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Old 08-07-2012, 03:32 AM   #21

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I see that the scholars quoted by the brothers have an agreement on this, so it must be the official position of the Madhab, in this case you need to follow it regardless of your opinion.

Their strongest argument would be to prove that belly rings are harmful to the body, and may likely cause infections, but i have no idea.
this fatwa is from a hanafi deobandi scholar as well.


Is it permissable for a woman to have her navel pierced just for the pleasure of her husband? What if she already has one, does that mean she has to remove it?


It is permitted for a woman to have her navel pierced for her husband so long as women (pious practicing Muslim females) have adopted it by way of Urf or custom somewhere. It comes under beautification that the Shariah has allowed for women. There was a time when women never used to pierce their noses and it was not considered lawful for a woman to do so. Later, however, jurists such as Imam Ibn Aabideen, declared it permissable, on the basis that the custom or Urf of women in some Muslim lands in beautifying themselves was to do this, and thus it could be considered essentially the same as making a hole in the ear for earrings. Rad al-Muhtar, Kitab al-Hazr wal-Ibahah, vol.9 p.602.

The same is true it would seem for piercing the navel in our age. Having said this, one should also remember that, it will only be permitted with the condition the piercing is done without revealing one's awrah in front of those it is not lawful to.

Finally, it should also be noted, though piercing the navel is allowed with the above condition, the same is not the case for other parts of the body for several reasons, such as, no Urf being found for those parts, or it causes excessive harm to the female body, the issue of hygiene and resembling indecent lewd women.

Mufti Mohammed Sajjad

Wallahu Aalam bis-sawab
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Old 08-07-2012, 03:37 AM   #22

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I really appreciate the guy who posted this Question.

he wants to have fantasy in a halal way, may Allah reward his intentions.

Please check if non piercing rings, which is just like a clip is permissible to use.
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Old 08-07-2012, 01:08 PM   #23

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so now we have to wait until a pious woman gets a belly ring before it becomes halaal, & then she cant show you, in fact she cant show a woman either. in fact her husband should not even tell you because he shouldnt reveal.

remember regardless if its halaal or haraam the only people who can do the piercing for a woman are the husband & herself. so the sisters should think carefuly before they think about doing it.
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Old 08-07-2012, 01:50 PM   #24

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I really appreciate the guy who posted this Question.

he wants to have fantasy in a halal way, may Allah reward his intentions.

Please check if non piercing rings, which is just like a clip is permissible to use.
Subhanallah that is an amazing suggestion. Even though I don't understand the mutilation arguments that would throw those arguments out the window. It would be interesting to see the stance then.
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Old 08-07-2012, 05:04 PM   #25

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What are your qualifications to give this 'fatwa'?
Availability of ample common sense.
Can you prove your statement from Quran and Hadith? Yes. No where in the Qur'an and Hadith does it say that don't pierce your bellys ...even when no one other than you and your husband sees it ... So OBVIOUSLY its halal.

The argument of "copying kuffar" is very unsubstantiated. Operating "Television Channels" for the propagation of one's religion is also an idea originated in the West...So how come this is halal?
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Old 08-07-2012, 05:17 PM   #26

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No. Its not haram...
Salams sister please don't issue a fatwa unless you can provide details as to why it is haram or not.

Firtly why would any muslimah do this to herself? Before I converted I had open but after I accepted islam I took it out. I am now left with a scar and really regret it. It looks nice at first but, it can gey infected, sore and inflammed. You can lose the bar or the ball it can get dirty or cause allergic reactions.

Allah created use like this we should return back to Allah like this
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Old 08-07-2012, 05:49 PM   #27

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Salams sister please don't issue a fatwa unless you can provide details as to why it is haram or not.

Firtly why would any muslimah do this to herself? Before I converted I had open but after I accepted islam I took it out. I am now left with a scar and really regret it. It looks nice at first but, it can gey infected, sore and inflammed. You can lose the bar or the ball it can get dirty or cause allergic reactions.

Allah created use like this we should return back to Allah like this
then what about the nose rings. if Allah wanted you to have three nostrilsj you would have been made with three. but no thats ok because a group of pious muslimas do it. but who were they imitating when they first started doing it.
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Old 08-07-2012, 05:52 PM   #28

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I don't know how Muslims can even ask such a question to people who have no business declaring things haraam or halaal since that power ONLY rests with ALLAH. Some ayaat those scholars need to ponder over before they declare something PERSONALLY disliked to them as "haraam" and as a result ending up being charged on Yamul Qiyamah with the supreme charge of fabricating lies about Allah!

Do you see what Allah has sent down to you for sustenance and yet you have made some part of it halal and some part haram? (10:59)

And do not say, concerning the falsehood which your tongues utter, 'This is halal and that is haram,' in order to fabricate a lie against Allah; assuredly those who fabricate a lie against Allah will not prosper. (16:116)

O ye who believe! Make not unlawful the good things which Allah hath made lawful for you,* but commit no excess: for Allah loveth not those given to excess.

Do they have partners (with Allah) who have prescribed for them in religion that concerning which Allah has given no permission? (42:21)
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Old 08-07-2012, 06:06 PM   #29

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on Yamul Qiyamah with the supreme charge of fabricating lies about Allah!

Take it easy : )

They simply did some Ijtihad and analysis and came to the conclusion that it was not permissible.

As you can see a couple of people here already disagree with the Ijtihad after reading the Fatwas... but there is no need to go as far as attacking them or accusing them of fabricating lies and so on... Because if every Muslim scholar and intellectual who is gonna analyze a matter and reach a conclusion which may not be correct, would then be labeled as a fabricator of lies against Allah, then all of us would end up in Hell.
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Old 08-07-2012, 06:13 PM   #30

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is its safe to say that this a cultural issue. its the same with the mendhi night issue. some ulama say that it is imitating the kufar of india but the shafi's say that hina for a bride is sunnah & from al fitrah. now is it going against sharia to have a group of women gathering before the weding to participate in a sunnah.
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Old 08-07-2012, 06:16 PM   #31

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It looks nice at first but, it can gey infected, sore and inflammed. You can lose the bar or the ball it can get dirty or cause allergic reactions.
^ This in my opinion is the strongest argument against it, it seems belly piercings are likely to cause inflammations and infections, I'll just quote a couple of things from random articles online:

While navel rings are trendy, they can also be difficult to keep healthy without the right precautions in place. A belly button ring takes anywhere from four months to one year before it is healed after the piercing, according to the Center for Young Women's Health. They also say that navel rings are more likely to get infected due to irritation caused by wearing tight clothing. As such, if you want to keep your belly button ring in its place, keep it healthy. Some redness and swelling after a new piercing is normal, according to the Association of Professional Piercers (APP). However, if the area around your belly button ring (the piercing through the skin of your navel) is extremely red or swollen, discharging pus or emitting a foul odor, it is likely infected and requires immediate care. Are there any medical reasons why I should not get a piercing?

Yes. There are medical conditions (see the list below) that could interfere with the natural healing process after a piercing, which makes getting a piercing under these circumstances not only a bad decision, but a risky one.

The Association of Professional Piercers feels that you should not consider getting pierced if:

You have a skin irritation or an unusual lesion or a rash, lump, cut, moles, or lots of freckles (where you want to get pierced)
You have diabetes, hemophilia, an auto-immune disorder, certain heart conditions, or another medical condition that might interfere with the healing process
If you have plans to become pregnant and want a nipple or navel piercing
If you are all ready pregnant
If a licensed professional piercer feels that it would be a bad idea

Bottom line, if you are wondering if it is safe for you to have an oral or body piercing, you should talk to your health care provider.

What are the risks of body piercing?

The most serious risks are infections, allergic reactions, bleeding, and damage to nerves or teeth. Infections may be caused by hepatitis, HIV, tetanus, bacteria, and yeast. If the piercer washes his/her hands and uses gloves and sterile equipment and you take good care of your piercing, the risk of infection is lowered (but still exists).

Did you know that:

You CAN get and/or spread a serious infection (including HIV), if the piercing equipment hasn't been sterilized properly
Infections caused by bacteria getting into the puncture of the piercing may also happen later, even after the piercing has healed
If the studio uses a piercing "gun" to do body piercings, LEAVE! Piercing guns cannot be sterilized and should NOT be used for body piercing

Another cause of problems from piercings is using the wrong kind of jewelry for the area pierced. If the jewelry is too large, it can actually cut off the blood supply to the tissue, causing swelling and pain. If the jewelry is either too thin or too heavy, or if you are allergic to the metal, your body may reject the jewelry. This means that your body reacts against the jewelry because it is a "foreign object".

Know the risks before you have your body pierced:

Bacterial infection (where you had the piercing)
Excessive (a lot of) bleeding
Allergic reactions (to certain kinds of jewelry)
Damage to nerves (for example, you may lose feeling at the area that gets pierced)
Keloids (thick scarring at the piercing site)
Dental damage (swelling and infection of the tongue, chipped/broken teeth, choking on loose jewelry)

Is the healing time the same for all body parts?

Healing time is different depending on the part of your body that you get pierced. Some parts are more likely to get infected or have problems. Piercings on your ear lobes usually take about 6-8 weeks to heal. However, piercings on the side of your ear (cartilage) can take anywhere from 4 months to 1 year to heal. The reason for this is that the type of tissue in each area is different, and the amount of pressure placed on the pierced area while you are sleeping is different too.

Tongue PiercingTongue piercings swell a lot at first, but heal fairly quickly if the right type of jewelry is used. However, metal jewelry in the tongue may damage your gums and chip the enamel surface of your teeth. In fact, the ADA (American Dental Association - a group of dentists that set professional standards for dentists in the United States), is against any type of oral piercings because of all the risks.

In some cases, nipple piercings can damage some of the milk-producing glands in a young woman's breasts. This can cause infections or problems later on if the woman decides to breast-feed her baby. Some pierced areas, such as the navel (belly button), are more likely to become infected because of irritation from tight clothing. A pierced site needs air to help the healing process.

Navel (belly button) 9 months to 1 year ^ This alone greatly supports the Fatwa of Tahreem.
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Old 08-07-2012, 09:00 PM   #32

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any reason why the same risks are not found in noses or ears
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Old 08-08-2012, 04:09 AM   #33

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^ This in my opinion is the strongest argument against it, it seems belly piercings are likely to cause inflammations and infections, I'll just quote a couple of things from random articles online:

^ This alone greatly supports the Fatwa of Tahreem.
Well in that case then ....there should be a fatwa against junk food too since it's bad for health.

What I'm saying brother is...unless there's a clear nas of something being haraam, scholars cannot just make things haraam willy nilly.

Let us remember, this is one of the reasons why Allah was displeased with Bani Israel...they gave themselves the power to declare things halaal and haraam....and they made a lot of good stuff haraam.

It is no joking matter ...these scholars will be asked about it on yammul qiyamah.
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Old 08-08-2012, 04:17 AM   #34

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Well in that case then ....there should be a fatwa against junk food too since it's bad for health.

What I'm saying brother is...unless there's a clear nas of something being haraam, scholars cannot just make things haraam willy nilly.

Let us remember, this is one of the reasons why Allah was displeased with Bani Israel...they gave themselves the power to declare things halaal and haraam....and they made a lot of good stuff haraam.

It is no joking matter ...these scholars will be asked about it on yammul qiyamah.
But sister due to obvious apparent reasons, it can safely be concluded that this practise will forsure not bring the pleasure of Allah, if anything there is more chances of displeasure of Allah.

I am not giving a haram halal fatwa here, but talking about a higher chance of displeasure of Allah, which initself is a serious thing for serious believers.

Allah hu Alam.
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Old 08-08-2012, 04:46 AM   #35

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Well in that case then ....there should be a fatwa against junk food too since it's bad for health.

What I'm saying brother is...unless there's a clear nas of something being haraam, scholars cannot just make things haraam willy nilly.

Let us remember, this is one of the reasons why Allah was displeased with Bani Israel...they gave themselves the power to declare things halaal and haraam....and they made a lot of good stuff haraam.

It is no joking matter ...these scholars will be asked about it on yammul qiyamah.
I understand, I'm just saying that out of all their arguments for Tahreem, this could be the strongest one (if they can prove that it is extremely harmful to the body).

I don't think it's Haram.. But I don't find it attractive (my tastes), and I don't think it's a healthy habit.
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Old 08-08-2012, 06:15 AM   #36

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But sister due to obvious apparent reasons, it can safely be concluded that this practise will forsure not bring the pleasure of Allah, if anything there is more chances of displeasure of Allah.

I am not giving a haram halal fatwa here, but talking about a higher chance of displeasure of Allah, which initself is a serious thing for serious believers.

Allah hu Alam.
Why would the most Mighty Allah will be "displeased" just because some girl pierced her belly? Smh ...Allah probably don't even care about such small things...It is only us humans who always "over-think" everything when it comes to Islam...
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Old 08-08-2012, 06:37 AM   #37

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Why would the most Mighty Allah will be "displeased" just because some girl pierced her belly? Smh ...Allah probably don't even care about such small things...It is only us humans who always "over-think" everything when it comes to Islam...
Now brother Auzer questions the Displeasure of Allah. And demands reason for His Displeasure. Later, he gives his opinions on what will Allah not care for.

It is Ramadan, and I guess leaving SF for the remaining days and involving in Ibadaah is better for you as well as others. Meditate over your claims, repent and remember.

A person slips more by his tongue than by his foot. - Bayhaqi

Giving in to your desires of being heard and presenting your opinions every time regardless of knowing the matter and fighting for it to be heard, understood the way you want it to be understood, and followed as you want it to be followed. Subsequently, at times wish for praise and appreciation for it. This is some major ego problem. Please isolate yourself for some time and humble yourself before your Lord in private. It may help you for it surely helped me, Alhumdulillah.

May Allah guide us both.
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Old 08-08-2012, 06:57 AM   #38

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Why would the most Mighty Allah will be "displeased" just because some girl pierced her belly? Smh ...Allah probably don't even care about such small things...It is only us humans who always "over-think" everything when it comes to Islam...
Why do you care about those small things in life, when you buy some clothes, don't you want to the sewing be good. If you buy a house or design a house, don't you want everything to be according to your taste, or when you cook food, don't you care about whether it does not have a little bit too much salt in it?
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Old 08-08-2012, 10:56 AM   #39

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Why do you care about those small things in life, when you buy some clothes, don't you want to the sewing be good. If you buy a house or design a house, don't you want everything to be according to your taste, or when you cook food, don't you care about whether it does not have a little bit too much salt in it?
I'm a human with these "stubborn" limitations .... is Allah the same?
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Old 08-08-2012, 11:13 AM   #40

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As Mufti Muhammad Ibn Adam said, Muslim women considering piercing should restrict themselves to the piercing of their ears since this has been clearly established from ahadeeth.

As for nose-piercing, there seems to be no clear proof for its permissibility other than the fact that it has been considered an acceptable form of adornment in many righteous Muslim societies, and as such, some scholars do not allow it due to the general impermissibility of deforming one’s appearance. http://islamqa.org/?p=7788
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