....

So Brother XTREME,you got lucky and found such a wonderful Shaikh,Now pray for us too ( Me and Umar-Italy)
We need such a Shaikh too.
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Old 08-13-2012, 10:18 PM   #12

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How does one know who to trust? A Shaykh might be a charlatan who just wants to increase his students and control other people, make it look like he is a guide? I mean as a murid you may be required to serve the shaykh...maybe its kind of nice having servants doing things for you?
Indeed one can use some free services from mureeds....and that will be warmly welcomed.....but Unfortunately Mureeds these days are so "NALAEQ,NAHANJAR,,NABAKAR,NAKHALF and NAMAAQOOL",that they don,t serve even their parents,leave alone a Shaikh.
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Old 08-13-2012, 10:20 PM   #13

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So Brother XTREME,you got lucky and found such a wonderful Shaikh,Now pray for us too ( Me and Umar-Italy)
We need such a Shaikh too.

Ya Allah grant my brothers & sisters a wonderful Sheikh like mine, Amin!
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Old 08-13-2012, 10:28 PM   #14

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Ya Allah grant my brothers & sisters a wonderful Sheikh like mine, Amin!
JazakAllah Xtreme,you are a nice boy.May Allah grant you all the Fuoozat of your golden chain of Mashaikh.Amin.
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Old 08-13-2012, 10:41 PM   #15

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From my understanding "bayan" is pledging blind obedience to a Sheikh.

Is this practice of unconditionally obeying another persons commands sunnah or innovation?
We do not obey anyone, even the Amir of the believers, if he tells us to do anything that is against the Laws of Allah

as for giving bayat...

If it is haram to then the Sunni Muslims of history (including most great scholars) were sinners

If it is bidah then the Sunnah Muslims of history (including most great scholars) were innovators

I cannot believe that I am hearing this discussion on Sunniforum
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Old 08-13-2012, 10:52 PM   #16

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How does one know who to trust? A Shaykh might be a charlatan who just wants to increase his students and control other people, make it look like he is a guide? I mean as a murid you may be required to serve the shaykh...maybe its kind of nice having servants doing things for you?
there are many fake Sheikhs

none of them are connected to or respected by real Ulema

real Sheikhs are not worldly people and they do not seek servants

the real Sheikhs are generally the ones who the Ulema praise or refer people too

below are links to some real Sheikhs of Tasawwuf

http://www.tasawwuf.org/ US&Pak

http://www.sacredlearning.org/ US

http://beautyofislam.org/profile.html UK


http://www.pirghulamhabib.com/khulafa2.htm various

read this book if you want to know what real Sufism is http://themajlis.net/books-index-req...s-bkid-36.html
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Old 08-13-2012, 10:54 PM   #17

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Check these lectures out for more info on this topic.


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Old 08-13-2012, 11:21 PM   #18

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there's also this series which discusses tasawuff (sufism) and the need for a shaykh its By Mufti Abdurrahman Ibn Yusuf Mangera http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9NX5Kxuql0

then there's this series by Shaykh HUssain Abdul Sattar, M.D. on tasawuff, which is highly recommended: http://www.sacredlearning.org/tasawwuf?layout=category

the above two will take up quite a bit of your time, but if you want to really understand the subject you have to spend some time learning about it. but if you want something real brief i.e. fast food, since you're an American then there's this short lecture by Mufti Muhammad Ibn Adam Al'Kawthari of the UK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I43IriBx4BE

(when i say short lecture, i mean short relative to the other two)

brother revert are you not the least bit intrigued by the path (sufism) travelled by Imam Ghazzali, Imam Adhahabi, Imam Nawawi and countless others?
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Old 08-13-2012, 11:25 PM   #19

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AbdurRaheem2;804785][SIZE=3]We do not obey anyone, even the Amir of the believers, if he tells us to do anything that is against the Laws of Allah I read a quote by Shaykh Abdal Qadir Jilani (ra) in which he said by the ruling of the shariah I am a wrongdoer but by the haqiqa I am correct. Which means for example, shariah may require me to grow a beard, but because I have pride and self admiration it might be acceptable by haqiqa if I trim my beard so that the opinions of others do not bother me and I lower my own self. By divesting myself I am actually becoming more beloved to Allah. This is temporary of course I can grow my beard again once I have been cured.
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Old 08-13-2012, 11:43 PM   #20

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English speaches here, listenting the one one done in Ramadan 21st this year about tassawuf (or sufism)
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