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Old 07-22-2010, 03:38 PM   #1

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Default Gumbad e Khazra (Green Dome)
السلام عليكم

Some Deobandis/Hanafis have threatened my life because I speak the Haq and call the people towards following the Sunnah of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم. One reason is that I am openly vocal against the "Green Dome". I am presently pressuring the imaam of my masjid to remove all pictures of green domes, in fact all pictures of any mosque, any calligraphy, even Quraanic verses on the walls. This is because this is all innovation. Even this crescent/star symbol is not Islaamic and should be removed. In fact it is a pagan Turkish symbol.

Think about the Prophet's Mosque in Madeenah, how simple it was. There was no calligraphy or Quraanic verses on the walls, or pictures of green dome, etc. There was no curtains or chandeliers or any of this nonsense. Masjid should be pure and simple, not decorated like some temple or church.

But today we are seeing people building and decorating mosques with all kinds of innovations, like chandeliers, fancy curtains, pictures of "Green Dome" (A symbol of shirk and falsehood), pictures of Ka'aba, verses of Quraan hanging on walls, niches, excessive pulpits, etc. This is one way which Ummah is following the way of Christians and Jews. We need to follow way of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم and his blessed Companions رضى الله عنهم.
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Old 07-26-2010, 05:38 PM   #2

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السلام عليكم

Some Deobandis/Hanafis have threatened my life because I speak the Haq and call the people towards following the Sunnah of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم. One reason is that I am openly vocal against the "Green Dome". I am presently pressuring the imaam of my masjid to remove all pictures of green domes, in fact all pictures of any mosque, any calligraphy, even Quraanic verses on the walls. This is because this is all innovation. Even this crescent/star symbol is not Islaamic and should be removed. In fact it is a pagan Turkish symbol.

Think about the Prophet's Mosque in Madeenah, how simple it was. There was no calligraphy or Quraanic verses on the walls, or pictures of green dome, etc. There was no curtains or chandeliers or any of this nonsense. Masjid should be pure and simple, not decorated like some temple or church.

But today we are seeing people building and decorating mosques with all kinds of innovations, like chandeliers, fancy curtains, pictures of "Green Dome" (A symbol of shirk and falsehood), pictures of Ka'aba, verses of Quraan hanging on walls, niches, excessive pulpits, etc. This is one way which Ummah is following the way of Christians and Jews. We need to follow way of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم and his blessed Companions رضى الله عنهم.

Just wondering, before you go the extent of removing green dome etc .. why dont you start by removing your avatar of green flag with kalima and sword on it. Or please provide a Ayah or hadeeth which says that this is the signatory of a Rasulullah , Sahaba or Shariah.

I may not be so passionate about green dome and big flashy masajid, but I would not be consumed so much as to be willing to demolish something permissible. (that is my view, you need not interogate me for it)

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Old 07-26-2010, 05:47 PM   #3

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Just wondering, before you go the extent of removing green dome etc .. why dont you start by removing your avatar of green flag with kalima and sword on it. Or please provide a Ayah or hadeeth which says that this is the signatory of a Rasulullah , Sahaba or Shariah.
Excuse me, the Kalimah لا اله الا الله is my firm faith, and I am proud to display it. If you have problem with the Kalimah At Tayyibah, take it up with your mullahs. Of course I know that it burns your mullahs to read these beautiful words.

I may not be so passionate about green dome and big flashy masajid, but I would not be consumed so much as to be willing to demolish something permissible. (that is my view, you need not interogate me for it)

'Alee ibn abee Taalib رضى الله عنه said: "Shall I not send you on the same mission the Messenger of Allaah صلى الله عليه وسلم sent me on? Do not pass by a grave without levelling it to the ground and do not pass by a picture without destroying it."

What do you say to this hadeeth?
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Old 07-26-2010, 06:25 PM   #4

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Excuse me, the Kalimah لا اله الا الله is my firm faith, and I am proud to display it. If you have problem with the Kalimah At Tayyibah, take it up with your mullahs. Of course I know that it burns your mullahs to read these beautiful words.

Is that your evidence? I am disapointed. You take the flag of a monarch country as your label and justify it with your faith. Shame. Better than you are those with the black flags who atleast take a hadeeth for their action..

And I dont think it burns our mullahs to read kalima Tayyaba that much.. remember the Barah and Tera Tasbeehs we make.. and the Nafi Athbaat.. We read and read and then continue to recite the same kalimah over and over again... We do it much more than you imagine.. We are still here unburnt

'Alee ibn abee Taalib رضى الله عنه said: "Shall I not send you on the same mission the Messenger of Allaah صلى الله عليه وسلم sent me on? Do not pass by a grave without levelling it to the ground and do not pass by a picture without destroying it."

What do you say to this hadeeth? I would not argue much about solid construction of the grave. But I will answer your question later on after my lunch break, inshAllah.

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Old 07-26-2010, 06:29 PM   #5

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it burns our mullahs to read the kalimah....listen salafi brother there were some of our pious elders who would read it 125,000 times per day. Start doing your calculations mate. I wonder if the whole of the salafi population reads it 125,000 times per year. We know how lazy you guys are with zikr and actual spiritual work...your tongues are too busy insulting people right, left and centre to concentrate on such matters
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Old 07-26-2010, 08:13 PM   #6

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wa alaikum as salaam Brother Ishaaq Ahmad.

You should stop raving and ranting. you say some deobandis/Hanafis have threatened your life because you speak the Haq, and call people to follow the sunnah.
Brother, thats no reason for a threat to your life. Brother, theres something wrong somewhere.
Maybe you should forget about the green Dome for the moment, and concentrate on your own dome, your head. Looks like you've got your two hemispheres all mixed up. Your left hemispheres got nothing right, and as for your right hemisphere, looks like theres nothing left.
Get a fix brother and then you'll realise nobodys after your life.
Just some friendly advice.
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Old 07-26-2010, 08:32 PM   #7

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wa alaikum as salaam Brother Ishaaq Ahmad.

You should stop raving and ranting. you say some deobandis/Hanafis have threatened your life because you speak the Haq, and call people to follow the sunnah.
Brother, thats no reason for a threat to your life. Brother, theres something wrong somewhere.
Maybe you should forget about the green Dome for the moment, and concentrate on your own dome, your head. Looks like you've got your two hemispheres all mixed up. Your left hemispheres got nothing right, and as for your right hemisphere, looks like theres nothing left.
Get a fix brother and then you'll realise nobodys after your life.

Just some friendly advice.
Ha haa! Great one!

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Old 07-26-2010, 08:47 PM   #8

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wa alaikum as salaam Brother Ishaaq Ahmad.

You should stop raving and ranting. you say some deobandis/Hanafis have threatened your life because you speak the Haq, and call people to follow the sunnah.
Brother, thats no reason for a threat to your life. Brother, theres something wrong somewhere.
Maybe you should forget about the green Dome for the moment, and concentrate on your own dome, your head. Looks like you've got your two hemispheres all mixed up. Your left hemispheres got nothing right, and as for your right hemisphere, looks like theres nothing left.
Get a fix brother and then you'll realise nobodys after your life.
Just some friendly advice.
Looks like a congenital anomaly... resulting in mental constipation and oral diarrhoea..
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Old 07-26-2010, 09:33 PM   #9

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Our brother must be one VERY ANGRY person,,, it must be tough carrying all this Hatred that he has shown us on the forum today......

LOL again
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Old 07-26-2010, 10:10 PM   #10

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السلام عليكم

Some Deobandis/Hanafis have threatened my life because I speak the Haq and call the people towards following the Sunnah of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم. One reason is that I am openly vocal against the "Green Dome". I am presently pressuring the imaam of my masjid to remove all pictures of green domes, in fact all pictures of any mosque, any calligraphy, even Quraanic verses on the walls. This is because this is all innovation. Even this crescent/star symbol is not Islaamic and should be removed. In fact it is a pagan Turkish symbol.

Think about the Prophet's Mosque in Madeenah, how simple it was. There was no calligraphy or Quraanic verses on the walls, or pictures of green dome, etc. There was no curtains or chandeliers or any of this nonsense. Masjid should be pure and simple, not decorated like some temple or church.

But today we are seeing people building and decorating mosques with all kinds of innovations, like chandeliers, fancy curtains, pictures of "Green Dome" (A symbol of shirk and falsehood), pictures of Ka'aba, verses of Quraan hanging on walls, niches, excessive pulpits, etc. This is one way which Ummah is following the way of Christians and Jews. We need to follow way of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم and his blessed Companions رضى الله عنهم.
Come to my town - you sound like all the salafis here - and there is only about 6 of us sufi inclined brothers so you wont be bothered by all our badas - in fact all you salafis can come here.

The funny thing is - you seem to be real worried about things even the salafis are ok with, but what are you doing for your own deen?
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Old 07-26-2010, 10:49 PM   #11

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wa alaikum as salaam Brother Ishaaq Ahmad.

You should stop raving and ranting. you say some deobandis/Hanafis have threatened your life because you speak the Haq, and call people to follow the sunnah.
Brother, thats no reason for a threat to your life. Brother, theres something wrong somewhere.
Maybe you should forget about the green Dome for the moment, and concentrate on your own dome, your head. Looks like you've got your two hemispheres all mixed up. Your left hemispheres got nothing right, and as for your right hemisphere, looks like theres nothing left.
Get a fix brother and then you'll realise nobodys after your life.

Just some friendly advice.

You killed me, that was just.....perfect haha!
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Old 07-27-2010, 04:11 AM   #12

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Come to my town - you sound like all the salafis here - and there is only about 6 of us sufi inclined brothers so you wont be bothered by all our badas ?
What are "badas"?
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Old 07-27-2010, 04:20 AM   #13

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What are "badas"?
Assalamualaikum...I suppose he means "Bidah".....
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Old 07-27-2010, 05:09 AM   #14

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You killed me, that was just.....perfect haha!
me too, i'm still laughing 5 mins after reading it.

Brother Ishaaq, i cant seem to take any of your posts seriously anymore. Theyre just SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO typical, and predictable.....and pathetic.
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Old 07-27-2010, 05:20 AM   #15

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السلام عليكم

Some Deobandis/Hanafis have threatened my life because I speak the Haq and call the people towards following the Sunnah of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم. One reason is that I am openly vocal against the "Green Dome". I am presently pressuring the imaam of my masjid to remove all pictures of green domes, in fact all pictures of any mosque, any calligraphy, even Quraanic verses on the walls. This is because this is all innovation. Even this crescent/star symbol is not Islaamic and should be removed. In fact it is a pagan Turkish symbol.

Think about the Prophet's Mosque in Madeenah, how simple it was. There was no calligraphy or Quraanic verses on the walls, or pictures of green dome, etc. There was no curtains or chandeliers or any of this nonsense. Masjid should be pure and simple, not decorated like some temple or church.

But today we are seeing people building and decorating mosques with all kinds of innovations, like chandeliers, fancy curtains, pictures of "Green Dome" (A symbol of shirk and falsehood), pictures of Ka'aba, verses of Quraan hanging on walls, niches, excessive pulpits, etc. This is one way which Ummah is following the way of Christians and Jews. We need to follow way of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم and his blessed Companions رضى الله عنهم.
Al Salamu Aleykum brother Ishaaq,

This is very dangerous territory you're crossing into, Even the biggest of Scholars would think twice and study more before publicly saying such things. What is your qualification? Did you do higher studies in Sharia? Do you know Arabic even?

Don't go into extremism,
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Old 07-27-2010, 08:57 AM   #16

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Excuse me, the Kalimah لا اله الا الله is my firm faith, and I am proud to display it.
Great logic there, one can say the same about displaying Quranic verses and numerous other things.
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Old 07-27-2010, 10:38 AM   #17

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Al Salamu Aleykum brother Ishaaq,

This is very dangerous territory you're crossing into, Even the biggest of Scholars would think twice and study more before publicly saying such things. What is your qualification? Did you do higher studies in Sharia? Do you know Arabic even?

Don't go into extremism,
I don't need any qualification to preach the message of the Holy Quraan and the Holy Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم. There is no hiererarchy in Islaam, we don't have any vatican city with a huge bureacracy of pope, cardinals, bishops, priests, etc.

Islaam demands all believers to enter into the field of tableegh. There is no such thing as having to be a scholar. The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: "Convey from me even if it is One Ayaah."
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Old 07-27-2010, 11:30 AM   #18

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The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: "Convey from me even if it is One Ayaah."

but you conveyed half an ayah..as corrected in the other thread..

You said elsewhere in the other thread:

Because Allaah said to "Obey Allaah and Obey His Messenger, and those who have authority among you." Which includes the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Oh the same Saudi Kingdom who wont let you take that green dome off.. (that is part of my answer for the green dome).

So by my leave, please go and remove the green dome, or make it white how it was in earlier time, and if you get the authority you will surely go and break down the whole masjid and rebuild it with mud walls and palm tree trunks.. But its your bosses , the Saudi Kingdom who will jail you before you can pronounce the Seen of the Salafi.

Secondly on a more academical level, the hadith which you quoted for leveling the grounds:

a. does NOT mean to level it to the ground rather remove the solid structure on the grave. Our Deobandi Mullah also say that grave should not be fortified and built up. Imam Bukhari r.a brought a Baab which mentions that Nafi r.a mentions that Ibn Umar r.a used to recline with the grave. (although the wording is that Kana Ibn Umar Yajlisu Ala Qabr). I think Imam Muhammad r.a (one of our Hanafi Mullahs) mentions that this action was to show jawaz. Nonetheless, it shows that there was something of the grave and not completely leveled as you have suggested. According to the jamhoor Mullahs the way of making the grave is doing tasneem .. i.e making a hump like a camel's.

b.Secondly, if you deduce that it means that any structure on the grave must be destroyed then the first thing Sayiduna Ali r.a ought to have destroyed and leveled should have been Sayidatuna Ayesha r.a's house because it housed the mubarak grave of Rasulullah . AND Sayiduna Ali r.a did not!

c. The hadith is meticulous in mentioning that it was a hukm given to Ali r.a, who then later on in his time gave it to Abul Hiyaj Al Asadi to do the same. The point of note is not that the order was given, rather the point is that why the hukm was given to only ONE person. Rasulullah could have given the hukm to one and all and you would not find any graves at all! but this matter is something that is assigned to the one who has authority in it. And only Ma'moor bihi will carry it out. not that every joe can become the misdaaq of this ma'moor bihi and start leveling graves.

And I will be with you in it, once you establish the khilafat and the khalifah assigns this command. Untill then you can start standing up to the Saudi Kings and ask them as to why they order someon to do what the hadith mention.

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Old 07-27-2010, 11:35 AM   #19

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I don't need any qualification to preach the message of the Holy Quraan and the Holy Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم. There is no hiererarchy in Islaam, we don't have any vatican city with a huge bureacracy of pope, cardinals, bishops, priests, etc.

Islaam demands all believers to enter into the field of tableegh. There is no such thing as having to be a scholar. The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: "Convey from me even if it is One Ayaah."
Since you conceded in another post that the Quran is only in Arabic, may I ask if you know Arabic? If not, then how can you say that you have read the Quran in any sense that would allow for you to have any direct knowledge of it sufficient to convey even an Ayah to others?
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Old 07-27-2010, 11:36 AM   #20

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Since you conceded in another post that the Quran is only in Arabic, may I ask if you know Arabic? If not, then how can you say that you have read the Quran in any sense that would allow for you to have any direct knowledge of it sufficient to convey even an Ayah to others?
I can read and understand Arabic, alhamdulillaah.
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