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Old 06-14-2010, 01:31 PM   #1

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Default Collaborative Note-taking Section?
Salaam aleikum,

I really love to listen to talks and I love to take notes on the different lectures I listen to. But I realized sometimes its hard to hear certain portions of these talks, and because I am still an amateur, the notes I take might not be always exact. We live in a time of High-Definition video, but not High-Definition Audio so very often, something gets distorted in quoting a hadith or a line of poetry, simply because of how the audio comes out or if the speaker spoke in a hurry.

There is a lot of talks out there- and I know Sunniforum, has a number of people who have strong foundation in the deen. So what do you think about having a section for collaborative note-taking on various talks, exchanging notes, and clarifying distortions or typos? What do the moderators think about this? There are some learned veterans on here, who can make quick corrections and others who can be encouraged to learn.

Alhamdulillah, it's a big blessing we have so of technology at our disposal but I don't think we have figured out how to use it for optimal communal learning. Many still treat khutbahs and bayaans as if they are a form of entertainment, when we could be using the Internet to expand the circle of the halaqa. One of the characteristics of the Golden Age of Islam was the sharing and "trade" of knowledge, exchanging texts and translations, talking about what they were learning, doing some follow-up and that can be easily done today via the Web. I think this is all the more important because websites and talks can disappear from the Internet overnight, so we need to preserve knowledge in our hearts. And indirectly, we would be putting more ilm out onto the web.

Think of it as an ever-growing digital halaqa...


PS. This is not to down-play the great importance to studying at the feet of a scholar with a sanad, which I have firm intention to do one day, when I am able to, inshallah! But it's just to really make hearts and minds meet in the valley of ilm that we love oh so dearly.
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Old 06-15-2010, 06:01 AM   #2

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Old 06-15-2010, 07:55 AM   #3

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Very nice idea.
What platform do you want to use? Do you want it to be wiki like, such that anyone can join and edit?

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Old 06-15-2010, 12:27 PM   #4

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Well, I was thinking right smack dab here on SunniForum. Of course, I don't know how that would go down, but I have a note-taking blog going already for my own learning. If others want to start a similar blog, I'd love to collaborate.
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Old 06-15-2010, 06:07 PM   #5

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Great idea. Sounds like somethng that would benefit a lot from something like Etherpad..?

Is there anyone here who can host it? Or we could use an existing service like http://titanpad.com/...
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Old 06-16-2010, 02:58 AM   #6

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Titanpad looks great!! I signed up sunninotes.titanpad.com. You know its going to be much more fun taking notes with my fellow Muslims working together. Much more of a social experience.

Here are some viewable copy of notes I am taking lately from SacredLearning.org
20 talks done so far, there are about 268 I want to get through, so if anyone wants to get in on the baraka and help finish it more quickly, I can give them access inshallah. Send me an email: muslimology at gmail dot com

I'll also set up Pads for other scholars: Shaykh Hamza, Abdul Hakim Murad, Shaykh Faraz, Imam Suhaib, and whoever else has something invaluable to teach us.
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Old 06-16-2010, 04:06 AM   #7

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Titanpad looks great!! I signed up sunninotes.titanpad.com. You know its going to be much more fun taking notes with my fellow Muslims working together. Much more of a social experience.

Here are some viewable copy of notes I am taking lately from SacredLearning.org
20 talks done so far, there are about 268 I want to get through, so if anyone wants to get in on the baraka and help finish it more quickly, I can give them access inshallah. Send me an email: muslimology at gmail dot com

I'll also set up Pads for other scholars: Shaykh Hamza, Abdul Hakim Murad, Shaykh Faraz, Imam Suhaib, and whoever else has something invaluable to teach us.
Sacred Learning - I gotta get in on that!! bro
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Old 06-16-2010, 06:34 AM   #8

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How do i add to/edit your notes?
Do you have to invite me?
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Old 06-16-2010, 07:36 AM   #9

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I had it set to invite-only but I can also make it public, which I have now done. So anyone can add to it, edit it, chat in there and we can keep track of the changes. You don't need to email me if you want access to it.

Public SacredLearning.org Notes: http://sunninotes.titanpad.com/1

This is a community experiment. So everybody feel free to give it a whirl, fire up a lecture of Shaykh Hussain Abdul Sattar at SacredLearning.org, and contribute your notes or favorite gems from the talk. Just be specific and as precise as you can, in whichever gems you choose to share (which talk was it? did you complete the whole talk?)- your ihsan for the ihsan of the ulema, as it goes.

Barakallahu feek.
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Old 06-17-2010, 01:08 PM   #10

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Alhamdulillah, titanpad is a great platform. I am using this a lot now. If the notes seem slow it is because I need to review them and make sure I learn.

Some brothers stopped by to take a peek and help edit the notes. It was very smooth and well functioning even with like 3-4 people in the room. Very much a learning experience too. DEFINITELY a next-level experience in Islamic learning- we should realllllllyy be making use of this technology!! What a ni'mah!

I hope more drop by and share their notes and gems. I will inshallah get around to setting up more pads soon, and I will inshallah try my best to keep this thread alive.
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Old 06-22-2010, 01:17 AM   #11

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I have updated it with more pads for many different teachers. I want to put up more soon inshallah. I should alert ya'll some of the talks I took notes for, have been disappearing from the Internet, so let's honor the gift of ilm or else Allah may lift it from us.

SacredLearning.org talks (Sh. AH Sattar): http://sunninotes.titanpad.com/1
Habib Umar (with Sh. Abdul Kareem Yahya) talks: http://sunninotes.titanpad.com/2
Imam Suhaib Webb notes: http://sunninotes.titanpad.com/3
Shaykh Hamza Yusuf notes: http://sunninotes.titanpad.com/4
Shaykh Abdul Hakim Murad notes: http://sunninotes.titanpad.com/5
Seekers Guidance Notes (Sh. Faraz Rabbani, Sh. Yahya Rhodus: http://sunninotes.titanpad.com/6

Please take some time to pull up a lecture you find online from any of the above speakers and contribute your notes.

Man nafasa an akhihi qurbatun min qurba ad-dunya, nafasallahu anhu qurbatun min qurbal akhira
"Whoever relieves someone of a difficulty in this world, Allah will relieve him of a difficulty in the next world." -Sahih Muslim
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Old 06-22-2010, 02:24 AM   #12

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Br. Dawud, you have to make the notes public. They seem to be set to invite-only now.

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Old 06-22-2010, 06:41 AM   #13

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Yup just made them ALL public. Forgot to do that earlier.
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Old 06-22-2010, 05:45 PM   #14

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Notes in a linear fashion are great, but is there any way you could include notes in mind map form ? I know a great site where to make mind maps and i find learning from them a lot easier. Even if there was a way to include images to titanpan that would be sufficient as the mind maps can easily be converted into jpg and then uploaded.
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Old 06-22-2010, 05:48 PM   #15

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Forgot to mention how great of an idea this is and could be
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Old 06-22-2010, 11:41 PM   #16

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Notes in a linear fashion are great, but is there any way you could include notes in mind map form ? I know a great site where to make mind maps and i find learning from them a lot easier. Even if there was a way to include images to titanpan that would be sufficient as the mind maps can easily be converted into jpg and then uploaded.

Which site brother?

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Old 06-22-2010, 11:44 PM   #17

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Which site brother?

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Old 06-23-2010, 01:14 AM   #18

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I took a look at the site, and not so sure whether such platform is good for long notes like we currently have at Titanpad.
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Old 06-23-2010, 02:16 AM   #19

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I admit long notes may not be able to squeeze in the boxes, but the whole point of mind maps are to keep the notes short, easily spark memory and the best thing is that it's uncluttered, making them easier to comprehend. At the end of the day, notes are a record of the individual's (who made the notes) understanding. Perhaps mind maps can be used as a supplement in committing the notes to memory ?
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Old 06-23-2010, 04:22 AM   #20

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Good suggestion. I've been wanting to get mind-maps out there and I've experimented around with them too. But I really don't like the online/computer versions...I think if its done by pen-paper its best. It's more organic and gradual that way, its your own writing, so you are more familiar with it.

The current notes aren't exactly doable for mind-maps. Mind-maps are more a reflection of how we think. And the teachers vary in their style. Inshallah, when the notes near completion it could be attempted...it would be very crowded and clustered though, more like a big gigantic poster than a sheet of paper, so it would be tricky to pull off and require some creativity.
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