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Old 07-04-2012, 09:57 PM   #1

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Default Performing wudhu with the blood of the Ulamah.


This is not a tirade against the Ulamah who have legitimatized scanning and forwarding ebooks for FREE.
Just a humble appeal to everyone including Ulamah to rethink their methods for the propagation of Truth.
At times like these when we Muslims should be thinking of ways and means to strengthen the hands of each other and esp. Ulamah's for the propagation of Truth, we in our own way are killing the efforts.

Tier 1 Ulamah's write books.
Tier 2 Ulamah's sell it.
Tier 3 Ulamah's manage book stores and the stuff.
Meaning, there is a whole industry built around books - writing, publishing, selling like all industries.

Haven't we heard of the Trickle down effect?

We spend millions dunyavi educating ourselves, right from kindergarten until our bachelors and masters, but for most of us spending wealth for the sake of Deen means just learning the basics of the Glorious Quran from the local Hafiz saheb or the maktab where we spend or send our kids to learn for half an hour each day or an hour on weekends and when the dunyavi studies start demanding a lot of our time, the first thing to go out of the window is even that half an hour at the maktab or with the local Hafiz saheb.

Thats the importance [azmath] we have for Islam.

Thats our shameless commitment to learning Deen.

If we truly had any importance of Islam in our hearts, we'd weigh our Ulamah in gold, at-least we'd do everything we are capable of help the cause.

To borrow a phrase from an other thread:

Ulamah's live in the same world as we do.

A dollar gives the same value to a billionaire as it does to an Ulamah.
It costs the same for them to fill up their car* at the gas station.
*That is if they have cars in the first place, you would be hard pressed to find any Ulamah in South Asia who is driving a car.
Their kids need to have the same amount of nutrition as any other.
They too need the same hygiene levels as any other Human being.

So, I ask what sort of a mind would in these times would prefer to download and read FREE ebooks if those books are still in print and available on the shelf to buy for everyone who is interested to read.

Ask any top Ulamah, from Deoband to Al-Azhar, you'll never have importance of something you get for FREE. I don't know about Al-Azhar really, but I do know about Deoband.

There are people who have made it their profession to scan and upload Islamic books for FREE (you know who I'm talking about). By all means thats a noble thing to do, but why upload books which are still in print? Why not spare effort to:

a) To scan / upload books which are no more in publication.
b) To translate books (mainly Urdu) into English - its the need of the hour.

Alhamdulillah, thanks to Allah SWT, we have enough avenues today through which we can buy books from any part of the world.

South Asians and people of South Asian origin have got around customs to import pickles to the west, but when it comes to Islamic books they'd rather download, oh, sorry, they run out of space in their suitcases while packing.

Not saying, we should only buy hardcovers, because there are people who'd rather buy ebooks if given a choice because of the obvious reasons. Thats also Fi Sabilillah, you also spend money over there too to procure books.

Amazon already does it: sell ebooks of hardcovers, you know that. Old story.

Why not let the Ulamah get their due for the efforts they have put in to write books, why not pay them using payment modes like Paypal or NetBanking, don't tell you don't have access to that.

Almost all madaaris have a bank account number, why not pay them for books which you have got for free if the Ulamah's (who have wrote books which you are reading now and which have come into your possession for free - read ebooks you downloaded without paying a dime) are no longer alive, or you don't know their kith and kin?

1. We blame Ulamah's for not speaking the Huqq,
2. We blame Ulamah's for dancing to the tunes of the masjid / mosque committees,
3. We blame Ulamah's for not doing enough for the up-liftment of the Ummah,
4. We'll murmur gheebah amongst ourselves when we see the Ulamah's driving cars or eating out - hey! Where'd he get the EXTRA money from?!!
5. They should make no mistake during the prayers, or else we'll make them pay for it. The next thing you see, they are on their way out.

WE have a part to play in all of the above. Don't sit there looking like you didn't have a part to play in all of this when this happened at your masjid.

I have seen Huffaz working in shoe stores!

Shame on us people who don't hear their cries, don't listen to the wails of their hungry children, shame on us when we point out their error when we see them attending any bidah gatherings to make some money.

Shame on us people who download ebooks without paying for them.

Thanks to Allah SWT for Deoband, for Maulana Qasim Nanotwi (rh) who said when people give their hard earned money for a cause, whatever little, they'll come closer to it, they'll feel its importance (ahmiyatt / azmath) in their hearts. (Refer to the bayan of Maulana Abul Qasim Nomani Saheb db that brother Ahmed uploaded recently).

Thanks to Allah SWT for Markaz Nizamuddin which strongly encourages spending your life, wealth and time to learn Deen and strongly discourages funding other's khurooj. Its your life, time and wealth for YOU.

Never will anyone ever get near the essence of Islam by reading up on free materials even though having the means to procure it. Yes, he may get access to a lot of knowledge. Never the wisdom.

This thread is not for discussing demand and supply ratio of Ulamah's (Astaghfirullah) (We've had that before - I think it was started by an other member).

Rather its only for discouraging free downloads of ebooks.
With growing penetration of the Internet even in developing countries - this fitnah is only going to get bigger.

The next time you sit besides an Aalim or an Haafiz, try to smell his breadth, 'coz if it seems strange, it very probably might not be coming because he is fasting,

but more so because he may not have had anything to eat since morning.

Leave home.

(to be continued)
May Allah SWT guide us all. Summa aameen.

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Old 07-04-2012, 10:28 PM   #2

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what was the traditional methods employed by ulama in the past to earn their livelihood? did they work for it? got paid for their service to the community? received donations?

where there was community support - was it the same for every person who had knowledge of islam or was there some way of determining who was supported by the community and who was not?

where there was community support - was this support given to every alim or was it limited to those who were employed as an alim and who provided a service to the community? did they have to have some level of knowledge or did they just need the title of alim to be eligible for financial support?

should financial support, either through a wage or donations, be limited to ulama? should other people who serve the deen also receive financial support?...
some examples...
-People who spend their own time and money to invite non muslims to the deen, especially those who leave their homes for a considerable amount of time, and those who travel to other countries.
-People who spend their own time and money to invite muslims to the deen, especially those who leave their homes for a considerable amount of time, and those who travel to other countries.
-People who leave their families and homes to travel to the lands of jihad to protect the muslim people and defend the muslim lands.
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Old 07-04-2012, 10:34 PM   #3

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what was the traditional methods employed by ulama in the past to earn their livelihood? did they work for it? got paid for their service to the community? received donations?

where there was community support - was it the same for every person who had knowledge of islam or was there some way of determining who was supported by the community and who was not?

where there was community support - was this support given to every alim or was it limited to those who were employed as an alim and who provided a service to the community? did they have to have some level of knowledge or did they just need the title of alim to be eligible for financial support?
Haven't the Ulamah spent their time and effort for writing those books, shouldn't they be paid for their effort / services? Yes or No?

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Old 07-04-2012, 10:37 PM   #4

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I agree with OP that we should try and buy Islamic books by authors who are still around and depend on the revenue from the sale of books. However, what do you say about books written by the past authors?

In US the books published by IPH or Darrussalam is nicely priced, it will be hard to find a book under $20. For an average family its not easy to invest into a lot of books, therefore those interested resort to free ebooks.

However, there are not many reader of these free ebooks as well, just look at the number of time any popular ebook has been downloaded, you will be surprised. Our Ummah is very busy ATM, it does not have time to read either science/math or deeni books.
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Old 07-04-2012, 10:39 PM   #5

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Haven't the Ulamah spent their time and effort for writing those books, shouldn't they be paid for their effort / services? Yes or No?

im not sure. thats why i am asking these questions.

check my post again. just edited it.

should the mujahideen who sacrifice their homes, jobs, wealth, family be paid for their service to the deen? - seeing as how they are carrying out an obligation that falls on all the muslims?
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Old 07-04-2012, 10:40 PM   #6

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what do you say about books written by the past authors?
good question.
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Old 07-04-2012, 10:44 PM   #7

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I agree with OP that we should try and buy Islamic books by authors who are still around and depend on the revenue from the sale of books. However, what do you say about books written by the past authors?

In US the books published by IPH or Darrussalam is nicely priced, it will be hard to find a book under $20. For an average family its not easy to invest into a lot of books, therefore those interested resort to free ebooks.

However, there are not many reader of these free ebooks as well, just look at the number of time any popular ebook has been downloaded, you will be surprised. Our Ummah is very busy ATM, it does not have time to read either science/math or deeni books.
Thats what I have addressed here bro:

Almost all madaaris have a bank account number, why not pay them for books which you have got for free if the Ulamah's (who have wrote books which you are reading now and which have come into your possession for free - read ebooks you downloaded without paying a dime) are no longer alive, or you don't know their kith and kin?
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Old 07-04-2012, 10:48 PM   #8

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By past authors - you mean books written 100's of years ago?
Because Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi rh's madrasah Alhamdulillah is still present in Thanabhavan.
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Old 07-04-2012, 10:50 PM   #9

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By past authors - you mean books written 100's of years ago?
Because Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi rh's madrasah Alhamdulillah is still present in Thanabhavan.
i think they would much rather receive isale sawaab after they pass away and are in the grave. i know i would.
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Old 07-04-2012, 10:50 PM   #10

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im not sure. thats why i am asking these questions.

check my post again. just edited it.

should the mujahideen who sacrifice their homes, jobs, wealth, family be paid for their service to the deen? - seeing as how they are carrying out an obligation that falls on all the muslims?
I humbly request you this thread is only for free books, you have valid questions, please wait until we come to a consensus on this (validity of free ebooks).
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Old 07-04-2012, 10:52 PM   #11

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I would say that whoever wants to read any deeni books they should just go ahead and download the free ebooks and read them without any guilt. We need to educate the Ummah, the Ulemas can get the reward from Allah (swt) for all their sacrifices.

Br xs11ax raises some very valid points.
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Old 07-04-2012, 10:53 PM   #12

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lets just say we should all try to support each other

in all fields

be it verbally

btw,shaikh hakeem akhtars website has many free books to download
as does the majlis

of course one can donate also
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Old 07-04-2012, 10:56 PM   #13

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i think they would much rather receive isale sawaab after they pass away and are in the grave. i know i would.

A buzurg was telling us the other day [non-Ulamah]:

Do anyone one of us who speak of great Ulamah's of the past who are now no more with us ever think of the kith and kin of those Ulamah's ?
Has anyone thought of the families of Maulana Yunus Patel [RSA], Maulana Riyaz ur Rehman [India] or another Aalim who was killed in Pakistan recently near his madrasah [darsequran]?? Muslims can only do that - talk.

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Old 07-04-2012, 10:56 PM   #14

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subhanAllah, for someone to think in this line is extremely positive.

Sometimes we talk about traditional ulama.. how traditional are we talking about? Abu Dhar Ghafari r.a would not hoard any dirham or dinar and would stop NON ULAMA from doing the same. Are we willing to go that traditional ourselves that we expect an Abu Dhar Ghafari r.a from every Alim we know.

Ideally, we wish the ulama to dispose themselves to the work of deen and ummah. One simply has to look at the Imamat , Muazzins contracts etc. to realize that when it comes to monetary wealth, we do not "value" our ulama. It is a simple fact. If any alim dared to open his mouth and ask for equitable money for his overworked 60-80 hours per week job, which is bound to get negative feedback anyway, that alim is a duniyadar (materialistic person).

Ajeeb. my heat at this moment is warmed by br. pluto's sentiments. Download a free pdf and read it. You benefited from it now show that appreciation and arrange and send some money to the author if you can. If you cannot, then help your local Alim. Start with the one you are at odds with. You will never realize the darajah of those who are working selflessly for sake of Allah, being content with whatever Allah puts of their plate.

Why not get together and make a brother's club to gather such money and fund students of deen, form a contingent fund for local Imam, make a pledge for da'wah courses and get ulama in. There is so much that can be done.

May Allah increase your zeal and ave lots of fruitful outcomes.
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Old 07-04-2012, 10:58 PM   #15

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I would say that whoever wants to read any deeni books they should just go ahead and download the free ebooks and read them without any guilt. We need to educate the Ummah, the Ulemas can get the reward from Allah (swt) for all their sacrifices.

Br xs11ax raises some very valid points.

Why not make a pledge to help the author by hadiya (gift) and not remuneration?

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Old 07-04-2012, 10:59 PM   #16

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A buzurg was telling us the other day [non-Ulamah]:

Do anyone one of us who speak of great Ulamah's of the past who are now no more with us ever think of the kith and kin of those Ulamah's ?
Has anyone thought of the families of Maulana Yunus Patel [RSA], Maulana Riyaz ur Rehman [India] or another Aalim who was killed in Pakistan recently near his madrasah [darsequran]?? Muslims can only do that - talk.

I am with you there. With the cost of living going up so rapidly, I can understand the squeeze thse families must be facing.

However, most of the money from the book sale goes to the publishers, hardly 5% goes to the authors or copyright holders.
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Old 07-04-2012, 11:01 PM   #17

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Why not make a pledge to help the author by hadiya (gift) and not remuneration?


Good suggestion maulana sb. Please make dua that this heart gets cured.

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Old 07-04-2012, 11:04 PM   #18

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In today's global world it s not hard to track down the author. Yes I agree with transitory. Those of us buying from zamzam or darul isha'at etc. at really cheap rates, can track the author down and give similar amounts to the author as well. Because I know for certain they dont give the author much. We in some cases nothing at all except asking you to sell your work to them, so they can reap and re-reap the profits

Eg. you buy a book for lets say Rs1000 = approx $17 . Now this book is something you would normally pay about $30 or more. So arrange $13 to be sent to the author. Let him actually benefit from it.

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Old 07-04-2012, 11:06 PM   #19

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Traditionally Scholars never 'charged' for their books. Sahih Bukhari, or Ihya ulumuddeen where all FREE back in those days.


Brother Pluto has a point here. We spend a lot of money, why not spend some for the books of the Ulema.
As for people who don't have money they can access the free scanned copies.

Nothing to argue about here.
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Old 07-04-2012, 11:09 PM   #20

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subhanAllah, for someone to think in this line is extremely positive.

Sometimes we talk about traditional ulama.. how traditional are we talking about? Abu Dhar Ghafari r.a would not hoard any dirham or dinar and would stop NON ULAMA from doing the same. Are we willing to go that traditional ourselves that we expect an Abu Dhar Ghafari r.a from every Alim we know.

Ideally, we wish the ulama to dispose themselves to the work of deen and ummah. One simply has to look at the Imamat , Muazzins contracts etc. to realize that when it comes to monetary wealth, we do not "value" our ulama. It is a simple fact. If any alim dared to open his mouth and ask for equitable money for his overworked 60-80 hours per week job, which is bound to get negative feedback anyway, that alim is a duniyadar (materialistic person).

Ajeeb. my heat at this moment is warmed by br. pluto's sentiments. Download a free pdf and read it. You benefited from it now show that appreciation and arrange and send some money to the author if you can. If you cannot, then help your local Alim. Start with the one you are at odds with. You will never realize the darajah of those who are working selflessly for sake of Allah, being content with whatever Allah puts of their plate.

Why not get together and make a brother's club to gather such money and fund students of deen, form a contingent fund for local Imam, make a pledge for da'wah courses and get ulama in. There is so much that can be done.

May Allah increase your zeal and ave lots of fruitful outcomes.

i have nothing against ulama who have been employed in a deeni position by a community to receive a fair salary for their time, experience and knowledge that the community benefits from.
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