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Old 08-28-2010, 05:15 AM   #21

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Emaaraati people are an endangered species, and no one is to blame but them.
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Old 08-28-2010, 05:45 AM   #22

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The Arab world has no monopoly on racism, tribalism, etc. It is present in many Muslim countries.
Lol this made me laugh.
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Old 08-28-2010, 08:24 AM   #23

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Lol this made me laugh.
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Old 08-28-2010, 08:25 AM   #24

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Dude, what's with the extreme bias against Salafi's? Regarding your claim, I haven't seen this myself personally- can you back up your claim or at least elaborate a bit further?

I would suggest that you consult the blogs of brothers Umar Lee and Tariq Nelson (among others). This problem is rampant in North America among Salafis.
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Old 08-28-2010, 11:24 AM   #25

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I would suggest that you consult the blogs of brothers Umar Lee and Tariq Nelson (among others). This problem is rampant in North America among Salafis.
Here in N America its not just a salfi thing - its a Muslim problem

Many converts cant aford to get married due to high mahr prices and racism amongst Arabs and SE asians

Many converts are not salafi by choice - its the only form of Islam they have aver known - we have TONS of salafis here

So, the only route many Muslims have to fulfill their nafs is to get with kafir girls - and while this is not the way it should be done - in many of these cases, these girls end up becoming Muslim, which is a good thing.
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Old 08-28-2010, 11:37 AM   #26

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So, the only route many Muslims have to fulfill their nafs is to get with kafir girls - and while this is not the way it should be done - in many of these cases, these girls end up becoming Muslim, which is a good thing.
Oh snap, I've had some brothers tell me when they hooked up with a Non Muslim girl, "Yo yo, that's my right hand possession."
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Old 08-28-2010, 11:38 AM   #27

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Here in N America its not just a salfi thing - its a Muslim problem

Many converts cant aford to get married due to high mahr prices and racism amongst Arabs and SE asians

Many converts are not salafi by choice - its the only form of Islam they have aver known - we have TONS of salafis here

So, the only route many Muslims have to fulfill their nafs is to get with kafir girls - and while this is not the way it should be done - in many of these cases, these girls end up becoming Muslim, which is a good thing.

What about the convert sisters? Is it equally difficult for a convert brother to marry a convert sister as it is to marry a born-Muslim Arab or Asian sister?

I always thought that marrying a convert sister saves a convert brother a lot of hassle and simplifies many things -- your thoughts?

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Old 08-28-2010, 12:14 PM   #28

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What about the convert sisters? Is it equally difficult for a convert brother to marry a convert sister as it is to marry a born-Muslim Arab or Asian sister?

I always thought that marrying a convert sister saves a convert brother a lot of hassle and simplifies many things -- your thoughts?

Oh no - its much easier to marry a convert sister - thats what I did

It is easier because the two have alot in common, and culturaly they are on the same page.

...but I have not met many sisters who converted all on their own.

My wife converted and began to learn Islam from salafis. She than asked another sister about sufism and what it was. the salafi sister told her the usual takfiri noise, but she wanted to hear about it from a practitioner of tassawuf. In our city there is only a handful of us ahli sunnah types around, so she asked for some litterature from me. I gave it to her a sent her on her way. About 6 months later she contacted meagain and asked if any sufi bros were looking to get married. I told id look around (I already had a person in mind) and I told her to get a wali. She got a salafi wali and I immediatly called him and told him I was interested - he adviced her to "only marry sunnis", but fortunately she did not listen to him and accepted my proposal - her mahr was a lofty $100, a ring, and a decent used car. I had been single for so long specificly because the arabs said I ws either not Muslim, or their daughters wanted 20 thounsand or 30 thousand - I got some proposals from the SE asains, but I was not interested.
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Old 08-28-2010, 12:21 PM   #29

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Oh no - its much easier to marry a convert sister - thats what I did

It is easier because the two have alot in common, and culturaly they are on the same page.

...but I have not met many sisters who converted all on their own.

My wife converted and began to learn Islam from salafis. She than asked another sister about sufism and what it was. the salafi sister told her the usual takfiri noise, but she wanted to hear about it from a practitioner of tassawuf. In our city there is only a handful of us ahli sunnah types around, so she asked for some litterature from me. I gave it to her a sent her on her way. About 6 months later she contacted meagain and asked if any sufi bros were looking to get married. I told id look around (I already had a person in mind) and I told her to get a wali. She got a salafi wali and I immediatly called him and told him I was interested - he adviced her to "only marry sunnis", but fortunately she did not listen to him and accepted my proposal - her mahr was a lofty $100, a ring, and a decent used car. I had been single for so long specificly because the arabs said I ws either not Muslim, or their daughters wanted 20 thounsand or 30 thousand - I got some proposals from the SE asains, but I was not interested.

for sharing your input bro, as always very interesting, Must meet you one day inshâ Allâh, however I doubt I will ever come to US so we'll have to reschedule this for the âkhirah, .

Just one question, did your wife/wali have any conditions attached like "You need to reach this and that university grade, else you won't get my agreement to marry"? And did you have employment at the time of marriage?

Apologies for asking so much, but I need to compare to get a better understanding...

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Old 08-28-2010, 12:40 PM   #30

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for sharing your input bro, as always very interesting, Must meet you one day inshâ Allâh, however I doubt I will ever come to US so we'll have to reschedule this for the âkhirah, .

Just one question, did your wife/wali have any conditions attached like "You need to reach this and that university grade, else you won't get my agreement to marry"? And did you have employment at the time of marriage?

Apologies for asking so much, but I need to compare to get a better understanding...

I was employed and had my own apartment - so I apeared to them to be financialy stable

The wali did encourage her to require me to have a bachelors degree, but she declined seeing at as unimportant as long as I can support her and a child.

The reasons she married me were based on religious reasons - of all the men who had proposed to her, she felt that none of them had any deep knowledge of Islam (fiqh, as well as the spiritual aspects of Islam) as they were all la madhabi salafi bros - so she wanted to marry me because I am one of the few brothers she had met who followed a madhab and new I was following a specific madhab - she overestimated my knowledge though (as new shahdahs do)
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Old 08-28-2010, 07:47 PM   #31

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Oh snap, I've had some brothers tell me when they hooked up with a Non Muslim girl, "Yo yo, that's my right hand possession."
Well, maybe these brothers are "mujahideen" and the girls where given them by their "ameer"...... ... do these people think that they can deceive ALLAH ?!?

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Old 08-28-2010, 08:41 PM   #32

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with all due respect,the major problems of the arabs and SE asians is that of Nationalism,the shariah has been abandoned,do you think Allah the all wise and all Knowing does not know what he has said in Q20,that whosoever turns away from our reminder for him is a life of hardship and sorrow, until they return to the rule of Allah and stop discriminating and hicking the price of their mahr.......the problem will get really serious
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Old 08-28-2010, 09:06 PM   #33

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well we must understand that when you want to marry from those region,you are not actually paying mahr,you are purchasing a commodity,bcos i see the so called mahr as a sale,a stupid ex governor now turned senator in my country Nigeria,who claims to be a salafi has one of the greatest number of divorce, he recently married an egyptian girl of about 13years old that really turned messy in the country,he paid 100,000pounds as mahr,and then payed for a chartard flight to and fro from eygpt to Nigeria to come and finalise the sale in Nigeria with the so called salafi National imam of the national masjid in Abuja Nigeria giving his blessings to the sale,this idiot improvised his people,he did nothing for them in his state,currently he his been wanted by the financial crimes commission in Nigeria,yet he enforced the hadd of chopping of the hands of the thief who stole a cow,and he embezzled billions of state funds.he divorced his last wife whom he married at the age of 17,now 19,this nuisance uses the shariah of Allah as he wills,and only for the idiot to come on National tv to say he had done noting wrong by getting married to a 13year old girl bcos he his following the footsteps of the rasul,it a sad story brothers,may Allah save this ummah
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Old 08-28-2010, 09:28 PM   #34

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well we must understand that when you want to marry from those region,you are not actually paying mahr,you are purchasing a commodity,bcos i see the so called mahr as a sale,...
This is honestly what it appears to come down to. It was because of this that when my parents got married, my mother's father (with my mother's approval) insisted that the Mahr be so ridiculously (in the eyes of most people) low that no one could accuse him, his daughter, or her future husband (my father) of a "sale" having been made.

But then again his piety is the kind that one is lucky to encounter once in a lifetime. May Allah admit him into the garden.

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Old 08-28-2010, 10:38 PM   #35

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More inbreeding then. Just what is needed.
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Old 08-28-2010, 11:34 PM   #36

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Dude, what's with the extreme bias against Salafi's? Regarding your claim, I haven't seen this myself personally- can you back up your claim or at least elaborate a bit further?
What about the non Salafies that get their girlfriends to 'convert' due to family pressuring them to get married or whatever? Sometimes these marriages end in divorce, sometimes they don't. This is probably a bigger problem in the UK than your claim of Salafi's taking advantage of our revert sisters
No extreme bias here buddy just personal experiences with the group i mentioned.
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Old 08-29-2010, 12:24 AM   #37

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Well, maybe these brothers are "mujahideen" and the girls where given them by their "ameer"...... ... do these people think that they can deceive ALLAH ?!?

Time and again we've seen that's what happens when a person makes his nafs an amir.
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Old 08-29-2010, 01:08 AM   #38

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More inbreeding then. Just what is needed.
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Old 08-29-2010, 12:38 PM   #39

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It happens here aswell especially revert sisters being abused by so called ''Salafis'' they divorce sisters for silly shallow reasons.

Salafis are creating their own form of Mutah!
I would suggest that you consult the blogs of brothers Umar Lee and Tariq Nelson (among others). This problem is rampant in North America among Salafis.

I think that the testimonies about these "Salafi male-convert female fast marriages" have kinda reached some form of Tawattur: myself too have heard and seen quite a number of stories of this kind.
Some reasons for this phenomenon come in my mind right now, like lack of patience, dominance of one's nafs due to the lack of spiritual purification, takfiri mentality, and so on.
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Old 08-29-2010, 02:57 PM   #40

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I think that the testimonies about these "Salafi male-convert female fast marriages" have kinda reached some form of Tawattur: myself too have heard and seen quite a number of stories of this kind.
Some reasons for this phenomenon come in my mind right now, like lack of patience, dominance of one's nafs due to the lack of spiritual purification, takfiri mentality, and so on.
as Salamu Alaikum,

To be frank with you here in Central Europe where i am from there are a lot of stories circulating about especially native convert women being married by arab/amazigh Salafi's for like a few months after that they are being divorced and being married to a ''friend'' of the previous ''brother'' this happens a lot in the Salafi scene also they are notorious for divorces over silly things like ''she cant cook'' ''she likes Sayyid Qutb'' etc etc. I even heard that its that bad in some cities for example Netherlands that the local Imam (google Fawaz) only marries people if they also marry by Dutch Law. I also heard personally from a belgium sister that a so called ''Salafi brother'' use to beat her and lock her up!

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