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Old 07-07-2012, 09:43 PM   #1

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Default Where is Higgs Located in Scheme of Things?
There has been global excitement about Higgs particle.

Let us see if we can put it in perspective so that even those people who have studied science upto high school only can understand its location. For the rest our apologies.
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Old 07-07-2012, 09:52 PM   #2

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The way Allah (SWT) has put amazing and wonderful things in the macro world He (SWT) has done the same in the micro world too.

This makes any scientific journey very interesting in spite of the fact that scientists look very much cut-off from the mundane notions of joy.

Biologists will testify to the beauty and complexity and intricacy of the cellular world - the world that is not visible unless you get at least an optical microscope.

But there is even smaller world, world of chemistry that holds its own fascinating ambiance. The world knows this discipline for its industrial applications but for a scientist it is a different adventure and world of its own.

Chemists are concerned with atoms and molecules. Their world is much smaller than the world that fascinates biologists.

World of physicists most of the time is even smaller. And Allah (SWT) has put lots of intricate, sophisticated, fascinating and intensely curious things there also.

"And look at thy Lord's creation? Do you see any imperfection? Look again and thy vision returns to thee, dazzled, a weary."

A biologist looks at his world - his gaze returns to him dazzled, a weary.

A chemist looks at his world - his gaze returns to him dazzled, a weary.

A physicist looks at his world - his gaze returns to him dazzled, a weary.
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Old 07-07-2012, 10:03 PM   #3

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Physicists look at the things around us and they too have divisions amongst them.

There are solid state physics people who deliver you the wonderful materials - most common example of which are the semi-conductors, your source of electronics. World of solid state and electronics is as diverse as chemistry. Except for one thing - we are using still smaller things as compared to what we were doing in chemistry.

And we have still smaller things - atoms themselves. Spectroscopy people deal with them and come out with the wonders like lasers. This is a fascinating world in itself.

And then we have still more curious people - the people of nuclear physics. They focus their attention on even smaller things - the nucleus of atom. If you really want numbers than a nucleus is about ten thousand times smaller as compared to the atom. If you want to make a comparison then remember to see the cells in biology a magnification of hundred times is sufficient.

And here your high school science should be getting stretched to its limits but you must still be firmly in the driving seat. Lord willing the rest of the journey should be as smooth. But do not forget the wonderful things arranged by Allah (SWT) at the level of atomic nucleus. We mean the nuclear energy, atom bomb as well as nuclear medicine. Please try to take off your attention from destruction caused by atom and hydrogen bombs. For the time being just admire the amount of energy kept by Allah (SWT) in the smallest place.

And thy gaze returns to you, dazzled, a weary.

Truly wonderful is Allah (SWT)'s creation.
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Old 07-07-2012, 10:07 PM   #4

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So let us ask whether there are people who want to see, observe and study even smaller things than the atomic nucleus.
Answer is of course yes and these people are called particle physicists.

But we forgot to tell you one thing. We were trying to look at smaller and smaller things.
This requires higher and higher energies. We can make it more precise but that will be a technicality.
For the time being just think that electrical appliances are cheaper than electronic appliances (just compare the price per gram).

So out of all branches of physics that we have covered so far which one will require highest energy?
Particle physics of course. Hence this branch of physics is also called high energy physics. Bingo! You know a technical term.
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Old 07-07-2012, 10:15 PM   #5

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High energy physics or particle physics is about the smallest constituents of the matter that we see around.
This much should have been clear by now. And you also must have heard about the electron, the proton and the neutron.
Electrons move around the nucleus and the protons and the neutrons constitute the nucleus.
This too is from high school.

Electrons are fundamental in the sense that these are not made of smaller things.
Protons and neutrons are not fundamental.
These are made of smaller things. These are called quarks.

And if you have heard of a gentleman called Einstein then kindly note it down that he did not get his Nobel Prize of relativity but some thing called photo-electric effect. This effect basically proves that light also consists of some particles called photons.

In all probability you have heard of that also. So why do you feel that you do not know particle physics. We are nearly there.

But do not forget to spend a few moments admiring the intricacies placed by Allah (SWT) at such small levels of matter.

Matter this most insignificant thing in the scheme of things near Allah (SWT)!

And your gaze returns to thee, dazzled, a weary!
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Old 07-07-2012, 10:20 PM   #6

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lol, Maripat bhai, you should have been an author. Looking forward to the next chapter eagerly!
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Old 07-07-2012, 10:21 PM   #7

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If you are still around then we may ask whether you have heard of gravitation.
Of course you have heard. That is weakest of four fundamental interactions.

Here you might have two objections. How can gravitation be weak. A journalist asked a physicist whether he has fallen from second floor. If not then will you still say that gravitation is the weakest? Well that is the technical conclusion.

Your another objection might be about new term - four fundamental interactions.

Well you should not complain for you already know two of them. One is gravitation and another is electromagnetic interaction. You know that also. Electricity, magnetism, light - all three of them are covered by this topic.

So two remain. These two are called weak and strong interactions.
These are easy names to remember.
These interactions are taking place inside the nucleus or smaller distances.

See we are still using high school.
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Old 07-07-2012, 10:28 PM   #8

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Higgs occurs in the theory of weak interactions.

Sorry if you are left out already but the discussion so far was really hovering around high school level.
Among other Sheldon Glashow, Steven Weinberg and Abdus Salam realized that to give a theory of weak interactions, the way Newton gave the theory of gravitation, you need another extra particle. This is called Higgs particle. You use it and you have a theory not only for weak interactions but the same theory incorporates your earlier electromagnetic theory.

Of course you shall complain where Higgs fits into the picture.

Actually not only Higgs but many other people fit into the situation very snugly but that is a different and equally fascinating journey.

And your gaze returns to you, dazzled, a weary.
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Old 07-07-2012, 10:29 PM   #9

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We can cover more ground but this time it will not be possible to connect with the high school things. Of course the journey is fascinating still.
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Old 07-07-2012, 10:31 PM   #10

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lol, Maripat bhai, you should have been an author. Looking forward to the next chapter eagerly!
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Old 07-07-2012, 11:59 PM   #11

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I think physicists will find that the 12-dimensional superstring theory, out of the E7 Lie Group, will comfortably predict observations made and to come.

If you merely postulate three forming three threes, you get your 12 dimensions. The first three dimensions are truth, morality and thought. From these three dimensions come 2 3-D spacial dimensions, or 6 more dimensions, plus a trinity of time oriented dimensions, one for each space forming 2 spacetimes, and one dimension of causality. This way creation is truthful, good, and based on thought. It results in 2 spacetimes and causality of morality, establishing Karmic Law as a foundation of creation.
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Old 07-08-2012, 12:38 AM   #12

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Your posts on this topic has a difference of 5-10 mins of time and with the enthralling way of your narration you are doing a fabulous job.
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Old 07-08-2012, 12:41 AM   #13

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This a fascinating journey....wanna go more deep into the minuscular world.
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Old 07-08-2012, 12:50 AM   #14

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one of those rare threads Where your posts are easy to comprehend. Keep up the good work!
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Old 07-08-2012, 10:51 AM   #15

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one of those rare threads Where your posts are easy to comprehend. Keep up the good work!
Et tu Taiyyab? I mean you too Taiyyab?
But any way do not worry. I am at least trying.

Sister when high you are not welcome on my threads.
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Old 07-08-2012, 11:08 AM   #16

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very neatly and poetically worded.
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Old 07-08-2012, 11:43 AM   #17

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We can cover more ground but this time it will not be possible to connect with the high school things. Of course the journey is fascinating still.
There is Higgs some where in the discussion that I was planning - the discussion that is hinted in above post. The problem is that those things are important in their own right and Higgs is merely one of the inhabitants of very fascinating things there. So the question is whether to continue the discussion in this thread or open a new thread.

In last few hundred years Europe has steered science farther and farther away from religion. Reality is reality and hence it can not be so detached from creators that we can not even recognize our Lord Most High in His signs. So science is ever so close to Gnosis (Ma'arifat - you see I know the correct spelling also). The topic I want to discuss are rather revealing, that is, much more amenable to be discussed as Signs of Allah (SWT) then we usually see in modern physical sciences.
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Old 07-08-2012, 12:04 PM   #18

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There has been global excitement about Higgs particle.

Let us see if we can put it in perspective so that even those people who have studied science upto high school only can understand its location. For the rest our apologies.

Comments at bottom are interestin...
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Old 07-08-2012, 12:07 PM   #19

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Comments at bottom are interestin...

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Old 07-08-2012, 12:42 PM   #20

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Does the radioactive particles like Alpha,beta and gamma also constitute the nuclear physics?
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