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Old 05-14-2011, 04:27 PM   #21

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Check the yahoo messenger offline msg I send you.
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Old 05-14-2011, 04:38 PM   #22

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Minor Signs of Qiyamat which are been witnessed by the Ummah today, was delivered by Mufti Abdul Aziz

Brother who is this Mufti Abdul Aziz and also which Masjid?
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Old 05-14-2011, 05:24 PM   #23

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He give only Friday Sermons in Masjid-e-Qutubshahi aka Choti masjid, Murad nagar

Urdu khutbah starts : 1pm
Namaz: 1. 45
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Old 05-14-2011, 05:48 PM   #24

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He give only Friday Sermons in Masjid-e-Qutubshahi aka Choti masjid, Murad nagar

Urdu khutbah starts : 1pm
Namaz: 1. 45
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Old 05-16-2011, 03:08 AM   #25

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thanks for this
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Old 05-16-2011, 06:50 PM   #26

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I offered the Jum'a in the masjid of madarasa Faizul Uloom in my city where Hadhrat Qari Ameerul Hasan Sb(Khalifa of Sheikul Hadith Zakriyya Sb (RAH)) was present and also delivered a short lecture before the Friday prayers.
Perhaps due to his old age the words that Hadhrat was speaking were not clearly audible to Me.Somehow I managed to take out some points from it and one of My friends also recorded it.
Some of the points that Hadhrat was talikng upon were

1.To hasten the janaazah prayers for the dead(especially in Fridays where people wait for the prayers delaying the janazah).
2.Controlling the anger and respecting parents.
3.Importance of sunnah.
4.The unconsciousness falling of a Buzurg due to the grieve of missing the sunnat of entering the masjid with the right leg first.
5.The remorse of Peerane Peer Abdul Qadir Jilani(RAH) upon missing the sunnah of crying in Masjidul Haraam.
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Old 05-16-2011, 06:55 PM   #27

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assalamu alaikum
Today i was invited by my one friend in other city for delivering bayan,topic was rights of parents and children on each others.may allah first give me tofiq.
I listened to this bayaan,Very nice Moulana,.
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Old 05-16-2011, 08:20 PM   #28

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I listened to this bayaan,Very nice Moulana,.
may allah accept it
afterall any mistake or suggestion?
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Old 05-18-2011, 01:13 AM   #29

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may allah accept it
afterall any mistake or suggestion?
No,Moulana it was almost perfect,.And by the way I'm not the right person to give suggestions to an alim.One of the striking quote was "Internet ki duniya ney naujawanon ku barbaad kardiya".Or something close to it.
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Old 05-20-2011, 05:45 PM   #30

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Importace of Patience

Todays topic was Patience. The Imam said we modern Muslims are not experiencing even a part of the Pain and tribulation the Sahaba went through. But still we are impatient.

The Imam quoted Umar ibn Al Kattab (ra) : (the following is from my recollection forgive me for my mistakes) : If I am experience difficulty and hardship, I am happy for three things-
1. That the hardship did not fall on my Imaan, instead its on only worldly matters;
2. Someone else is undergoing even a tougher trail, and I am better off with this smaller difficulty;
3. If I am patient while this hardship falls on me, Allah will give me its benefit in the Akhirah.
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Old 05-20-2011, 05:58 PM   #31

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Importace of Knowledge
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Old 05-20-2011, 06:00 PM   #32

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Importace of Patience

Todays topic was Patience. The Imam said we modern Muslims are not experiencing even a part of the Pain and tribulation the Sahaba went through. But still we are impatient.

The Imam quoted Umar ibn Al Kattab (ra) : (the following is from my recollection forgive me for my mistakes) : If I am experience difficulty and hardship, I am happy for three things-
1. That the hardship did not fall on my Imaan, instead its on only worldly matters;
2. Someone else is undergoing even a tougher trail, and I am better off with this smaller difficulty;
3. If I am patient while this hardship falls on me, Allah will give me its benefit in the Akhirah.


I would also like to add that He mentioned the importance of saying 'Inna lillahi wainnailayhi raajeeoon'. He said it is mentioned in the Quran that a true beliver will be patient and say 'Inna lillahi wainnailayhi raajeeoon' when difficulty strikes.


Also quoted that when a small child dies Allah will ask the Angels what the parent is doing. Then the Angels will reply that the Parent is saying 'Inna lillahi wainnailayhi raajeeoon'. Then Allah will order the Angels to build a house in Heaven called 'Baytul Hamd' for that parent who showed patience.
(The Imam mentioned that this is quoted in a book called 'Saffaat Tafasir' or a similar name).
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Old 05-20-2011, 06:38 PM   #33

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For us it was Ya Rabbi Nafsi, Ya Rabbi Nafsi

Oh Lord Myself! Oh Lord Myself!
(The cry on the Day of Judgment will be Oh Lord myself! Oh Lord myself. A Friday sermon has brought this to the fore in a very candid manner. Here is that sermon. See here for the Second Friday Sermon that has already been posted some time back.)

All praise in for that Lord except whom none can be expected to solve the riddles and to remove the afflictions. None is called to remove the troubles but Him. And there is none in both the worlds who is the desire of the lovers but Him. And the there no aim and object of the intercessors in the two worlds but Him. All the creatures are weak and there is no power except Him. All people are dependent – only He is independent. There is no creator and no one with Greatness but only Him. And there is no protector and helper but Him. Forgiver of sins, acceptor of repentance, tough decider, powerful, the one and only worthy of worship is none other than Him. There is no creator except for Allah and only He is the One who gives you sustenance from the sky and the earth. There is none worthy of worship besides Him. There is no creator, no sustainer except Him. Who is the owner of ear and eye except Him? And who is knower of secrets and hidden things except Him?

When Moses (AS) called on Sinai then he too said the same thing – there is none worthy of worship except Him! When Jonah (Hazrat Yunus (AS)) called in the belly of the fish then he too said the same thing – there is none worthy of worship except Him! When Yusuf (AS) called from the depths of the well then he too proclaimed that there is none worthy of worship except Him. When Ibrahim (AS) called in the burning fire then he too said the same thing that there is none worthy of worship except Him and we bear witness that there is none worthy of worship but Allah, He is alone and has no partners, and He is Alive and there is none worthy of worship except Him. And we bear witness that our Leader and our Master Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) is His servant and messenger. May Mercy of Allah descent upon him and his progeny and on his companions, and Blessings and Peace. Know that this world will be over and so will be the joys within it and the obedience done therein will sustain, to spend a life of obedience in this world is the cause of sustenance and endurance of bliss in hereafter. Its (the world’s) gist is to cease and its end is death.

Dear brother the body is weaker and weaker and the journey is longer and longer and the travel allowance is smaller and smaller and the ocean is very deep. And the hell is extremely burning and the path is very complicated and the balance is extremely just and the Doomsday is very near and the Ruler is High and Mighty and the announcer is Gabriel (AS). He declares from Allah that Heaven is my firm promise and Hell is my Pledge and He says that Kaba is my visitation.

And on the Day of Judgment Adam (AS), who is a great servant of Allah, will say Oh Lord myself, Oh Lord myself! And Noah (AS), the receiver of deliverance from Allah, will say on the Day of Judgment, Oh Lord myself, Oh Lord myself! And friend of Allah Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) will say on the Day of Judgment, Oh Lord myself, Oh Lord myself! And Hazrat Ismaeel – the one sacrificed in the path of Allah will say on the Day of Judgment, Oh Lord myself, Oh Lord myself! And Dawood (AS), caliph of Lord will say on the Day of Judgment, Oh Lord myself. And Hazrat Sulaiman (AS), the ruler will say on the Day of Judgment, Oh Lord myself. And Hazrat Yusuf (AS), the verifier of Allah will say on the Day of Judgment, Oh Lord myself. Hazrat Moses (AS) will say the same thing and so will Hazrat Isa (AS). But our beloved Prophet, our leader, our supporter, our messenger (PBUH) will say on the Day of Judgment, Oh Lord my Generation! (Worrying more about his followers than himself). And the Great, Controller, Most High and Granter of Peace Allah will say Oh My beloved! Oh My beloved! Today there is no fear for you and do not grieve!

May Allah Most High grant us abundance from Noble Qur'an and may Allah Most High grant us benefit from the verses of the Noble Qur'an and wisdom by remembrance. Verily the Being of Lord Most High is All-Endowing and Merciful and Lord of the world, Acceptor of good deeds and Loving and Kind.

(Arabic to Urdu Translation : Hafiz Fahimuddin, amity be for him.)
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Old 05-20-2011, 06:43 PM   #34

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Brother Maripat, can you please provide the original Arabic of the Khutbah? I once heard it at the beginning of a Bayan and it was simply amazing.
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Old 05-20-2011, 07:58 PM   #35

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assalamu alaikum
today shaikh hanif sb luharvi(d.b) delivered bayan on " TAUHEED AND RISALAT"
Plz see our website for listening this very ilmi bayan
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Old 05-21-2011, 11:02 PM   #36

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Brother Maripat, can you please provide the original Arabic of the Khutbah? I once heard it at the beginning of a Bayan and it was simply amazing.



Hope it works.
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Old 05-22-2011, 01:39 AM   #37

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It's an awesome Khutbah.
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Old 05-22-2011, 02:24 AM   #38

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assalamu alaikum
plz also read this book of khutbah
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Old 05-22-2011, 04:22 AM   #39

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It's an awesome Khutbah.

Subhanallah, indeed!

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Old 05-27-2011, 05:50 PM   #40

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Everyone please try post whatever you can recollect from this weeks Friday Sermon.

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