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Old 06-29-2012, 05:11 PM   #1

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Default Three Chinese astronauts return to Earth
BEIJING — Three Chinese astronauts returned to Earth as heroes on Friday after carrying out China's most complex and longest mission in orbit, vital steps in the country's effort to build a space station by 2020.
The 13-day voyage also saw China send a woman into space for the first time, and the nation's leaders celebrated as soon as the crew members emerged from their cramped return capsule smiling and seemingly in good health.
"This is... another outstanding contribution by the Chinese nation to human exploration and the use of outer space," Premier Wen Jiabao said, reading a statement representing all the top leaders.
"It has profound significance in enhancing China's comprehensive power and inspiring the national spirit."
The charred return capsule of the Shenzhou-9 spacecraft, which means Divine Vessel in Chinese, hit the ground in a remote area of northern China and rolled over on Friday morning after an approach slowed by a large parachute.
With the events broadcast across the nation on state-run television, the crew members spent another hour inside the capsule while medical workers checked on their conditions.
As the three were finally pulled out still wearing their white space suits, they waved, smiled and gave thumbs up signals, then made patriotic comments for the television audience.
"We have successfully accomplished the first manned docking mission for China and have now returned to home," said crew leader Jing Haipeng, 45, who has been on three of the country's four manned space missions.
"Thanks to our country, thanks to the care and love from people of all ethnic groups of the country. Thanks."
The history-making female member of the crew, Liu Yang, a 33-year-old air force pilot, was in similarly good spirits, saying she felt "warm and comfortable" throughout the trip.
During their mission the crew successfully carried out China's first manual space docking, an extremely difficult move that is essential in the process of building a space station -- which Beijing aims to do by 2020.
The manoeuvre -- completed by the Americans and Russians in the 1960s -- requires two vessels orbiting Earth at thousands of kilometres (miles) per hour to come together very gently to avoid destroying each other.
It was the main goal of the mission and the team rehearsed the procedure more than 1,500 times in simulations.
Morris Jones, an Australia-based independent expert on China's programme, said the length of the space flight -- the crew spent most of the 13 days in the Tiangong-1 module -- was more significant than the manual space docking.
"This is China's longest and most complex space flight to date," Jones said.
"The most important thing about the mission is something they haven't said openly and it's the fact that this Tiangong laboratory is more than just a laboratory. It is a proper space station, albeit a very small one."
China has spent 39 billion yuan ($6.1 billion) over the past two decades on its efforts to build a permanent manned space station, according to government figures.
The programme kicked off in 1999 with the launch of Shenzhou-1, with no crew on board.
Two years later, Shenzhou-2 lifted off with small animals aboard, and in 2003, China sent its first man into space. Since then, it has completed a space walk in 2008 and an unmanned docking between a module and rocket last year.
China sees its space programme as a symbol of its rising global stature, growing technical expertise, and the Communist Party's success in turning around the fortunes of the once poverty-stricken nation.
French space expert Isabelle Sourbes-Verger agreed the latest successful mission had helped cement China's status in these areas.
"By demonstrating that they master (these procedures), China fully enters the club of big powers in human occupation (of space)," said Sourbes-Verger, from France's National Centre for Scientific Research.
"The political objectives for the space programme -- to be able to demonstrate indisputable technological and scientific competence -- have been reached."


Why have china gained so much success? Because they are a people who work hard, take pride in their nation, and they serve their country. Muslims could gain this level of success aswell inshAllah, if only we take pride in our lands and work hard for its development inshAllah
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Old 06-29-2012, 07:10 PM   #2

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Only one verse comes to mind:

O company of jinn and mankind, if you are able to pass beyond the regions of the heavens and the earth, then pass. You will not pass except by authority [from Allah ].
[Qur'aan, Chapter 55, Verse 33]
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Old 06-29-2012, 07:45 PM   #3

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that verse says beyond the heavens though so wouldnt that mean the edge of outer space on the edge of the universe you cant pass? Woudlnt have thought this refers to the space just above earth. This verse is scientifically correct if it refers to the universe as its expanding at the speed (I think) of light so no one can catch up with the expanding edge of the universe
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Old 06-29-2012, 08:22 PM   #4

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i think what she is saying is that whatever humans achieve is by Allah's permission.
the advantage we muslims have over others is precisely this: we make the best possible effort AND have faith in Allah. for we know victory comes through Him alone..
the western civilization only believes in themselves and their work. and they always have. yet they have a wordly advantage over us now. why?
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Old 06-29-2012, 08:53 PM   #5

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^ That's what I meant.
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Old 06-30-2012, 01:22 AM   #6

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If they were within the Earths atmosphere, inside the electro magnetic shield, then strictly speaking they never left earth, and so never "returned"
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Old 06-30-2012, 04:17 AM   #7

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If they were within the Earths atmosphere, inside the electro magnetic shield, then strictly speaking they never left earth, and so never "returned"

Actually, to orbit the Earth you'd have be to outside of the earths atmosphere, other wise the resistance from the air particles would slow down your craft, causing you to drift back down to the Earth. So they did leave the Earth, and they did return.

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Old 06-30-2012, 09:57 AM   #8

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Actually, to orbit the Earth you'd have be to outside of the earths atmosphere, other wise the resistance from the air particles would slow down your craft, causing you to drift back down to the Earth. So they did leave the Earth, and they did return.

Given the sky is just a blue illusion of a covering, how are you defining earths atmosphere ? - I say they are still in earths "atmosphere" if you count the Van Allen radiation belts? Are you saying they went past these ??
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Old 06-30-2012, 12:00 PM   #9

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Given the sky is just a blue illusion of a covering, how are you defining earths atmosphere ? - I say they are still in earths "atmosphere" if you count the Van Allen radiation belts? Are you saying they went past these ??

What do you mean by "Blue illusion", its actually blue.

The van Allen radiation belt has nothing to do with the atmosphere. In physics, the atmosphere is defined in two ways:
1) The Kármán Line which 100 km from sea level
2) The place where fiction starts to become measurable when a spacecraft/rocket is descending down to Earth (I dont know the exact height of this)

I was using the second definition because for the spacecraft to orbit the Earth there needs to be very little friction, otherwise it would just go through orbital decay and slowly descend back to earth and the astronauts would not get any work done.so they must have been above the Earths atmosphere.

In reality though, there's no concrete boundary-line where the atmosphere ends and outer space starts. The atmosphere doesn't even really end, its just progressively gets thinner and thinner. Even the Kármán Line is an arbitrary definition. The second definition makes more sense to me though because its the one used by aerospace engineers and applies more to this situation.

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Old 06-30-2012, 02:26 PM   #10

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Muslims could gain this level of success aswell inshAllah, if only we take pride in our lands and work hard for its development inshAllah
Before we start taking pride in our lands, we first have to recognise and acknowledge our lands!

Like Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Chechnya, Burma, Yemen, the "Tan sisters" - Uzbek, Tajik, Kazakh, Kyrghstan et al.

There's little point in talking about growth and development until develop the ultra-strong, intimate bond with believers all across the world.

Which indeed brings to mind jihad fee sabeelillah, for without defence and security even a pack of ferocious lions get killed.

So what we really need is a global network of defenders for this ummah, something like an Internatioanal Islamic Mujahideen Brigade, that's the most crucial duty for now, those who are ready to repond to the distressed cries of the oppressed believing men and women all over.

For those who choose to remain blissfully unaware, the latest genocide/bloodbath against Muslims is exploding in full fury in Burma.








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Old 06-30-2012, 02:28 PM   #11

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After looking at such disgrace and humiliation engulfing the believing men and women, is there any that still reckons jihad to be unimportant?
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Old 06-30-2012, 02:56 PM   #12

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Brother, please, you should have posted a link to the pictures instead of displaying them on the forum. Not everyone on the forum has the heart (or stomach) to see such graphic pictures.

And I agree, Jihad most definitely is important.
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Old 06-30-2012, 03:05 PM   #13

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Wa'alaikum salaam

Brother, please, you should have posted a link to the pictures instead of displaying them on the forum. Not everyone on the forum has the heart (or stomach) to see such graphic pictures.
Yes, but for how long can we keep hiding in our personal safety shell, brother? If we don't stand up and confront the reality engulfing us in this world, what do you think will be meted out to us in the akhirat?

And I agree, Jihad most definitely is important.
Jazakallah khair Brother. I make dua that you get to take your share from this supreme ibaadah i.e. Jihaad. Make dua for me too.

Ameen, thumma ameen.
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Old 06-30-2012, 03:10 PM   #14

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Wa'alaikum salaam
Yes, but for how long can we keep hiding in our personal safety shell, brother? If we don't stand up and confront the reality engulfing us in this world, what do you think will be meted out to us in the akhirat?
Im not telling you to hide this information. By all means, spread the importance of Jihad. I encourage, you as it is an integral part of Islam.
Its the actual pictures im talking about, they're quite graphic and some light-hearted people may feel uncomfortable (or sick) just looking at them.

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Old 06-30-2012, 11:23 PM   #15

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They were still in the atmosphere...

The "blue illusion" is an illusion that the earth is enclosed in a blue sky. Its also an illusion in that blue is part of the colour green. In reality the atmosphere and space have narrower boundaries, like you say, not clear cut ones where the blue sky ends.

If you AGREE Van Allens belts are part of EARTHS electro magnetic shield. ANd that NO human can PASS this due to extreme levels of radiation. Then the CHINESE never left earth atmosphere.

In fact no human ever has.
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Old 07-01-2012, 04:19 AM   #16

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They were still in the atmosphere...
If you want to define the atmosphere as anyplace where air particles of the Earth float, then ok, they were in the atmosphere. But like I said, the Earths atmosphere never really ends, so even if you were at the moon you could still technically say the you are in the Earths atmosphere, its just very very very thin. So thats not really a good definition. Same for the Magnetic field of the Earth, it never really ends either, it just gets weaker and weaker. Even if you go all the way to the end of the solar system, you'd still technically be in the range of the magnetic field, it would just be so weak that its immeasurable.

The "blue illusion" is an illusion that the earth is enclosed in a blue sky. Its also an illusion in that blue is part of the colour green. In reality the atmosphere and space have narrower boundaries, like you say, not clear cut ones where the blue sky ends.
I guess you could think of it as an illusion, but that wouldn't really be an accurate way of describing it. The reason the sky is blue is because the light particles from the sun collide with the air particles of the Earths atmosphere, and this gives off short wavelengths, which is a blue color. The shorter the wavelength, the bluer the light. The longer the wavelength, the redder the light. So your eyes are actually processing the blue color, its not an illusion. This is why the sky is red during sunset, because longer wavelengths are reflected the most, and thus they reach your eyes more than the shorter wavelengths do, and so you see red. I wouldn't really call that an illusion.

If you AGREE Van Allens belts are part of EARTHS electro magnetic shield. ANd that NO human can PASS this due to extreme levels of radiation.
Humans have passed the Van allen radiation belt, 8 times to be exact.
The Appolo missions to the moon sent 12 men from the United States to moon. You need to go past the Van allen radiation belt to get to the moon. The Van Allen radiation belt is not very high radiation in the first place, you'd have to stay in it for days and days to get any damage. Not to mention, the Astronauts were wearing protective suits, and were inside the spacecraft.

Then the CHINESE never left earth atmosphere.

In fact no human ever has.
They did, and so did the the Apollo astronauts, and so did the astronauts who fixed the Hubble Space Telescope when its mirror broke, and so did the astronauts who lived in the International Space Station for four months and InshaAllah, one day this will also happen in the Islamic world.
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Old 07-01-2012, 04:41 AM   #17

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You said "3 Chinese astronauts return to earth"

I say "they never left earths atmosphere"

You say "the atmosphere can be up to the moon"

I say "they never left earth so that they never returned to earth"

You say "The Apollo mission went to the moon, hence left earths "atmosphere"

I say "How did the Apollo missions traverse the earths radiation belts ? If indeed they went to the moon ?"

You say: ....

How are we defining "leaving the earth, so to return" - I would agree that reaching the moon is leaving the earth and would be beyond the "atmosphere" by both our definitions.

But i dont think mankind can traverse the radiation belts, so no one has ever gone to the moon.

PS, blue as a predefined colour doesnt exist except through perception - its a part of the colour green, hence the illusion.

Its very accurate to describe it as an illusory covering, by Allahs mercy. We are looking out into Space at all times, the world isnt covered by a "blue covering" - this illusion of safety and protection and a barrier, separate from the universe, is precisely that - illusory to the eyes.

You see its NOT the visible, well known, blue sky protecting us, its the "invisible layers" that protect us. Subhanallah.
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Old 07-01-2012, 06:02 AM   #18

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You said "3 Chinese astronauts return to earth"

I say "they never left earths atmosphere"

You say "the atmosphere can be up to the moon"

I say "they never left earth so that they never returned to earth"

You say "The Apollo mission went to the moon, hence left earths "atmosphere"

I say "How did the Apollo missions traverse the earths radiation belts ? If indeed they went to the moon ?"

You say: ....

How are we defining "leaving the earth, so to return" - I would agree that reaching the moon is leaving the earth and would be beyond the "atmosphere" by both our definitions.

But i dont think mankind can traverse the radiation belts, so no one has ever gone to the moon.

PS, blue as a predefined colour doesnt exist except through perception - its a part of the colour green, hence the illusion.

Its very accurate to describe it as an illusory covering, by Allahs mercy. We are looking out into Space at all times, the world isnt covered by a "blue covering" - this illusion of safety and protection and a barrier, separate from the universe, is precisely that - illusory to the eyes.

You see its NOT the visible, well known, blue sky protecting us, its the "invisible layers" that protect us. Subhanallah.
Like I said, in a way the sky is an illusion. But I was just describing it in a purely scientific way.

If you reject the moon landings (all 8 of them), then I guess I can't really convince you, as that would be jumping into a whole other long conversation. I personally believe that the moon landings (all 8 of them) were indeed real, and not a hoax.

ps: I never said "3 Chinese astronauts return to earth". In fact, I did not even know about this. AbuFatimah started the thread.
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Old 07-01-2012, 07:28 AM   #19

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bro if they had gone to the moon on 64k processors, i think they might have gone again with Quad Core Xenon chips of today ?

I personally believe.. when you look at the evidence, it does require a lot of faith, true that..

why havent they gone again in modern times, when technology is better and cheaper ? how about the anomolous shadows on the moon, how about the movie-set like surface, the waving flag on a windless moon ?? hmm a lot of questions, the answers to which are not convincing

ps: I never said "3 Chinese astronauts return to earth". In fact, I did not even know about this. AbuFatimah started the thread. sorry about that, my bad ..
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Old 07-01-2012, 08:17 AM   #20

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What a fruitless discussion...
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