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#1 |
Salamualaikum, I know that Dajjal will want people to eventually worship him. In the world we live in, many are turning towards atheism and its the "cool" and trendy thing to do for many youths. Do you think this is the plan of Dajjal (to remove religion from people first, then to make himself their god after they have become lost)?
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#2 |
I think Atheism has nothing to do with the Dajjal --- idol worship and shurk are (MUCH) bigger sins than Atheism or being Agnostic, which can be remedied differently and properly with each individual and his/her reasons behind doubting the existence of a creator.
The Dajjal would be having people that believe without thinking (unthinking sheep followers) and therefore are easily led astray to the false belief that worshiping him is what God wants them to do. |
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#3 |
Salamualaikum, I know that Dajjal will want people to eventually worship him. In the world we live in, many are turning towards atheism and its the "cool" and trendy thing to do for many youths. Do you think this is the plan of Dajjal (to remove religion from people first, then to make himself their god after they have become lost)? The purpose for atheism's popularity (it is being popularised, this isn't spontaneous) is that it sweeps away the old religion, that is what these guys like dawkins aim for. To get rid of christianity. This has been mostly completed now, for it creates a vacuum which an 'inverted' religion can step into. This is the message of the new age movement, instead of serving God, like in the old religions, the new age tells you that you are god, and that everything that was haram in the old religions, is now good and that you should do it. We can see gleams of this in the liberal ideologies around today, in feminism, transsexualism, socialism/communism, atheism. (side note, ever noticed why most atheists are hardline liberals? pro homosexual, pro abortion etc?) All these ideologies preach the opposite of traditional values and beliefs. It's basically the exact opposite of christianity and islam. So the antichrist will preach something like this. |
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#4 |
Yes. I just finished reading this book by Rene Guenon called 'The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the times'. He shows how the process that has been going on for the last 300 years, of western scientific rationalism and materialism laid the groundwork in eliminating religion from the minds of westerners, thereby bringing about an inversion of values in the west, and creating a foundation for the emergence of the anti-christ. It certainly seems like westerners will be the great followers of the anti-christ, they've embraced all these new age/occult pseudo satanic groups, or liberal ideologies like feminism en masse, and the ones who haven't, have become nihilistic consumers. All this sets the stage for the anti-christ to emerge and white people will be his most ardent supporters, no doubt many of these brown sahab modernist muslims will follow him too. |
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#5 |
This is exactly what i was thinking. Its great to have someone who actually has knowledge on this sharing to the ummah. could you maybe go into some details of this process and share your thought on present day issues/events (Iran, North Korea, decline of religion etc) So firstly, rationalism limits knowledge to what can be known to the rational faculty (the aql), then Empiricism limits knowledge to what can be known through experience. This represents a further limiting, for in rationalism only that which can be known by the aql exists, this basically limits God to what can be understood by reason, but does not eliminate him as a possibility, but this eventually leads to empiricism, where we are led to believe that only that which can be seen or observed exists. So since only the physical world is observable, scientists are led to believe only it exists (materialism), and since God is not observable, they are led to believe he does not exist (atheism). So guenon says this is how the modern deviation came about, by effectively cutting off man from the transcendent, the supra-rational, in the 18th century. This led directly to atheism. This process was necessary for the enemies of God, since it would bring about the clearing away of the old order, of religion and ordered society, leaving a vacuum which westerners find themselves in now. Communism played its part in this too, by sweeping away the old order in the countries that were subject to it. Now, the fact that this vacuum appears to be filled by consumerism and other things is an illusion. Things will only get worse, and I suspect to the extent that people will be crying out for a saviour, a role which the anti christ will then step into. And the process of deviation is still continuing, as we see with feminists and other leftist groups still fighting for their goals of equality and freedom, which represent a furthering of the inversion process; equality means to make the unequal things equal, to make the superior equal to the inferior. Part of this is their promotion of homosexualism, transexualism and every other sexual deviation imaginable under the guise of freedom. It is necessary for them (as part of their overall plan) to promote these things because it furthers the goal of eliminating any remnant of the old ways, found in traditional society. This process is also reflected in Art, see how a can of feces or a crucifix is urine is now considered art compared to the Renaissance art, and in every other area of value, morality, ethics. Money and their nafs is their god now, nothing else. So I think any antichrist will be some one who is very appealing to the nafs of the people, one that 'empowers' the people's nafs, since this is all people follow nowadays. He will probably offer something like becoming a god, or immortality. I mentioned before the antichrist will emerge proclaiming something like 'we are all gods', you can see this in human rights and social justice ideologies, as well as in transhumanism which claims we can become basically gods through technology. So why do you think leftists get so angry when they see some one being prevented from being a homosexual, or from rebelling against his government, or being put to death? It's because they already operate with this mentality that human beings are 'little gods', so to do anything or say anything critical of human beings is already, unconsciously, seen as a kind of blasphemy. This is why leftists get so riled up and angry when they see muslims obeying allah, instead of 'humanistic values'. Humanism amounts to no more than the elevation of man to godhood. I could write about this for hours, and there are lot of things I didn't mention, but this is basically what's going on. Guenon says all this deviation is planned, by some hidden force, I believe Shaykh Hossein Nasr says something similar. so here's some suggestions |
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#6 |
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#7 |
I also neglected to mention the jews.
Note that in our hadith there is mention that the anti christ will be a jew, this coupled with the fact that jews today control vast portions of western economies, the media and banking, seems to indicate something; that perhaps the jewish controlled west will be led into submission to the dajjal by their jewish masters... Even now, its illegal to criticise jews. There is a saying, the real ones with power are the ones you can't criticise... |
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#8 |
Ok, guenon says that the process of modern deviation began in the 18th century with the enlightenment rationalist philospoher, Rene Descartes. But it cane be seen to start earlier than this, in the rennaisance with humanism, the idea that humans and human betterment should be the focus. But to Descartes, turning against the older scholastic Christian Aristotelian tradition in his system of philosophy, managed to construct a schema in which all material processes could be seen as mechanistic. This 'proved' that all phenomena could be reduced to human terms, to reason alone, needing no reference to anything non-human to explain them. This formed a part of the larger scientific project going on in europe, wherein other scientists had been following the same path, being able to create mathematical models to describe the movement of the heavens, and other things in nature. So to start with this rationalism had the effect of cutting off people from the supra-rational, and limiting them to only reason as a source of knowledge. The problem with descartes theory was that he could account for things in the world, but he couldn't account for the mind, or the mental world. So he proposed his 'dualism' of body and mind, that they were both difference substances, one material or having 'extension' and the other not having extension. This presented a problem of how they interact. Eventually it became clear that this way of thinking about things didn't work, with the english enlightenment philosophers proposing that we come to know things by experience alone, not reason: Empiricism. ![]() |
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#9 |
I also neglected to mention the jews. |
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#10 |
I think the arab spring is a part of it, the west has been spreading its pro-democracy & freedom ideology in the middle east for decades now, and the population is brainwashed on a vast scale. The same process that occurred in the west has been underway in the east for a long time now; people prefer their nafs over Allah, causing disunity and chaos. They are tricked by the allure of a tall fair haired white man in an expensive suit, with an iphone and a shiny car, so they conclude that if they adopt the forms of western government they will have the toys and riches of the westerner. Too bad for them that this won't happen. I think many of these brainwashed modernist muslims will follow the antichrist. |
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#11 |
The only thing about current events that I can think of is the continuous subversion and 'progress' (towards what?) being made by leftist groups in the west. The process is slow and ongoing. Maybe we will see something happen in our lifetimes, maybe not. As for the muslim world, it's not as bad. Though muslim societies are being heavily subverted by western media and cultural forces. |
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#12 |
i feel depressed sometimes when i think of the inevitable, i sometimes wish for allah to take my life so i can leave this dunya, unfortunately i know i havent prepared well enough for the akhira We don't need to worry, since the prophet predicted all this. He said things will continually get worse. If anything we should be grateful to allah that he decided to test us by placing us in these end times. Remember the hadith where the prophet said the muslims for the later times will get immensely more reward than those of his time. |
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#14 |
The only thing about current events that I can think of is the continuous subversion and 'progress' (towards what?) being made by leftist groups in the west. The process is slow and ongoing. Maybe we will see something happen in our lifetimes, maybe not. As for the muslim world, it's not as bad. Though muslim societies are being heavily subverted by western media and cultural forces. I think everybody should watch this great lecture by him: |
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#15 |
Assalamu alaykum, ![]() |
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#16 |
from a former KGB member:
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#17 |
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#18 |
I think Atheism has nothing to do with the Dajjal --- idol worship and shurk are (MUCH) bigger sins than Atheism or being Agnostic, which can be remedied differently and properly with each individual and his/her reasons behind doubting the existence of a creator. ![]() Shirk is a form/type of Kufr. The one who rejects the existence of the Creator is worse in disbelief (Kufr) than a person who believes in a creator, but worships others besides him. Imam Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullah) said: مَن أنكر المعاد مع قوله بحدوث هذا العالم فقد كفَّرَه الله ، فمن أنكره مع قوله بقدم العالم فهو أعظم كفرا عند الله تعالى The one who denies the Hereafter but believes that this universe is created is described by Allah as a kaafir. The one who denies it and says that this universe existed from eternity is a worse kaafir in the sight of Allah, may He be exalted. Source: Majmu' al-Fatawa 17/291 (I took the translation from a fatwa of islamqa.) (I'm sure other 'Ulama` said the same regarding atheism being a bigger sin.) |
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#19 |
Ibn Taymiyah? Islamqa? really? you should stay away from wahabis and be a true hanbali brother. watch out for those who associate anthropomorphism with imam ahmad |
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#20 |
Ibn Taymiyah? Islamqa? really? you should stay away from wahabis and be a true hanbali brother. watch out for those who associate anthropomorphism with imam ahmad |
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