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Old 07-02-2012, 05:22 PM   #1

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Default Kuffar rush to the aid of mali sufi shrines, whilst muslims are slaughtered in burma

Meanwhile, there is not even an article on burma on google news.

Can you believe they are talking about military intervention already in mali. Funny how it takes so long in syria or burma, yet when its an shariah group who takes over in yemen or mali or somalia then armies can be prepared in a matter of no time and suddenly kuffar are interested.

I wonder why they are so keen to preserve tehse sufi shrines?

How many of you will side with secularist grave worshipping french slaves and how many will side with the anti imperialist monotheist upholders of shariah? its time for us all to ask ourselves where our real loyalties lay
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Old 07-02-2012, 05:42 PM   #2

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These "sufi Shrines" are WALI ALLAH.

Do you even know the status of Wali Allaah's on the Day of Judgement and in the Aakhirah?

No, I didn't think so.
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Old 07-02-2012, 05:45 PM   #3

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the status of a wali of Allah is that anyone who harms a wali of Allah, Allah wages war on them.

So now the kuffar are coming to the aid of Allahs walis? Lol I dont think so

The prophet SAW commanded us to level graves and not take them as places of worship, these brothers in Mali are only following the beloved sunnah of the prophet SAW
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Old 07-02-2012, 05:57 PM   #4

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It should more like "khawarij rush to wipe out Islamic History while Muslims die in Burma." Wait till the Malian people get the upper hand against these anarchist khawarijis and thrash them left and right.

These shameless wahhabis yet go around complaining of sunni muslims being "sectarian" against wahhabis while they are the ones going around blowing up everything other than their heretical creed. Wahhabism and their pseudo shariah of khawarij are good for nothing but being crushed hard as the first Saudi state was crushed by forces from Egypt and their leaders put to death.
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Old 07-02-2012, 06:04 PM   #5

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these are the same people who are running the country by a secular french system. Why d you prefer secularists over upholders of Islamic law?

There isnt much they can do for burma as they'd have to get through a hell of a lot of countries to get there.

Dont worry your awliyyah (western secularists) will probabily come to your aid. When islamic states are involved they usually do
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Old 07-02-2012, 06:05 PM   #6

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these are the same people who are running the country by a secular french system. Why d you prefer secularists over upholders of Islamic law?
Arguing with warea is 800% pointless. Do something better with your time before he starts spamming links to that dumb wordpress site and repeating himself incessantly.
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Old 07-02-2012, 06:10 PM   #7

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given that his name and madhab are somali im guessing he's a puntlander then. Im guessing a follower of "ahlas sunnah wal jam'ah" as they like to call themselves.

Allahu musta'aan. This site has a lot of people who are in direct opposion to the deobandis. I wonder what happened. The deobandi shaikhs and people I know in real life are not like this.

There are some really good people on this forum (deobandis) but they seem to have disappeared or got annoyed with the fitnah here sadly and let the extreme sufis take over
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Old 07-02-2012, 06:11 PM   #8

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Neither are your khawarij law somehow valid in Islam. Your "secular law" strawman will work among fools. Set up your khawarij state in najd. Muslims of Mali will do what the Muslims of Mali want and by their own methodology to revive Islam. The najdi character of this anarchist bandits is not coincidence. The leader of this ssalafi group had found refuge in Saudi and from there associated with some najdi kharjites.

Funny is the state of those Turaeg nationalist idiots who taught salafis are nice product to ally with and now they taste bitterness after salafis are attacking their own.

The end is predictable. The Turaeg would fight salafis and collateral damage and then disperese and join a larger Malian force with supprt from all Muslims and beyond and send a force to put the najdis in graves.
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Old 07-02-2012, 06:13 PM   #9

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warea how is secularism "their own methodology"? There is only one methodlogy in islam and taht is the methodology of the salaf. That means ruling by Allahs law
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Old 07-02-2012, 06:16 PM   #10

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warea sorry to be the bearer of bad news:


I know this type of thing will be deeply upsetting for you

more info here:

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Old 07-02-2012, 06:17 PM   #11

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oh and warea, just in case you wish to pay your respects:

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Old 07-02-2012, 06:33 PM   #12

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oh and warea, just in case you wish to pay your respects:

...come ON Abu Fatimah, I know you have better things to do with your time than this. Cut it out. He will literally never do anything aside from re-state his earlier posts. And this is mockery and baiting and it's not from the Sunnah manners.
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Old 07-02-2012, 06:38 PM   #13

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...come ON Abu Fatimah, I know you have better things to do with your time than this. Cut it out. He will literally never do anything aside from re-state his earlier posts. And this is mockery and baiting and it's not from the Sunnah manners.
your right akhi I just find these guys so damn annoying. Sorry akh Ill tune out for a bit. Im at work can you believe it. i shoudl be doing work right now. Ill come back when Im more chilled out coz some of tehse extreme sufis really irritate me to be honest. I love the deobandis though, itsjust the brillo, haqqani, tahir ul qadri, habashi, secularist, types that annoy the hell out of me. Still annoyed form teh comment yesterday about how one of them is actually waiting and ready with his "sharpened sword" to "fight wahhabis" as if we're the scum of the planet and their worst enemies, worse than kuffar

the true salafis go anywhere to defend their muslim brothers and sisters. they even went all teh way to bosnia to defend them, chechnya, soviet afghanistan, they go whereever muslims are being harmed, even in places full of sufis, and teh sufis respond by villfying them and cursing them

at least you can say for the mujahideen in mali now, that they may be destorying sufi shrines, but they havent laid one finger on any of their brotehrs excepted to apply the hudood on thefts, woman beating etc. They arent going round killing sufis. the blod of a muslim is more sacred than teh holy ka'bah
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Old 07-02-2012, 11:20 PM   #14

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One mosque gates were shut from years; it was rumoured opening them would provoke the End of Times (or something like that) !

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Old 07-03-2012, 12:48 AM   #15

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One mosque gates were shut from years; it was rumoured opening them would provoke the End of Times (or something like that) !

Bro ive seen a change in your profile, if you don't mind can you explain?
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Old 07-03-2012, 12:55 AM   #16

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what are you going on about!! The kuffar is playing the game!! They hate sufis as much as they hate others.
I oppose the likes of Al Shabab. They are mutashadid and will oppose them when they violate!! It is nothing to do with shariah or sufi shrine.
One has to wrapped and sick to attack the shrines. I don't think anyone can beat the taliban in their strict (afghan) implemention of shariah even they didn't go around destroying shrines. They simply managed what was going on!!
thats not true akhi the taliban destoryed inovation and shirk and shrines in afghanistan. its one of the criticisms of the kuffar against them
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Old 07-03-2012, 01:16 AM   #17

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All this 'kuffar rush' reminds me of Buddhas of Bamiyan (not equating Malian bros with budhists of course), always there for duniawy shaytani things but careless about plight of living muslims.

Bro ive seen a change in your profile, if you don't mind can you explain?
Yes I made ruju and am a hardcore madkhali now!!

Just joking..
I initiated a thread (which disappeared) in the Comments/Suggestions forums requesting the madhhab displaying be disabled because it is un-useful for every member to state the madhhab in the profile while commenting on general threads; imho it should be only viewable when we ask/answer a fiqhi question. Otherwise I feel it is confusing for lay people as well as converts who are already much confused. But is there someone here to listen what I say ?
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Old 07-03-2012, 01:17 AM   #18

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how do you know al shabab destoryed shrines then? How do I know what you say is accurate and what others say is "lies"?
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Old 07-03-2012, 01:37 AM   #19

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how do you know al shabab destoryed shrines then? How do I know what you say is accurate and what others say is "lies"?
they have been doing it for ages brother http://www.mujahideenryder.net/2008/...f-sufi-saints/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gC3UmGlP4io

but its not just al-Shabab it has happened in quite a lot of Africa now
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Old 07-03-2012, 02:07 AM   #20

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Meanwhile, there is not even an article on burma on google news.

Can you believe they are talking about military intervention already in mali. Funny how it takes so long in syria or burma, yet when its an shariah group who takes over in yemen or mali or somalia then armies can be prepared in a matter of no time and suddenly kuffar are interested.

I wonder why they are so keen to preserve tehse sufi shrines?

How many of you will side with secularist grave worshipping french slaves and how many will side with the anti imperialist monotheist upholders of shariah? its time for us all to ask ourselves where our real loyalties lay
Stop quoting non muslim sources to justify extreme muslim positions.

Today: Telegraph (known right wing establishment press)
Yesterday: Washington Post (known pro zionist establisment press)
Day Before: AP (known distributor of Information for establishment press)

Notice the dialectical agenda here. To Pit you in two camps. Either with us or against us !

Ether you are with the 1) "French grave worshippers" (the muslims he branded mushrik yesterday)
or you are
with the 2) "anti imperiest" monothesitc holders of shariah (sponsored by guess who ?)

HENCE the dialectic ALWAYS supports the MOST destabalising path of the two dualities !!

Another example:

1.In Syria, you are either with with the Allawites kuffar
2. of the US and UK intervention (clothed as the Sunnis)

Who (muslim) wants to be with the ALAWITES ? SO you are FORCED to side with the Western destabalizers

This guy is being played and he doesnt even know it. Avoid this guy like the plague !!

He will say "Filthy Russian Dogs" (yesterday)

but wont say "filthy Western Intervention" in the destablisation of Syria over the last year (refuses to denounce the UK and US interventions)


He mentions Burma and Syria ?

But wont mention Afghanistan and Iraq in the context of Burma and Syria?

Totally being manipulated by the zionist media !! They frame his rhetoric, and he spews it out as FACTS !!

This guys loyalites lie with using western media to frame the ignorant muslims reference, of which he is a Tool For.
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