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#21 |
In my humble opinion the thing that matters most is the salik's 'talab'. Without Talab and sincerity even if we spend years in suhbat all the time it wont have any effect. Didn't the following people got the best of All suhbats one could ever imagine? Yet they were not guided, the reason was that they had no desire. No talab. They were arrogant and had malice in their qalb. Just like the majority of people today behave towards their Shaykh. So much so, our beloved Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad Naqshbandi Mujaddidi db says that even IF the Shaykh is insincere, the salik would still get Faiz and Barakah because of his talab. As Allah swt is the source, Shaykh is the medium. Alhamdulilah, we are blessed with Shaykh e Kamil in this era of Fitnah, all we need is Talab and Husn-e-Zann. May Allah SWT bless the Mashaikhs. Aamen. Classical examples given by Mufti Kamaluddin Ahmed db in one of his talks about those who were Extremely capable yet went astray as they had no Talab (desire). [the following excerpt is from the blog Please note that the following is not a transcription but only notes based on personal understanding.] 1. Iblees Iblees, although a Jinn, was so qabil that he was granted the suhbat of the angels by the Will of Allah (SWT). Such was his qabiliyat in worship that he could see, hear and be in the presence of Allah (SWT). When Allah created Hazrat Adam (AS), He called all the angels to witness the creation of His wali on Earth. Amongst these angels was Iblees as well who had perfection, 100% qabiliyat in his worship but who, despite of hearing a direct command from Allah (SWT), did not obey it. 100% Qabiliyat, zero Qubooliyah. Iblees was mardood as opposed to Maqbool. Mardood means to be rajeem, rejected, repudiated. 2. Fir’oan Firoan was another epitome of perfection. He was so qabil as a ruler that nobody protested against his law of killing every male boy born to a woman in Bani Israel. He deemed himself a perfect king and insisted on being looked upon as the lord of his people; but all his qabiliyat could not save him from a dreadful end. While drowning in the sea, he finally accepted that there exists a Rabb, the Lord of Hazrat Musa (AS). Alas, it was too little, too late. 100% Qabiliyat, zero Qubooliyah. All his life he ran after qabilyah and at the last moment he thought about qubooliyah. Isn’t this exactly what we do? We waste half of our lives acquiring fancy degrees, winning accolades, attending workshops on how to score high on University entrance tests and/or internship tests and hardly ever have a second to spare to think about the qubooliyat of our few righteous actions. If the years and years of perfect Ibaadah by Iblees could not save him from becoming a rajeem by disobeying one commandment of Allah (SWT), can our few thousand imperfect sujood be enough to save us from our zillion sins? 3. Abu Jahl & Abu Lahab Another example is of Abu Jahl and Abu Lahb, two well-known, rich leaders of the Quraish. They both knew that Holy Prophet (SAW) was the Prophet of Allah (SWT), they both had yaqeen on him but still they did not accept Islam. The truth looked straight in their eyes but they chose to look the other way. Their worldly status, their shaan-o-shaukat, could not save them from becoming rajeem. For such people Allah (SWT) says, “And We have put before them a barrier and behind them a barrier and covered them, so they do not see.” [36:9] The flipside of this is to become Maqbool without having qabiliyah. It is possible to have qubooliyah with zero qabiliyah. |
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#22 |
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#23 |
I have heard some people saying that one should not discuss their personal problems with their shaykh. But often times, it so happens that a mureed, overwhelmed by such problems, loses interest/motivation to do his maamoolaat. As a result, he/she falls ill spiritually. Take the non response as a step in tarbiyat. It is unfair to keep dumping our personall problems on them all the time. Some mureedeen mistake the sheikh as a ready reckoner on any issue that one faces. It also causes mashaikh ikraam who have busy lives, a lot of trouble. Having a bit of focus on islahi topics and reiterating to ourselves the ultimate goal of achieving taqwa and humility leading to compl'ete adherence to shariah and sunnah - thru his sohbat and obedience - is needed. A lot of times it is in the interest of our own self to learn things the hard way and cling on to nothing but pleas to Allah swt which only increases our connection to Him and blesses us with a lot of learnings - which might be wht Allah swt, thru the sheikh's non-response, has designed for us in that problem - after all, its only Allah swt who gave the problem and only He can resolve it. I am not sure if this idiot's reply was appropriate to u. I was just thinking aloud over some recent experience and advice by an ahlullah. Hope someone corrects the mistakes in above small thoughts. |
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#24 |
Allah can only help insha'Allah ameen. |
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#25 |
aslm Many Mashaikh,when they were asked about a fatwa,directed their mureedin to consult a scholar for fatawa,and reserve only Islahi problems for a Shaikh.Again many Mashaikh refrain from giving advise on material issues as many mureeds take his advise as a divine injinction rather than a simple advise,and when things don,t happen according to their wishes loose trust on the Shaikh.Such people easily forget that Shaikh is a human being only....and not a divine authority,and that this universe does not run on the directions of his Shaikh.The directing authority of every big and small thing is only Allah swt.Unless we learn this basic aqeeda,we will keep failing in our deeni and dunyawi objectives. |
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#26 |
Bismihee Ta'aala
Asalamualaikum. After reading this thread I though I would just add some input that I learned throughout my journey of tasawwuf so far: 1. Every Shaykh is different. Some Shaykhs only will answer you islaah problems, while others will help you with personal problems also. The only thing I've noticed they won't help you with is Fiqhi problems unless if they a Mufti (which is very understandable). Alhumdulillah my Shaykh not only helps me with my Islah, but also what I should be doing in life and just some major issues here and there related to my personal problems 2. A person should ask their Shaykh how often can they email them. One brother told me that his Shaykh said to email him only once a week. Some Shuyook may say to email them as many times as they want. Therefore ask your Shaykh. 3. When a Shaykh prescribes something, we shouldn't be so quick to say that it doesn't work. My Shaykh prescribed me something and told me to inform him after 40 days. Now after 40 days if I haven't improved I will tell him. I realized that you shouldn't be affraid to tell you Shaykh if something isn't working. They will usually come up with another solution. My Shaykh was telling me some incidents where some people couldn't follow through with one prescription and something else was prescribed and it worked. 4. My Shaykh told me that in order to be a true mureed, a person needs to have three things for his Shaykh: Muhabbat, Aqeedat, Azmat. Without these three things a person will leave their Shaykh instantly. A person can listen to their Shaykh all they want, but if they have no muhabbat for him then as soon as he says something they don't like then they will just leave him. 5. A person should ask their Shaykh how many problems they should inform them with at a time. My Shaykh told me only inform him with 1 or 2 problems at a time. No more than this so because maybe I might get overwhelmed and then won't do anything. 6. Before you take bayat with any-one, you should ask them WHATEVER you want. I asked my Shaykh the most ridiculous questions (of course with adaab). I heard a speech by a Shaykh that said you should ask anything you want before you take bayat. So I was like okay and then emailed 10 questions to different Shaykhs. That's how I narrowed my search. Some of the questions I asked is how old are you, how will we know if we have nisbaat together, how fast do you reply, etc. My point is don't take bayat blindly. Ask whatever you want before hand. Some Shuyookh will answer the questions and some wont. One Shaykh didn't reply to my questions, so I realized that maybe it's not best to pursue it farther. 7. We got to realize that Shuyook have lives and family also. If Shaykh doesn't reply maybe he thinks its not important or maybe he is just busy. Give it some time and then ask again. I guess my main point is that every Shaykh is different. We can't generalize how Shuyook are. The best way is to go and speak to them openly about any issues or concerns we may have. One thing I realized is that Shuyook are very loving and they will never judge a person (atleast the ones I met). And Allah (SWT) knows best |
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#27 |
![]() Hazrat Khawja Azizul Hassan Sb Majzub Rh.A (Khalifa of Hazrat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi Rh.A) used to tell "in order to get benefit from sheikh a mureed must have aatiqaad-aatimaad-itilaa-o-itibaa (Transaltion : Love,respect and he should accept that my islah is in following guidance of my sheikh, Faith on sheikh, He should tell the sheikh about his current condition whether good or bad-faults as well as good, He should obey his sheikh completely and follow his prescription completely) Bayt is just for showing that one will obedience and faith on sheikh...and islah will be conducted by the above principles stated...! If mureed has some personal problems, he should not hesitate to tell them to sheikh, he should tell all his problems to sheikh, mureed will feel somewhat cooler and sheikh will make duwa and give the prescription accordingly! If sheikh ignores the mureed, mureed must think that it is for my rectification and i have done some fault thats why the sheikh doesnt give tawaju towards me...! ![]() ![]() |
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#28 |
i have a younger acquaintance who is very troubled about deen. he lives in university hostel and was very close to the imam of the university masjid. the imam left to eb replaced by new one. but thats not the problem. the problem is he cant talk to the new imam as he could talk to the previous one. his family is anti-tableegh. as in they dont mind him being interested in religion but they dont like him leaving home (or hostel for that matter) to sit in company of mashaikh.
he has zeal for dawah but now he can only do so on facebook. he does it to make the liberal class that doesnt frequent msoques to come close to islam. in my personal opinion he over does it constantly posting islamic content on liberal pages, bickering with liberals and barelvis etc etc. he also says that he is lagging behind in studies and he feels his prayers are not for Allah (SWT). he is in hostel for the summers and his home is in central punjab. i asked him if there are other guys in hostel who he can talk to and he said one of them turned him down. ml.taliban...what to do with this guy?he desperately needs a sheikh or help of some kind.i fear his dawah on facebook is becoming adawah |
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#29 |
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#30 |
i have a younger acquaintance who is very troubled about deen. he lives in university hostel and was very close to the imam of the university masjid. the imam left to eb replaced by new one. but thats not the problem. the problem is he cant talk to the new imam as he could talk to the previous one. his family is anti-tableegh. as in they dont mind him being interested in religion but they dont like him leaving home (or hostel for that matter) to sit in company of mashaikh. Give me his fb link |
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#31 |
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#32 |
Sometimes it is necessary to relate ones personal problems to the shaykh too. What if a person is entangled in a sticky personal situation? How does he or she know that the approach taken towards a problem is the right one? The shaykh may see fit for the mureed to deal with the issue in a particular manner. On the other hand, dealing with it without the shaykhs instruction may result in certain spiritual maladies developing or becoming more deep-rooted if already existent
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#33 |
i have a younger acquaintance who is very troubled about deen. he lives in university hostel and was very close to the imam of the university masjid. the imam left to eb replaced by new one. but thats not the problem. the problem is he cant talk to the new imam as he could talk to the previous one. his family is anti-tableegh. as in they dont mind him being interested in religion but they dont like him leaving home (or hostel for that matter) to sit in company of mashaikh. ![]() I will say what my beloved Shaikh db said. The problem he has is a dead heart. He feels his prayers are not for Allah because he doesnt have a personal talluk with the Creator. He needs to work on his heart and create a personal talluk with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Sometimes what happens is apparently it looks like we're doing great work of deen but in reality it is not deen. How? Because if a thing is not done for Allah then its useless. first we need to work on ourselves then worry about others. For this, he needs to do some things: 1) Cut off all internet, fb, and stop all kinds of dawah everything. 2) Get in touch with a proper shaikh even if on email and follow his prescriptions. He Can find a list of naqshbundi shaikhs here: 3) Start listening to a bayan of Shaikh Zulfiqar DB. One bayan daily. The time spent on fb can be used in this. 4) 100 times istighfar daily - astaghfirullaha rabbi min kulli zambin wa atoobu ilaihi 5) 100 times durood any. 6) 1 juz quran daily (or as much as one can) 7) Any authentic tafseer like maariful quran 8) Wuqoof e qalbi - throughout the day try to make your hearts attention towards Allah and think that Allah is watching you. Whenever you loose this though bring back the attention. 9) Muraqabah - Sit with your eyes closed. Put your attention towards your heart and imagine it saying Allah Allah. Your tongue shudnt move. The Allah Allah should come from the heart. 10-15 mins daily for this. Increase gradually as you get used to it. ![]() |
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#34 |
um i think only i'll talk to him because i havent told him i am sharing his problem here. ![]() since he has spent time in tabligh, it would be better for him to do mashwara with any old saathi of tabligh who has great experience of tabligh like what to do when parents dont allow tabligh stuff etc, anyway i suggest him to go to the markaz situated nearby and discuss his problems with elders there...they have much experience about such stuff...! ![]() |
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#35 |
![]() he can't go anywhere and i do not think he has ever been on tabligh. request for duas for the boy and me as well. |
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#36 |
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#38 |
assalamu alikum borthers and sisters,
i am new joiner to suniforum and i was realy in search of realy knowing about Tasawwuf... While going thru the threads i encountered many members had commented on Naqshbandi Awaisee order but the thread was closed without reaching any conclusion... I request to all and especialy the moderator to keep open the threads on intellectual discussions even for a very longtime... This specific thread is seem not reflecting the discussions of its subject.... i would appreciate if brother Mufti sb and saqfu could contact me as i am still inquisitive about much.... my email is (no public posting of personal email addresses) if somebody want to assist me on the subject of Tasawwuf on my email too... |
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