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Old 05-14-2012, 05:34 PM   #1

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Default Investigative Reports & Findings of Saudi Scholars on Tableeghi Jamaat

(coutersy of http://www.central-mosque.com/ )

"These are investigative reports and letters of Saudi Scholars upon Tableeghi Jamaat which to the best of our knowledge has never been presented in its entirety in the English language along with its original sources. We request the readers to inform us of our errors."

There is enormous misconception amongst the English speaking western Muslims that the Arab Scholars in general and Saudi Scholars in particular have an axe to grind with Tableeghi Jamaat and they totally refute and condemn this work of Dawah. Reality on the ground with hundreds of thousands of Arabs (worldwide) laymen, Scholars and students (of knowledge) alike who are engaged in this work of Dawah paints a different picture, altogether.

The work of Tableegh, its methodology and its workers (laymen, Scholars and students (of knowledge) alike are neither perfect nor free from error as Shaykh Ibn Baz (RA) himself stated that deficiency is in itself part of human nature, however to present an exaggerated (false) side of the picture in condemnation is neither fair nor Islamically acceptable.

Which Islamic group engaged in revival of Islam is perfect and free from error?

We are neither part of the Tableeghi Jamaat, nor participate in its activities and aware of our shortcomings and deficiencies in both Arabic and the English language. However, we felt that it is necessary to make these reports available to English speaking Muslims as to the best of our knowledge they have never been produced previously. We have tried to be as faithful to the original text as possible but to err is human and we request our readers to inform us of my errors and shortcomings.

Click link for Original Arabic Fatawa: http://www.central-mosque.com/index....hi-jamaat.html

Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz (HA) to Falih Ibn Nafi Al-Harbi

Correspondence 889 (خ) dated 12th of Sha’baan 1406 AH (22nd of April 1986)

In the name of Allah (SWT), the most beneficent the most Merciful

From Abdul-Aziz Ibn Baz (RA) to honourable brother respected Shaykh Falih Ibn Nafi Al-Harbi (HA) and may Allah (SWT) increase his Baseerah (foresight for Islam) and expand his breast for actions suited for His (SWT)’s pleasure (Ameen).

Asslamo Allaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh,

And thereafter, I received your letter dated 22nd of Rajab 1406 AH and the objections raised towards Tableeghi Jam’aat I understood. Whatever I wrote regarding the Tableeghi Jamaat and before me our respected Shaykh (Allamah) Muhammad Ibn Ibraheem Al-Shaykh (RA) [who was the Mufti of the of this Kingdom of Saudia in his time] who also praised Tableeghi Jamaat and I understood your objections towards it. You have devalued Shaykh (Allamah) Muhammad Ibn Ibraheem Al-Shaykh (RA)by referring to him as “Ibn Ibraheem” and I disliked it! And I also disliked those whom you have referred to who have disagreed with the Shaykh (RA) with regards to his opinion regarding Tableeghi Jamaat and I am astonished! Where is their knowledge and their opinion (in comparison)? (Who are they) compared to the Baseerah, understanding, depth in knowledge, foresight and steadfastness of our Shaykh (RA)? We (Alhumdolillah) are upon Baseerah on our Deen and we don’t compare benefits and harms and we prefer where our heart finds peace. We investigated the affairs of the Tableeghi Jamaat and our contentment (of the heart) is towards agreement and alongside it those are deficient should be encouraged to reform (themselves) out of good will because deficiency is part of human nature apart from whom Allah (SWT) protects.

If our teachers and student brothers whom you have pointed to should have kept in touch with these (Tableeghi) people and participated in their work (of Tabeelgh) and guided them and tried to reform their deficiencies and shortcomings and guided them where they committed mistakes it would be of great benefit to Islam and Muslims. But, to hate them and to stay away from them and to warn people from mixing with them is a mistake and its harm is greater than its benefit. So my brother! Reconsider your opinion and beseech your Lord (SWT) with humility to expand your breast towards actions which are pleased to Him (SWT) and which bring benefit to his bondsmen and to show you the path of truth in this matters (of difference of opinion) and I ask Allah (SWT) to show me and you truth as truth and falsehood as falsehood and to abstain from it as His (SWT)’s special favour and not to let the haqq and falsehood become (mixed up) upon us otherwise we will be misguided and Surely He (SWT) is Capable of it and Owner of it.

Was-Salamo Allaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh,


You have referred to honourable Shaykh Muhammad Amaan (HA) that he has retracted his opinion in which he has praised Tableeghi Jamaat and stated that they are the originator of fictitious tales and baseless stories and people of Bid’ah. So know that Shaykh (HA) has denied this and is astonished by these opinions (attributed to him) and has stated that I had written from observation and Yaqeen and I am still of the same opinion (of praising Tableeghi Jamaat) and whosoever asks him about the Tableeghi Jamaat he refers to his report (of Bangaldesh Ijtema) so it’s wrong to attribute this opinion towards him.

Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz (RA) to (Dr) Taqiduddin Hilali

Correspondence 889 (خ) dated 12th of Sha’baan 1406 AH (21st of July 1983)

In the name of Allah (SWT), the most beneficent the most Merciful

From Abdul-Aziz Ibn Baz (RA) to honourable brother respected Dr Muhammad Taqiuddin Hilali (HA) and may Allah (SWT) grant him Taufeeq towards Khair (Ameen).

Asslamo Allaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh,

And thereafter, I received your letter dated 12th of Sha'baan 1403 AH and may Allah (SWT) immerse you in His guidance. What you have alluded to I have understood and you want to know my opinion about stopping the Salary of brother Ahmed Muhaani when he goes out with Tableeghi Jamaat. I would like to give beneficial advice that his Salary which we deliver through you will be continued because his going out with Tableeghi Jamaat is not condemned tourism because he wanders in cities and towns for Dawah (towards Allah (SWT)) and meets honourable people and not so (honourable) and their (Tableeghi) Ijtemaas which occur in Bangladesh are attended by many people (honourable and not so) as we have been told by those trustworthy Ulamah who we were sent to attend the Ijtema last year.

Your condemnation of their Khurooj (i.e. going in the path of Allah (SWT)) and your proof that the statement of Al-Hafidh Ibn Haj'r (Al-Asqalani (RA) that a person wanders around and considers his wandering his worship and chooses to live (in solitude) in caves, hilltops and jungles is contrary to the actions of Tableeghi Jamaat because these people don't leave (their homes) for solitude rather they exit for the benefit and reform of people, thus there is difference between them and those seek solitude.

And we beseech Allah (SWT) to give you Taufeeq towards actions for His (SWT)'s pleasure for verily he is Most Beneficent.

Was-Salamo Allaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh,

Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz (RA) to Audh Ibn Audh Al-Qahtaani

In the name of Allah (SWT), the most beneficent the most Merciful

From Abdul-Aziz Ibn Baz (RA) to honourable brother respected Audh Ibn Audh Al-Qahtaani and may Allah (SWT) increase his knowledge and Eemaan and increase His (SWT)'s abundance and blessings upon him, wherever he (Audh) may be. (Ameen)

Asslamo Allaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh,

And thereafter,I received Your letter and whatever you have elucidated in it I have understood the question about Tableeghi Jamaat and as to whether their methodology is correct? Is their method and framework correct and there any obstacles in joining them and what is the status of leaving in the path of Allah (SWT) with them?

People narrate differing accounts regarding them, some praise them while others object to them but we have enquired about them from trustworthy brothers from Najd (Saudia) who have accompanied them in their travels and also made journeys to India/Pakistan and they have not made any mention of matters which are objectionable in Shariah or would prevent in joining them. I have also witnessed many people who have spent time with them and they went out with them because they were impressed by them and their condition and ideas about Deen, Akhlaaq (morals) and Aakhira had become good, therefore I see no impediment in leaving with them and to cooperate with them in Dawah. Moreover, people of knowledge and foresight should engage in this work (of Dawah) and should correct and reform if they (people of Tableegh) commit any mistakes or errors because there is impressive effect in their Seerah and actions and those who are well known in indulgence in sins and divergent from Deen are effected by their companionship and with this I am enclosing a letter of our teacher Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Ibraheem Aal Shaykh (RA)in which he praised this Jamaat and its work and therein he encourages people to make Nusrah (provide assistance to them) and prevents people from placing impediments in their path. In the letter he mentions that their main aim is to give sincere advice and talks in the Masajid, to guide people towards (goodness) and to establish people towards Tauheed and good Aqai'd and to encourage them to act upon the Kitaab & Sunnah to prevent them from Bi'daa and (blameworthy) useless matters. You will also find attached a photocopy of research by our trustworthy brothers rector Muhammad Amman Ibn Ali (rector of Jamia Islamiyya, Hadeeth and teaching) Madina Munawwara who was sent last year by the Jamia accompanied by Shaykh Abdul-Kareem Muraad who is also a teacher and he is known amongst us and also knows Urdu language along with Arabic as he attends the annual Ijtema in Pakistan, regularly.

The summary of their report is that their work is praised and people are encouarged to join this work of Dawah and to attend the Ijtemaas and to treat (the people of Tableeghi Jamaat) with goodness and excellent manners.

Abdul Aziz Bin Abdullah Bin Baaz
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Old 05-14-2012, 05:54 PM   #2

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There is a lot of talk on the Internet that Shaykh Abd al-Aziz ibn Abd Allah ibn Baaz (RA) reversed his position on Tableeghi Jamaat.

This article lists:

  1. His stance
  2. His teachers's stance
  3. How Ulamah from major Saudi Islamic universities were commissioned to investigate
  4. Detailed reports of those Ulamah with names and positions
  5. How he arrived at his stance (in the light of reports above)

We have also taken the time to confirm the matter from other reliable sources for his position

  1. Br Ibn Faroooq's blog
  2. Shaykh Ibn Baz blog

Nevertheless all readers are requested that if they believe that he reversed his position then produce categorical fatwa which is verifiable and chronologically later (then these) and we will present it as Shaykh Abd al-Aziz ibn Abd Allah ibn Baaz (RA)'s earlier and later position.

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Old 05-14-2012, 06:18 PM   #3

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Wonderful to have you back. It has been a long time.

Hope you and family are all in aafiyat.

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Old 05-14-2012, 06:23 PM   #4

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Wonderful to have you back. It has been a long time.

Hope you and family are all in aafiyat.

Alhumdolillah everything is fine and dandy with the Rahmah of Allah (SWT). Someone asked me in private about the Al-Kauthar thread so I decided to say something in public as in mind the tactics are not in line with Sunnah.

A person should make their stance clear and standby his/her convictions; if you get banned/censored/condemned for it; so be it.

and may Allah (SWT) give you success in this world and the next and so keep you and your family in Aafiya (Ameen).
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Old 05-14-2012, 06:25 PM   #5

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I'll post something on this soon in brother's forums, you'll love it. There's a reason why I don't want to post here.
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Old 05-14-2012, 06:35 PM   #6

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I'll post something on this soon in brother's forums, you'll love it. There's a reason why I don't want to post here.

No problems, Insha'Allah.

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Old 05-14-2012, 07:57 PM   #7

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Not forgetting the Fatwa of Sh. Salih al-Munajjad's site Islamqa in reference to Tableeghi Jama'at:

http://i s l a m q a.com/en/ref/47431/tableegh

...But whatever the case they cannot be described as being one of the misguided groups...
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Old 05-14-2012, 07:58 PM   #8

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Uncle Colonel, do you reside in the Midlands?
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Old 05-14-2012, 08:12 PM   #9

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Uncle Colonel, do you reside in the Midlands?

Sure do, you have my email don't you? if not you can email on the site address.

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Old 05-14-2012, 08:57 PM   #10

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Check brothers forums...
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Old 05-14-2012, 09:33 PM   #11

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for that article colonel.

I have picked up a lot of misconceptions over the years because of being confined to the indopak community in the UK, but gradually through the efforts of people like Colonel Saheb i am beginning to see that not everything is how it has been made out to be. Regretfully i have also innocently played a part in perpetuating many of these misconceptions.

There are many things that still confuse me a little regarding the relationship between deobandis and others as there are still many misconceptions being perpetuated out there, but bit by bit i am beginning to understand better by keeping an open mind and not disregarding knowledge even if it goes against something that we may have heard from our ustadhs in the past. They are also human and could have also been mistaken themselves.

Likewise, i also think that others misunderstand the deobandi maslak the same way that we misunderstand them and this just perpetuates the ignorance and enmity between us all.

May Allah give me the understanding.
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Old 05-14-2012, 09:55 PM   #12

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for that article colonel.

I have picked up a lot of misconceptions over the years because of being confined to the indopak community in the UK, but gradually through the efforts of people like Colonel Saheb i am beginning to see that not everything is how it has been made out to be. Regretfully i have also innocently played a part in perpetuating many of these misconceptions.

There are many things that still confuse me a little regarding the relationship between deobandis and others as there are still many misconceptions being perpetuated out there, but bit by bit i am beginning to understand better by keeping an open mind and not disregarding knowledge even if it goes against something that we may have heard from our ustadhs in the past. They are also human and could have also been mistaken themselves.

Likewise, i also think that others misunderstand the deobandi maslak the same way that we misunderstand them and this just perpetuates the ignorance and enmity between us all.

May Allah give me the understanding.

In my limited knowledge and understanding, in Fiqh/Taqleed there is dead simple difference between Saudi (Kibar) Ulamah and Deobandi (Kibar) Ulamah

  1. Saudi (Kibar) Ulamah almost 100% support Taqleed
  2. Deobandi (Kibar) Ulamah by and large go one step further and propose Taqleed Shaksi and this is done to save the laymen (of our ethnicity and background) from undue Fitnah and Fasad and from falling into error.

The Madkhalees most certainly don't represent the position of overwhelming majority (if not 100%) of the Saudi Ulamah at all and they need to be put in their place and should be singled out, marginalised and shown their true colours that they actually are divergent from the path of the Ulamah whom they claim to follow. The overwhelming shouting of the Madkhalees has drowned out the sound of others so (laymen) people tarnish Ulamah like Shaykh Ibn Baz (RA) and Shaykh Uthaymeen (RA) with the brush of “abandoning Madhab” because laymen don’t know any better.

These Ulamah were Qadhi so they were authoritative and capable enough and we should respect that. When brothers like "Abu Zakariya Yahya" & "Dr Ati" and many others claim Taqleed they are doing Taqleed; they are just not doing Taqleed Shaksi

On Tassawuff they have massive disagreements

P.S: You can read pages upon pages on forums and sites and people arguing until the cows come home without actually understanding the point!
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Old 05-14-2012, 10:26 PM   #13

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Nevertheless all readers are requested that if they believe that he reversed his position then produce categorical fatwa which is verifiable and chronologically later (then these) and we will present it as Shaykh Abd al-Aziz ibn Abd Allah ibn Baaz (RA)'s earlier and later position.

So if you find otherwise, will you accept it? I believe you people will never accept it. Leave the Saudis, Inshallah I'll give you the scans of, and books of Kibar Ulama Deoband of Indo-Pak (which is the homeland of TJ) who refuted the TJ.

But still it is useless, b/c you will not accept that, these books and refutation are not new even some are fourty fourty, fifty fifty years old.
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Old 05-14-2012, 10:29 PM   #14
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P.S: You can read pages upon pages on forums and sites and people arguing until the cows come home without actually understanding the point!

And even then the cows still get lost on the way home!
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Old 05-15-2012, 12:17 AM   #15

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So if you find otherwise, will you accept it? I believe you people will never accept it.
Just like you aren't accepting positive aspects mentioned by OP?

Leave the Saudis, Inshallah I'll give you the scans of, and books of Kibar Ulama Deoband of Indo-Pak (which is the homeland of TJ) who refuted the TJ. Eagerly waiting for scans.

But still it is useless, b/c you will not accept that, these books and refutation are not new even some are fourty fourty, fifty fifty years old. Do you think that everyone is blind like you?
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Old 05-15-2012, 01:20 AM   #16

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So if you find otherwise, will you accept it? I believe you people will never accept it. Leave the Saudis, Inshallah I'll give you the scans of, and books of Kibar Ulama Deoband of Indo-Pak (which is the homeland of TJ) who refuted the TJ.

But still it is useless, b/c you will not accept that, these books and refutation are not new even some are fourty fourty, fifty fifty years old.
Identifying the shortcomings is something different than calling them deviant!
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Old 05-15-2012, 02:10 AM   #17

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dont fall for his trap, many ulema of the past have gone back on their opinions on tabligh, why are we so weak honestly? if he doesn't wanna accept he won't accept even if you show him proof from the holy Quran, can't we see the millions have benefited from the work? isn't that enough? remember, the proof is in the cure... dont waste your time, move on, we workers only remember dawah, we don't remember the dua part of tabligh anymore, do dua for him and his likes, forget and move on, there are billions where dawah hasn't reached and they are hungry to listen, think of them. we seem to have a lot of time. it seems our dawah is limited to the internet and remember thats not us
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Old 05-30-2012, 08:00 PM   #18

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There is a lot of talk on the Internet that Shaykh Abd al-Aziz ibn Abd Allah ibn Baaz (RA) reversed his position on Tableeghi Jamaat.

This article lists:

  1. His stance
  2. His teachers's stance
  3. How Ulamah from major Saudi Islamic universities were commissioned to investigate
  4. Detailed reports of those Ulamah with names and positions
  5. How he arrived at his stance (in the light of reports above)

We have also taken the time to confirm the matter from other reliable sources for his position

  1. Br Ibn Faroooq's blog
  2. Shaykh Ibn Baz blog

Nevertheless all readers are requested that if they believe that he reversed his position then produce categorical fatwa which is verifiable and chronologically later (then these) and we will present it as Shaykh Abd al-Aziz ibn Abd Allah ibn Baaz (RA)'s earlier and later position.

Brother Colonel, can you please present inputs stating that bin Baaz opinion against the work of Dawah was a pior opinion held by him and not the later.

I need it for a few folks on an email group distribution list.
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Old 05-30-2012, 08:35 PM   #19

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Brother Colonel, can you please present inputs stating that bin Baaz opinion against the work of Dawah was a pior opinion held by him and not the later.

I need it for a few folks on an email group distribution list.

So far there is NO CONCLUSIVE evidence provided that Shaykh Ibn Baz (RA) changed his mind 2 years before he passed away and the various versions of Fatwaas (from tapes) provided to me all differ. Here is the original Arabic which everybody is trying to quote:


Ulamah even a few years after Shaykh Ibn Baz (HA) are not aware of this tape, see this:


The closest Fatwa of Shaykh Ibn Baz (RA)'s which the opposers of Tableegh can clutch on is this:

http://islam qa.info/en/ref/39349

If the people mentioned are known to have sound ‘aqeedah and knowledge and to be virtuous and good people, then there is nothing wrong with cooperating with them in calling people to Allaah and teaching and advising them, because Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

Its not upto prove the dates of Fatawa but others to conclusively prove otherwise and as soon as that happens we will append the article.

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Old 05-30-2012, 11:10 PM   #20

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So if you find otherwise, will you accept it? I believe you people will never accept it. Leave the Saudis, Inshallah I'll give you the scans of, and books of Kibar Ulama Deoband of Indo-Pak (which is the homeland of TJ) who refuted the TJ.

But still it is useless, b/c you will not accept that, these books and refutation are not new even some are fourty fourty, fifty fifty years old.
Even the hardcore enemies of Tablighi Jamaa't will acknowledge the following facts of Tablighi Jamaa't.

1. The Tablighi Jamaa't is in field since the last 80 years almost and ever since the departure of our golden age , their have been many reformative movements in Islam but none of them has lasted so long without splitting into subgroups.

2.It is also unprecedented in the history that such a huge Jamaa't is running without any official funding and advertisements. It is utterly astonishing that three million people gather at a point without taking the help of the electronic media.

3.It is again unprecedented that not a single charge of any kind of corruption has been leveled against the leadership of such a huge Jamaa't.

These three points alone should give a pause to any critic of the Tablighi Jamaa't. You might have some disagreements with their literature or methodology but i don't think so that any sincere to Islam person would degrade or castigate the Tablighi Jamaa't the way you have done. Tablighi jamaa't has done a good amount of good work and Tablighi Jamaa't can be instrumental for Islam in the future. We don't have any such populous organization present in the Muslim world today which can say Labaik on the call of its Ameer. I hope you understand how vital such a Jamaa't can be in the days to come.
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