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Old 07-14-2012, 06:37 PM   #1

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Default Thread about Malfuzat,Books,bayanat,tour of Haji Shakil ahmed sahab(d.b)
Assalamau alaiakaum ww
Haji shakil ahmed sb (d.b) is one of geatest wali in present era,his sohbat is very effective on our hearts,so we are starting this thread for Malfuzat,Books,bayanat,tour of him
ia we will add some very useful stuff here,
first of all hazrat's introdution for those who do not know more about him

Haji Shakeel Ahmad Sahab(DB) Born in 1950 in a small village of Azamgarh UP. India, migrated to Bombay in 1967 after completing matriculation for further studies. His maternal uncle on reaching Bombay forced him to join his business. Instead of refusal he had to take the job, very soon he started handling his uncle's business at Musafirkhana Crawford Market Bombay.

In 1970 got married and started to go in tablig. In 1972 met Hazrat Maulana Abdul Haleem Sahab Jaunpuri and performed baite-tauba. In 1976 took responsibility of a maktab in Santacruz.

Finally set up business of ladies night wears in Santacruz along with his two brothers. And also with this he also started business of interior decoration and now Haji Sahab is reputed builder in Panvel New Bombay.

Almost 140 maktabs are under the management of Haji Sahab most of them are in remote area's and some are in hilly forests of Himachal Pradesh. A strong supporter of Tablig and a renowned Shaikh .

Haji Sahab has authorization (Ijaazah) from all the four silsilah (Kadriya Naqsbandiya Chistiya Saharwardiya) and also from Firdosi silsilah. When his Shaikh Hazrat Maulana Abdul Haleem Sahab passed away in 1999.He got baait to Mufti Mohammad Hanif Sahab Jaunpuri (DB) (now 103years) Khalifah of Hazrat Maulana Shah Wasiullah Sahab (RA) who is Khalifah of Hazrat Ashraf Ali Thanvi (RA).

Haji Sahab has balanced himself perfectly between Taalim, Tablig and Tazkiyah for which Prophet Mohammad (SAW) was sent.
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Old 07-15-2012, 01:01 AM   #2

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The Chain of Honourable Mashaikh Chishtiya (may the mercy of Allah be upon them)
excerpted from the "Shajarah Tayyibah".Below is the silsilah of the tariqah Chistiya for
Haji Shakeel Ahmed Sb (DB)
01. The mercy for the worlds Muhammad.Rasullullah (SAW).
02. Sayyadina Hadhrat Ali (radhiallahu anhu)
03. Hadhrat Hasan Basri (RA)
04. Hadhrat Abdul Wahid Bin Zaid (RA)
05. Hadhrat Fuzail Bin Ayaaz (RA)
06. Hadhrat Ibrahim Bin Adham Balkhi (RA)
07. Hadhrat Huzaifa Maraashi (RA)
08. Hadhrat Aminuddin Abu Habirah Basri (RA)
09. Hadhrat Mumshaad Alvi (RA)
10. Hadhrat Khwaja Abu Ishaq Shah Chisti (RA)
11. Hadhrat Abu Ahmed Abdaal Chisti (RA)
12. Hadhrat Khwaja Abu Muhammad Chisti (RA)
13. Hadhrat Khwaja Abu Yusuf Chisti (RA)
14. Hadhrat Khwaja Maudud Chisti (RA)
15. Hadhrat Haji Sharif Zandni (RA)
16. Hadhrat Khwaja Usman Harooni (RA)
17. Hadhrat Khwaja Moinuddin Hasan Ajmeri Chisti (RA)
18. Hadhrat Khwaja Quttubuddin Kaki (RA)
19. Hadhrat Khwaja Faridul Haq Shakar Ganj (RA)
20. Hadhrat Sayyad Alauddin Ali Bin Ahmed Sabir Peerane Kalyar (RA)
21. Hadhrat Shaikh Shamshuddin Turk Panipati (RA)
22. Hadhrat Jalaluddin Mahmud Panipati (RA)
23. Hadhrat Shaikh Abdul Haq Rudoulwi (RA)
24. Hadhrat Shaikh Arif Ahmed Rudoulwi (RA)
25. Hadhrat shaikh Muhammad Bin Arif Rudoulwi (RA)
26. Hadhrat Shaikh Abdul Quddus Gangohi (RA)
27. Hadhrat Shaikh Jalaluddin Balkhi Thanesari (RA)
28. Hadhrat Nizamuddin Balkhi Thanesri (Ra)
29. Hadhrat Shah Abu Saeed Numani Gangohi (RA)
30. Hadhrat Shah Muhibullah Allahbadi (RA)
31. Hadhrat Shah Muhammadi Akbarabadi (RA)
32. Hadhrat Shah Adhduddin Amrohi (RA)
33. Hadhrat Shah Abdul Hadi Amrohi (RA)
34. Hadhrat Shah Abdul Bari Chisti Amrohi (RA)
35. Hadhrat Shah Abdul Bari Siddiqi Chisti Amrohi (RA)
36. Hadhrat Sayyad Haji Abdur Rahim Wilayati (RA)
37. Hadhrat Miyaji Noor Muhammad Jhanjhanwi (RA)
38. Hadhrat Haji Imdadullah Muhajir Makki (RA)
39. Hadhrat Ashraf Ali Thanwi (RA)
40. Hadhrat Shah Wasiullah Allahbadi (RA)
41. Hadhrat Mufti Muhammad Hanif Jaunpuri (DB)
42. Hadhrat Haji Shakeel Ahmed (DB)
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Old 07-15-2012, 11:15 PM   #3

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The Chain of Honorable Mashaikh Naqshband (may the mercy of Allah be upon them)
excerpted from the "Shajarah Tayyibah".Below is the silsilah of the tariqah Naqshband for
Haji Shakeel Ahmed Sb (DB)
01. The mercy for the worlds Muhammad.Rasullullah (SAW).
02. Sayyedina Hadhrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (radiallahu anhu) (Madinah Munawwarah)
03. Hadhrat Salman Farsi (radiallahu anhu) (Madinah Munawwarah)
04. Hadhrat Qasim bin Muhammad bin Abu Bakr Siddiq (R A ) ( Madinah Munawwarah)
05. Hadhrat Imam Jafar Sadiq (rahmatullahi alaihi) (Holy City of Madinah Munawwarah)
06. Hadhrat Khuwaja Bayazeed Bustami (rahmatullahi alaihi) (Bastam)
07. Hadhrat Khuwaja Abul Hasan Kharkani (rahmatullahi alaihi) (Kharkhan)
08. Hadhrat Khuwaja Abul Qasim Gorgani (rahmatullahi alaihi) [Jarjan].
09. Hadhrat Khuwaja Abu Ali Farmadi (rahmatullahi alaihi) [Mashad].
10. Hadhrat Khuwaja Yusuf Hamdani (rahmatullahi alaihi) [Turkistan].
11. Hadhrat Khuwaja Abdul Khaliq Gajadwani (rahmatullahi alaihi) [Bukhara].
12. Hadhrat Khuwaja Muhammad Arif Riogri (rahmatullahi alaihi) [Tajikistan].
13. Hadhrat Khuwaja Mehmood Injir Faghnavi (rahmatullahi alaihi) [Bukhara].
14. Hadhrat Khuwaja Azizane Ali Raamitni (rahmatullahi alaihi) [Bukhara].
15. Hadhrat Khuwaja Muhammad Baba Samasi (rahmatullahi alaihi) [Bukhara].
16. Hadhrat Khuwaja Sayyed Amir Kalal (rahmatullahi alaihi) [Bukhara].
17. Hadhrat Khuwaja Bahauddin Naqshband Bukhari (rahmatullahi alaihi) [Bukhara].
18. Hadhrat Khuwaja Ala'uddin Attar (rahmatullahi alaihi) [Hassar].
19. Hadhrat Khuwaja Yaqoob Charkhi (rahmatullahi alaihi) [Dushanbe].
20. Hadhrat Khuwaja Ubaidullah Ahrar (rahmatullahi alaihi) [Samarqand].
21. Hadhrat Khuwaja Maulana Muhammad Zahid (rahmatullahi alaihi) [Hassar].
22. Hadhrat Khuwaja Darvish Muhammad (rahmatullahi alaihi) [Sher Sabz].
23. Hadhrat Khuwaja Muhammad Amkangi (rahmatullahi alaihi) [Bukhara].
24. Hadhrat Khuwaja Muhammad Baqibillah (rahmatullahi alaihi) [Delhi]
25. Hadhrat Khuwaja Mujaddid Alf-Thani (rahmatullahi alaihi) [Sirhind Sharif].
26. Hadhrat Khuwaja Muhammad Masoom (rahmatullahi alaihi) [Sirhind Sharif].
27. Hadhrat Khuwaja Muhammad Naqshband Bin Masoom (rahmatullahi alaihi).
28. Hadhrat Khuwaja Muhammad Zubair (rahmatullahi alaihi).
29. Hadhrat Khuwaja Muhammad Ziaullah Sahab (rahmatullahi alaihi).
30. Hadhrat Khuwaja Shah Muhammad Afaq Saheb (rahmatullahi alaihi).
31. Hadhrat Maulana Shah Fazal-ur-Rahaman Sahab (rahmatullahi alaihi).
32. Hadhrat Maulana Shah Badar Ali Sahab (rahmatullahi alaihi).
33. Hadhrat Maulana Shah Muhammed Ahmad Pratabgadi (rahmatullahi alaihi).
34. Hadhrat Maulana Qamruzaman Allahabadi (DB).
35. Hadhrat Maulana Mujibul-Gaffar Banrasi (DB).
36. Hadhrat Haji Shakeel Ahmad Sahab (DB).
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Old 07-16-2012, 03:03 PM   #4

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Hum Jamat May Kyu Nikalte He by Haji Shakil ahmed sb(d.b)

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Old 07-16-2012, 09:39 PM   #5

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Haji sb(d.b)'s famous quote:
Asbabe Gunah,Jazbaate Gunah, Mawake Gunah - Allah kehta hai chod de aur Shaitaan kehta hai kar le.
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Old 07-17-2012, 10:15 PM   #6

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Nek aamal akhirat ka sarmaya hai. Neki badane ki fikr karo.
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Old 07-17-2012, 11:02 PM   #7

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Alive or dead?

Shaikh Haji Shakeel Ahmed (Allah preserve him) said,

‘Alive person feels the pain of a pinprick and reacts. Whereas a dead body will never feel or react even if a nail is driven into it.

Similarly, a faithful individual feels the undesirable effects of sinful activity. It makes him uncomfortable. If this does not happen than one should worry about the presence of faith (eman). It is the (spiritual) life/soul of an individual.’

Jeddah, 30th May 2012, bayan after maghrib
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Old 07-17-2012, 11:19 PM   #8

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Moulana, have you also uploaded the talk of Sh. 'Abdal Hakim Murad (the event of Ml. Ashraf 'Ali al-Thanawi) on your website?
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Old 07-17-2012, 11:55 PM   #9

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Moulana, have you also uploaded the talk of Sh. 'Abdal Hakim Murad (the event of Ml. Ashraf 'Ali al-Thanawi) on your website?
no,i do not have any of his talk but i have this event of lester,may be u can find in it
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Old 07-19-2012, 03:39 PM   #10

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Shaikh Haji Shakeel Ahmed (Allah preserve him) said,

‘We must be compassionate in calling others to the Islamic ways.

We should address ourselves first and then the others.

Please, remember the principle that a dai’i (one who invites others) never insults, criticizes, denigrates, humiliates or mocks the audience.’

Jeddah, al-Azizia 30th May 2012, bayan after maghrib
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Old 07-21-2012, 07:56 AM   #11

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very important bayan by Haji Shakil ahmed sahab(d.b)
Hum Jamat May Ku Nikalte He?
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Old 07-22-2012, 07:38 AM   #12

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Shaikh Haji Shakeel Ahmed (Allah preserve him) said,

The trustworthy and truthful messenger of Allah Prophet Mohammed (Allah bless him and grant him peace) told us that wudhu is a weapon of a believer.

In reality it is a spiritual hidden armament against the ploys of lower self (nafs) and Satan.

We should be vigilant in maintaining it.

Unhealthy habit of chewing pan, smoking cigarettes and drinking carbonated drinks makes it difficult to maintain wudhu most of the time. We should abandon them.

Moreover, the Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace) himself stayed in the state of wudhu most of the time. We should emulate his blessed sunna.’

Jeddah, al-Azizia 30th May 2012, bayan after maghrib
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Old 07-27-2012, 03:34 PM   #13

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Haji Shakil sb(d.b) live from Panvel -Mumbai khanqah now
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Old 08-05-2012, 05:18 PM   #14

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gibat se bachne ka rasta
"jo mojud nahi us ki baat nahi"
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