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Old 04-08-2012, 12:54 PM   #21

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Since posting here in February and receiving your replies I was curious to learn more. I have been reading about Islam each day to increase my knowledge about a religion I can honestly say I knew very little about.

I can tell you now that I feel more like a Muslim than I ever did a Christian. I also feel a lot more contented and happier in myself. I know it is just a start but I am now dressing modestly.

To think that all of this happened because a Muslim work colleague doesn’t gaze directly at me when we converse and I asked the question why on SF and got such a beautiful answer that it affected me so deeply.
That is very heart warming sister.
The good thing about our western brothers and sisters is that they can cut the flab and go to the crux of the problem.
It makes me happy to know that you did precisely that.
These matters are related to guidance.
We Muslims ask God for guidance in each and every prayer - several times.
And, I suppose you shall agree that, value of guidance can not be over rated.
The strange thing is that guidance is given to those who seek it.
If we seek kingdom it may or may not be given to us.
We seek honour and glory then too it may or may not be given to us.
But for guidance the matter is different - it is yours, sooner or later, if you are a seeker.
Only if we would seek.
May Allah(SWT) guide me, you and us all those who seek to the right path.
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Old 04-08-2012, 02:34 PM   #22

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(In The Name Of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful)

Greetings sister,

First, to add to the answers you got for your original question back in February (I know, kind of late, but Insha'Allah (God-willing) beneficial nonetheless): This brother is avoiding looking at you because he fears Allah Almighty and he knows that he shouldn't be working this close to a female anyway; but living in a non-Muslim (and even many Muslim countries these days) many often don't have a choice. So he is trying to do the next best thing, which is to be very professional with you, speak only about work-related matters (I would assume, do correct me if I'm wrong), and also avoid looking at you as much as humanly possible.

Since posting here in February and receiving your replies I was curious to learn more. I have been reading about Islam each day to increase my knowledge about a religion I can honestly say I knew very little about.

I can tell you now that I feel more like a Muslim than I ever did a Christian. I also feel a lot more contented and happier in myself. I know it is just a start but I am now dressing modestly.

To think that all of this happened because a Muslim work colleague doesn’t gaze directly at me when we converse and I asked the question why on SF and got such a beautiful answer that it affected me so deeply.
Allahu'Akbar (God is The Greatest).

Allah guides everyone in such ways which we cannot fathom. You hear these stories all the time about how person X was guided to Islam, when many of them used to be the biggest opponents of Islam before; to how existing Muslims are guided to the right path by Allah, when they had originally forgotten and/or neglected the way a Muslim should live their life. This forum is full of both of these types, and then some. Subhan'Allah.

Insha'Allah, this is you being guided by Allah Almighty. As you said yourself; "To think that all of this happened because a Muslim work colleague doesn’t gaze directly at me when we converse and I asked the question why on SF and got such a beautiful answer that it affected me so deeply."... I think you pretty much summed it up in that sentence. This brother will Insha'Allah be rewarded by Allah more than any of us can imagine, both in this life and in there hereafter. And he was only following the orders of Allah and living his life according to Allah's commands and according to the way taught by our dear Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). "That's it". He wasn't like actively speaking to you about Islam, trying to "convert" you, or any of that. No, he was speaking with his actions, whether he may have realized it or not. That is the beauty of Islam.

I actually like using this example with brothers I know, that if we (Muslims) live our lives by following the commands of Allah and the way of His Messenger (peace be upon him), not only inside of us but our outwards appearance (beard, hijab (head scarf) for women, the way we dress, etc), then we don't know who might get effected due to this by the grace of Allah. Maybe a brother is making salat (praying) on the street, because it's time for prayer and he doesn't know of any indoor places nearby to pray (whatever the reason may be), but he guards his salat 100% and it doesn't matter if he's on the street at time of salat, he's going to pray right then and there. People pass by, some who don't know think "what a weirdo" (May Allah forgive them and all of us, Ameen), some think "wow, how dedicated", some Muslims think "Masha'Allah, look at him praying on the street and I can't even do it indoors, Insha'Allah I will make salat as soon as I get home"... or maybe a non-Muslim was intrigued by it, and just for curiosity purposes, having no intention whatsoever in their heart about learning about Islam... they just go home and google something like "how do Muslims pray" or something to that effect... next thing you know he/she is involved in deep reading about the religion, receiving hidayat (guidance) from Allah. Does the person who was making salat on the street know any of this? Nope. Is he getting immense reward for it by Allah though? Insha'Allah, he sure is!

I think your situation is a good example of this as well sister, where you were intrigued by a Muslim brother's simple action of avoiding eye contact with you while talking, you went researching into it a little bit because you were curious (you even thought there might be something wrong with you!), and now you're on your way to becoming Muslim (INSHA'ALLAH). Allah guides who He wills. No one can misguide the one who Allah chooses to guide. May Allah make us all amongst the guided ones. Ameen.

Apologies for my long post. Last thing:

"I can tell you now that I feel more like a Muslim than I ever did a Christian."
"And (remember) as your Lord took from the Seeds (Or. sons/Children) of Adam, from their backs, their offspring, and made them bear witness concerning themselves, "Am I not your Lord?" They said, "Yes indeed, we bear witness." (So) that you should not say on the Day of the Resurrection, "Surely we were heedless (unaware) of this,". Quran 7:172

Everyone is born Muslim (in submission to Allah). They are then raised either as a Muslim or into the beliefs/culture of the parents/family. We (or our souls) have all stood before Allah and testified that HE indeed is our Lord and NO ONE else is our lord. That's why the technically correct term for someone who enters (back) into Islam, such as when you may, is "revert", not "convert". Whoever becomes Muslim is only going back to who they were originally meant to be, they're not going into something "new".

Further, it is Allah's promise that everyone will receive opportunities to be guided in their life (yours may have been through this brother, only Allah knows). Since 9/11 countless amounts of people have become Muslim in the USA and worldwide, much more so than the rate of 'conversion' before 9/11 (yup, ironic). Most estimates say the rate of 'conversion' to Islam has quadrupled in the USA and the 'Western' world since 9/11. Why? Because Islam is in front of everyone. A couple of decades ago many people in America said "Isla... wha? What's a "moslem"?". Now everyone, even little kids, know about Islam and Muslims. Yes, not in a true light, because Islam is not what it is normally portrayed to be in the media (far, far, far from it), but it is in front of everyone nonetheless. Whoever chooses to do their own due diligence instead of just believing rumors spread by people and the media, would be surprised, which is what is happening one would guess.

Insha'Allah keep asking Allah to show you the right path and He will keep doing so. You don't have to say it out loud. Just say it in your heart as often as you like. Allah is the All-Hearer, the All-Knower.

I pray that Allah guides you, your family & loved ones, and all of us, to the straight path. Ameen.

Please forgive me if I said anything wrong and may Allah forgive me if I said anything wrong. Ameen.

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Old 04-08-2012, 02:39 PM   #23

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Brother why you are discouraging Dawah?
This poor guy was doing Adawah under the name of Da'wah and got banned.
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Old 04-08-2012, 02:51 PM   #24
Ervins Dervish

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Since posting here in February and receiving your replies I was curious to learn more. I have been reading about Islam each day to increase my knowledge about a religion I can honestly say I knew very little about.

I can tell you now that I feel more like a Muslim than I ever did a Christian. I also feel a lot more contented and happier in myself. I know it is just a start but I am now dressing modestly.

To think that all of this happened because a Muslim work colleague doesn’t gaze directly at me when we converse and I asked the question why on SF and got such a beautiful answer that it affected me so deeply.
Allahu Akbar! Welcome to the 'Forum'

[edit: I was trying to figure out how I could have missed your thread up until now and I figured it out: I read the title and mistook it to be a thread asking a technical question on wearing contact lenses... talk about guidance, eh? )
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Old 04-25-2012, 02:44 AM   #25

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I am overjoyed to let you all know that I have decided to embrace Islam.
I can't wait any longer, nor do I need to.
I cannot describe the happiness in my heart and how content and at peace I feel.
I only wish I had found Islam sooner in my life.
Thank you all so much for your replies to my post, especially Brothers Shuayb and Maripat
for such thorough responses to my question. Everything makes perfect sense.
It feels so natural like it was always meant to be.
Insha'Allah I will be a good Muslim and please remember to lower your gazes - it's affects
were profound for me.
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Old 04-25-2012, 02:56 AM   #26

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Mabruk Sister Clearwater.
Anyway, go through the link as it provides simple tips for new muslim
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Old 04-25-2012, 03:04 AM   #27

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I am overjoyed to let you all know that I have decided to embrace Islam.
I can't wait any longer, nor do I need to.
I cannot describe the happiness in my heart and how content and at peace I feel.
I only wish I had found Islam sooner in my life.
Thank you all so much for your replies to my post, especially Brothers Shuayb and Maripat
for such thorough responses to my question. Everything makes perfect sense.
It feels so natural like it was always meant to be.
Insha'Allah I will be a good Muslim and please remember to lower your gazes - it's affects
were profound for me.
Mabrook, Mabrook, Mabrook...
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Old 04-25-2012, 03:04 AM   #28

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I am overjoyed to let you all know that I have decided to embrace Islam.
I can't wait any longer, nor do I need to.
I cannot describe the happiness in my heart and how content and at peace I feel.
I only wish I had found Islam sooner in my life.
Thank you all so much for your replies to my post, especially Brothers Shuayb and Maripat
for such thorough responses to my question. Everything makes perfect sense.
It feels so natural like it was always meant to be.
Insha'Allah I will be a good Muslim and please remember to lower your gazes - it's affects
were profound for me.

MashaAllah!Allah o akbar!
May Allah(The real God)guide u in every matter of ur life and protects u from every evil and sin.
when u start praying Salah, recite the Holy Noble Quran or do Zikr, plz dua for the whole muslim umma.
and also for those who don't know the greatest Islam.
with good wishes.
kabelshik is offline

Old 04-25-2012, 03:15 AM   #29

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Subhanallah so happy by reading this thread......what a lucky man he is who got a chance to make woman a Muslima.....
This is how we have to become as a Muslim. By acting everything according to Islam and it will automatically attract people to Islam......so if we make ourselves better then Allah decides to give guidance to other as well.....

And by the way congrats sister clear water........
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Old 04-25-2012, 03:26 AM   #30

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Asalaamu Alaikum Warahmutllah,


Masha'Allah, congratulations sister!

Allah Almighty has indeed given you the best gift one can get... which is Islam, guidance to the true & straight path.

It is only and only Allah who has guided you. Myself or no other person has anything whatsoever to do with it. The brother who works with you and how the whole eye contact thing started, Allah may have used that brother to guide you since He is so Merciful and now that brother will Insha'Allah get tremendous reward for every single good action you perform as a Muslim and every single time you worship and remember Allah Almighty, for all your life, and for anyone who you end up teaching, and for all of your future generations and beyond... This brother will be rewarded for all of that. Then, the people who taught this brother will be rewarded, and so on and so forth, Insha'Allah. Can we imagine how beautiful Allah's deen is! Subhan'Allah!

Allah also may have used the brothers and sisters who participated in this thread and elsewhere on this forum, and those who may not have posted but made dua (prayed) for you when they read this thread, and others, Allah may have used all these people to help guide you, because He is so Merciful and wants to reward His creation abundantly. That does not mean that any of us are "special" because we were able to get through to you, or anything of that sort, we are nothing without Allah swt's help and mercy and we must always remember that and stay humble. The Creator does not need His creation to do anything, and the creation can do nothing without the Will of the one and only Creator.

Just so you know the existing Muslims on this forum are probably jealous (in a friendly, brotherly/sisterly way of course) of you right now as a new Muslim who says their shahadah is like a newborn baby, completely clean of sin, while the rest of us, especially me, are drenched in sin. Cherish this gift and always strive to stay away from sin Insha'Allah.

Please remember me, my family, all members of SF and the entire Muslim ummah and all of mankind in your duas.

May Allah bless you and your family with all that is good in this life and in the hereafter. Ameen.

Mubarak (congratulations) once again and welcome (back) to Islam.


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Old 04-25-2012, 04:00 AM   #31

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Subhanallah! (Glory be to God)
Im so happy for you sister clearwater. All praise is to Allah, who had guided you to the straight path.

Now that you have embraced Islam, all your past sins have been forgiven, and you must now try your best and utmost to keep away from sin. This means you having to learn the deen (religion). You can do this by going to the local Mosque or Islamic center. We also have a "New Muslims" section here on the forum, so you can ask all the questions you want there. You have no idea how much Allah has blessed you sister. Iman (faith) is the best thing any human being can have. Insha'aAllah I will make dua' for you.

I'll be on the lookout for more of your posts, insha'Allah.
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Old 04-25-2012, 04:13 AM   #32

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Allah O Akbar!! Masha'allah sister, wonderful news.

Many many hearty congratulations sister ... the brothers and sisters here are very knowledgable, you have definitely come to the right place ... I myself have learned so much here and learning (I was born muslim!)

Hope to read more of your posts, insha'allah
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Old 04-25-2012, 04:32 AM   #33

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Welcome to Islam. We are really pleased to have you as our sister. May Allah (swt) make you a means of guidance to others.
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Old 04-25-2012, 12:59 PM   #34

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I am overjoyed to let you all know that I have decided to embrace Islam.
I can't wait any longer, nor do I need to.
I cannot describe the happiness in my heart and how content and at peace I feel.
I only wish I had found Islam sooner in my life.
Thank you all so much for your replies to my post, especially Brothers Shuayb and Maripat
for such thorough responses to my question. Everything makes perfect sense.
It feels so natural like it was always meant to be.
Insha'Allah I will be a good Muslim and please remember to lower your gazes - it's affects
were profound for me.
Masha Allah
Allahu Akbar
Al-Mabruk sister. You really make me cry.
I am happy for you, for other brothers and sisters and specially for me.
Whenever the vagaries of life sap the joy Allah Al-Karim Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim sends these goodies.
And all Praise is due to Him only.
May He (SWT) grant you firmness on Islam, may He (SWT) make the coming adjustments very easy for you, may He (SWT) render all help that you need.
May He (SWT) make you a means of guidance for other brothers and sisters.

PS: I am hereby sending an e-hug to that brother.
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Old 04-25-2012, 05:50 PM   #35

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Welcome to Islam sister,
May be this thread is beneficial for you.
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Old 04-25-2012, 09:19 PM   #36

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Mabrook sister,
Its so wonderful to hear this, that you are planning to embrace Islam.
I suggest you sister do not delay it, and say shahada as soon as possible, and keep praying to Allaah for guidance.
And please pray for me and all the sf members.
Jazakallaah Khair.
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Old 04-25-2012, 10:14 PM   #37

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Jigar she is a Muslima already!
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Old 04-25-2012, 11:48 PM   #38

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I am overjoyed to let you all know that I have decided to embrace Islam.
I can't wait any longer, nor do I need to.
I cannot describe the happiness in my heart and how content and at peace I feel.
I only wish I had found Islam sooner in my life.
Thank you all so much for your replies to my post, especially Brothers Shuayb and Maripat
for such thorough responses to my question. Everything makes perfect sense.
It feels so natural like it was always meant to be.
Insha'Allah I will be a good Muslim and please remember to lower your gazes - it's affects
were profound for me.
Allahu Akbar!

May Allah's (SWT) peace and blessings be on you!
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Old 04-25-2012, 11:54 PM   #39

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Thats really amazing how Allah SWt guides one.
I have seen people who become too arrogant mocking the high standard of morals the Islam teaches like about shaking the hands of an opposite gender and they remain in darkness and then with the similar moral teaching, some are guided to Islam. Purely the guidance is in hands of Allah SWT. Blessed is Allah!
Truly I am jealous of the brother and others whom Allah SWT makes an inspiration for others' guidance by His immence mercy. Allahu Akbar!
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Old 04-26-2012, 01:40 AM   #40

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Jigar she is a Muslima already!
Brother what is meant by Jigar?
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