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Old 06-05-2012, 04:14 AM   #1

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Default Ulama-Heirs of the Prophets('Alayhumus Salaam)

A layman like Me is indebted to the Ulama.Had it not been for the Ulama of this Ummah and their countless sacrifices ,an ignorant one like Me could had easily gone astray and left deprived from the wealth of Islam.I cannot really express my gratitude and love to the Ulama of this Ummah in the true sense and in the way they really deserve.May Allah give Us guidance to respect the Ulama and extract all the benefits and gems from the treasure of their knowledge.

"The Ulama are the heirs of the prophets.''

(Sunan Abu Dawud, Kitab al-Ilm, ch. 1: 'Excellence of knowledge'.)

Maulana Sa'ad(Damat Barkaatahum) says:"Ulama ki ziyarat ku ibadat samjho".[Consider visiting(for the sake of learning) ulama as worship].

There are many ahaadith and sayings of our aslaaf on the virtues and value of Ulama.I request all the members to please post authentic narrations regarding ulama on this thread, So that the worthiness and respect of Ulama-e-ikraam is embedded in Us.

(I was looking for a thread which would be dedicated to the Ulama,for the love of them.I haven't found one, so came up with this.)

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Old 06-05-2012, 03:52 PM   #2

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Virtues of the Ulama (scholars of Islam):

Love. ‘Be an Alim (scholar of Islam) or a student. And if you are unable to do so, then love the Ulama and do not bear hatred and malice against them.’ (Majma)

Difference. Once a person came to Ibn Masood radhiallahu anhu to ask how a particular verse of the Quraan should be read. When Ibn Masood radhiallahu anhu recited it, the person said that Umar radhiallahu anhu recited it in a different fashion. Ibn Masood radhiallahu anhu began to weep and said: ‘Recite it as Umar radhiallahu anhu had recited it to you.’ He then mentioned Umar radhiallahu anhu’s contribution to Islam. When differences arise, we need to respect the scholar’s contribution to Islam and his knowledge.

Ignorance. Ali radhiallahu anhu said: ‘The ignorant ones are enemies to the men of knowledge.’

Fear of disbelief. Fatawa Alamghir: ‘There is fear of disbelief against that person who harbours hatred against any Alim (scholar) without any acceptable, clear reason.’

Hypocrites. ‘There are three persons whom none but hypocrites can look upon as insignificant … the second is the men of knowledge (Alim) …’ (Targheeb)

Enmity. ‘Be an Alim or a student or a listener to the discourses of knowledge or one who loves the men of knowledge. And be not a fifth one (who bears hatred for the Ulama) for then you will meet with destruction.’ (Hadith)
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Old 06-05-2012, 04:06 PM   #3

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Asalam o alaikum,

This is true, how do you see their role? do they need political power? what/which alim to follow? we cant follow all of them (ulama=plural) as they might contradict with each other.

(Alsheikh almukhfi)
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Old 06-05-2012, 05:39 PM   #4

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Asalam o alaikum,

This is true, how do you see their role? do they need political power? what/which alim to follow? we cant follow all of them (ulama=plural) as they might contradict with each other.

(Alsheikh almukhfi)

Cannot really answer to your questions with My very little knowledge and exposure to current-affairs.

Perhaps you would like to go through these links:
It appears to me that you a scholar yourself.It would be very nice if you could contribute with useful information in this forum.
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Old 06-05-2012, 07:55 PM   #5

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"Love is a delicate issue. If our hearts incline towards people of the knowledge of Nubuwwat, people of piety etc. then this will be beneficial, however if our hearts incline towards football stars, actors and actresses, looking at non-mehrams etc then it will be extremely harmful because “we will be raised with those whom we love”.

Shaykh Muhammad Saleem Dhorat (Hafizahullah)

Once in a gathering of Shaykh Muhammad Saleem Dhorat, Shaykh Hakeem Akhtar sahib was present and he was veryill at the time and was not going to speak. Shaykh Saleem sahib adviced the gathering to take full advantage of Hakeem Akhtar sahib's presence simply by looking at his nooraani face (we as sisters lost out however our sighs must surely have been heard!). May Allah subhaanahu wata'ala reward every single one our Ulama and Mashaikh as only He can....and may He raise us amongst them, aameen
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Old 06-06-2012, 01:06 AM   #6

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"Love is a delicate issue. If our hearts incline towards people of the knowledge of Nubuwwat, people of piety etc. then this will be beneficial, however if our hearts incline towards football stars, actors and actresses, looking at non-mehrams etc then it will be extremely harmful because “we will be raised with those whom we love”.

Shaykh Muhammad Saleem Dhorat (Hafizahullah)

Once in a gathering of Shaykh Muhammad Saleem Dhorat, Shaykh Hakeem Akhtar sahib was present and he was veryill at the time and was not going to speak. Shaykh Saleem sahib adviced the gathering to take full advantage of Hakeem Akhtar sahib's presence simply by looking at his nooraani face (we as sisters lost out however our sighs must surely have been heard!). May Allah subhaanahu wata'ala reward every single one our Ulama and Mashaikh as only He can....and may He raise us amongst them, aameen
for the wonderful post.
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Old 06-06-2012, 01:33 AM   #7

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One of my friend once said Me that he had heard from Prof.Nader Ali Khan Saab(May Allah Ta'ala protect and preserve him) the following: (Though I dont remember it precisely and exactly but still I try recall it)
"Hamey har Aalim ka ikram karna chahiye.Chahe usse kuch ghaltiyan hii kiyun naa hoo.Jis tarah hum Quran ke baaz alfaaz ghalat print hone par, uss kii be ikraami nahi kartey.Issi tarah hamey har aalim ka ikram karna chahiye, agar che usse kuch ghaltiyaan kiyun naa hojaye."(Mafhum)

"We should respect all Scholars of Islam, even if they err in some of their actions.Just like if there is a mistake in printing the correct text of the Holy Quran at some of its parts, we still do not disrespect it.Likewise we should respect a scholar even if he sometimes errs in carrying out his job."(Interpretation of the meaning)
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Old 06-06-2012, 09:11 AM   #8

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When you say Ulama, it means Ulama of Ahle Tasawuf does it extend to Ulama of Fiqh or Hadith?

A very good link you have provided here. It is important that the ulama speak the truth and stand by the truth such as Imam Zaid Shaheed (as) of the Ahle Bayt Mutahireen and Imam Hanbal (ra).

(Alsheikh almukhfi)
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Old 06-07-2012, 06:47 PM   #9

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When you say Ulama, it means Ulama of Ahle Tasawuf does it extend to Ulama of Fiqh or Hadith?

A very good link you have provided here. It is important that the ulama speak the truth and stand by the truth such as Imam Zaid Shaheed (as) of the Ahle Bayt Mutahireen and Imam Hanbal (ra).

(Alsheikh almukhfi)
It does extends to fiqh and science of hadith.

I was told by one of the learned persons that an 'alim is actually the one who is an erudite scholar in the field of fiqh ,exegesis of Noble Quran and Science of Hadith.
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Old 06-07-2012, 06:50 PM   #10

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Value of the Ulama

The true scholars of Islam, the Ulama, are the guardians of the road to salvation: Islam. Disregard for Ulama is among the signs of Qiyamah:

1. The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said: ‘Such a time will come when the Ulama will be killed like dogs. If only at that time the Ulama could become insane…’

2. The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said: ‘Such a time will come when the death of the Ulama will be more sought after than red gold.’

3. ‘Such a time will dawn over men when the leadership of the Ulama will not be followed…’

4. The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam prayed: ‘O Allah let me not be alive and (O my companions) may you also not be alive at such a time when the Aalim will not be followed …’

Disregard for Ulama
1. The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said: ‘That man is not from us (Muslims) who does not respect our elders, neither shows mercy on our young ones nor appreciates the Aalim (scholar of Islam amongst us).’ (Targheeb)

2. Ibn Abbas radhiallahu anhuma says: ‘Whosoever harasses any Aalim has caused trouble and pain to the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam and the one who causes trouble and pain to the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam has caused trouble to Allah.’

3. When, among other things, Muslims harbour hatred for the Ulama, there will be famine, oppression by rulers, dishonesty by ruling officials and continuous attacks by the enemies. (Haakim)

From: Al Etidaal by Moulana Zakariyya rahimahullah

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Old 06-22-2012, 08:11 PM   #11

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A short and useful message.

Scholars - The Appropriate Status
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Old 07-22-2012, 09:37 AM   #12

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اسلام علیکم
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Old 07-22-2012, 09:51 AM   #13

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اسلام علیکم

Wa iyyakum
Are You from Hyderabad?(if you dont mind me asking)
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Old 07-22-2012, 12:01 PM   #14

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good thread. Should make this a sticky.

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Old 07-22-2012, 12:27 PM   #15

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Hazrat Maulana Saad Sb DB says "Ulema kee ziyarat ko ibadat yaqeen karo" (Looking at ulema must be considered worship for sure)
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