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Old 07-24-2011, 08:52 PM   #21

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The deviant psudo fake sufis shaikh need beating. If it was up to me, I would give them such a beating, they would not even the utter sufi word in their mouth becuas they would be drinking from straw. They fool people naieve impressionable people.
I think it is Imam Junaid bagdadi who saied something to the effect 'there is no tasawuf without shariah'.

As for your parents, simply gently to your mother and give her some easy to read books that put emphaisis on salat. As for your future, keep praying nawafil salaat and pray that Allah grants you a husbend who is good for you, your deen and iman and be steadfast in it. We can't see future so only hope in Allah. I would advise try to find a scholarly circle and join them. It is not recommended that you keep aloof in such situation. Keep away from berlewi (I never though I would say this!) but your situaiton seems to call for it and join TJ or any other reputable organisation that will benefit you spiritually. We are not gurdian over others faith. So focus on yourself and be consistent in your serach.

am a brother by the way
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Old 07-24-2011, 09:13 PM   #22

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May Allah guide your family ! what you narrated is indeed shocking, although I've also met such deviated people.

Curiously such deviated beliefs are always found in Indo-pak people.

I urge people here to make du'a for such people to come back to Islam.

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Old 07-25-2011, 09:17 PM   #23

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Curiously such deviated beliefs are always found in Indo-pak people.

I'm quite sure that's not the case..
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Old 07-26-2011, 12:43 AM   #24

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You're right, I would say "mostly found".

Till date I've never encountered sufis abolishing prayer or prostating to graves in the arabs or the africans.

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Old 07-26-2011, 06:52 AM   #25

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Salam br UKBAZ

I am myself from a similar background yet some of the things you have mentioned go beyond the pale of what is acceptable and what is not. A lot of the maulvis and scholars I know are trying to tell people to stop superstitions and stuff like doing sajda at the grave but people believe that as long as it does not make them kaafir they will carry on doing it. I think a lot of the time peoples reasoning is that as long as they do something which does not completely take them out of the fold of Islam then they will more likely do it. Educaiton is the way forward.

What I suggest is not to get angry at your parents, but try and spend more time at a local masaajid and perhaps ask a reliable maulvi saab on what somone should be soing in a situations that you mentioned.
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Old 07-26-2011, 09:03 AM   #26

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You're right, I would say "mostly found".

Till date I've never encountered sufis abolishing prayer or prostating to graves in the arabs or the africans.

Unfortunately I have (just by hearing accounts, not personally)..
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Old 07-27-2011, 11:13 PM   #27

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Salam br UKBAZ

I am myself from a similar background yet some of the things you have mentioned go beyond the pale of what is acceptable and what is not. A lot of the maulvis and scholars I know are trying to tell people to stop superstitions and stuff like doing sajda at the grave but people believe that as long as it does not make them kaafir they will carry on doing it. I think a lot of the time peoples reasoning is that as long as they do something which does not completely take them out of the fold of Islam then they will more likely do it. Educaiton is the way forward.

What I suggest is not to get angry at your parents, but try and spend more time at a local masaajid and perhaps ask a reliable maulvi saab on what somone should be soing in a situations that you mentioned.

for the reply. The thing is my family doesnt listen to malvis even if they are barelwis. Because they seem to think that only they know this secret knowledge because they have given bayah

Even elders in our family like my Dads older brother has told his dad and my dad that this is wrong etc.

I just dont see how anyone can do anything know, just gonna have to leave it to Allah(swt).
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Old 07-27-2011, 11:21 PM   #28

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for the reply. The thing is my family doesnt listen to malvis even if they are barelwis. Because they seem to think that only they know this secret knowledge because they have given bayah

Even elders in our family like my Dads older brother has told his dad and my dad that this is wrong etc.

I just dont see how anyone can do anything know, just gonna have to leave it to Allah(swt).

Do not forget 'Dua is the weapon of the believer'. Try to be persistent in making Dua, Allah is indeed the most Merciful. all will be well.
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Old 07-28-2011, 07:44 PM   #29

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I am writing this after having a argument with my mother. My family (parents and grandfather) are influenced by the barelwi movement, but they are way worse than barelwis.

My grandfather came to the UK from pakistan. He met a pir("shaykh"). So my Grandad gave bayah to him. The thing is he was a fake sufi(or whatever you call them), he told my grandad that he doesn't have to read Salah. Anyway them my father gave bayah to my grandfather, now he doesn't have to read "salah" (not that he ever did before).

My mum is semi-practicing sometimes she reads salah, not really 5 times a day, but the thing is that her father is just like my grandfather, deviated who has the same beleifs. And she says what her father is doing is correct, because that is what here murshid told him to do.

I could go on and on but here is what i have heard from them :

-Hadrat Ali(ra) was given secret knowledge by the Prophet(sallahu alahi wasalam) which no one knows of.

-That pirs dont have to follow shariah(even tho my Dad fasts the month of ramadaan and goes jummah, my grandad went to hajj)

-That when Allah(swt) asks them about their salah, there pir will come or something like that.

-That what the sufis teach isn't recorded in books, like they tell stories of great shakyhs such as Abdal Qadir Jalani which they have no proof of, they say that you dont need proof.

-Everytime you show them a ayah or hadith they say "aaw you dont the real meaning of this, there is a secret meaning of this as well"

-that whoever doesnt do khatam(food one) isn't a sunni, who ever doesnt do urs isnt a sunni. That whoever doesnt do these are a wahabi.

-I have even heard my Grandad say that Allah is Muhammad(sallahu alahi wasalam), and i saw my Dad nodding and affirming this is true. (not sure if they believe this anymore tho)

-I have heard that, Allah(swt),Ali(ra),Muhammad(sallahu alahi wasalam) are all one.

-That if you want something you should ask for something with the "zaat" of paag taan.

-They love qawwali.

-They do sajda to graves at darbaar.

-They dont want me to gain to much knowledge because i will become a wahabi.

I have tried talking to them whenever i have the guts, but it just ends in a argument so most times i just stay quite. Because islamically am sure i cant yell at my parents.

Also if i say anything bad about there fake pir then my Dad will probably fight me and kick me out of his house.(I am student under the age of 20)

I really didnt want to make this thread, but i really need some counseling because this is really affecting my life.

Also when it comes to marriage they probably wont let me marry anyone except a barelwi who does khatams. Also my Mum wants me to live with her, which i dont want to because i want to get away from there shirk.(Like live in a different house, but still visit them to look after them).

-So in conclusion what can a person like me do ? I guess i can just make du'a and cry.

I have seen people like this before and they never change and die like this. (I am not saying that Allah(swt) cant change them)

-I always keep on thinking what is going to happen to them in the afterlife.

Sorry for making such a long thread, but i had to let this out. And please everyone do du'a for me and them.

astagifurllah. Are these actually barelwi beliefs?
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Old 07-30-2011, 02:30 AM   #30

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astagifurllah. Are these actually barelwi beliefs?
no they are not.

Just beliefs of the misguided
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Old 08-06-2011, 03:30 AM   #31

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So its ramadan, my Dad kept the first 3 fasts then his pir(his father) told him he doesnt have to keep them anymore. He even came to me and said the reason why am not keeping them is because am doing some special type of fasting(piece of bull).

So i said to him nicely : Abu the great sufis who you talk about always following shairah and followed quran and sunnah to the dot, thats why they reached such high ranks.

-He accepted that was true but then he said , "well even later on they listened to their pirs and they didnt have to do this." and i said "well theres no evidence for that and its baseless"

-He said "Well its secret knowledge its not going to be written in books"

so i just ended the convo there because there was a chance it was going to get out of control, i spoke to my Dad in a normal tone the best i could.
Question is will Allah(swt) ask me why i didnt try harder ?

Yaaaaaa Allah madad please guide them !!!
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Old 08-06-2011, 03:56 AM   #32

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May Allah make it easy for you.

Thats a very bad situation you're in. When you mention Quran and Hadith they say we cant interpret their real meaning. When you mention scholars they say our Peer knows better. This is one of the greatest dangers of Sufism.

I'll just expand on the advice I gave earlier in this thread, that you should give them da'wah like you would give a non-Muslim dawah.

Start from basics. What is Islam.

Tawheed and Prophethood.

Tawheed includes Rububiyah. Submitting to Allah in everything. Mention the ayat where Allah says Jews and Christians took their priests as lords and worshipped them. A Sahabi who used to be a Jew on hearing this asked Rasulullah that what it means because they never used to worship their priests. To which Rasulullah said that did they not make halal what Allah made haram, did they not make haraam what Allah made halaal. The Sahabi said yes. Rasulullah said that was your worship of them.

Ask them what is the difference between what the Jews and Christians did with their priest and what they are doing with there Peer. The Peer is infact going even further then rejecting the halaal by rejecting the faraidh!

Belief in Prophethood entails beliefs that no one other than the Prophet is allowed to say something without proof. Doesnt matter how much 'noor' he has on his face. Islam is only on Quran & Sunnah, not based on 'noor' on face or things they saw in dreams. If someone elses words are taken as proof like the Prophets, then that is shirk in Nubuwah. Everyones words are to be judged in light of Quran & Sunnah.
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Old 08-06-2011, 10:00 PM   #33

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another thing i have noticed is when my dad needs his "namaz" (the one his pir told him to read) he is just saying alif-lam-meem and other letters with what surahs start with. He does that for an hour , what the hell is all that about ?

I also think one time i heard my grandad(fathers pir) say that he knows what those words mean, and also there is x amount of secret meanings which Ali(ra) was told.

In history has there ever been any other misguided "sufis" such as these ?
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Old 07-23-2012, 08:54 AM   #34

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another Ramadan is here, but still my parents are misguided and stuck in their kufr.
my father again has decided this year to abandon fasting, as his pir(also his father) tells him to doesn't need to as that is for those who r zari shara
then again whats the point of such a person fasting

i humbly request you to all to please please make du'a that Allah(swt) guides them before its too late.

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Old 07-23-2012, 09:16 AM   #35

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How are you doing brother? =).
If i may be bold enough to ask, how are you coping with the five pillars, it seems sadly that people close to you are leaving them out. Are they victimising you for praying 5 times a day or for fasting?
I think a big alhumdullilah is in order that 1 year on you are still firm on the right path. Inshallah they will swing around. The advice you have already been given in this thread is still sound. Doing dua and being obedient (as long as it does not contradict sharia) to your parents are great steps. What happens next is up to Allah swt.
How do they feel when they see you praying if I may ask?
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Old 07-23-2012, 03:49 PM   #36

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another Ramadan is here, but still my parents are misguided and stuck in their kufr.
my father again has decided this year to abandon fasting, as his pir(also his father) tells him to doesn't need to as that is for those who r zari shara
then again whats the point of such a person fasting

i humbly request you to all to please please make du'a that Allah(swt) guides them before its too late.

Did you ask him why our Prophet not only fasted Ramadhan, but also fasted for nearly entire months at other times of the year? Ask him if those pirs are greater than Rasoolullah .
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Old 07-23-2012, 07:18 PM   #37

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another thing i have noticed is when my dad needs his "namaz" (the one his pir told him to read) he is just saying alif-lam-meem and other letters with what surahs start with. He does that for an hour , what the hell is all that about ?

I also think one time i heard my grandad(fathers pir) say that he knows what those words mean, and also there is x amount of secret meanings which Ali(ra) was told.

In history has there ever been any other misguided "sufis" such as these ?
sounds like some sort of taqiyyah. Are you sure this piir isnt a shia trying to spread corruption in the ranks of the sunnis? I once met a shia who never mentioned he was shia, but in a discussion over dinner he was saying to people that we shouldnt give dawah as only prophets give dawah and all sorts of other rubbish. Later on he met a barelwi privately and was showing him hadeeths about muawiyyah and fitnah between sahaba and things and I got into a huge debate and realised he's an absolute shaitaan.

May Allah make things easy for you bro and guide your parents and all the muslimeen
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Old 07-23-2012, 07:35 PM   #38

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ukbaz, is your family from kashmir?

i think its mostly down to ignorance, i have heard of some of this stuff before...i know some people from kashmir who grow their children hair for 2 years or something and then they cut it off and send it to some pir in pakistan

and yeh it does seem like shia corruption as these people are told to recite nad-e-Ali and other strange stuff

May Allah grant them hidayah..aameen
I don't even know if they actually believe any of this stuff...i think some of its to do with their pride and arrogance...they know they don't have no speciality...but they want to convince others they do for status and fame

Just do your own thing and say to them i follow the example of rasoolAllah not of some pir who thinks they are superior to rasoolAllah
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Old 07-25-2012, 05:25 AM   #39

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How are you doing brother? =).
If i may be bold enough to ask, how are you coping with the five pillars, it seems sadly that people close to you are leaving them out. Are they victimising you for praying 5 times a day or for fasting?
I think a big alhumdullilah is in order that 1 year on you are still firm on the right path. Inshallah they will swing around. The advice you have already been given in this thread is still sound. Doing dua and being obedient (as long as it does not contradict sharia) to your parents are great steps. What happens next is up to Allah swt.
How do they feel when they see you praying if I may ask?
Alhamdulilah I am doing well. They haven't really given me any problems when practising, they pointed out that my beard is getting big lol.
Sometimes they try to push things on me like , u have to come to this khatam and stuff.
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Old 07-25-2012, 05:27 AM   #40

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Did you ask him why our Prophet not only fasted Ramadhan, but also fasted for nearly entire months at other times of the year? Ask him if those pirs are greater than Rasoolullah .
When u ask them these kinds of things they give funny answers such as the prophet was showing his ummah etc, and that he gave secret knowledge to Ali (ra) which their pirs no.
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