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05-15-2009, 07:17 PM | #1 |
I want to know wether the print of the following books are good enough: : معجم المصطلحات والالفاظ الفقهيه الناشر: دار الفضيلة : معجم لغة الفقهاء عربي - إنكليزي - فرنسي الناشر: دار النفائس Another book from the same site طلبة الطلبة في الاصطلاحات الفقهية الناشر: دار النفائس |
05-15-2009, 08:09 PM | #2 |
05-15-2009, 10:12 PM | #3 |
Jazaka-Allah Khaira Mufti Saheb. A few more questions 1) Do you if those websites are reliable?. 2) How would I know if a certain print is good? 3) A while ago I created this thread: Iv been in search of these books and Alhamdulillah I located few but alot of them im struggling to locate. Can you please advice a more efficient manner to locate them. If I have to travel what are the costs and any other valuable advice regarding this. I really appreciate your help. |
05-15-2009, 10:48 PM | #4 |
1) Do you if those websites are reliable?. I have bought from Neelwafuraat a few times and found them to be really reliable and good at finding books unavailable elsewhere. No idea about the other site. 2) How would I know if a certain print is good? 3) A while ago I created this thread: 1) Nur-ul-idah 2) Qudoori 3) Sharh-ul-wiqaya 4) Kanz-ad-Daqaiq 5) Hidaya Jazaka-Allah Khair 1) Nur-ul-idah - Imdad al-Fattah- the Syrian edition, not the Dar Ihya at-Turath one. - Maraqi al-Falah- Syrian edition as well, not the Ilmiyyah one. - Hashiyat at-Tahtawi ala al-Maraqi- No top editions, the Syrian one is probably better than the ilmiyyah one, while the old Egyptian edition isn't very user friendly. I am getting copies of all 3 in 2-3 weeks inshallah. 2- Quduri Shuruh: - Jawharah- The old Egyptian edition from Maktabah Khayriyyah, copied in Pakistan is the best edition, better than the Turkish one with Lubab in the margin and better than the Ilmiyyah edition. - Khulasah ad-Dalail- Old Qazan (Russian edition) better than the recent Maktabah ar-Rushd edition. First is hard to get, I used to sell copies of it, while the second is availble in Saudia etc - Lubab- The Syrian edition by Sh. Bashar Bakri Arrabi is better than all other editions. Sh. Sa'id bakdash is working on a muhaqqaq edition, however it might take some time to be released. - At-Tashih wa at-Tarjih of Allamah Qasim- The Ilmiyyah edition is better than the Rayyan one. Easily available - Ash-Shihab- A contemporary Egyptian commentary, not very easily available Hawashi: - Hashiyah of Ml. Ghulam Mustapha- Best Hashiyah, availble from Dar ibn Kathir in Syria and Qadimi in Karachi - Hashiyah of ml. I'zaz Ali- Widely available, not too beneficial - al-Hall adh-Dharuri- Too detailed, easily available - Al-Mu'tasar adh-Dharuri- Too detailed, easily available - Turkish Hawashi- Available in most turkish bookstores, don't seem to be very of much benefit. 3- Sharh al-Wiqayah Other than Ml. Abd al-Hayy's Umdat ar-Ri'ayah and a few shuruh printed ages ago and very hard to get hold of, nothing else is available in print. 4) Kanz-ad-Daqaiq - Tabyin al-Haqaiq - Old Bulaq edition, available in Pakistan from Imdadiyyah in Multan - Bahr ar-Raiq- Old Bulaq edition, available from H.M.Saeed in Karachi - Mulla Miskin with the Fath Allah al-Mu'in on it- very rare, can be downloaded - Ramz al-Haqaiq of al-Ayni- Old Bulaq edition is rare, new edition available from Maktabah al-Quran in Karachi - Kashf al-Haqaiq of al-Afghani- very rare now - al-Nahr al-Faiq- Ilmiyyah - Mustakhlas al-Haqaiq- Rashidiyyah in Kweta sell an incomplete edition, while the complete one is ultra rare - Kanz al-Bayan- Ilmiyyah edition available, old Egyptian edition is rare 5) Hidaya - Fath al-Qadir, with Inayah and Kifayah is available in multiple prints. Discussed on another thread. - Binayah- the Multan edition, DON"T ever buy the Fikr or Ilmiyyah ones, they have over 30000 errors in them! This is what is in print and comes to mind now. As for manuscript ones, they number in the hundreds. Not difficult to get hold of, but costly. |
05-16-2009, 12:15 AM | #5 |
Jazaka-Allah Khaira Mufti saheb I downloaded a pdf of Fath Allah al-Mu'in from I think sometime ago in 3 volumes, is it the same one you are referring to?. I have tried to get hold of hawashi or shuruh of Sharhul Wiqaya and to no success, now I understand why. I do have umdatur ri'ayah. Apart from that there is an urdu one available in the UK called as-siqayah but as im not a fan of reading urdu commentaries i prefer not to touch it. As for manuscripts, where could I get them and which other scholars would have such copies especially in the arab world or India since Insha-Allah I intend to travel there. Mufti Saheb you also mentioned they are costly, roughly what kind of figures?. Your advice has been extremly beneficial and valuable to me. May Allah give you the best of rewards. |
05-16-2009, 12:31 AM | #6 |
There is a complete edition of Fath Allah al-Mu'in, that can be downloaded from here The third volume of the one on is incomplete. As for the Shuruh and Hawashi on Sharh al-Wiqayah, a number where printed in Pakistan years ago, but they are completely unavailable. You might find Dhakirah al-Uqbah, not any of the others. I have a few, which I bought from rare book dealers in Kweta a few years ago, however that part of Pakistan is out of bounds to foreigners at the moment. Regarding manuscripts, I could probably get you any manuscript you want. Most Turkish manuscripts - which are the oldest and most authentic generally- sell for around 0.5-1 USD per folio (2 pages), while manuscripts of the more common works could be purchased for less than half that price. I will contact you via email, if you are interested in acquiring any manuscripts. Very few scholars keep copies of manuscripts, they are generally restricted to libraries, organisations and a few collectors and researchers. |
05-16-2009, 12:53 AM | #7 |
Jazaka-Allah Khaira I am certainly interested in manuscripts especially the kitabs i mentioned in the commentaries thread. There are hardly any kitabs in the UK apart from the well known ones and to be honest I have got some weird looks when inquiring about such information. It is truly gratifying to see that you value these kitabs. I look forward to your email. |
05-16-2009, 05:05 AM | #8 |
05-16-2009, 02:37 PM | #9 |
05-16-2009, 02:48 PM | #10 |
05-17-2009, 06:26 PM | #11 |
On the Sharh al-wiqaya there is Ibn Kamal Basha's al-Idah fi sharh al-Islah, printed by DKI. Although in his introduction he says that he has altered the text, for the purposes of correction and clarification, and so how much of the original matn of sharh al-wiqaya is preserved in his work I'm not sure. As he says: وسميت المتن بالإصلاح ، [لتضمنه إصلاح ما في الوقاية من الزلل] والشرح بالإيضاح ،[لاشتماله على إيضاح ما في الشرح المذكور من الخلل] |
05-17-2009, 06:47 PM | #13 |
05-17-2009, 06:47 PM | #14 |
05-17-2009, 06:53 PM | #15 |
There is also the Si'aya of Maulana Abdul Hayy which he had envisioned to be his magnus opus although his destiny overtook him. What he did complete has been published and you can download it from here: |
05-17-2009, 06:57 PM | #16 |
05-17-2009, 07:01 PM | #18 |
05-17-2009, 07:03 PM | #19 |
It isn't really on Sharh al-Wiqayah. Ibn Kamal Basha altered/corrected the text of Wiqayah and titled it al-Islah, then wrote a commentary on it, similar to Sharh al-Wiqayah, but full of objections on Sharh al-Wiqayah. This he titled al-I'dhah Sharh al-Islah. I know the muhaqqiqs of the Ilmiyyah edition well and they seem to have did a good job on it. There is no other print of the book. |
05-17-2009, 07:05 PM | #20 |
I haven't got a copy of Sharh al-wiqaya with me so I cant compare the two. If youre after a straightforward sharh of sharh al-wiqaya then this probably is not what youre looking for. In this text the author has basically altered the matn (al-wiqaya) and the sharh (sharh al-wiqaya). The former he has called al-Islah and the latter al-Idah. |
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