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dabibibff 06-28-2012 12:55 PM

My Thanks to Sunni Forum
Sister Pouring Rain, may Allah (SWT) remove all the hurdles in the path of her guidance, was puzzled by the urgency towards real life implementation of what we learn here at SF. I have mostly answered the question there but one point has to be stated separately - though this point too is a repetition. Yours truly has been at SF, in active posting mode, for about a year and a half. The intention is to decommission heavy participation by the end of coming Decemeber, 2012 - just after about two years.

This has been an incredibly learning experience and a lot of thanks are due to all of your. Each and every one of you. The new comer youngster deserves my thanks because life will be very dull without you. Regular brothers and sisters deserve thanks because SF is what it is because of you. In depth people too take a large share of thanks for you provide strength to Ummah by your presence and it gives a lot of Taqwiat ( solace) to people like yours truly. People who understand various and diverse locations of Ummah spread far and wide are thanked for sharing their perspective. Scholars, especially the young ones, deserve thanks for their consummate dedication - it has been most humbling to read posts where you do not find a single unnecessary statement. And though laughing is not a Muslim activity but smiling is his way of life and thus I thank all those who have kept the forum cheerful by their devastating sense of humour. My thanks are due to all female members also for they are the grace of Ummah and they are its modesty and I can not thank Allah (AWJ) enough for the blessing that they have maintained that demeanour which is next to impossible in modern world in which they have been the most sought after target of Taghoot in its effort to destroy Al-Islam. May Allah (SWT) strengthen you against all Batil forces.

And All Praise is due to Allah (SWT) for each and every blessing and SF is one of His grand blessings and yours truly values it a lot. May Allah (SWT) protect it from evil eyes.

And then some apologies too are due. My apologies to each and everyone of you whom I have hurt knowingly or unknowingly. I seek your forgiveness if I have hated the sinner rather than the sin or, worse, if I have hated the non-sinner. Apologies are particularly due to those brothers and sisters who lie on the either side of the border of the Manhaj under which your truly has sought protection of Allah (SWT). Yours truly, being human, might get perturbed for a while at some difference in the Minhaj but by the infinite Grace of Allah (SWT) at the time of writing these words only the sentiment of love is the one that is coming to the fore. May Allah (SWT) unite whole of Ummah on the Path that is acceptable to Him.

And thanks once again to you all.


igs00r 06-28-2012 02:00 PM

Respected Bro Maripat,
This, I guess, is one of your most emotional posts in SF.
I don't know if you are going to cut down your visits to SF or completely disappear by coming December.But Whatever might be your intention, I would like to request you to reconsider it.Your contribution to Sunniforum(I don't know about others but for me) has been immensely useful,spiritually enlightening and academically purposeful.Like I mentioned before in 'Bros Sec' in 'SF' I have an affair with your posts on 'SF'.Some of which really awed me and I have also shared Your meaningful posts with my friends via mail.And without your intimation by the Grace of Allah I would not had been able to meet your Shaykh-A wonderful and charming personality.
Not to forget Allah has blessed you with great skills and vocabulary(which you brought it in use in SF quite elegantly and Reading it improves the elocution skills and learn more words(the vocabulary))
I thank you personally for devoting your time to 'SF' which in no way was unhelpful.May Allah http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...lies/taala.gif give you jazaa-khair and bless you with more of his blessings and platforms where you can practically exhibit your skills more extensively.

Sopzoozyren 06-28-2012 02:14 PM


Respected Bro Maripat,
This, I guess, is one of your most emotional posts in SF.
I don't know if you are going to cut down your visits to SF or completely disappear by coming December.But Whatever might be your intention, I would like to request you to reconsider it.Your contribution to Sunniforum(I don't know about others but for me) has been immensely useful,spiritually enlightening and academically purposeful.Like I mentioned before in 'Bros Sec' in 'SF' I have an affair with your posts on 'SF'.Some of which really awed me and I have also shared Your meaningful posts with my friends via mail.And without your intimation by the Grace of Allah I would not had been able to meet your Shaykh-A wonderful and charming personality.
Not to mention Allah has blessed you with great skills and vocabulary(which you brought it in use in SF quite elegantly and Reading it improves the elocution skills and learn more words(the vocabulary))
I thank you personally for devoting your time to 'SF' which in no way was unhelpful.May Allah http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...lies/taala.gif give you jazaa-khair and bless you with more of his blessings and platforms where you can practically exhibit your skills more extensively.
http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...lies/jazak.gif for very kind words akhi. Coming from a Syed it is like a supplication for me.

And no, it was not emotional in spite of the fact that emotions are more valuable blessings as compared to ideas.
I am saying this because I do dabble a lot in ideas.

No I have not decided to disappear from SF but time devoted here will be greatly curtailed.

And I value your sentiments also. I am happy that I have managed to transfer some of the blessings that I had received from a very diverse class of mentors.

Indeed there are some pressing needs from non-internet, the real, life and I can not ignore them any longer so I got to create some time for that. And just yesterday I received a request for some involvement in some educational activity that I can not refuse. Being a lazy person I do my best to avoid assignments but Allah (SWT) has His own ways.

http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...lies/jazak.gif for the prayers and do not worry for by the Grace of Allah (SWT) SF remains a wonderful place. And I do supplicate for its protection and for the continuation of its blessings.

Nekas48 06-28-2012 02:47 PM

just try to maintain a balance brother

and may allah put barkah and acceptance in your time and efforts

LeaderBiz 06-28-2012 02:52 PM


just try to maintain a balance brother

and may allah put barkah and acceptance in your time and efforts
http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...lies/jazak.gif akhi.

pfcwlkxav 06-28-2012 04:24 PM


Respected Bro Maripat,
This, I guess, is one of your most emotional posts in SF.
I don't know if you are going to cut down your visits to SF or completely disappear by coming December.But Whatever might be your intention, I would like to request you to reconsider it.Your contribution to Sunniforum(I don't know about others but for me) has been immensely useful,spiritually enlightening and academically purposeful.Like I mentioned before in 'Bros Sec' in 'SF' I have an affair with your posts on 'SF'.Some of which really awed me and I have also shared Your meaningful posts with my friends via mail.And without your intimation by the Grace of Allah I would not had been able to meet your Shaykh-A wonderful and charming personality.
Not to forget Allah has blessed you with great skills and vocabulary(which you brought it in use in SF quite elegantly and Reading it improves the elocution skills and learn more words(the vocabulary))
I thank you personally for devoting your time to 'SF' which in no way was unhelpful.May Allah http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...lies/taala.gif give you jazaa-khair and bless you with more of his blessings and platforms where you can practically exhibit your skills more extensively.

and our thanks to you bro maripat http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...lies/jazak.gif

This one goes out to bro salman_hanafihttp://www.discussworldissues.com/fo.../icon_wink.gif

n2Oddw8P 06-28-2012 04:38 PM

Let Allah SWT help you in all your affairs and grant you success in both the worlds. You being an elder, I humbly request you to forgive me for my ignorance and for any hurtful comments that came out wittingly or unwittingly. Kindly do remember me in your duas.

gluckmeea 06-28-2012 06:11 PM

I wasn't puzzled. http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...s/icon_cry.gif

VIAGRA- 06-28-2012 06:37 PM


Let Allah SWT help you in all your affairs and grant you success in both the worlds. You being an elder, I humbly request you to forgive me for my ignorance and for any hurtful comments that came out wittingly or unwittingly. Kindly do remember me in your duas.
Ameen to the supplications.

And this reminds me of a point that was foremost in my mind when I was formulating the OP but slipped away at the time of typing.

From my side I forgive anybody and everybody and then I seek your forgiveness.
Corrected sample:
Sister Pouring Rain, may Allah (SWT) remove all the hurdles in the path of her guidance, was not puzzled by the urgency towards real life implementation of what we learn here at SF.

Rinkeliacasse 06-28-2012 07:13 PM

Will brother Maripat have a look


Liabmeasez 06-28-2012 08:13 PM


From my side I forgive anybody and everybody and then I seek your forgiveness.

Corrected sample:
The corrected sample works!

Maripat, since forgiveness is abounding, I want to ask your forgiveness for my porcupine prickles quite a time ago. You had said some things that made me feel you were being ugly to me and were hurtful, and after a great deal of deliberation I responded with a porcupine prickly comment. I am certain it did not escape your notice, as you then stopped providing me comments and the avoidance was mutual. But after that, I felt extremely bad, because I came to believe that the intention behind your comments was not malicious, even though your comments were hurtful. Since I have returned from my absence, I have wanted to apologize for my porcupine prickles, and I thank you for providing me an opportunity here to do so.

If I have unintentionally poked anyone else with my porcupine prickles, then I apologize sincerely. I think everyone here is just wonderful, and I feel blessed to be on this forum and grateful that I am permitted to be here.

monologue 06-28-2012 09:59 PM


The corrected sample works!

Maripat, since forgiveness is abounding, I want to ask your forgiveness for my porcupine prickles quite a time ago. You had said some things that made me feel you were being ugly to me and were hurtful, and after a great deal of deliberation I responded with a porcupine prickly comment. I am certain it did not escape your notice, as you then stopped providing me comments and the avoidance was mutual. But after that, I felt extremely bad, because I came to believe that the intention behind your comments was not malicious, even though your comments were hurtful. Since I have returned from my absence, I have wanted to apologize for my porcupine prickles, and I thank you for providing me an opportunity here to do so.

If I have unintentionally poked anyone else with my porcupine prickles, then I apologize sincerely. I think everyone here is just wonderful, and I feel blessed to be on this forum and grateful that I am permitted to be here.
Sister I understand how you feel.

Please try to understand that some times the people who observe us know few things that are not apparent to us. I shall give you an example. Suppose I am standing on top of a four story building watching a person in the lanes. It is perfectly possible that I might see that he is heading for a cul de sac.

Same is true for our spiritual journey. Some times our observers know a thing or two more than us.

That is what me and few others have observed. Just a few days ago one brother had asked you whether you are sure that you are not a Muslim. So we understand that much about your spiritual constitution. It is neither nosing on our part nor it is miracle on our part. We may call it a dry fact though a spiritual reality would be more appropriate.

But the interpretation that my Mufti friend gave supersedes above consideration also - that you shall decide about your faith after comparative study of the Bible and the Qur'an.

And when I listed those posts of yours where you had no questions my intention was to point out to you that your doubts have just melted away. In particular there was no intention at all to hurt you. Before that you had done nothing to hurt me and I do not initiate hurtful procedures on my own. Indeed my statements might have hurt you but I would not know the reason behind that because on my part I had not taken any step to hurt you. From the spiritual point of view you are at a very critical juncture - this is the most important decision for a soul and hence you are in a slightly vulnerable position. And that is why I completely backed out. It was not a boycott. I had done my bit and there was little for me to do - particularly when brother OneWillTry being around. His gift of having the correct angle in matters spiritual is enviable, if I might use the common phrase.

Guidance is from Allah (SWT) and we humans have no handle on that. And there is no compulsion in religion. My personal attitude, because of enormous emphasis on part of my grad Shaikh, is that we are only responsible for communication and not for forcing it on others. There are some Callers (Invitors, Dayees) who have the philosophy that if a person says no then you should give a gap and approach again. One senior Dayee who was a sort of mentor for me has that attitude and even after several encounters with me he would not budge from his position. My impression is that he is wrong. If a person has understood the message of Islam and denied it in his bright senses then our responsibility as Invitors is over.

Having said that one more point needs squaring. I push my invitation very marginally over the hill. This is because of the theory my gym adviser game me. I suppose it is rather mundane dictum there. He said that always use weights slightly and marginally beyond your comfortable capacity - only then the muscles get activated. Slightly more weight had you will have damaged tendons and if the weight is within comfortable limits then it is no more than normal stretching.

I suppose this squares up all the aspects of the past events. Like Scorpion you too are in my supplications.

And acceptance is from Allah (SWT) who has promised to accept supplications.

Junrlaeh 07-01-2012 12:18 AM


CialisBestPrice 07-01-2012 04:05 AM

http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...lies/salam.gif, this is a great piece of work

paralelogram 07-01-2012 04:16 AM


http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...lies/salam.gif, this is a great piece of work
you know what im gonna say to the pic...: p

Cheeniandab 07-01-2012 04:17 AM

http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...ilies/mash.gif Good job.

pseusawbappem 07-01-2012 04:27 AM


you know what im gonna say to the pic...: p
no, what?

L8fGLM4d 07-01-2012 04:39 AM


no, what?
"awww you guys!

: D"

8IhGpvH0 07-01-2012 05:05 AM

What a touching thread.
Maripat, you're not permanently leaving right? As long as your not permanently leaving, I'll be fine. http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...nnah_smile.gif

Eh085zE7 07-01-2012 05:06 AM

http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...ilies/subh.gif This is beautiful!
How'd you make this?

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