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Old 06-01-2012, 08:38 AM   #1

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Default Learning about islam...

I would like to introduce myself, i am a brother from the midlands who a few years ago 'rediscovered' his islam...

as will be familiar with most people, being born into an asian/pakistani family i was sent to the local 'aunty' on the road to learn how to read 'arabic' (alif, beh, teh, seh) at the age of 7/8, completed 2 recitations of the Qur'an by the age of 11 and this was considered 'enough' alongside being taught to memorise a few short surah's and salaah... events happened over the following 8/9 years which i'd rather not go into but lets just say i was a little far removed from any islam, not being surrounded by much of an environment which was particularly 'islamic', and then when a few 'events' began to happen at a local 'large' mosque 5/6 years ago i was taken along by my father... now, i did not see any benefit to be derived from the events which took place as i did not understand a word of what was being spoken there (all talks were in urdu, of which i do not speak and can barely understand - let alone the type which is spoken at talks!) and a lot of the things which were taking place just did not seem to sit right with me...(i would rather not mention any particular 'madrassah' and/or 'sect' for i wish not to risk 'slander' nor risk triggering any such 'discussion')

following a few these i began to seek answers to questions... was told i shouldnt ask and that i should just follow - as an academic this didnt sit right with me either!... so i sought answers elsewhere which led me to the amazing institution of As-Suffa, some of my colleagues at college at the time were able to answer some of the very simple questions i had and put my mind at rest and made me realise that indeed what my family held beliefs in did not sit right with me - try as i might to discuss this with them, it did not help...

now, the gap of 8/9 years between finishing reciting the Qur'an meant a lot of things were forgotten, i was able to reteach myself how to read arabic with the help of a brother from As-Suffa, the internet and of course youtube. I have gone on to learn the basics of wudu and salah and I have been slowly trying to find literature which will allow me to gain an understanding of the basics further before i delve deeper...

this is where i humbly request the help of the members of sunniforum for any guidance on where I may begin with this endeavour as i feel i am not doing enough to advance my islamic knowledge with the necessary understanding.

JazakAllah Khayr


(If this is the wrong section then I apologise for I did not know which other section this would fall under...)
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Old 06-01-2012, 12:42 PM   #2

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I would recommend that along with your Quran studies to start a course in fiqh/Islamic jurisprudence. This should begin with the fiqh of worship i.e. rules of Salah, wudu , hajj and so on and then move to other subjects.

Http://www.seekersguidance.org are running free courses in fiqh and I think you can choose to study the Hanafi/Shafii/Maliki madhabs. Also, you can also look into a simple course in Aqida which is best done alongside a qualified teacher.

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Old 06-01-2012, 04:17 PM   #3

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JazakAllah Khayr for your reply

I've registered for updates on seekersguidance.org such that inshAllah I can register on their course when registration opens in July

ideally I am looking for an establishment which would teach Aqida and fiqh in accordance with the Hanafi madhab and without the influence of any one particular 'madrassah'... do any such places exist in Birmingham/midlands? I am willing to travel a short distance to classes...
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Old 06-01-2012, 05:31 PM   #4

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I would like to introduce myself, i am a brother from the midlands who a few years ago 'rediscovered' his islam...

as will be familiar with most people, being born into an asian/pakistani family i was sent to the local 'aunty' on the road to learn how to read 'arabic' (alif, beh, teh, seh) at the age of 7/8, completed 2 recitations of the Qur'an by the age of 11 and this was considered 'enough' alongside being taught to memorise a few short surah's and salaah... events happened over the following 8/9 years which i'd rather not go into but lets just say i was a little far removed from any islam, not being surrounded by much of an environment which was particularly 'islamic', and then when a few 'events' began to happen at a local 'large' mosque 5/6 years ago i was taken along by my father... now, i did not see any benefit to be derived from the events which took place as i did not understand a word of what was being spoken there (all talks were in urdu, of which i do not speak and can barely understand - let alone the type which is spoken at talks!) and a lot of the things which were taking place just did not seem to sit right with me...(i would rather not mention any particular 'madrassah' and/or 'sect' for i wish not to risk 'slander' nor risk triggering any such 'discussion')

following a few these i began to seek answers to questions... was told i shouldnt ask and that i should just follow - as an academic this didnt sit right with me either!... so i sought answers elsewhere which led me to the amazing institution of As-Suffa, some of my colleagues at college at the time were able to answer some of the very simple questions i had and put my mind at rest and made me realise that indeed what my family held beliefs in did not sit right with me - try as i might to discuss this with them, it did not help...

now, the gap of 8/9 years between finishing reciting the Qur'an meant a lot of things were forgotten, i was able to reteach myself how to read arabic with the help of a brother from As-Suffa, the internet and of course youtube. I have gone on to learn the basics of wudu and salah and I have been slowly trying to find literature which will allow me to gain an understanding of the basics further before i delve deeper...

this is where i humbly request the help of the members of sunniforum for any guidance on where I may begin with this endeavour as i feel i am not doing enough to advance my islamic knowledge with the necessary understanding.

JazakAllah Khayr


(If this is the wrong section then I apologise for I did not know which other section this would fall under...)

All praise be to Allah (SWT) who gave you guidance and brought you back to His Path and may he give you the Taqfique to stick to it Insha’Allah until your last breath (Ameen).

You need to learn things in a systematic and consistent manner.

The basic and the most fundamental aspect of Islam which separates us from Non-Muslims is Aqeedah (Creed) and I suggest that you browse through these and take whichever method suits you (i.e. video or book) to learn.

Secondly, you need to then go down the path of learning how to worship Allah (SWT) and the beginner aspect is Tahara (Cleanliness) and here are some resources for you.

Then moving onto Salah (prayers) this section and this article (soon to be updated) will serve you well

There are many of us in the midlands so feel free to ask or contact for anything you wish and we are happy to be at your Service, Insha'Allah.

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Old 06-01-2012, 05:37 PM   #5

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get hold of a copy of taleemul haq for basic hanafi fiqh...its widely available at book shops so shouldnt be an issue..there are also copies online if you prefer reading it online
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Old 06-01-2012, 05:48 PM   #6

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ideally I am looking for an establishment which would teach Aqida and fiqh in accordance with the Hanafi madhab and without the influence of any one particular 'madrassah'... do any such places exist in Birmingham/midlands? I am willing to travel a short distance to classes...

There are many brothers here from UK, they will be able to point you towards a good place
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Old 06-01-2012, 06:01 PM   #7

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get hold of a copy of taleemul haq for basic hanafi fiqh...its widely available at book shops so shouldnt be an issue..there are also copies online if you prefer reading it online

A better choice is GiftforMuslims by Shaykh (Maulana) Mohammad Asad (HA) and easily available in UK.

The Revised version of Taleemul Haq is being worked on.

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Old 06-01-2012, 06:40 PM   #8

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alexi_c, All praise be to Allah SWT to have guided you back to Islam, I suggest:

1. 3 day khurooj
2. Ta'lim ul Huqq
3. Keep in touch with either Maulana Abu Hajira [Scholar & Moderator of this forum] or brother Colonel_Hardstone^
4. Don't learn about Islam from the net (learn at the feet of the Ulamah), yes, learn about whats happening in the Muslim world.
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Old 06-01-2012, 06:48 PM   #9

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JazakAllah Khayr for all the replies

I will inshAllah visit a local book shop and enquire about 'Ta'lim ul Huqq' in English, I have seen this book in the masjids I now pray in however it is in urdu and unfortunately I cannot even understand urdu let alone read it! (the masjid in my locality teach a 'doctrine' which is blatantly in contrast to what i believe any sane person could accept...i travel a little to masajid where such teachings are not occurring...)

On this forum, do i have to have a certain number of posts before i can PM members or does this feature have to be activated by a moderator/admin?

JazakAllah khair
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Old 06-01-2012, 07:10 PM   #10

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May be the brother could start with specific questions.
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Old 06-01-2012, 07:14 PM   #11

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ideally I am looking for an establishment which would teach Aqida and fiqh in accordance with the Hanafi madhab and without the influence of any one particular 'madrassah'... do any such places exist in Birmingham/midlands? I am willing to travel a short distance to classes...
Anybody from birmingham.
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Old 06-02-2012, 04:28 AM   #12

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Read up on the guidance and tips section.
There are useful links

first of all
Constantly pray to Allah for guidance and for provding you means useful Islamic knowledge.
Secondly perhaps spend few days i.e 10 days with the TJ upnorth. i found this useful when I first started to learn about deen.
Thirdly find a qualfied seasoned scholar to learn deen from. Go through lectures suitable for laymen i.e http://www.akacademy.eu/ www.edars.com
Fourthly attach yourself to scholar of tassawuf and Shariah
If no avenue availalbe use internet based learning tools as described in the above mention links.
Do not be judgementle and ask Allah for guidance.
Igonore the bickering people as i have just seen in few post on this thread. Satan uses them to side track a sincere seeker.
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Old 06-02-2012, 05:07 AM   #13

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A better choice is GiftforMuslims by Shaykh (Maulana) Mohammad Asad (HA) and easily available in UK.

The Revised version of Taleemul Haq is being worked on.

I had a quick glance through the linked website and have purchased a copy of the book, I shall write back once I have a copy in my hands inshAllah. for the recommendation

If no avenue availalbe use internet based learning tools as described in the above mention links.
Do not be judgementle and ask Allah for guidance.
Igonore the bickering people as i have just seen in few post on this thread. Satan uses them to side track a sincere seeker.
It is this which 'bothers' me much.... if i ask person 'X' he says do not seek knowledge from person A, B, or C because of reasons P, Q and R.... yet I know in my heart that if i was then to go to person Y he would say the same about person 'X'! theres very little 'unity', or quite sparse at best and if anything this hinders 'learning', little communities are happy in their little bubbles teaching their values from what has been brought down from wherever they come from and all is well... however should someone then come and attempt to introduce a slightly different view to them, all hell breaks loose and your outcast from the community and branded 'such and such'... yet everyone forgets that generations ago that very same community would have had to have been faced by a Da'i (i think the spelling is wrong, forgive me) who did the exact same thing!

anyway, i digress...

at this stage I am seeking to increase my knowledge with a Hanafi grounding in the basics and then building up from there without any distortions.... i understand completely that speaking about any such topic on a public forum is 'stoking the fire' as people have their allegiances, my intention is not to offend nor is it to cause any disrespect for I am lacking in knowledge and I seek guidance from Allah (swt) that I remain steadfast and on the true path.

for the replies

Colonel Hardstone, whereabouts in Birmingham are you based?... is it safe to assume somewhere around Central Mosque?...
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Old 06-02-2012, 05:31 AM   #14

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Talimul Haq is a good affordable book. I still use it!
The content of the link is approved by scholars from As Suffa institute (www.as-suffa.org) Mufti Sajjad & Imam Abadasmad Clark of Norwich.
I have mentored reverts and often well intended brother says things that is unwarranted or suitable. Key thing is to make this simple and short.
As for TJ, you will gain some practical experience. It is not about joining them but to improve ones understanding in practical terms with meaning. In absense of any other practical avenue, this is a good way to start things off! i found it beneficial when I started to look into deen. I have read many books before but needed some practical example and how one can understand tawhid and risalat and internalise it.

do you refer to the content of Talimul Haq or Gift for Muslims?
also, would you be able to possibly recommend a reputable bookshop in Birmingham where I could obtain a copy of Talimul Haq from?

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Old 06-02-2012, 06:57 AM   #15

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do you refer to the content of Talimul Haq or Gift for Muslims?
also, would you be able to possibly recommend a reputable bookshop in Birmingham where I could obtain a copy of Talimul Haq from?


I'm from Birmingham. I'll email you insha Allah

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Old 06-02-2012, 08:05 AM   #16

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For learning Fiqh, from a moulana. i recommend this >>>AL-FALAAH LEARNING CENTRE
Contact Name
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Old 06-02-2012, 08:07 AM   #17

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Im from birmingham, but im not realiable, as im in similar situation to the poster. im still learning basics
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Old 06-02-2012, 04:07 PM   #18

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There are two reputable organisations in Bham and would recommend you go and visit them when they organise some program.
Contact them for suggestion and also act upon the advice by scholars in Sunniforum. Internet is only a tool but nothing can replace learning at the feet of a scholar. Islam is holistic and the experience teaches adab, a vital ingredient for seeking knolwedge.

I would opt from Talimul Haq because it is compact and easy to go through without going into details.
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Old 06-02-2012, 04:41 PM   #19

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JazakAllah Khair for the time all you have taken to reply to my post, brothers please, i request that this does not turn into a bickering thread.

My journey on learning about islam has involved quite a few stages, the first of which I believe to be of the utmost importance is to ensure that my absolute fundamentals - my salaah and my aqeedah are in true keeping with what the noble Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was sent to convey to us along with the Qur'an and Sunnah. this has involved me in the past 2 years developing my salaah, my arabic reading and understanding of what it is that I'm actually reciting in front my Rabb when I stand in Salaah. I am now at the stage that I feel I need further guidance on the deeper topics and hence the reason for starting this thread. I did not intend for it to be a platform for bickering to begin as this does nothing to develop unity in my eyes - a key fundamental in the Islam that I have been brought up to believe in.


is the version on that website sufficient until I have a paper copy in my hands?

JazakAllah Khair for all your help, I apologise if anything I have said has caused any offence.
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Old 06-02-2012, 04:42 PM   #20

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There are two reputable organisations in Bham and would recommend you go and visit them when they organise some program.
Contact them for suggestion and also act upon the advice by scholars in Sunniforum. Internet is only a tool but nothing can replace learning at the feet of a scholar. Islam is holistic and the experience teaches adab, a vital ingredient for seeking knolwedge.

I would opt from Talimul Haq because it is compact and easy to go through without going into details.
There you go alexi, madrassas in Birmingham.
I think assuffa is run by Shakh Zahir Mahmood. His lectures videos are really good.
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