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Old 06-16-2012, 12:01 AM   #21

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To anyone critisising these brothers:

''The Salafists have raised concern with their drive to convert non-Muslims, a campaign that has involved handing out 25 million copies of the Quran in Germany, Austria and Switzerland''.

when we ourselves are siding against these brothers it shows where our loyalties stand.

quoting from this
"Among other things, Millatu Ibrahim taught followers to reject German law and follow Islamic Shariah law and that "the unbelievers are the enemy," a German security official said on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue."
"Following the fights, a video surfaced online by a known terrorist, Bonn-born Yassin Chouka — who is believed to be with the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan in the Afghanistan-Pakistan border region — calling for members of Pro NRW and German media to be killed. He urged the Salafists to move away from street confrontations where the risk of being arrested was too great and instead to target Pro NRW members at their homes and workplaces."

they should use their heads.
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Old 06-16-2012, 12:03 AM   #22

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No to sidetrack the issue, but the above can also be applied to the tableeghis e.g the behaviour of the guard in his 'sermonising' and particularly about dawah to existing Muslims.

out of the four traits only (c) loosely applies to TJ. and also DI...
they both are a class apart from salafi dawah. i dont agree with the colonel on one thing. dawah should also be given to muslims.
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Old 06-16-2012, 12:09 AM   #23

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akhi you dont get it do you. There are thousands of examples of people from salafis, deobandis, barelwis, shia, even people who were present in the time of the prophet SAW who apostated, like on the night journey, people shouldnt be using this as an evidence, it doenst prove anything. I can pull out countless examples of things ebing done by deobandis but what does this prove and what benefit does it bring when I should be seeking to unite with my deobandi brothers as one body to repel the assault on islam and further our ummah in the current geopolitical situations. I should be seeking to create unity and understanding between both salafis and deobandis, wallahi last night i correct 3 salafi brothers that deobandis dont believe in wahdatul wujood and that they hold a position on aqeedah that is the same as ibn hajr and imam nawawi, why? because i want to see MORE cooperation, MORE goodwill, when i see brothers rejoicing at the site of brothers who are striviing in dawah, because the kuffar decided to end the efforts of dawah, and supposedly this proves that the salafis are in chaos, there is something serioulsy wrong and people cant see past the bias in their hearts, talk about tazkiyatun nafs, there are definitely somethings brothers need to remove from their hearts from this forum, and it is bringing death and destruction to the ummmah. I cant believe that some brothers feel taht salafis are the biggets threat to islam right now, that absolutely astounds me. I accept that some salafis are in need of correction, but how can I invite them to a united salafi deobandi front when all i can show them is a forum where salafis are regularly blasted, linked with riddaa, and labelled as worser enemies than barelwis, qadiyanis, shia and kuffar?

I ask Allah to show us all the right approach in dealing with our brothers and sisters in islam
apostasy statistics do not mean anything.
my assertion that you are not understanding is simply that salafi dawah is responsible for arming modernists/liberals/secularists. and it is responsible for making people more susceptible to apostasy in its various forms. for details see the thread 'dawat e islami'.i have yet to reply to brother jadeed there but i said what i wanted to over there.
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Old 06-16-2012, 12:29 AM   #24

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hadhrat imam ghazali said there are muslims who do more harm to islam and muslims than even shaytaan

read july 7th london bombings ,by nafeez mosadeeq,about al muhajiroon,bakri,.. mohammed siddique khan etc..all salafis
Nafeez mosadeeq is not a credible figure. He is promoted by the so-called alternative media outlets, which are controlled by the Zionists.

Muslims didn't mastermind 7/7. Sddique khan et al. could be compromised figures who were employed by Mukhabbarat organizations for sting operations.

Watch this documentary:


Kuffar don't care if you are a madhabi or lamadhabi, liberal or nationalist. They no longer hide their real intention, i.e. total war on Islam.

U.S. Military Taught Officers: Use ‘Hiroshima’ Tactics for ‘Total War’ on Islam. They want to nuke Makkah and Madina.


The U.S. military taught its future leaders that a “total war” against the world’s 1.4 billion Muslims would be necessary to protect America from Islamic terrorists, according to documents obtained by Danger Room. Among the options considered for that conflict: using the lessons of “Hiroshima” to wipe out whole cities at once, targeting the “civilian population wherever necessary.”

The course, first reported by Danger Room last month and held at the Defense Department’s Joint Forces Staff College, has since been canceled by the Pentagon brass. It’s only now, however, that the details of the class have come to light. Danger Room received hundreds of pages of course material and reference documents from a source familiar with the contents of the class.

The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff recently ordered the entire U.S. military to scour its training material to make sure it doesn’t contain similarly hateful material, a process that is still ongoing. But the officer who delivered the lectures, Army Lt. Col. Matthew A. Dooley, still maintains his position at the Norfolk, Virginia college, pending an investigation. The commanders, lieutenant colonels, captains and colonels who sat in Dooley’s classroom, listening to the inflammatory material week after week, have now moved into higher-level assignments throughout the U.S. military.

For the better part of the last decade, a small cabal of self-anointed counterterrorism experts has been working its way through the U.S. military, intelligence and law enforcement communities, trying to convince whoever it could that America’s real terrorist enemy wasn’t al-Qaida — but the Islamic faith itself. In his course, Dooley brought in these anti-Muslim demagogues as guest lecturers. And he took their argument to its final, ugly conclusion.

“We have now come to understand that there is no such thing as ‘moderate Islam,’” Dooley noted in a July 2011 presentation (.pdf), which concluded with a suggested manifesto to America’s enemies. “It is therefore time for the United States to make our true intentions clear. This barbaric ideology will no longer be tolerated. Islam must change or we will facilitate its self-destruction.”

Dooley could not be reached for comment. Joint Forces Staff College spokesman Steven Williams declined to discuss Dooley’s presentation or his status at the school. But when asked if Dooley was responsible for the course material, he responded, “I don’t know if I would classify him [Dooley] as responsible. That would be the commandant” of the school, Maj. Gen. Joseph Ward.

That makes the two-star general culpable for rather shocking material. In the same presentation, Dooley lays out a possible four-phase war plan to carry out a forced transformation of the Islam religion. Phase three includes possible outcomes like “Islam reduced to a cult status” and “Saudi Arabia threatened with starvation.” (It’s an especially ironic suggestion, in light of today’s news that Saudi intelligence broke up the most recent al-Qaida bombing plot.)

International laws protecting civilians in wartime are “no longer relevant,” Dooley continues. And that opens the possibility of applying “the historical precedents of Dresden, Tokyo, Hiroshima, Nagasaki” to Islam’s holiest cities, and bringing about “Mecca and Medina['s] destruction.”

Dooley’s ideological allies have repeatedly stated that “mainstream” Muslims are dangerous, because they’re “violent” by nature. Yet only a few of al-Qaida’s most twisted fanatics were ever caught musing about wiping out entire cities.

“Some of these actions offered for consideration here will not be seen as ‘political correct’ in the eyes of many,” Dooley adds. “Ultimately, we can do very little in the West to decide this matter, short of waging total war.”

Dooley, who has worked at the Joint Forces Staff College since August 2010, began his eight-week class with a straightforward, two-part history of Islam. It was delivered by David Fatua, a former West Point history professor. “Unfortunately, if we left it at that, you wouldn’t have the proper balance of points of view, nor would you have an accurate view of how Islam defines itself,” Dooley told his students. Over the next few weeks, he invited in a trio of guest lecturers famous for their incendiary views of Islam.

Shireen Burki declared during the 2008 election that “Obama is bin Laden’s dream candidate.” In her Joint Forces Staff College lecture, she told students that “Islam is an Imperialist/Conquering Religion.” (.pdf)

Stephen Coughlin claimed in his 2007 master’s thesis that then-president George W. Bush’s declaration of friendship with the vast majority of the world’s Muslims had “a chilling effect on those tasked to define the enemy’s doctrine.” (.pdf) Coughlin was subsequently let go from his consulting position to the military’s Joint Staff, but he continued to lecture at the Naval War College and at the FBI’s Washington Field Office. In his talk to Dooley’s class (.pdf), Coughlin suggested that al-Qaida helped drive the overthrow of Egyptian strongman Hosni Mubarak and Libyan dictator Muammar Gadhafi. It was part of a scheme by Islamists to conquer the world, he added. And Coughlin mocked those who didn’t see this plot as clearly as he did, accusing them of “complexification.”

Coughlin titled his talk: “Imposing Islamic Law – or – These Aren’t the Droids Your Looking For!”

Former FBI employee John Guandolo told the conspiratorial World Net Daily website last year that Obama was only the latest president to fall under the influence of Islamic extremists. “The level of penetration in the last three administrations is deep,” Guandolo alleged. In his reference material for the Joint Forces Staff College class, Guandolo not only spoke of today’s Muslims as enemies of the West. He even justified the Crusades, writing that they “were initiated after hundreds of years of Muslim incursion into Western lands.”

Guandolo’s paper, titled “Usual Responses from the Enemy When Presented With the Truth” (.pdf), was one of hundreds of presentations, documents, videos and web links electronically distributed to the Joint Forces Staff College students. Included in that trove: a paper alleging that “it is a permanent command in Islam for Muslims to hate and despise Jews and Christians” (.pdf). So was a video lecture from Serge Trifkovic, a former professor who appeared as a defense witness in several trials of Bosnian Serb leaders convicted of war crimes, including the genocide of Muslims. A web link, titled “Watch Before This Is Pulled,” supposedly shows President Obama — the commander-in-chief of the senior officers attending the course — admitting that he’s a Muslim.

Dooley added the caveats that his views are “not the Official Policy of the United States Government” and are intended “to generate dynamic discussion and thought.” But he taught his fellow military officers that Obama’s alleged admission could well make the commander in chief some sort of traitor. “By conservative estimates,” 10 percent of the world’s Muslims, “a staggering 140 million people … hate everything you stand for and will never coexist with you, unless you submit” to Islam. He added, “Your oath as a professional soldier forces you to pick a side here.” It is unclear if Dooley’s “total war” on Muslims also applied to his “Muslim” commander in chief.

After the Pentagon brass learned of Dooley’s presentation, the country’s top military officer, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey, issued an order to every military chief and senior commander to get rid of any similar anti-Islam instructional material. Dempsey issued the order because the White House had already instructed the entire security apparatus of the federal government — military and civilian — to revamp its counterterrorism training after learning of FBI material that demonized Islam.

By then, Dooley had already presented his apocalyptic vision for a global religious war. Flynn has ordered a senior officer, Army Maj. Gen. Frederick Rudesheim, to investigate how precisely Dooley managed to get away with that extended presentation in an official Defense Department-sanctioned course. The results of that review are due May 24.

Ironically, Dooley and his guest lecturers paint a dire picture of the forward march of Islamic extremism right as its foremost practitioner feared its implosion. Documents recently declassified by the U.S. government revealed Osama bin Laden fretting about al-Qaida’s brutal methods and damaged brand alienating the vast majority of Muslims from choosing to wage holy war. Little could he have known that U.S. military officers were thinking of ways to ignite one.
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Old 06-16-2012, 01:05 AM   #25

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No to sidetrack the issue, but the above can also be applied to the tableeghis e.g the behaviour of the guard in his 'sermonising' and particularly about dawah to existing Muslims.

out of the four traits only (c) loosely applies to TJ. and also DI...
they both are a class apart from salafi dawah. i dont agree with the colonel on one thing. dawah should also be given to muslims.

I never said Dawah can't be given to Muslims as it is a commandment of Allah (SWT) in the Qur'aan. Tableeghi Jamaat and Salafees are poles apart in terms of methodology while only similar superficially.

They both give Dawah to Muslims and encourage them to adopt FULL DEEN and thats just where the similarity ends:

  1. Salafees then tell you that you MUST ADOPT our approach to Aqeedah and Fiqh while Tableeghi Jamaat simply refers people to Scholars of their choice.
  2. The modern Salaffiyah which nows says, "We don't have a problem with following Madhabs" then dictates actually you may be a Hanafi/Shaf'ae/Maliki/Hanbali but your Taqleed must also follow the principles and dictates set down by us. Al-Maghrib is a fine example of telling Hanafees who to follow Hanafi Madhab.

In the history of Islam there have been numerous calls for reform and Dawah BUT NONE to actually dictate and control the lives of millions of Muslims to the ultimate degree, thats what its about i.e. control because the Saudi regime needs SALAFIYYAH to control lives so there is no revolt against them.

Tableeghi Jamaat has no such methodology or tactic [U]and don't tell people to suck eggs.

Again, I don't have any problems with Salafees (that's their approach and so be it) but a vast majority of Muslims (laymen and Ulamah) don't understand the virulent form of Salafiyyah and what it is actually about! Its political in nature.

P.S: Sorry for the short incoherent response, more on it later.
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Old 06-16-2012, 01:10 AM   #26

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quoting from this
"Among other things, Millatu Ibrahim taught followers to reject German law and follow Islamic Shariah law and that "the unbelievers are the enemy," a German security official said on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue."
"Following the fights, a video surfaced online by a known terrorist, Bonn-born Yassin Chouka — who is believed to be with the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan in the Afghanistan-Pakistan border region — calling for members of Pro NRW and German media to be killed. He urged the Salafists to move away from street confrontations where the risk of being arrested was too great and instead to target Pro NRW members at their homes and workplaces."

they should use their heads.
obviously the german official is going to villify the salafis, why can you not accept that the salafis are being unjustly targeted, the government is afraid of them, in their dawah to non-muslims it is the salafis who are taking the lead, no other group is active/bothered in converting people which is why the governments are targeting the salafis, why is it that we see so many non muslim salafis it is because of their dawah.
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Old 06-16-2012, 01:15 AM   #27

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obviously the german official is going to villify the salafis, why can you not accept that the salafis are being unjustly targeted, the government is afraid of them, in their dawah to non-muslims it is the salafis who are taking the lead, no other group is active/bothered in converting people which is why the governments are targeting the salafis, why is it that we see so many non muslim salafis it is because of their dawah.
too many assumptions. this is not a christian government of medieval times that they would care about 'conversion'. the salafis should know how to live in a non-muslim country. they are to blame for the innocents among them who are suffering because of this. i mean who in their right mind would ask people living in germany to reject german law?and 'unbelievers are the enemy'? 'calling germans to be killed'...is this dawah?
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Old 06-16-2012, 01:24 AM   #28

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Nafeez mosadeeq is not a credible figure. He is promoted by the so-called alternative media outlets, which are controlled by the Zionists.

Muslims didn't mastermind 7/7. Sddique khan et al. could be compromised figures who were employed by Mukhabbarat organizations for sting operations.
mohammed siddique khan , was married to my sister for 3 years if i remember correctly and from the countless books ive read after 7/7 ive garnered much more information

disclaimer ...i know more about my brother in law after 12/7...the day we got raided 2005...after 7/7
than ever before..id put the figure at 95% after..to 5% before 12/7
which i openly stated in the raids of 2007

yes we have been antiterror raided twice

nafeez mosadeqq is a credible analyst and again where does your accusation stem from rumour or opinion,as like many others
i also recommend people read about operation crevice
link of m.s.k. to omar khayyam
and crispin blacks book too ..

i have read..
from rushdie to 7/7..anthony mcroy
what terrorists want..louise richardson
what went wrong..crispin black
7/7 islam iraq..milan rai
from fatwa to jihad..kenan malik

not to mention online,articles,interviews etc
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Old 06-16-2012, 01:27 AM   #29

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quoting from this
"Among other things, Millatu Ibrahim taught followers to reject German law and follow Islamic Shariah law and that "the unbelievers are the enemy," a German security official said on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue."
"Following the fights, a video surfaced online by a known terrorist, Bonn-born Yassin Chouka — who is believed to be with the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan in the Afghanistan-Pakistan border region — calling for members of Pro NRW and German media to be killed. He urged the Salafists to move away from street confrontations where the risk of being arrested was too great and instead to target Pro NRW members at their homes and workplaces."

they should use their heads.
This was said in response to an organised NRW protest abusing and insulting the Prophet Muhmmmad (saw) and it was said by someone who is out there in the land of jihad himself. That demonstration turned violent and provided the impetus for the clampdown.

I'm not sure how much contact and involvement the German salafis have with Yassin Chouka, but the German authorities have been itching for months to clamp down on them and their Quran initiative dawah.
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Old 06-16-2012, 01:46 AM   #30

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obviously the german official is going to villify the salafis, why can you not accept that the salafis are being unjustly targeted, the government is afraid of them, in their dawah to non-muslims it is the salafis who are taking the lead, no other group is active/bothered in converting people which is why the governments are targeting the salafis, why is it that we see so many non muslim salafis it is because of their dawah.
I agree with you....lets not forget that even TJ have been targetted by certain people and been accused of links to terrorism whereas everyone here knows there is no truth in it...so why now believe the same kuffar media when it comes to salafis?

people dont seem to understand...that aside from those people who completely water down islam and have a modernist approach the kuffar doesnt care what label the group goes by they see Islam as a threat and will target anyone that preaches Islam without watering it down to please them
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Old 06-16-2012, 01:55 AM   #31

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I agree with you....lets not forget that even TJ have been targetted by certain people and been accused of links to terrorism whereas everyone here knows there is no truth in it...so why now believe the same kuffar media when it comes to salafis?

people dont seem to understand...that aside from those people who completely water down islam and have a modernist approach the kuffar doesnt care what label the group goes by they see Islam as a threat and will target anyone that preaches Islam without watering it down to please them
tj has no links to terrorism

i stated years back mohammed siddique khan hated t.j. with a vengeance..he told me himself,many times

this i put on the internet as i do so again today

and it ended up in this book
islamic republic of dewsbury..by danny lockwood
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Old 06-16-2012, 01:58 AM   #32

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This was said in response to an organised NRW protest abusing and insulting the Prophet Muhmmmad (saw) and it was said by someone who is out there in the land of jihad himself. That demonstration turned violent and provided the impetus for the clampdown.

I'm not sure how much contact and involvement the German salafis have with Yassin Chouka, but the German authorities have been itching for months to clamp down on them and their Quran initiative dawah.
as ever that particular part wasn't reported in the media.

however i dont see any sense in living in germany and asking muslims to reject german law. and telling people the non-muslims are the enemy while one is in germany. it stems from poor understanding of the islamic texts. whatever comparison people may wish to make between TJ and salafis i do not think TJ would go about saying such stuff in UK or england and germany for that matter.
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Old 06-16-2012, 02:05 AM   #33

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.that aside from those people who completely water down islam and have a modernist approach the kuffar doesnt care what label the group goes by they see Islam as a threat and will target anyone that preaches Islam without watering it down to please them
this is typical nonsensical salafi rhetoric

the same words and phrases used by countless more online warriors which then go on to define "kuffar" as the enemy
then unfortunately any kuffar as a legitimate target..

salafis will even justify killing muslims who disagree with them as they are "allies of the kuffar"

how much more misguided and wrong can people get..
why are almost 100% of recent u.k terror cases involving salafis?

because they energize on hate and anger and ignorance
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Old 06-16-2012, 02:28 AM   #34

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this is typical nonsensical salafi rhetoric

the same words and phrases used by countless more online warriors which then goes on to define "kuffar" as the enemy
then unfortunately as any kuffar as a legitimate target..

by virtue of them being kuffar
salafis will even justify killing muslims who disagree with them as they are "allies of the kuffar"

how much more misguided and wrong can people get..
why are almost 100% of u.k terror cases involving salafis?

because they energize on hate and anger and ignorance
you realise thats the same as saying 100% of terrorism cases in the UK are by Muslims...therefore all Muslims must be terrorists
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Old 06-16-2012, 02:30 AM   #35

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the same words and phrases used by countless more online warriors which then goes on to define "kuffar" as the enemy
then unfortunately as any kuffar as a legitimate target..

by virtue of them being kuffar
salafis will even justify killing muslims who disagree with them as they are "allies of the kuffar"
never understood that part myself.
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Old 06-16-2012, 07:43 AM   #36

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This is what Lamadhabist dawah is about chaos!! The saudi influence dawah is always counterproductive and harms others. Lamadhabist stupids are nothing more the pawn in the scheme of anti muslim tactics. I would like to see similar steps being adopted in UK by targetting Darusalam Publicaiton and their likes. There is no place for them here!!
Well said ! Death to la madhabis , only brainless stupid muslims support them .
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Old 06-16-2012, 07:45 AM   #37

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Subhanallah, some brothers are so easily tricked by labels!

Do you even realize that they even call people as as "Salafists", who do not even regard themselves as "Salafi"??
If some deobandi brothers here would live in Germany they would be regarded as "Salafists"!!

What is more important than labels, are the actual positions of a group/person:

Take for example two people, who say that they're Hanafi. One of them simply asks Hanafi 'Ulama` if he has any Fiqh questions and is a good muslim, while the other is a grave worshipping Barelwi who is on another Din than Islam! So here you have the same label, but two completely different persons.

Or take for example two person, who are regarded as Sufis. One of them makes much Dhikr, reads a lot of Qur`an and stays away from sins, while the other dances around saying "Hu hu hu" and claiming that this is Dhikr.

Or take for example two persons, who regard themselves as Salafis. One of them follows the Sunnah as much possible and loves those who fight for the sake of Allah ta'ala, while the other is Murji` and a someone who loves the apostate rulers of today.

So don't be fooled by labels!

And please read the following post to understand the situation of the muslims in Germany:


The brothers from "DieWahreReligion", who distributed the free Qur`an translations, already warned all muslims that they should not be fooled by the media propaganda! The media is using the word "Salafists" and mentions things that all muslims believe and says then "this is what Salafists believe"!

While in Saudia we would be out and about with work colleagues eating and the religious authorities would come (barge in) and INSIST ON GIVING Dawah booklets to these “mostly uninterested Non-Muslims” in the middle of their meal who witness the worst of Saudi society on a daily basis.
Are we speaking about Germany or about Su'uidyyah?

In the history of Islam there have been numerous calls for reform and Dawah BUT NONE to actually dictate and control the lives of millions of Muslims to the ultimate degree, thats what its about i.e. control because the Saudi regime needs SALAFIYYAH to control lives so there is no revolt against them.
Dear brother, again: Germany or Su'udiyyah? I hope you know that those brother who were distributing the Qur`an translations, regard the Saudi regime as traitors!

however i dont see any sense in living in germany and asking muslims to reject german law. and telling people the non-muslims are the enemy while one is in germany.
Yeah, let's believe everything the disbelievers tell us.

Just to tell you what really happened: Some muslims started distributing free Qur`an translations and the next day the media said "Salafists want to build a Shar'iah state in Germany" even tough no one has mentioned that. So do you believe the media?

And please read this to understand what is really going:

Maybe you dishonest person could tell us where the Salafis in Germany (for your info: Most people whom the media calls "Salafist" either only call themselves muslims or they also call themselves Salafi, but no one calls himself Salafist!) said that they want their host country to change their legal system and to implement Shari'ah instead?!?

What can a host country expect from its guest: It can expect that they don't go against the law, right? And the brothers, whom they accuse all sorts of things did not say that one should go against the law!
But can the host country expect from us muslims that we change our values? This is a matter of belief and conviction, so how can they demand such a thing?! Can they tell us what we should view as correct and what as wrong??
If anyone says that they can, then this means that he says that they can tell us that we should change our religion!

We as muslims believe that the Qur`an is the speech of the lord of the worlds and that it's better than any other speech! And the laws, which the Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) implemented in Madinah, is in our conviction the best law and it's better than any man-made laws!
This is our belief. Has our host country the right to tell us that we should change this conviction and believe in their laws and values instead?? No!

The media started a big propaganda campaign against the brothers, who were distributing these free Qur`an translations.
What they also did all the time is that they mentioned things that the "evil Salafists" believe, but these things that they mentioned were things that all muslims believe!

For example they mentioned that "Salafists" believe that the Shari'ah law is better than any other law and this is something that all muslims believe! But the media also acts as if the brothers are trying to implement the Shari'ah here in the west, which of course is a lie! And the brothers whom they accuse, did not say that one should go against the law!
And they also mentioned that the "Salafists" believe that jews and christians, whom the message of Islam arrives and who do not accept it, will be in the hellfire. Again this is something that all muslims believe!
And they also mentioned that "Salafists" say that Islam is the only true religion and that all other religions are wrong. And again this is something that all muslims believe!

And they mentioned many many things, which all muslims believe.

If the media wants to tell us what we're allowed to believe and what not, then may I ask where their "freedom of opinion" and "freedom of religion" has gone??
Here in Germany they're putting more and more pressure on any organization or masjid that is independent. And they're demanding all muslims to believe that the western "values" are better than the values that are teached in the Qur`an al-karim, but unfortunalely some people here on this forum having nothing better to do than to attack muslims and getting fooled by labels.
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Old 06-16-2012, 07:48 AM   #38

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this is typical nonsensical salafi rhetoric

the same words and phrases used by countless more online warriors which then go on to define "kuffar" as the enemy
then unfortunately any kuffar as a legitimate target..

salafis will even justify killing muslims who disagree with them as they are "allies of the kuffar"

how much more misguided and wrong can people get..
why are almost 100% of recent u.k terror cases involving salafis?

because they energize on hate and anger and ignorance
Why not ? If u want to look at any group just look at their founders and u will find their hands were filled with the blood of innocent muslims of hijaz,

A group that showed no mercy to muslims of hijaz in general sufis and made their blood hala do u think they are going to show compassion to the kuffar lol
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Old 06-16-2012, 07:52 AM   #39

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Subhanallah, some brothers are so easily tricked by labels!

Do you even realize that they even call people as as "Salafists", who do not even regard themselves as "Salafi"??
If some deobandi brothers here would live in Germany they would be regarded as "Salafists"!!

What is more important than labels, are the actual positions of a group/person:

Take for example two people, who say that they're Hanafi. One of them simply asks Hanafi 'Ulama` if he has any Fiqh questions and is a good muslim, while the other is a grave worshipping Barelwi who is on another Din than Islam! So here you have the same label, but two completely different persons.

Or take for example two person, who are regarded as Sufis. One of them makes much Dhikr, reads a lot of Qur`an and stays away from sins, while the other dances around saying "Hu hu hu" and claiming that this is Dhikr.

Or take for example two persons, who regard themselves as Salafis. One of them follows the Sunnah as much possible and loves those who fight for the sake of Allah ta'ala, while the other is Murji` and a someone who loves the apostate rulers of today.

So don't be fooled by labels!

And please read the following post to understand the situation of the muslims in Germany:


The brothers from "DieWahreReligion", who distributed the free Qur`an translations, already warned all muslims that they should not be fooled by the media propaganda! The media is using the word "Salafists" and mentions things that all muslims believe and says then "this is what Salafists believe"!

Are we speaking about Germany or about Su'uidyyah?

Dear brother, again: Germany or Su'udiyyah? I hope you know that those brother who were distributing the Qur`an translations, regard the Saudi regime as traitors!

Yeah, let's believe everything the disbelievers tell us.

Just to tell you what really happened: Some muslims started distributing free Qur`an translations and the next day the media said "Salafists want to build a Shar'iah state in Germany" even tough no one has mentioned that. So do you believe the media?

And please read this to understand what is really going:

Here in Germany they're putting more and more pressure on any organization or masjid that is independent. And they're demanding all muslims to believe that the western "morals" are better than the morals that are teached in the Qur`an al-karim, but unfortunalely some people here on this forum having nothing better to do than to attack muslims and getting fooled by labels.
We won't be fooled by you , your a la madhabi hiding under the cover of hanabali ,
Your cover is blown.
La madhabism is not a label its a disease the sooner u get off with it the better it is for u
jojocomok is offline

Old 06-16-2012, 08:01 AM   #40

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Oct 2005
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To anyone critisising these brothers:

''The Salafists have raised concern with their drive to convert non-Muslims, a campaign that has involved handing out 25 million copies of the Quran in Germany, Austria and Switzerland''.

when we ourselves are siding against these brothers it shows where our loyalties stand.

In one breath, the Sufis are mushirks and kafir, grave worshipping fools.

once they get beat up by the real kafirs.... all of sudden... "why aren't you Muslim brothers helping us..."

... lol... now I'm your brother.... now.... now you extend your hand... a minute ago you wanted put me in the grave... (not you literally... just want to make that clear, since you take everything literally... lol.... figuratively speaking that is...)
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