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Old 01-05-2012, 03:03 PM   #1

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Default Tawajjuh / Wajd - is it real?
I have a specific question and hoping the learned brother/sisters on here can answer.

There are video's floating about youtube with some sufi's and some powerful 'Tawajjuh' going on.
I'm not interested in the movement or how the people react to this and what goes on or if they are brelvi etc all i want to know is in your opinion is this Tawajjuh real? is it genuine? I know in the videos some of them are probably acting or maybe they aren't (Allah knows best) but do you feel it is possible for Tawajjuh to have this effect?
I was discussing this with a brother who isn't a sufi or doesn't practise Tasawuf and he said the sheikhs/pir's use Jinns?
I ask this because I was recently invited to a mehfil and I witnessed this with my own eyes and at first I didn't know how to react and thought maybe just maybe some of these guys are over reacting then realised that I don't think they are ... I was telling a mate and he is convinced it is the use of Jinn.

What are your thoughts?

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Old 01-05-2012, 03:38 PM   #2

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funny how none of these people go into 'wajd' when they hear the quran...funny how many of them don't even seem to be outwardly following the sunnah....but they hear someone singing about their peer and now they go into wajd hmmm
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Old 01-05-2012, 04:10 PM   #3

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I have to disagree with 'funny how many of them don't even seem to be outwardly following the sunnah'.
The mehfil I went to all the brothers had the fist length beard, all wearing tubans, all had the appropriate clothing.
In my opinion I haven't seen any other group of people who were following the sunnah like these brothers were.

Anyway, that isn't the topic of discussion here and I don't wish to speak bad about any groups/indivudals.

I am asking about Tawajjuh / Wajd and if anyone one has seen it in a mehfil or felt it themselevs and is there is any truth in what I was told about Jinns etc.
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Old 01-05-2012, 04:15 PM   #4

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Assalamu alaykum

I was witness to such incident. May be some one over-stresses the brain, he may go out of control (similar such incidents on scientist working on projects and even on people from other communities ). Some people may call it wajd or tawajjuh.
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Old 01-05-2012, 04:19 PM   #5

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I don't know about the specific event you went to but i see a lot of it on youtube videos, its the same kind of thing that occurs at darbars with music playing in the background and all these people going crazy jumping around etc we rarely see this type of thing occurring to those who are outside of the indo/pak community...maybe all the this tawajjuh is directed only towards that community lol
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Old 01-05-2012, 04:19 PM   #6

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Assalamu alaykum

I was witness to such incident. May be some one over-stresses the brain, he may go out of control (similar such incidents on scientist working on projects and even on people from other communities ). Some people may call it wajd or tawajjuh.
Do you think the pirs/sheikhs use the influence of Jinns for this thou?
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Old 01-05-2012, 04:22 PM   #7

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I don't know about the specific event you went to but i see a lot of it on youtube videos, its the same kind of thing that occurs at darbars with music playing in the background and all these people going crazy jumping around etc we rarely see this type of thing occurring to those who are outside of the indo/pak community...maybe all the this tawajjuh is directed only towards that community lol
Ive seen the videos and yes your are correct. I was invited to one of their mehfils and attended recently and it was a very nice atmosphere mashallah the unity in the brothers was something I hadn't felt in a long time and then the zikr started and then the wajd/Tawajjuh. I have been told to come for at leats 7 mehfils and I will start to feel the effects.

I attended as I am currently looking to join a Tariqa and give bayah so just going to as many of the zikr circles to see what what goes on etc.
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Old 01-05-2012, 04:24 PM   #8

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Assalamu alaykum

Anything moderate is always good.
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Old 01-05-2012, 05:21 PM   #9

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I have a specific question and hoping the learned brother/sisters on here can answer.

There are video's floating about youtube with some sufi's and some powerful 'Tawajjuh' going on.
I'm not interested in the movement or how the people react to this and what goes on or if they are brelvi etc all i want to know is in your opinion is this Tawajjuh real? is it genuine? I know in the videos some of them are probably acting or maybe they aren't (Allah knows best) but do you feel it is possible for Tawajjuh to have this effect?
I was discussing this with a brother who isn't a sufi or doesn't practise Tasawuf and he said the sheikhs/pir's use Jinns?
I ask this because I was recently invited to a mehfil and I witnessed this with my own eyes and at first I didn't know how to react and thought maybe just maybe some of these guys are over reacting then realised that I don't think they are ... I was telling a mate and he is convinced it is the use of Jinn.

What are your thoughts?

Tawajjuh and wajd are real stuff ,not hallucination or over-stressing of the brain.. You can find these in the lives of the prophet (SAW ) and the sahabah (RAD). Please check these links.



In the biographies of the sufis , you can find many incidents of Tawajjuh. One example is given below.


Hadhrat Shaikh’s karaamaat are numerous and beyond the scope of this concise treatise. Once during his travels he went to Heraat where lived a hostile Shiah chief. His hostility and hatred were so much that he would put to death any person who adopted the name Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman. Hadhrat Shaikh had to pass by this Shiah’s orchard. Hadhrat went and sat by the side of the pond. The Shiah appeared in a furious state and contemplated to severely punish Hadhrat Shaikh. But when Hadhrat glanced at him, he fell down unconscious. After a short while, Hadhrat Shaikh sprinkled some of the pond’s water on him. When the Shiah came to his senses he was a transformed man. He was now a staunch follower. Along with his associates he became bay’t to Hadhrat. Hadhrat also conferred the mantle of khilaafate to him. Hadhrat refused to accept a large sum which the chief presented as a gift, commenting:

“This wealth does not belong to you. You have no right in it.”
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Old 01-05-2012, 05:24 PM   #10

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I attended as I am currently looking to join a Tariqa and give bayah so just going to as many of the zikr circles to see what what goes on etc.
Before joining any Tariqa , you should find out the spiritual chain of the sufi shaykh to whom you want to give bayah. One such example of a spiritual chain is given below.


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Old 01-05-2012, 05:58 PM   #11

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Tawajjuh and wajd are real stuff ,not hallucination or over-stressing of the brain.. You can find these in the lives of the prophet (SAW ) and the sahabah (RAD). Please check these links.



In the biographies of the sufis , you can find many incidents of Tawajjuh. One example is given below.


Hadhrat Shaikh’s karaamaat are numerous and beyond the scope of this concise treatise. Once during his travels he went to Heraat where lived a hostile Shiah chief. His hostility and hatred were so much that he would put to death any person who adopted the name Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman. Hadhrat Shaikh had to pass by this Shiah’s orchard. Hadhrat went and sat by the side of the pond. The Shiah appeared in a furious state and contemplated to severely punish Hadhrat Shaikh. But when Hadhrat glanced at him, he fell down unconscious. After a short while, Hadhrat Shaikh sprinkled some of the pond’s water on him. When the Shiah came to his senses he was a transformed man. He was now a staunch follower. Along with his associates he became bay’t to Hadhrat. Hadhrat also conferred the mantle of khilaafate to him. Hadhrat refused to accept a large sum which the chief presented as a gift, commenting:

“This wealth does not belong to you. You have no right in it.”
JazakAllah Khair for this dearest brother, I will take the time and go through all these links.
I take it the 'jinn' talk when people experience Wajd and when Tawajjuh takes place is just nonsense?
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Old 01-05-2012, 06:00 PM   #12

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Before joining any Tariqa , you should find out the spiritual chain of the sufi shaykh to whom you want to give bayah. One such example of a spiritual chain is given below.


Yes brother I am aware of the chain that has been explained to me I just don't know what to base the decision on .. I am feeling a bit confused.
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Old 01-05-2012, 06:05 PM   #13

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were these people saifi's by any chance?
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Old 01-05-2012, 07:47 PM   #14

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Yes they were Naqshbandi Mujadadi Saifi.
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Old 01-05-2012, 07:54 PM   #15

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Yes they were Naqshbandi Mujadadi Saifi.
you may be interested in this thread http://www.sunniforum.com/forum/arch...p/t-70159.html
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Old 01-05-2012, 08:13 PM   #16

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you may be interested in this thread http://www.sunniforum.com/forum/arch...p/t-70159.html
JazakAllah Khair
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Old 01-05-2012, 10:01 PM   #17

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Tawajjo is real,same is wajd,but they are not worth the importance and attention they get.!
Tawajjo is actually the use of the 'power of imagination' by Shaikh.All humans have got this quality built in.It can be activated by mujahida,zikr and meditation.when the shaikh has got such a quality,it is used for instilling some specific kefiyaat in mureed,which is actually helpful in short term,but such effects are transient,lasting only for a brief period of time (unless backed up by mureed with increased mujahida).If I got you right you are more interested in the mechanism of tawajjo,so yes,it is real,it is the power of human mind,it is helpful in short term.Again one thing should be clear.Not all people are affected by tawajjo the same way.If a strong mind can affect a Weak mind,a similarly strong mind can resist it too. If Tawajjo is used for instilling the love of Allah swt in mind,well and good,if not it is totally wrong.All depends on the intention.
Wajd is a totally different subject.With continous zikr and Fikr,leaving sins and ittebae sharia,the Rooh becomes naturally more attracted towards it's actual place of abode which is Akhera.When such a clean Rooh hear the name of Allah swt and the prophet through senses,it is overwhelmed with such feelings of love which manifests as wajd on the physical body.....but that is for real Sufi,s.Unfortunately most people just fake it,which has no value.
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Old 01-05-2012, 10:13 PM   #18

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Assalamu alaykum

I think this discussion should be stopped. If the shaykh gave tawajjah, the mureed got it. the mureed got excited he went of control and if it for Allah swt both are benefited. The onlookers won't get any thing. If it is fake no use in discussing this.
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Old 01-05-2012, 10:14 PM   #19

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jazakallah ......... very nice.
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Old 01-05-2012, 11:27 PM   #20

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Tawajjo is real,same is wajd,but they are not worth the importance and attention they get.!
Tawajjo is actually the use of the 'power of imagination' by Shaikh.All humans have got this quality built in.It can be activated by mujahida,zikr and meditation.when the shaikh has got such a quality,it is used for instilling some specific kefiyaat in mureed,which is actually helpful in short term,but such effects are transient,lasting only for a brief period of time (unless backed up by mureed with increased mujahida).If I got you right you are more interested in the mechanism of tawajjo,so yes,it is real,it is the power of human mind,it is helpful in short term.Again one thing should be clear.Not all people are affected by tawajjo the same way.If a strong mind can affect a Weak mind,a similarly strong mind can resist it too. If Tawajjo is used for instilling the love of Allah swt in mind,well and good,if not it is totally wrong.All depends on the intention.
Wajd is a totally different subject.With continous zikr and Fikr,leaving sins and ittebae sharia,the Rooh becomes naturally more attracted towards it's actual place of abode which is Akhera.When such a clean Rooh hear the name of Allah swt and the prophet through senses,it is overwhelmed with such feelings of love which manifests as wajd on the physical body.....but that is for real Sufi,s.Unfortunately most people just fake it,which has no value.
JK for the reply. That has made a lot more sense.
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