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Wymdqcvb 08-03-2012 08:59 PM

What did the 'water-kit' have to do with Islam?

read and share http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...ilies/insh.gif

Tusethede 08-03-2012 09:18 PM

It was a very intriguing article, you should send it to nadeem by twitter and see his response.

xpllmr 08-03-2012 09:43 PM

I just read the article when I saw this thread and Alhamdulillah you have a good skill of writing like the journalists. Let Allah SWT put more barakah in your work and give you sincerity in your work. Ameen

FliveGell 08-03-2012 09:50 PM

http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...lies/jazak.gif for the comments.
i have sent it to mr. paracha
now trying to make it viral : )

TheBest-Host 08-04-2012 01:30 AM

SubhanAllah. A slap on the face of the liberals literally http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...icon_smile.gif... Loved it!

SpyRemo 08-04-2012 03:51 AM

some priceless articles written by a muslim blogger:

The Caffeinated Dramaqueens of the Internet

Dr Aafia Is Not the Terrorist!

johnbeller 08-04-2012 03:53 AM

no reply from nadeem f .paracha.
but the Naked Tyrants did reply. check their explanation on the comments of the blog.
do you agree?

JANALA 08-04-2012 04:00 AM

Not to derail the thread...but it is not even theoretically possible to run a car with water as the sole energy source.

niemamczasu 08-04-2012 04:02 AM


Not to derail the thread...but it is not even theoretically possible to run a car with water as the sole energy source.
please see:

StanWatts 08-04-2012 04:05 AM

can you summarise it in a short paragraph? Some guy claimed to have discovered a water powered car and liberals and others made fun of Islam...then what. Obviously this is something going on within Pakistani public discourse....

RarensussyRen 08-04-2012 04:10 AM

Yes, that just confirms what I said. You can get H2 out of water through electrolysis, but that process itself requires energy, so the water cannot be the only "fuel".

Vemnagelignc 08-04-2012 04:12 AM


can you summarise it in a short paragraph? Some guy claimed to have discovered a water powered car and liberals and others made fun of Islam...then what. Obviously this is something going on within Pakistani public discourse....
well it was unfair to bring Islam into it just for the purpose of making fun of Islam and Muslims. it had to be countered and fought. we can't just sit and let it happen even if this is happening in pakistani public discourse. read the two blogs i linked below where the author superbly destroys liberal two-faced arguments

Futfwrca 08-04-2012 04:22 AM

Liberals in Pakistan probably think very highly of themselves, more liberal than the gora and more modern and enlightened. Religious people are thought of as fools and simpletons. I felt this in Saudi as well.


well it was unfair to bring Islam into it just for the purpose of making fun of Islam and Muslims. it had to be countered and fought. we can't just sit and let it happen even if this is happening in pakistani public discourse. read the two blogs i linked below where the author superbly destroys liberal two-faced arguments

Ngwkgczx 08-04-2012 06:25 AM

very nice effort brother. may Allah gives your qalam more strength.

Green_Monkey23 08-04-2012 07:19 AM


very nice effort brother. may Allah gives your qalam more strength.

sykanaxer 08-04-2012 10:05 AM

Assalam Alaikum

Brother, I read your article. Though words were yours, they very much reflected my feelings. I occasionally, read Express Tribune and DawnNews online. In my opinion, both the publications (through their writings) despise Islam, reject the rulings and hate those who are engaged in the services of Deen. Them lot, and all the liberal fascist who comment on the stories, they claim that they don't hate Islam, but rather hate mullahs. But, this is contrary to what they claim, as the understanding of religion they have is not THE ISLAM Allah has chosen for the man. They vilify our scholars and foul-mouth against them, because our scholars try to defend the true teachings of Islam. They hate our scholars because our scholars tell the truth, our Ulema do amr-bil-marouf- and forbid evil, our Ulema prevent from innovations in the Deen, prevent both making additions to it and taking something away from it. But they hate them for this, they hate the ulema for not stating what they wish to here. If any ruling goes against their understanding of religion, they will say ".....well take your islam with you o you ignorant mullah.... you terrorist.....", etc. Some of the extreme ones, for which we cant really say if they are muslims, or Qadianis masquerading as muslims, they hate our ulema for calling Qadianis kaafir. they pray for deceased qadianis, some of them believe extra-judicially killed qadiani will go to jannat.

Perhaps they wish their scholars to be like that of the Jews. The examples of which Allah swt has mentioned in Quran, Jewish rabbis and scholars who give rulings according to people's wishes, not according to the scripture.
Maybe they will be happy if Ulema legalize riba, banking, music, photography, homosexuality, etc.
But they despise our Ulema because they say riba is haram, music is haram, they point out morality, they talk about jihad, they talk about shariah and establishing islam on the land.

FrereeDoulley 08-04-2012 12:30 PM

Just managed to read the article including the comments.
May Allah(SWT) reward you for the efforts put in.
And all thanks are due to Allah (SWT) that the pseudo-liberals are forced to acknowledge that there is an argument for Islam also.
They need to be pursued further.
All thanks are due to Allah (SWT) again that some people have taken a cue from it.
Lord Most High willing the supposedly internal detractors of Islam will not get a walk over now.

aaaaaaaabbbby 08-04-2012 12:55 PM

Since some people do not click on the links here is one of the two other links posts:
Dr Aaafia:
Wednesday, 1 August 2012
Dr Aafia Is Not the Terrorist!
Those idiots who gloat over human suffering but cry over Ahmadi minerats are. Hypocrisy much?

Aafia Siddiqui! She's like a brand now. Symbol of perseverence and humanity, this girl at 19 was there for the orphans of Bosnia when half the world population didn't even know where the country was! She ran charity events, dawah booths, drove out to teach reverts, simultaneously pursuing majors in Genetics. This lady was infinitely more humanitarian than our phony (Pick & Choose) HR activists in Pakistan. Not to forget WAY more educated & talented than the very fake intellectual wannabees littering Pakistan. (Yes, them).

Dr Aafia is a prime example for everyone who equate Islam with oppression and restriction on female education, because this young woman had shattered those myths years ago like a true intellectual. Is it any wonder why she was such a risk to the 'oppressed hijabi women' fairytales the west wants us to buy into? Is it any wonder why pseudo intellectuals hate on her so much? It's not often you're up against a young & brilliant female neuroscientist who doesnt need to kiss up to western ideologies and sell out on her ideals to earn fame & importance (hint*hint).

So while Dr Aafia's speech from '91 is making rounds on the social media, guess who's been poppin' a few veins? The 'ugly step sisters' (and brothers)! Aafia's fellow Pakistanis (the 1% idiots who insist she's a 'terrorist') can't fathom the 160m strong support she's earned (without even trying). So, the usual hate mongers made a comback to do what they do best; trash talking that can put any WWE superstar to shame.

"@HarveyStirhead: Haha RT@theFakeXYZ: A video of Aafia Siddiqui is being circulated! Lesson needed to be learnt: Hijab chokes Brain cells if worn too tightly."

Granted Pakistani Islamophobes are unimpressivelyy, unpleasantly unoriginal, but YOU dude are just PLAIN CORNY.. like I dont know buddy, try watching Fox News for tips maybe?

“@FKshakhti: Dr.Aafia Siddiqui's case is another hyped emotional drama. She was a criminal who choose to live a life of an impostor. She was al-Queda”

"@Gadzeela: Aafia Siddiqui; oath of allegiance with US; US citizen; broke US law; consequently in US prison."

"Who cares if she’s is alive or not? She’s an american national and is convicted by american court of law. Loosers should stop shedding crocodile tears for her now."

If I kept rolling my eyes at the stupidity these fake liberals generate on a regular basis- I'd be 20/20 in no time from all the exercise my extraocular muscles would be getting. *rolls eyes*

"I have no sympathy for this women, she is not even pakistani as she holds a US passport. I really find it difficult to understand why our population makes heroes out of terrorists and murderers."

^Typical liberal trash talk. In today's age of Google these idiots should be fined for being so factually incorrect. So how many people did she 'murder'? She was actually born in Pakistan so that makes her a Pakistani as much as that mass murderer of a traitor Musharraf's PM.

Hussaini Shehbaz:
"She’s a shame for Pakistanis for what she did….I can never forgive a terrorist."

Fakers! First. Elevate. Yourselves. (nobody really cares for your fake consciential trash talk anyway or who you 'forgive' for that matter) You lot's so funny if truth be told, no one's a bigger embarassment to us, than you suck ups. Ashamed over Aafia? She's more educated and conscientious than you unsuccessful twerpedos & coconuts. She was confident, bright, vivacious, and in that 17-minute long recording, she was brimming with intelligence and brilliance. The US military & their loyal house negro (read: Musharraf) may have destroyed that, but her spirit remains unharmed.
Not every one can deliver a powerfully mesmerizing speech like this woman did. You could tell she believed in every word she said when she spoke about how Islam uplifted the status of women, that while others were busy accusing them for mankind's fall from heaven, Islam placed heaven right under her feet!

Anas Abbas: "Terrorists like Aafia Siddiqui are praised as heroes when legitimate activist like Asma are attacked and ridiculed."

Only ET would publish BS like that from unsuccessful scatterbrains whose only qualifying attribute is their ability to deliver anti-Right rhetoric BS.
Dr Aafia a neuroscientist MIT graduate & caller to Islam is the 'terrorist' while your narcissist pseudo intellectuals, and HR activists (I-Will-Pick-And-Choose-Who-Gets-Human-Rights) are 'legitimate activists', yeah and cars run on water. How come none of your 'legitimate' actors, i mean 'activists' never condemned the torture Dr Aafia was put through under US custody. Torture is illegal, even for convicted terrorists.

* She suffered brain damage
* One of her kidneys was removed
* She is unable to digest her food since part of her intestines was removed during surgery
* She had layers and layers of sewed up skin from the surgery for the gunshot wound
* She had a large surgical scar from her chest area all the way down to her torso
* No visit from a doctor
* Only given Ibuprofen

So in short, you lot are fake, so fake even MJ would look more real next to you fakers & schadenfreud scavengers. It's disgusting the way you derive satisfaction from an imprisoned helpless Muslim woman to maintain your fat gluttonious egos.

You can go on TV shows & pretend to be journalists, when in reality nobody but your corrupt elected officials give a flush about you lot. Launch blogs after blogs, write columns in dailies to insinuate doubts about Aafia (while justifying murderers like Raymond) and still remain insignificant nobodies & wannabee journalists in your tirade against the daughter of the Islamic world.

*Names have been changed to protect (hideous) personalities.
Posted by Kulsoom at 08:36

Labels: AafiaSiddiqui, pakistan

2reachout3 August 2012 13:03

WHOA...dayum. thats like a stream of several hundred LMG rounds.
excellent excellent article. will post it on forums, social media etc. must read.

Ubaid ur Rehman3 August 2012 17:01

As Salam Elekum wr wb,
Alhamdulilah good to see more people working against pseudo-liberals.. We some kind forum or group online against these wannabe atheists /seculars like NFP, loons of ET and other.
Here is my blog on refutation of open promotion of Homosexuality by express tribune:

mypharmalife 08-04-2012 05:52 PM


if one would read the latest comments they could see that the apologetics have arrived. now some are not happy i have 'judged' liberals.

toponlinecasinoer 08-04-2012 06:51 PM



if one would read the latest comments they could see that the apologetics have arrived. now some are not happy i have 'judged' liberals.
Nothing to worry.
During Ramadan you may go slow.
Eventually the rebuttal should be constant and persistent.
Batil got to be rolled back.

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