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#1 |
Ten thoughts to ponder
By A'id al Qarni 1. Remember that your Lord forgives those who ask Him for forgiveness, and He accepts the repentance of those who repent, and He accepts those who come back to Him. 2. Show mercy to the weak and you will be happy; give to the needy and you will be well; do not bear grudges and you will be healthy. 3. Be optimistic, for Allah is with you, and the angels are praying for forgiveness for you, and paradise awaits you. 4. Wipe away your tears, think well of your Lord, and chase away your worries by remembering the blessings that Allah had bestowed upon you. 5. Do not think that this world is ever perfect for anyone. There is no one on the fase of the earth who gets all that he wants or is free from all kinds of distress. 6. Be like a tall tree with high aims; if a stone is thrown at it, it simply lets its fruits drop. 7. Have you ever heard that greif brings back what has been lost, or that worry corrects mistakes? So why grieve and worry then? 8. Do not expect trials and calamities, rather expect peace, safety and good health, if Allah wills. 9. Extinguish the flames of hatered from your heart by forgiving everyone who has ever hurt you. 10. Ghusl, wudu, siwak and being organized are effective medicines for all kinds of distress and worry. --- Think about it! 1. Be like the bee, which lands on fragrant flowers and frest branches. 2. You do not have time to seek out people's defects and mistakes. 3. If Allah is with you, then whom do you have to fear? if Allah is against you, then what hope do you have? 4. The fire of envy consumes the body, and excessive jealousy is like a raging fire. 5. If you do not prepare today, then you will not be able to do anything tomorrow. 6. Withdraw peacefully from places where arguments are going on. 7. Let your morals and attitudes be even more beautiful than a garden. 8. Do acts of kindness and you will be the happiest of people. 9. Leave people to their Creator, leave the envier to death, and forget about your enemy. 10. The pleasure of haram actions is followed by regret, loss and punishment. |
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#2 |
A Woman who challenged Tyranny The past is gone and the hoped-for future is still unknown. All you have is the present. Look at the texts of Islam, the Qur'an and Sunnah. Allah, the Exalted, the Almighty, praises righteous and believing women. He says: "And Allah has sent forth an example for those who believe: the wife of Fir'awn [Pharaoh], when she said: 'My Lord! Build for me a home with You in Paradise, and save me from Fir'awn [Pharaoh] and his work, and save me from the people who are Zalimun [plytheists, wrongdoers and disbelievers in Allah].'" (Qur'an 66: 11) Think about how Allah made this woman - Asiyah, may Allah be pleased with her - a living example for believing men and women, a clear symbol for everyone who wants to be guided and follow the ways of Allah in life. How wise this woman was, when she sought a home with the Lord and put that above her worldly interests. She freed herself from the control of the kafir (disbeliever) tyrant Pharaoh and refused to live in his palace with his servants and courtiers, and with all its luxuries. She sought a better home that was more lasting and more beautiful, with the Lord of the Worlds, amidst gardens and rivers, in a seat of truth (i.e. Paradise), near the Omnipotent King (Allah, the One, the All Blessed, the Most High, the Owner of Majesty and Honour) (Qur'an 54: 55). She was a great woman whose ambition and sincerity led her to speak the word and faith against her tyrant husband. She was tortured for the sake of Allah but she untimately earned a home with the Lord of the Worlds, and Allah the Exalted, made her an example for every believing man and woman until the Hour comes, and He praised her in His Book, and recording ner name and commending her deeds, and condemning her husband who deviated from the right path on earth. "Be optimistic, even if you are in the eye of the storm." |
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#3 |
(Qur'an 94: 6)
-- You have a huge wealth of blessings My sister, verily with every difficulty there is ease (Qur'an 94: 6); after night comes day. The clouds of worry will be blown away, the darkness of distress will be dispelled, and calamities will come to an end, by Allah's leave. Remember that you will be rewarded, and if you are a mother, your children will be a great support and help for Islam, if you bring them up properly. They will make du'aa for you when they prostrate and at the end of the night, just before dawn. Is is a great blessing if you are a compassionate and kind mother. It is sufficient honour and pride for you to remember the mother of Muhammad (Blessings and Peace be upon him) gave mankind a great leader, the noble Messenger. You have the potential to be a da'iyah (caller to Islam) calling other women to the path of Allah with kind words, good exhortation and wisdom, arhuing in a manner that is better, debating and guiding other by means of your good behaviour and setting an example. A woman may achieve, by means of her conduct and righteous deeds, things that cannot be achieved by means of khutbahs (religious sermons), lectures and lessons. How often has a woman gone to live in a neighbourhood, and people started to talk about her religious commitment, modesty, hijab (islamic dress) and good attitude, her kindness to her neighbours and her obedience to her husband, so she became a good example to others, that was spoken of by all. "Soon the flowers will bloom, grief will depart and happiness will prevail." |
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#4 |
To be the most beautiful woman in the world With your beauty, you are better than the sun; with your morals you are more sublime than musk; with your modesty you are nobler than the full moon; with your compassion you are more beneficial than rain. So preserve your beauty with faith, your tranquility with contentment, your chastity with hijab. Remember than your adornment is not gold, silver or diamonds, rather it is two rak’ahs at Fajr, going thirsty when you fast for Allah, concealed charity which no one knows except Him, hot tears that was away sin, a lengthy prostration born of utter submission to Allah, shyness before Allah when the inclination to do evil overwhelms you. Clothe yourself with the garment of taqwa (piety) for you are the most beautiful woman in the world, even if your clothes are shabby. Clothe yourself with the cloak of modesty, for you are the most beautiful woman in the world even if you are barefoot. Beware of the life of bewitching immoral disbelieving women, for they are fuel of the fire of Hell. “None shall enter it save the most wretched.” (92:15) “Wherever you go and find darkness in your life; what you have to do is the light the lamp within yourself.” |
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#5 |
Count the Blessings that Allah has bestowed upon you When morning comes remember that the sun is shining upon thousands of miserable woman, but you are blessed; it is shining on hundreds of hungry women, but you have plenty to eat: it shines on thousands of women who are imprisoned, but you are free; it shines on thousand of women who are imprisoned, but you are free; it is shining on thousands of women who have been stricken with calamity and lost their children, but you are happy and healthy. How many tears flow down women’s cheeks, how many mothers’ hearts are filled with pain, how may screams come from girls throats- but your are smiling and happy. So praise Allah, the Exalted, for his kindness, protection and generosity. Sit and think, and be honest with yourself; look at the numbers and statistics. How many things do your own, how much wealth do you possess, how many blessings do you enjoy, how many things do you have that bring you delight? Beauty, wealth, children, shade, a home, a country, light, air, water, nourishment, medicine? Rejoice and be of good cheer. “Buy with charity the du’a and love of the poor and needy.” |
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#6 |
Jazak'Allah Khair, and a very good idea, I suspect most people don't bother reading the links to books when they are given. I don't bother myself sometimes. so alot more wiser to post the relevant parts and these are great uplifting reminders for those undergoing depression, and difficulties. May Allah bless you with all of goodness, both in the dhuniyah and akhiurah ameen. |
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#10 |
Well their are two choices, either to think that not many people have given feedback, so pointless, to continue. Or a good number of people have viewed this thread, so I will continue and if it benefits anyone going through difficulties, then Alhamdulillah., The reward is with Allah.Although it would be nice to get feedback from people, sometimes, I suppose!!! |
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#11 |
actually i was thinking that if i start typing up these topics... i might go against the copyrights. That's just a little thought at the back of my head.
But i don't think there should be any copyrights in matters connected to deen. I mean, it's not like i am claiming i have written all that. i did mention the author's name in the first post. |
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#14 |
Beware of despair and frustration
A young man was jailed and his mother had no one else but him. She could not sleep and distress took hold of her completely. She wept until she could weep no more, then Allah guided her to say. “La hawla wa la quwwata illa Billah (there is no power and no strength except with Allah).” She repeated these great words, which are one of the treasures of paradise, and only a few days after she had despaired of her son ever coming out of jail, he was knocking at the door and she was filled with joy. Such is the reward of the one who puts his trust in Allah, calls upon Him constantly and delegates all his affairs to Him. So you should recite this dhikr, “la hawla wa la quwwata illa Billah (there is no power and no strength except with Allah),” for these great words, are the secret of happiness and success. Recite then great deal, chase away the specters of grief and distress with them, and receive the glad tidings that Allah will soon grant you happiness and a way out. Beware of losing hope or becoming frustrated, for there is no hardship but it is followed by ease. This is how it has always been and there is no need to discuss it, Think positively of Allah, the Exalted, and put your trust in Him; seek that which is with Him, and wait for a way out. “Do not make your problems the subject of conversation with others, for by doing so you create a barrier between yourself and happiness.” |
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#15 |
One of the means of finding happiness is understanding Islam, for learning about Islam brings contentment and pleases the Lord. As the prophet (Blessings and Pease be upon him) said: “When Allah intends good for a person, he grants him understanding of religion.” So read easily-available books of knowledge which will benefit you and increase you in knowledge and understanding of Islam, such as Riyadh as-salihin, Fiqh as- sunnah, Fiqh ad-dalil, easy tafsirs (interpretations) and useful essays. Remember that the best of your deeds is to know what Allah meant in his sunnah, so study the Qur’an a great deal with your sisters, memorize whatever you can of it, listen to and act upon it, because ignorance of Islam leads to darkness and anxiety in the heart. You should have a home library, even if it is small, containing useful books and tapes. Beware of wasting time listening to songs and watching soap operas, for you will be called to account for every second of your life, so make the most of your time to please Allah, the Exalted, Almighty.
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#16 |
No one is ever completely happy
You must be making a big mistake if you think that life must always be one hundred percent in your favour. This is something that will always happen in Paradise. In this world, however, happiness is relative. You will not get everything you want; there will always be some problems, sickness, adversity and trails. So, be grateful at times of ease and patient at times of hardship. Do not be too idealistic and expect good health with no sickness, richness with no poverty, happiness with nothing to spoil your joy, a husband with no negative aspects, a friend with no faults. That will never happen. Learn how to overlook the negative aspects and mistakes, and look at the positive aspects and good things. Think well of others and make excuses for them, but put your trust in Allah only, because people are not fit to be relied upon or to have your affair delegated to them: “Verily, they can avail you nothing against Allah [if He wants to punish you…” “Do not be content to have some dark areas in your life, for the light is there; all you have to do is turn it on and see it shining.” |
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#17 |
Du’a (invocation) relieves distress
I have a righteous, devout friend whose wife was stricken with cancer. They had three children. He fell into despair and his world turned dark. One of the scholars advised him to pray qiyam al-layl and make du’a in the last part of the night, before dawn, as well as praying for forgiveness and reciting Qur’an over Zamzam water for his wife. He continued to do these things, and his wife started to wash with that Zamzam water over which Qur’an had been recited. He used to sit with her from Fajr until sunrise, then from Maghrib (sunset) till Isha (evening), asking Allah for forgiveness and supplicating to Him. Then Allah took away her sickness and healed her, and made her hair and skin more beautiful than they had been before, and she became attached to praying for forgives and praying qiyam al-layl. Glory be to the healer, the Giver of good health; there is no god but him and no Lord besides Him. O’ my sister! If you fall sick then turn to Allah, the Almighty, and pray to Him a great deal for forgiveness and call upon Him and repent to Him. Be for good cheer, for Allah answers prayers, relieves distress and takes away bad things. “Is not He [better than your gods] Who responds to distressed one, when he calls on Him…?” |
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#18 |
A great deal of provision comes with seeking forgiveness
A woman said: “My husband died when I was in my thirties, and I had five children, boys and girls, from him. My world turned dark around me, and I wept until I feared I would lose my sight. I complained about my bad luck and fell into despair and depression. My children were small and my income was not sufficient. I was spending carefully the money that our father had left to us. One day in my room, I turned on the radio, and tuned into the Holy Qur’an radio station. I heard a sheikh saying: “The Messenger of Allah (Blessings and peace be upon him) said: ‘Whoever prays to Allah a great deal for forgiveness, Allah will grant him relief fro every distress and a way out from every hardship.’” So after that I began to pray a great deal for forgiveness, and I told me children to do likewise. Only six months later, the developers came, bought some old property of ours, and paid us millions for it. My son became the first student in his region to memorize the Holy Qur’an, and he became a focus of people’s care. Our house was filled with blessings and we attained the best standard of living. Allah ahs kept all my sons and daughters safe and sound, and has taken away my worry, grief and depression. I have become the happiest of women.” “If you give in to despair, you will learn nothing and you will never find happiness.” |
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#19 |
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#20 |
You do not have time for idle talk
Avoid arguments and getting involved in futile discussions about things that may never happen, because that causes anxiety and annoyance. Do not always try to convince people about matters that are open to different points of view quietly without getting angry or trying to pressurize others. Avoid refuting or criticizing other too much, for that will make you feel uneasy and give others the wrong impression about you. Say what you have to say in a gentle manner, and then you will be able to win people over and inspire them. Moreover, worry and distress lead to backbiting about others and putting them down, which takes away reward, brings you burden of sin and destroy tranquility. So, pay attention to correcting your own faults and forget about people’s faults, for Allah did not create us perfect and infallible; rather, we all have sins and faults. So, glad tidings are to the one who focuses on dealing with his own faults rather than the faults of others. “The mother whose child falls from a high place should not waste time weeping; rather, she should focus on tending to his injuries.” |
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