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Old 07-06-2012, 08:02 AM   #1

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Default Whats the difference between a muslim and a believer
is a believer a moomim ?
and a muslim just like a tree or a star or an animal meaning they submit to God but dont believe from their bottoms of their hearts ?

If you is answering from shiek google, dont bovver cos i could do that meself
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Old 07-06-2012, 08:42 AM   #2

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Muslim is someone who believes la ilaha ilAllah Muhammadur rasulullah.

A Mu'min has a higher status, he actually acts upon it and tries to be pious.

Here's basically how the ranks work (lowest rank to highest rank):
1) Muslim
2) Mu'min
3) Muhsin
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Old 07-06-2012, 08:44 AM   #3

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Muslim is someone who believes la ilaha ilAllah Muhammadur rasulullah.

A Mu'min has a higher status, he actually acts upon it and tries to be pious.

Here's basically how the ranks work (lowest rank to highest rank):
1) Muslim
2) Mu'min
3) Muhsin
So whats the difference between a muslim and a believer ?

Can you "try" to be pious or are you either pious or you are not ?
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Old 07-06-2012, 08:47 AM   #4

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So whats the difference between a muslim and a believer ?
sister, did you read my post? I just told you the difference.

A Muslims believes, but doesn't necessarily try to be pious. A Mu'min is pious.

So the example of a Muslim would be someone who believes that God is one, and believes in Islam. But he doesn't pray except in Ramadan, doesn't give zakah, does a lot of sins, doesn't read Qur'an regularly etc...
A Mu'min has more taqwa, and does righteous deeds while refraining from evil ones.

Every Mu'min is a Muslim, but not every Muslim a true Mu'min.
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Old 07-06-2012, 08:48 AM   #5

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Can you "try" to be pious or are you either pious or you are not ?
Im no scholar, but in my opinion, anyone who's trying to be pious is actually pious. Because that person is struggling for the sake of Allah, and thats true piety.
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Old 07-06-2012, 08:52 AM   #6

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sister, did you read my post? I just told you the difference.

A Muslims believes, but doesn't necessarily try to be pious. A Mu'min is pious.

So the example of a Muslim would be someone who believes that God is one, and believes in Islam. But he doesn't pray except in Ramadan, doesn't give zakah, does a lot of sins, doesn't read Qur'an regularly etc...
A Mu'min has more taqwa, and does righteous deeds while refraining from evil ones.

Every Mu'min is a Muslim, but not every Muslim a true Mu'min.
So there is no difference between a muslim and believer ? So does muslim mean a believer ? My friends said there was a difference ??

And a muslim is one who doesnt pray except in Ramadan , doesnt give zakah (charity right) does a lot of sins and doesnt read Quran regularly?

Im confused ? Does that mean if you pray all the time and give charity all the time and only a few sins and read Quran you are definitely a mu'mim ?

How long does it take to be better rank, what steps do you need to do to jump from muslim to mumim to the next level ?
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Old 07-06-2012, 09:30 AM   #7

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So there is no difference between a muslim and believer ? So does muslim mean a believer ? My friends said there was a difference ??
There could be a difference, but not necessarily, it depends. Just because someone is a Muslim, doesn't mean he's pious. On the other hand, some Muslims are pious so they are Mu'minoon (true believers).

And a muslim is one who doesnt pray except in Ramadan , doesnt give zakah (charity right) does a lot of sins and doesnt read Quran regularly?
Again not necessarily. That is just an example of someone who is a Muslim (says the kalimah) but not a Mu'min (a true believer). A sinful Muslim (like the one I gave you the example of) cannot be a Mu'min.

Im confused ? Does that mean if you pray all the time and give charity all the time and only a few sins and read Quran you are definitely a mu'mim ?
Its not all about worship, you have to be kind also, and have good character. But essentially, your are correct. If someone does many good deeds, and has very few sins, then I would think of him is a mu'min (a True Believer)

How long does it take to be better rank, what steps do you need to do to jump from muslim to mumim to the next level ?
You just have to increase your taqwa, and be as pious as you can in your day to day life. You can never claim yourself to be of high caliber, because that would be arrogance. No one can say "I am completely Pure" because Allah forbids us to do that. Only Allah knows whats in the heart. However, you can claim someone else to be a Mu'min or Muhsin.

Sorry if I confused you, just watch this video, it'll clear things up.
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Old 07-06-2012, 10:02 AM   #8

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The term Muslim has two meanings.

By Law, Muslim is the person who says, Allah (swt) is one and only He is worthy to be worshiped and Prophet (sws) is His servant and messenger. People can be Muslim just by name and by birth too. Such people might not be Momin but they are Muslims.

By Faith, Muslim is the person who submits himself totally to Allah (swt), Muslim seeks Allah (swt) will instead of seeking his own desires. These are Muslims in the sight of Allah (swt) and Allah (swt) calls them Momineen.
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Old 07-06-2012, 10:18 AM   #9

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The term Muslim has two meanings.

By Law, Muslim is the person who says, Allah (swt) is one and only He is worthy to be worshiped and Prophet (sws) is His servant and messenger. People can be Muslim just by name and by birth too. Such people might not be Momin but they are Muslims.

By Faith, Muslim is the person who submits himself totally to Allah (swt), Muslim seeks Allah (swt) will instead of seeking his own desires. These are Muslims in the sight of Allah (swt) and Allah (swt) calls them Momineen.
That is correct.
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Old 07-06-2012, 05:30 PM   #10

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The term Muslim has two meanings.

By Law, Muslim is the person who says, Allah (swt) is one and only He is worthy to be worshiped and Prophet (sws) is His servant and messenger. People can be Muslim just by name and by birth too. Such people might not be Momin but they are Muslims.

By Faith, Muslim is the person who submits himself totally to Allah (swt), Muslim seeks Allah (swt) will instead of seeking his own desires. These are Muslims in the sight of Allah (swt) and Allah (swt) calls them Momineen.
Can you explain more about what you mean here. I know we are all born muslim, but whats this muslim by name malarky ?
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Old 07-06-2012, 05:40 PM   #11

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Can you explain more about what you mean here. I know we are all born muslim, but whats this muslim by name malarky ?

We are not all born Muslim. We are born upon fitrah (natural inclinations innate in every person), which dictates belief in one god, who is Allah but our upbringing either takes us away from our fitrah towards Christianity, Hinduism, etc. or towards a higher level of understanding, which is Islam. Why are we not all born Muslims? Because we are only born with half the kalimah - laa ilaaha illa Allaah. Without Muhammadur rasoolullaah , we aren't Muslims.

With that aside, a "Muslim by name" is a person who does nothing to show that he is in fact a Muslim. Such a person doesn't pray salah, doesn't fast, doesn't pay zakat, etc. Such a person is Muslim in name alone.
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Old 07-06-2012, 05:51 PM   #12

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Can you explain more about what you mean here. I know we are all born muslim, but whats this muslim by name malarky ?
A Muslim by name is a person who claims to be a Muslim but yet doesn't fulfill his obligation as a Muslim (prayer, zakah, etc...)

This person may only be a Muslim because his parent are.
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Old 07-06-2012, 06:34 PM   #13

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ok then is it fair to conclude that
a muslim is a submitter
a mumin is a believer.
So there is a difference between a muslim and a believer ?
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Old 07-07-2012, 03:14 AM   #14

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ok then is it fair to conclude that
a muslim is a submitter
a mumin is a believer.
So there is a difference between a muslim and a believer ?
Muslim is a person who submits to Allah (swt).

Now there are two types of Muslims.

1 - Those who submit to Allah (swt) unwillingly and reluctantly. Such Muslims are actually Kafireen. All Kafirs submits to Allah (swt) but unwillingly. Even Satan cannot go against the plans of Allah (swt), Satan has to submit to the plans of Allah (swt).

2 - Those who submits to Allah (swt) willingly and happily. Such Muslims are actually Momineen.

This means, Earth, Sun, Stars, Moon, Plants, Trees, Animals, Birds, Universe and all its things and people are Muslims. Because all of them has to submit to plans of Allah (swt).

No matter, who you are, you are still Muslim because you cannot go against the plans of Allah (swt) and you will have to submit to plans of Allah (swt) either willingly or unwillingly.

It means, Allah (swt) is the sole owner of this Heavens and Earth and nothing can go against His plan. Everyone will have to submit to Him.

Point To Ponder

So is it other than the religion of Allah they desire, while to Him have submitted [all] those within the heavens and earth, willingly or by compulsion, and to Him they will be returned?

Quran 3-83
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Old 07-07-2012, 03:44 AM   #15

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is a believer a moomim ?
and a muslim just like a tree or a star or an animal meaning they submit to God but dont believe from their bottoms of their hearts ?

If you is answering from shiek google, dont bovver cos i could do that meself
a drop of water.is water

a teaspoon of
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a river
a sea
an ocean
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Old 07-07-2012, 12:59 PM   #16

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Muslim is a person who submits to Allah (swt).

Now there are two types of Muslims.

1 - Those who submit to Allah (swt) unwillingly and reluctantly. Such Muslims are actually Kafireen. All Kafirs submits to Allah (swt) but unwillingly. Even Satan cannot go against the plans of Allah (swt), Satan has to submit to the plans of Allah (swt).

2 - Those who submits to Allah (swt) willingly and happily. Such Muslims are actually Momineen.
So according to 1 and 2. There is no such thing as a submitting muslim who is not a momineen ?
So by definition ALL people who say shahadah are momineen ?

You need a Number 3 !
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Old 07-07-2012, 05:13 PM   #17

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So according to 1 and 2. There is no such thing as a submitting muslim who is not a momineen ?
So by definition ALL people who say shahadah are momineen ?

You need a Number 3 !
Well, you are right in terms of LAW only.

Anyone who says Shahada is Muslim as well as Momin. So if you have two sons, one is very pious and other is very evil, both are still 100% Momineen both will inherit your property with equal share. Your pious son cannot inherit your property more than your evil son. This means, Iman does not increase or decrease in terms of LAW.

Iman does increase and decrease, no one knows anyone’s Iman except Allah (swt) knows that person is Momin and how much Momin.
Iman is a state of heart, when you do good deeds, your Iman increases and you get closer to Allah (swt), when you do bad deeds, your iman decreases and you get farther from Allah (swt).
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Old 07-07-2012, 06:02 PM   #18

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Which is why if Allah described someone as a believer in the Qur'an then this is a great form of praise which directly means he's going to heaven.
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Old 07-07-2012, 06:11 PM   #19

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We're talking in terms of faith here. A Mu'min has stronger faith,and therefore does more good deeds, than just a Muslim.

Did you watch this video?: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8J0OE1IzRI
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Old 07-07-2012, 06:15 PM   #20

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Some people came to our prophet and said that we are moomin (believer) or we believe (have imaan)....Allah sent wahi to prophet ...whose mafoom is Tell them they havent yet believed rather they have just entered islam
In the Qur'an it is stated:
(Al-Hujurat 49:14) The Arabs of the desert say, "We believe." (tu/minoo) Say thou: Ye believe not; but rather say, "We profess Islam;" (aslamna) for the faith (al-imanu) hath not yet found its way into your hearts.

It is also mentioned in many ahadeeth

Someone asked our prophet what is imaan ...our prophet replied (whose mafoom is) ...When good deeds make you happy and bad deeds (sin) make you sad (guilty), you are a moomin...

In this hadith it is clearly mentioned that a moomin is true muslim who cannot commit sin but if he does he will surely repent because hearts of moomin are filled with yaqeen (100 % faith) of Allah and fear and love of Allah...a moomin cannot disobey Allah....and on the other hand muslim in true sense is a person who submits wholly to will of Allah and his messenger but if a person gives shahadah and doesnt obey Allah and his prophet he is still a muslim and he has imaan but very weak...

When Imaan resides in heart.....person is called moomin
when a person obeys Allah and prophet ....person is called muslim

a moomin is always a muslim because imaan in the heart is a driving force which forces one internally to obey Allah & prophet

Actually at the time of prophet muslims very moomins, mohsins, saadiqeens, zakir, daaiee,
but today we aint true muslims thats why we arent true moomins , we arent zakir, we arent daiee rather we are liars, sinners, culprits, we commit big sins but we dont feel guilty because imaan in our hearts have become very weak .....but still alhamdulillah we are muslims alhamdulillah summa-alhamdulillah....we give shahadah that there is no god but Allah and prophet muhammad is his messenger

We should try to bring love , fear , yaqeen (faith) of Allah in our hearts so that we become moomin and muslims in true sense by making efforts which suhabah (Radhiyallahu anhum) made like leaving our homes, wealth, children, wives, parents for the sake of Allah, sitting in masjid and discussing(muzakara) things which are hidden from us but do exist (mugeebaat like Jannah, Jahannum, Allah, Qabr, ), doing dhikr (remembrance) of Allah, etc....these are the ways and the only ways by which our imaan (yaqeen or faith) will become stronger...!

The things about which we will talk more, we will faith of those things more....
like this thing has entered into our heart that atom is made up of electron, protons,etc although we have never seen it from our eyes, this thing has entered our hearts that atom bomb destroys although we have never seen atom bomb making destruction....similarly when we will give dawat to others about allah, that whatever happens , happens by the will of Allah, Allah is the only creater and operator of the world, heavens and the earth, here and hereafter...when we will bring these things into our daily talk, insha allah yaqeen or imaan or faith of allah will enter our hearts...similarly talking about jannah and hell....will bring yaqeen or faith of jannah and hell into our hearts....imaan increases or decreases by our actions and our talks....we can increase our imaan by such talks and by doing good deeds we can do....hope you got what i mean
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