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Old 08-08-2012, 12:38 AM   #21

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Agreed but dogs can attack and kill babies- it's on the news quite often as a headline. Usually it's a certain group of "dangerous" dogs?

Generally you find Muslims are scared of dogs because they've had no growing up with them. It can be scary if a dog comes up to you barking and you have no experience. Running away is I'm told the thing not to do!
swap Asian and Shafii Muslims for Muslims and you will have hit the nail on the head.

Many Arab and Central Asian Muslims still keep dogs for all sorts of reasons and treat them well.

It is an issue of the city people having unbalanced ideas about dogs (one way or the other) that is saddening.

I once saw the hilarious sight of a group of niqabi sisters on the way to a talk that I was going to listen to run through a big filthy puddle with a dead rat in it to avoid a tiny harmless dog that was on a lead anyway and was no threat to them!
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Old 08-08-2012, 12:39 AM   #22

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I believe the saliva of dogs according the Maliki madhab is not impure. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
yes according to the Malikis the dog is a pure animal.
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Old 08-08-2012, 12:41 AM   #23

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You cannot keep a dog as a pet as a maliki,

You need to have just reason

watchdog is a good reason and every dog barks or can be trained to bark when a stranger comes, even if it does not already. Few Muslims tend to be aware that basically every dog that is called a pet dog by people is also a watchdog in its behaviour.

Also there are some Maliki scholars who allow pet dogs (this is something I have been told on several occasions by different people on the Madhab, who the particular scholars are I don't know though).
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Old 08-08-2012, 01:37 AM   #24

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I know of some reverts who gave up their dog when they became Muslim and others who would not think of doing that.

This issue is one of the important reasons that I advise new Muslims to become Malikis as it is the most lenient Madhab on dogs.

the important thing is that no one keeps dogs in the rooms where they pray or eat.

We must fear Allah in our treatment of new Muslims and don't make things hard for them.

The important thing is first that they become a believing Muslim - that is a great thing for so one who used to be a kaffir...

If they stay a Muslim all their life but never become a good Muslim this is still a great thing for them and infinitely better than how things would have been for them before...

The important thing with new Muslims is to make them strong on the six beliefs and the five pillars.

Don't make things difficult for them over the finer points of fiqh as they will develop at their own time and their own pace.

To most people in the West who have dogs that dog is nothing less than a member of their family,

never forget this if you are dealing with very new Muslims.

furthermore the Sunnah way of living with dogs and animals in general is totally different to what most Muslims are doing,

when we are helping new Muslims we need to teach people the Sunnah not cultural ignorance that is prevalent
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Old 08-08-2012, 02:15 AM   #25

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Agreed but dogs can attack and kill babies- it's on the news quite often as a headline. Usually it's a certain group of "dangerous" dogs?

Generally you find Muslims are scared of dogs because they've had no growing up with them. It can be scary if a dog comes up to you barking and you have no experience. Running away is I'm told the thing not to do!
Dogs are pack animals and see humans as pack, pack do not ususly harm/hurt there pack unless they are a vicious breed or have not been trained well as part of the pack. Puppies are taught by there mothers that biting of the pack is not acceptable, thus when humans by s puppy threy should continue this reinforcement. If you look at dog behaviour you will see a mother dog scold her puppies for biting and aggression. Dogs have an order in the pack and will not be aggressive to each other they merely snout and mouth. In most aggressive dog attacks it due to the human not training them right or delibrately training them to be aggressive. Ive worked with rescue dogs including ex police dog, and hsndled them. We had 60 dogs and a wolf ive never been bite once. Alot of the dogs had to be retrained because there previous owners mistreated. Aggression can also be caused by cruelity. If you are faced with an aggressive dog best you can do is yawn, remain calm and look away. Yawning to a dog shows you are relaxed and not bothered. Looking away also indicates that you wish not to fight. Shouting at a dog only reinforces aggression, you are raising your voice it's threatening, you body is tense and it can sense your anger. Thus the dog presumes you are a threat. Once my husband's friend brought around his dog my husband was nervous. Me I just stood my ground, looked around, titled my head and yawned a few times. Soon I became his friend and petted him Im good with reading dog language.
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Old 08-08-2012, 02:22 AM   #26

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yes according to the Malikis the dog is a pure animal.
salams did you know that a dogs mouth is cleaner than a humans? It's because dog saliva has anti bacterial
And anto fungal properties. Same with cats. If you look at dogs and cats in the wild they lick their wounds and the wounds heal. Where as if we licked our wounds they properly get infected. We have more bacteria in our mouths then our canine/feline friends.
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Old 08-08-2012, 03:51 AM   #27

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If you are faced with an aggressive dog best you can do is yawn, remain calm and look away. Yawning to a dog shows you are relaxed and not bothered..
Hellokitty, judging by your name I'm sure you are the expert on cats and probably dogs?!?!?

Since a Muslim shouldn't yawn is yawning to a dog permitted to keep oneself safe? What's the fatwa on this?

Is a dog's (and cat's) mouth really more clean? Is that why they don't brush their teeth? Should we start kissing a dog or cat instead of human beings?
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Old 08-08-2012, 07:10 AM   #28

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Is a dog's (and cat's) mouth really more clean?
No, that isn't true.


To find out just who has a cleaner mouth, we asked veterinarian and fellow dog lover Marty Becker, author of "Chicken Soup for the Dog Owner's Soul," to offer his opinion.

"They raid the garbage can. You know, we give each other a peck on the cheek when we say hello, they give each other a peck on the rear end," said Becker. "All you got to do is look, watch, smell and you'll realize that that is not true."

He thinks the myth that a dog's mouth is clean stems from their practice of licking their wounds.

"And they'll be licking that wound and you'll notice that the wound heals very fast … what that tongue does is it gets rid of the dead tissue," said Becker.

He compares that tongue lashing to the work of a surgeon who cleans out a wound, and said the licking also stimulates circulation.
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Old 08-08-2012, 10:58 PM   #29

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Hellokitty, judging by your name I'm sure you are the expert on cats and probably dogs?!?!?

Since a Muslim shouldn't yawn is yawning to a dog permitted to keep oneself safe? What's the fatwa on this?

Is a dog's (and cat's) mouth really more clean? Is that why they don't brush their teeth? Should we start kissing a dog or cat instead of human beings?
Salams whats a name got to do with anything?
I just happen to highly like the hello kitten stuffs.
Anyhoo as regards to yawning generally as muslims we shouldn't go around yawning but if you need to yawn at an aggressive dog potentially save you from being bitten it's not going to do you any harm I don't know any fatwa on this tbh. Also I am not saying we should kiss dogs, cats maybe but not dogs. Actually I have a fondness of all Allahs creature. Including ants. Ive even rescued spiders and bugs from harm. Many experts agree that dog saliva has antibacterial properties and less bacteria than ours. That does not necessarily mean cleaner/fresher. I don't think there is a fatwa whening it comes to yawning to against harm from dogs I am not going to issue you one. However If you must wouldn't it be the same as eating pork to save your life? Anyhoo it's not a real yawn you just mimicing yawn by opening your mouth like a yawn. I have a cat as I can't keep a dog and Ive kissed my cat on her forehead b4, plus my budgies to.
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Old 08-08-2012, 11:19 PM   #30

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Yawning, in this context, is more a communicative tool - cats do it and understand it too. Animals are in tune with body language and words are just a secondary tool. If your body language fails, your words will not carry weight.
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Old 08-08-2012, 11:25 PM   #31

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Salams this is precisely why I said about yawning. A dog will do this to another dog to convey that it is not aggressive
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Old 08-08-2012, 11:27 PM   #32

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Waalaikumussalaam sister, yes and I agree with you insha'Allah
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Old 08-09-2012, 04:35 AM   #33

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more clean or less clean is not the issue

halal or haram is

follow fiqh for what is permissible or otherwise

follow science to make common sense decisions
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Old 08-09-2012, 05:35 AM   #34

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more clean or less clean is not the issue

halal or haram is

follow fiqh for what is permissible or otherwise

follow science to make common sense decisions
And only the first

of the two options

is the correct one.
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Old 08-09-2012, 05:43 AM   #35

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And only the first

of the two options

is the correct one.
its not two options

they are both together

fiqh about what to do where there is an issue of halal or haram

science for wisdom about what to do or not everywhere else
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