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#1 |
Assalamu alaykum
I am sure most people know about the oppression of the Muslim Rohingya people in Myanmar. The sad thing is that Muslim Bangladesh is turning away the refugees who are fleeing the persecution. What can Bangladeshis do to pressure their government to do more for the Rohingya? And what can we do in the Western world to help our brothers, sisters and children in Myanmar? Thanks |
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#2 |
Assalamu alaykum |
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#3 |
Do NOT (as in don't) swear & curse muslim MEN when they give up their dunya, their careers, leave their wife & kids and answer the call of AQ in Bengal to go to the aid of the Rohingya. Because there are always a small group of good men who do their duty and respond to the distress of the muslims. |
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#5 |
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#6 |
![]() Have any ulama of Deoband addressed this crisis? Have any ulama within Bangladesh addressed this crisis, the turning away of helpless refugees during Ramadan? not all bangladesh muslims comunity turning blind on Rohingya problem, it's the Secular Govt of bangladesh who "reject" the refugee" How can individual Muslims distinguish themselves from the evil and tyranny of their oppressive governments? |
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#7 |
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#8 |
rather than let all the muslims get kicked out of myanmar, we need to pressure the myanmar government into protecting the rights of the muslims there inshAllah. We spend more time criticising Saudi than we do criticising the myanmar government. Think about the pressure that has been mounted on the chinese concerning tibet. we need this kind of campaignin myanmar inshAllah. We want muslim presence in every country inshAllah so lets fight to get them recognised as equal citzens inshAllah
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#9 |
rather than let all the muslims get kicked out of myanmar, we need to pressure the myanmar government into protecting the rights of the muslims there inshAllah. We spend more time criticising Saudi than we do criticising the myanmar government. Think about the pressure that has been mounted on the chinese concerning tibet. we need this kind of campaignin myanmar inshAllah. We want muslim presence in every country inshAllah so lets fight to get them recognised as equal citzens inshAllah I guess it won't help. They won't even care to listen to you. The real way out of the crisis is to go out and help our brothers there against the buddhists. Its narrated in hadis that only J!had brings honor to Muslims. Nothing else can stop them from being oppressed because this has been the way since more then 1400 years. Wallahu aalam! |
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#10 |
those who active and help rohingnya ppl at the current time, we shouldn't demonize them.... |
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#11 |
Do you think pressurizing the Myanmar govt would help? But i dont just mean verbally, we should pressure our governments to do something about it, protest ambassies, push for economic boycotts etc inshallah. but our silence is deafening george galloway has spoken in support of the muslims in burma recently alhamdulillah |
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#12 |
George Galloway @georgegalloway
Any chance of little Willie Hague uttering a word about the killing of Muslims in Burma? Double standards ain't the half of it! |
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#13 |
well thats not realistic is it. if it was, you'd be doing it surely? Why is that i see people saying this phrase over and over again that 'J!had is not a realistic solution' or 'J!had only destroys rather than building societies'.. This is another disease that has inflicted us unfortunately. We have stopped looking for solutions from the Quran and sunnah. Open Quran and read Surah Nisa 75 and its tafsir. Isn't this the same situation that Muslims in Burma face today that Allah says in the Quran? What does Allah say in as its solution? |
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#14 |
Does that make a difference if i am doing it or not? Its an individual ibadat just like Salah. Do something thats actually going to help your brothers and sisters akhi inshAllah, something practical that might help their situation a bit inshAllah. THATS the jihad |
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#15 |
akhi, it does matter because you cant tell us that this is the solution whilst your not doing it. think how hypocritical and wrong it looks for someone, for example, on the british streets, going round saying we should be fighting in another country somewhere. If its that easy then why arent you there? Jihad is a means of defending civilians and defending our lands but it has conditions and we need t have the means to do it. All we can do in burma is diplomatic pressure. you will not have chance of going over there and fighting some sort of jihad. you dont have weapons, you dont even know what military installations you would attack and you'd just get shot on sight or stopped at the airport and locked up for terrorism. Never saw this kind of 'diplomatic pressure' in the Seerat of Rasulullah sallalahu alaiyhi wasallam.. |
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#16 |
And are you sure that this so called 'diplomatic pressure' will bring any good to the muslims there? The prophet SAW signed teh treaty of hudaibiyyah with the enemies of Allah because he used hikmah in his political efforts. this treaty was in effect up until just before he died and lasted 6 years so was a key aspect of the seerah. Hamza and umar lined up outside the ka'ba and marched in two rows in front of the ka'ba. he had froeign dignatories received in madinah. he did economic warfare on the quraysh. he signed treaties with the jews. the list is countless of things he did to help muslims. he was even part of an organisation before islam came, and said if it still existed he would still join it again. there is a lot of things in the seerah, teh prophet SAW wasnt like the jihaadis if you look at his conduct in politics and no im not sure, its the only thing we can do, do we have to try something inshAllah. Political pressure sometimes works and sometimes doesnt depending on how strong it is and in what manner. its all we have for now |
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#17 |
well you might be wrong on the issue of how the prophet SAW dealt in politics. But the cases you have mentioned have no mention of the fact that the Muslims were being oppressed. They are normal scenarios. These are not situations that are even similar to the situation in Burma. Political pressure will not work. Few days back ttp (the outfit in pakistan) warned Pakistani govt of its relationship with Myanmar. They warned the Govt to remove its ties with the Myanmar govt and close its embassy in Pakistan otherwise the Myanmar officials would be attacked and govt will also be attacked. Do you think anything changed? No! They did not even give any heed to the warning even though ttp is a group which is feared among many GOP related organizations and army. What would you do? Make a group of 50 or so people from sf and build political pressure on Myanmar govt when ttp were not successful to convince our own so called brothers in government of Pakistan? |
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#18 |
I am sorry for the argument. The muslims were severely oppressed akhi in the time of the prophet SAW. they were boycotted economically, outcasted, attacked militarily etc. its a deep topic and requires more time. we'd need to target those countries which myanmar cares about. like they are really keen to gain western approval so we could pressure them in western countries by protesting embassies, getting ourselves on the news, government e petitions, utilising MP's like george galloway to raise it in parliament, writing to MP's, inshAllah we should do whatever we can. we also need ot research where they trade with a lot and things and pressure those countries for boycotts for example it can work and its the only thing we can do akhi, would you rather meet allah having done nothing or tried to do what was in your limited power? And dont worry bout arguement, we are discussing for the sake of looking at each others point of view and considering what is the best method of helping the ummah inshallah |
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#19 |
there is a lot of things in the seerah, teh prophet SAW wasnt like the jihaadis if you look at his conduct in politics ![]() well thats not realistic is it. if it was, you'd be doing it surely? i find it very difficult to digest that many muslims who support ikhwan ul muslimeen etc constantly bad mouth the mujahideen using terms the media uses such as 'terrorists', 'barbarians', 'tyrants' and also implying time and again that mujahideen are stupid. one brother who was a MB supporter made the statement that supporting the mujahideen will only bring you early shahdah or life imprisonment. contrast this with the behavior of mujahideen towards MB govt in egypt. despite having ideological differences with MB the IEA fervently praised and congratulated the brotherhood. urged the egyptian activists on. i do not think he has condemned MB in public. you don't find them insulting morsi or telling them they are stupid do you? i don't know why those who support Mb cannot hold their tongues? you do whatever you can do liberate the burmese muslims and we shall do whatever we can. but before you do so please read this: it discusses this very issue. there is no way an islamic caliphate capable of liberating burmese muslims (and not just a puppet of america) can be formed w/o armed rebellion. though armed rebellion is not mutually exclusive to diplomacy. the IEA is at war with ANA and ISAF. ANA is similar to Pak army in their support towards ISAF. Pakistan sold many taliban mujahideen to the US and killed many in their prisons. yet IEA does not call openly for attacks on Pakistan's surface. it maintains a very politically correct stance towards pakistan and other neighbouring countries of non-interference. if al-q@eda does not believe in diplomacy why did it agree to peace deal with pakistan between 2001-2003 before army betrayed them? why is their peace agreement between sirajuddin haqqani and pakistan army despite haqqani being with AQ? it is a pity that in order to show the seerah in a particular light we forget the ghazawat of badr, uhud,khandaq etc and show the mujahideen as uncompromising gun-wileding fanatics who only know destruction and death. if you wish to form an opinion please do so on educated basis after some research. mullah dadullah (slain in 2007) was asked what message he would give to the Muslims? he said: - the Muslims must come to fight with the mujahideen. - if they cannot then they should support them with their wealth. - if thats not possible they should support them with their words - and even if thats not possible then at least don't be hostile to the mujahideen and pledge allegiance to non-mulsims. may Allah accept him as shaheed. |
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#20 |
it needs more coordination that that. You cant just threaten to kill your government if they dont comply. we'd need to target those countries which myanmar cares about. like they are really keen to gain western approval so we could pressure them in western countries by protesting embassies, getting ourselves on the news, government e petitions, utilising MP's like george galloway to raise it in parliament, writing to MP's, inshAllah we should do whatever we can. we also need ot research where they trade with a lot and things and pressure those countries for boycotts for example it can work and its the only thing we can do akhi, would you rather meet allah having done nothing or tried to do what was in your limited power? |
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