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Old 05-25-2012, 04:18 AM   #1

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Default Iran has gained the world's fastest growth rate in science and engineering
The biennial US governmental report on science and engineering indicators 2012 is out and as per the report Iran has gained the world's fastest growth rate in science and engineering out put.
Here is the summary report:


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Old 05-25-2012, 12:28 PM   #2

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Yup..saw that news a while ago. May Science and technology against flourish in Muslim lands and Islamic extremism dies...Ameen.

Shame on "sunni-fort" KSA and WELL DONE "Shia brothers" of Iran ....

Turkey , Malaysia , Indonesia , Iran , (probably Pakistan and Egypt too) are hope of Islamic civilization now...Arabs have let us down....how sad.
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Old 05-25-2012, 05:26 PM   #3

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Currently Turkey Rank #1 in Muslim World and Iran is on #2 but there rate of development is quite high as compared to all of the countries of the World.
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Old 05-25-2012, 05:36 PM   #4

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Is iran really a muslim world??
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Old 05-25-2012, 05:45 PM   #5

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Is iran really a muslim world??
Sorry sister, I am not appointed at any of the higher spiritual rank by Allah to call someone an infidel. What I taught by my elders that, never call a non-Muslim an infidel ever. We don't know when Allah lightens their heart with the noor of Iman. And Iranians you may find lot many Iranians praying 5 times a day and respectable to all of the Sahabs (RA).

Jazak Allah Kher & Jummah Mubarak
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Old 05-25-2012, 11:15 PM   #6

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Yup..saw that news a while ago. May Science and technology against flourish in Muslim lands and Islamic extremism dies...Ameen.

Shame on "sunni-fort" KSA and WELL DONE "Shia brothers" of Iran ....

Turkey , Malaysia , Indonesia , Iran , (probably Pakistan and Egypt too) are hope of Islamic civilization now...Arabs have let us down....how sad.
Science of cooking will flourish in Muslim lands. Check this.

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Old 05-25-2012, 11:24 PM   #7

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Yup..saw that news a while ago. May Science and technology against flourish in Muslim lands and Islamic extremism dies...Ameen.
Can you answer me, is Jihad feesabilillah extremism? I m not talking about suicide bombers, I m talking about proper Khilafath(or proper leadership) and Muslims going into war with the enemies of Islam under that leadership. Do you think thats extreme?

Shame on "sunni-fort" KSA and WELL DONE "Shia brothers" of Iran ....
Would you like
a person who is a scientist but curses the Sahabah
a person who is just a farmer but loves the Sahabah.

Who would you support?
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Old 05-25-2012, 11:31 PM   #8

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Can you answer me, is Jihad feesabilillah extremism? I m not talking about suicide bombers, I m talking about proper Khilafath(or proper leadership) and Muslims going into war with the enemies of Islam under that leadership. Do you think thats extreme?

Would you like
a person who is a scientist but curses the Sahabah
a person who is just a farmer but loves the Sahabah.

Who would you support?
He is using a phrase like Islamic extremism.
Now Islamic way of life is moderation.
Hence it can not go well with extremism.
Living in the US he has picked up the terminology that is used there.
And he would like us believe in the same.

Then brother Extreme would like us to believe that many Iranians respect Sahabah.

How naive can we get?
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Old 05-26-2012, 02:09 AM   #9

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assalam alikum wa rahmat Allah

a persian proveb says

sadaye duhul az door khoosh ast ( the sound of the trumpet is beautiful from afar)

religously the two country of Iran and Turky are in terrible shape.
The situation is very very bad.
what a country gains if it looses akhirah and gets dunya.
Allah say zalal.May Allah swt protect our ommah from such a fall
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Old 05-26-2012, 02:34 AM   #10

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I don't have time to read the report. Where does it say that Iran has the world's fastest growth rate, etc.? How was it measured? If it's merely in terms of numbers of graduates, you need to keep two things in mind: 1) Most of these scientists are either irreligious or totally atheist 2) Most are probably expats to different countries with no plans to return to Iran.

So in reality, the nation-state called Iran has gained nothing. It's brain drain.

The number of PhDs is irrelevant without innovation, and that still mostly happens in America, Israel, and Korea.
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Old 05-26-2012, 04:55 AM   #11

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I'll tell you that I don't give a monkey's behind about their scientific success because their religion sucks.
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Old 05-26-2012, 11:45 AM   #12

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assalam alikum wa rahmat Allah

a persian proveb says

sadaye duhul az door khoosh ast ( the sound of the trumpet is beautiful from afar)

religously the two country of Iran and Turky are in terrible shape.
The situation is very very bad.
what a country gains if it looses akhirah and gets dunya.
Allah say zalal.May Allah swt protect our ommah from such a fall
There is slightly more to it akhi.

The only thing one can say with some confidence about a report emanating from the dungeons of the west is that our friends are trying to repeat their Iran-Iraq formula that kept us busy for quite some time. Even then yours truly is very skeptic about Shia-Sunni unity the calls for which soon should reach this thread.

It will not bother me if it was only Iran's Duniya was shining brightest. But implications of the same go slightly further. From past history we can be reasonably sure that she, I mean Iran, will try to impose its sick ideology on the rest of the Muslim world. Indigenous population has been forced into Shia ideology, particularly in Safawid period and they have made more than one attempt at taking control of the Haram Sharif. A large number of significant Sunni Scholars have been martyred by the operatives controlled from Tehran.

Precaution is better than cure but what precautions are required is a good point to ponder.
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Old 05-26-2012, 11:57 AM   #13

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why does every one hate iran their are sunnis t=from their to and not shias in iran are bad only allah decides if they are write or wrong its people like you that keep us divided we must unit together and defete the real enemy. i may not agree with the main religion of shiism in iran but i can tell you this it is srong and buitifull, one of the most buetyfull countries in the world if iran was sunni i could assure you that i would be living their
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Old 05-26-2012, 12:06 PM   #14

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why does every one hate iran their are sunnis t=from their to and not shias in iran are bad only allah decides if they are write or wrong its people like you that keep us divided we must unit together and defete the real enemy. i may not agree with the main religion of shiism in iran but i can tell you this it is srong and buitifull, one of the most buetyfull countries in the world if iran was sunni i could assure you that i would be living their
why does every one hate iran It is doubtful that everyone hates Iran.
But I suppose enough people are wary of her.
Let me give some reasons:
(1) Allah (SWT) dislikes deviation in the least bit.
(2) Shia madh-hab is a deviation from Ahl-ul-Sunnah wal Jama'a.
(3) Iranians created such environment, specially in Safawid times, that Muslims were not safe unless they changed their Deen to Shia deviant ways.
(4) Iranians tried to take control of Holy Kaaba a few times.
(5) Sunni scholars of high repute are being martyred in Pakistan in significant numbers and the Iran connection is already known.
(6) For some deviations of Shias please have a look at the Twelver thread.
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Old 05-26-2012, 12:32 PM   #15

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Can you answer me, is Jihad feesabilillah extremism? I m not talking about suicide bombers, I m talking about proper Khilafath(or proper leadership) and Muslims going into war with the enemies of Islam under that leadership. Do you think thats extreme?
Well war is not a simple thing in 21st century , you do know that , right? So I don't know the "purpose" of the war. If the war is for justifiable reason then I'll support it , otherwise , I won't. Simple.

He is using a phrase like Islamic extremism.
Now Islamic way of life is moderation.
Hence it can not go well with extremism.
Living in the US he has picked up the terminology that is used there.
And he would like us believe in the same.
Well , Islamic extremism DOES exist in our societies. Thanks to ignorance and backwardness. I know that West abuse this word but you do realize that I am not a "Westerner" ,right?

Islam should be like we have in Turkey ...Malaysia ...Indonesia etc (No one is perfect , I know) ...But Islam of Saudi Arabia is NOT what one must follow. Its a mixture of Saudi interpretation of Islam + their tribal Arab traditions....
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Old 05-26-2012, 12:41 PM   #16

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Islam should be like we have in Turkey...
Where acceptance means to ape the west?

I had a friend who lived there. Everything was hunky dorey until she decided to wear a hijab. Suddenly she became an 'extremist'.
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Old 05-26-2012, 01:01 PM   #17

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Well , Islamic extremism DOES exist in our societies. Thanks to ignorance and backwardness. I know that West abuse this word but you do realize that I am not a "Westerner" ,right?

Islam should be like we have in Turkey ...Malaysia ...Indonesia etc (No one is perfect , I know) ...But Islam of Saudi Arabia is NOT what one must follow. Its a mixture of Saudi interpretation of Islam + their tribal Arab traditions....
The west is at loggerheads with Islam and Muslims.
In such an environment, or in any environment, one must be wary of using a terminology that is coined by your detractors.
Islamic extremism is one such terminology.
Very convenient for the west and devastating for us.
Your detractors will never leave you in peace till you completely follow their way.
This much is from the Noble Qur'an itself.
Do Follow Turkey, Malaysia and Indonesia but never expose yourself, your weakness, to those who are not your friends. And this is true for questionable friends too. Like the Europe and the US.
We are passing through a very delicate phase and a single wrong step can have serious implications.
I'll give a historical example. The British came to India as traders and became the rulers. Then as the history had it even after more than six decades we can not completely wash away the effects of that.
A Muslim is one who has accepted Allah (SWT)'s command as enunciated by beloved Prophet (PBUH). Beloved Prophet (PBUH) told us that you are one of those whose ways you adopt.
Adopting some one's terminology is adopting their ways.
You see how tricky the things can be?
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Old 05-26-2012, 01:10 PM   #18

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Where acceptance means to ape the west?

I had a friend who lived there. Everything was hunky dorey until she decided to wear a hijab. Suddenly she became an 'extremist'.
Well what? Many girls wear hijabs in the Turkey. Secondly , Turkey lies right next to the West in Asia minor region..Regions like Izmir , or Istanbul will have an obvious Western influence because they are pretty much in the West. Its like saying "Pakistani Punjab and Indian Punjab have similar things" .Well offcourse , because we are bordering regions.

But Islam should not be "imposed" on anyone. Our education system should be designed in a way that students would analyze things and come to the conclusion that Islam is the only true religion.

The west is at loggerheads with Islam and Muslims.
In such an environment, or in any environment, one must be wary of using a terminology that is coined by your detractors.
Islamic extremism is one such terminology.
Very convenient for the west and devastating for us.
Your detractors will never leave you in peace till you completely follow their way.
This much is from the Noble Qur'an itself.
Do Follow Turkey, Malaysia and Indonesia but never expose yourself, your weakness, to those who are not your friends. And this is true for questionable friends too. Like the Europe and the US.
We are passing through a very delicate phase and a single wrong step can have serious implications.
I'll give a historical example. The British came to India as traders and became the rulers. Then as the history had it even after more than six decades we can not completely wash away the effects of that.
A Muslim is one who has accepted Allah (SWT)'s command as enunciated by beloved Prophet (PBUH). Beloved Prophet (PBUH) told us that you are one of those whose ways you adopt.
Adopting some one's terminology is adopting their ways.
You see how tricky the things can be?
O.K point well taken.

So how are we suppose to say it then? Extreme rigidness in case of religion exists in Muslim societies. People exploit masses by using the name of Islam etc ...
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Old 05-26-2012, 01:14 PM   #19

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Our education system should be designed in a way that students would analyze things and come to the conclusion that Islam is the only true religion.
Golden point.
In India even Muslim children are brought up on the diet of secularism designed by the Marxist, communist, socialist intelligentsia where religion in general is denounced at source of trouble. Consequently even Muslim youth can be heard mouthing platitudes that is nothing sort of denouncing Islam.

So how are we suppose to say it then? Extreme rigidness in case of religion exists in Muslim societies. People exploit masses by using the name of Islam etc ... When it comes to controversial situations one has to be very careful. And you have a controversial situation whenever a difference of opinion is concerned. Any difference of opinion has the potential to explode. We shall be extremely lucky if we manage to solve one controversial situation in our life. Consequently our time is best spent on those things that are non-controversial.

And when I say that I do not mean we should ignore problems.

And by no means I have solved the problem that you have put forward. I suppose life is like that.
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Old 05-26-2012, 01:53 PM   #20

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a bit of info about some engineering ... join production example between muslim nations

UAE and Malaysia aero engineers join to develop Yabhon Drones

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