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Old 06-17-2012, 02:34 PM   #21

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i dont know why but i feel way too lazy to do.. almost everythng!!! to recite quraan to recite duas to do work... and i feell that.. my life has become very... unpeaceful! i feel peaceful when i recite duas slowly.. and nicley...
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Old 06-17-2012, 04:02 PM   #22

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Salaam sister

I would highly recommend reading the following advice from Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanawi (RA):

2. Eating Less

Allah Most High says:

Eat and drink, but do not waste. Verily He does not love those who transgress the limies (7:31)

The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) said:

‘’Tasbih and Taqdis, which suffice the people of heaven, will suffice them too’’ i.e. the believers

This hadith shows that, as tasbih and taqdis suffice for the Angels in the heavens, so will it suffice as nourishment for Muslims. It is narrated that certain saints remained without food for long periods in solitude engaged in glorification and hallowing. It is clear from this hadith that at times, remembrance and glorification are sufficient as nourishment.

However, it is not possible to adhere to the methods of food reduction practiced in former times. The people of those days were endowed with great physical strength, and despite the great reduction in food consumption they suffered no ill effect and maintained full concentration in their acts of worship....

..In reality, the Prophet Sallahu Alayhi wassalam did not prescribe reduction in food, but altered the routine times of eating and in this way made the intervals between eating times longer. This change in habit and the longer intervals which are difficult upon the lower self, have been considered by the sharia to be representative of reduction in food. Among the various forms of struggle, fasting is the best. Hence, the sharia has given reduction in eating the form of fasting. The other forms of reduction in food adopted by the people of spriritual struggle have no original basis in the sharia. Eating meagre amounts and remaining hungry are not forms of struggle of the Sharia. The significance of hunger mentioned in hadith does not refer to self-imposed huner, but refers to involuntary hunger – hunger that comes one’s way uninvited. The hadith consoles such impoverished persons by explaining the virtues of hunger so that they do not worry and suffer unduly.

Patience in the face of such divinely imposed hunger occasions reward and elevation in spiritual ranks. The significance of hunger is similar to the significance of illness explained in the hadith. The hadith even mentions reward for illness, but this does not mean that one should voluntarily induce illness. The method of reduction in food mentioned in the book Tabligh al Den [Al-Arba’in] by Imam Ghazali (may Allah have mercy on him) has been forbidden because the reduction in food is not the intended purpose in the sharia and because the physique of people today is unlike that of the people of earlier times.

Reduction in food is not an end in itself, but a means of acquiring a specific aim. This aim is to weaken the animal urge in man, and thereby prevent the lower self from sinning. Therefore, if the self can be controlled and restrained from sin without reducing food then reduction in eating is not necessary. Furthermore, cheerfulness and joy in worship are experienced if the body is in the state of health and strength. Experience shows that nowadays health, in most cases, suffers as a result of reduction in food. At the same time, one must abstain from excessive eating and adhere to moderation. The capacity of people differs; hence, moderation will differ for different persons. The guideline in this matter is to eat when hungry and to stop eating when you feel that you can still eat a few more morsels. In other words, one is allowed to eat to one’s fill, but not to satisfy one’s craving.
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Old 06-17-2012, 09:30 PM   #23

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Assalam u alykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh!

actually i used to do a lot of jihad bin nafs while having meals... like i used to cut down on sugar.. try to eat waht i .. didnt like very mch.. or used to skip sauces or a sauce or so.. used to eat very less oil and fat. but then .. my doctor told me that i need to eat a lot.. for better health..

so i started eating..but since two weeks i ahve started eating a lot.. i mean high sugar.. oily food. baked food. and so.. and today when i tried to cut down on sugar i couldnt..

to overcome the dizzines i try to have a good lunch and dinner. i dont feel like eating i jsut feel that i should eat. i DOnt feel hungry verymuch. or sometimes my mood becomes bad so i eat.. because attimes at lunch time and breakfst time i feel crossed. (my bad mood has become a sign of hunger)but then i feel that what shoud i do.. at times i feel i dont wanna eat that . i just want to have tea. i dont wana have a fruit.. and ugh! i dont like that. my health has Alhamdulillah improved much.. yet.. i want to ask.. whatever i m doing .. is that all correct?
So eating less food is jihad bin nafs! Hahahahahah
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Old 06-18-2012, 12:12 AM   #24

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So eating less food is jihad bin nafs! Hahahahahah
Akhi - don't scoff and jeer. Controlling what you eat is indeed a type of jihad-un-nafs and helps you control your carnal desires.
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Old 06-19-2012, 03:48 PM   #25

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Jihad of the nafs at the dinner table???
I am confused, how does that work???
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Old 06-19-2012, 04:14 PM   #26

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Assalam u alykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh!

actually i used to do a lot of jihad bin nafs while having meals... like i used to cut down on sugar.. try to eat waht i .. didnt like very mch.. or used to skip sauces or a sauce or so.. used to eat very less oil and fat. but then .. my doctor told me that i need to eat a lot.. for better health..

so i started eating..but since two weeks i ahve started eating a lot.. i mean high sugar.. oily food. baked food. and so.. and today when i tried to cut down on sugar i couldnt..

to overcome the dizzines i try to have a good lunch and dinner. i dont feel like eating i jsut feel that i should eat. i DOnt feel hungry verymuch. or sometimes my mood becomes bad so i eat.. because attimes at lunch time and breakfst time i feel crossed. (my bad mood has become a sign of hunger)but then i feel that what shoud i do.. at times i feel i dont wanna eat that . i just want to have tea. i dont wana have a fruit.. and ugh! i dont like that. my health has Alhamdulillah improved much.. yet.. i want to ask.. whatever i m doing .. is that all correct?
salaams sister

rather than eating junk in order to gain weight, why not eat healthy food to gain weight? You can eat good meals and put on weight without eating high sugar contents and oily foods etc. Eating little is definitely good for body and soul but keep to a healthy weight inshAllah and excercise plenty too
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Old 06-19-2012, 04:19 PM   #27

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Jihad of the nafs at the dinner table???
I am confused, how does that work???
In al-Maqasid fi bayan ma yajibu ma’rifatuhu min al-din, Nawawi states: The way of Sufism is based on five principles: having godfearingness privately and publicly, living according to the sunna in word and deed, indifference to whether others accept or reject one, satisfaction with Allah Most High in dearth and plenty, and returning to Allah in happiness or affliction. The principles of treating the illnesses of the soul are also five: lightening the stomach by diminishing one’s food and drink , taking refuge in Allah Most High from the unforeseen when it befalls, shunning situations that involve what one fears to fall victim to,

so anyone who mocks, know that you have mocked imam nawawi RH. H edidnt say tassawuf is street marching and fire works and dancing and singing, read what he descrobed as tassawuf
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Old 06-19-2012, 04:19 PM   #28

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Assalam u alykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh!

actually i used to do a lot of jihad bin nafs while having meals... like i used to cut down on sugar.. try to eat waht i .. didnt like very mch.. or used to skip sauces or a sauce or so.. used to eat very less oil and fat. but then .. my doctor told me that i need to eat a lot.. for better health..

so i started eating..but since two weeks i ahve started eating a lot.. i mean high sugar.. oily food. baked food. and so.. and today when i tried to cut down on sugar i couldnt..

to overcome the dizzines i try to have a good lunch and dinner. i dont feel like eating i jsut feel that i should eat. i DOnt feel hungry verymuch. or sometimes my mood becomes bad so i eat.. because attimes at lunch time and breakfst time i feel crossed. (my bad mood has become a sign of hunger)but then i feel that what shoud i do.. at times i feel i dont wanna eat that . i just want to have tea. i dont wana have a fruit.. and ugh! i dont like that. my health has Alhamdulillah improved much.. yet.. i want to ask.. whatever i m doing .. is that all correct?

This is my veiwpoint;

We must struggle with our nafs all our lives, the dinner table being part of our lives.

In my opinion, and i am no doctor, but what i understand from the nature of food, the nafs and the example of the Messenger (s.a.w) your doctor is wrong that you need to eat a "lot" for better health IF this is his general opinion. However, i dont know your specific health and lifestyle so I cant say he is wrong in your case.

Our stomach is the size of our clenched fists. A third of that needs to be filled at the BEST of times. (from the hadith of a third food, third water and third air whenever you eat)
The stomach is elastic, hence, the larger the stomach, the larger the third needed to fill it.

Also fasting on Mondays and Thursdays may help explain why "some days" one doesnt feel hungry. If you reduce your stomach to its normal unelasticated size, then you will be amazed how "naturally" on Mondays and Thursdays one doesnt feel so hungry, like the other days of the week, subhanallah. Some will say this is just sunnah and leave it at that, but i would go further and say the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him was teaching us how our bodies are connected to our environment, even the celetial bodies - and other secrets that are now consigned to levels of piety, rather than science and real life hard facts.

Jihad on the nafs at the table also include education and understanding where our foods come from. You must learn about foods. Learn about what enters the stomach. Where it is made, how it is made, who is making it, what farming methods are they using, are they modifying the foods genetically, are they using battery farming, are the animals that constitute the food product treated well, artificial sugars in drinks, water sources, containers our foods are packaged in, life plastic foams and plastic wrappers.

If you are consuming products with high sugars, that increase hyperactivity, and decrease conentration in prayer and in studies, then its not only the sugars which are a problem its the product itself.

To me, these are the true meaning of halal, not just - Chicken McBurger, cool Halal logo and bismillah before you eat it ?

We need very little food to survive. Food for 2 is enough for 4, sometimes food for 2 is enough for 8.

Subhanallah we live in an age, where food for 1 is sometimes enough for 20 !

Allah hu Alim,

Allah is Al-Hakim and Al-Haqq.
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Old 06-19-2012, 04:22 PM   #29

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In al-Maqasid fi bayan ma yajibu ma’rifatuhu min al-din, Nawawi states: The way of Sufism is based on five principles: having godfearingness privately and publicly, living according to the sunna in word and deed, indifference to whether others accept or reject one, satisfaction with Allah Most High in dearth and plenty, and returning to Allah in happiness or affliction. The principles of treating the illnesses of the soul are also five: lightening the stomach by diminishing one’s food and drink , taking refuge in Allah Most High from the unforeseen when it befalls, shunning situations that involve what one fears to fall victim to,
Ok, now I understand thanks.

I also heard a hadith where it is mentioned something like "A time will come when people will over eat and they will gain nothing but three things from it, become fat, their disires will increase" and I can't remember the third.
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Old 06-19-2012, 04:25 PM   #30

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sister, mashAllah i think you are a good sister.

Keep focusing on Jannah inshAllah. but know that Jannah is attained in many ways, you can get Jannah through marriage, dawah, feeding the poor and needy, aiding Islam, studying and teaching, Ibaadah and Purifying teh soul is only one aspect of Islam so make sure to live Islam in its entirety inshAllah and get a good balance. Im also in the same boat as you with tiredness, avoiding junk food etc so i sympathise with you a lot.

May Allah bless you sister and may you walk in the footsteps of the umm'ul mu'mineen, the the female sahaba. Ameen
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Old 06-19-2012, 04:26 PM   #31

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This is my veiwpoint;

We must struggle with our nafs all our lives, the dinner table being part of our lives.

In my opinion, and i am no doctor, but what i understand from the nature of food, the nafs and the example of the Messenger (s.a.w) your doctor is wrong that you need to eat a "lot" for better health IF this is his general opinion. However, i dont know your specific health and lifestyle so I cant say he is wrong in your case.

Our stomach is the size of our clenched fists. A third of that needs to be filled at the BEST of times. (from the hadith of a third food, third water and third air whenever you eat)
The stomach is elastic, hence, the larger the stomach, the larger the third needed to fill it.

Also fasting on Mondays and Thursdays may help explain why "some days" one doesnt feel hungry. If you reduce your stomach to its normal unelasticated size,

Jihad on the nafs at the table also include education and understanding where our foods come from. You must learn about foods. Learn about what enters the stomach. Where it is made, how it is made, who is making it, what farming methods are they using, are they modifying the foods genetically, are they using battery farming, are the animals that constitute the food product treated well, artificial sugars in drinks, water sources, containers our foods are packaged in, life plastic foams and plastic wrappers.

If you are consuming products with high sugars, that increase hyperactivity, and decrease conentration in prayer and in studies, then its not only the sugars which are a problem its the product itself.

To me, these are the true meaning of halal, not just - Chicken McBurger, cool Halal logo and bismillah before you eat it ?

We need very little food to survive. Food for 2 is enough for 4, sometimes food for 2 is enough for 8.

Subhanallah we live in an age, where food for 1 is sometimes enough for 20 !

Allah hu Alim,

Allah is Al-Hakim and Al-Haqq.
this is only true in about 10% of the world. The other 90% live in sheer poverty so that those 10% can keep eating enough for 20
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Old 06-19-2012, 04:41 PM   #32

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this is only true in about 10% of the world. The other 90% live in sheer poverty so that those 10% can keep eating enough for 20
I think this is incorrect. There is enough food in the world. Allah has not provided too little food.

Also i would say about 1 billion people live in sheer poverty and another 2 billion in some poverty, which would make it 40%, so 90% is a complete exagerration.

There is enough food in the world for EVERY human to eat like 20 , so this is not relevant, so i dont see how this point relates

Plus i think you missed the point. Food for 2 is enough for 4 means that food that you think is enough for 2, has enough blessings to feed 4 people.

Nowadays portions are so massive, that one meal in one restaurant, could feed a small African village

Allah hu Alim. May Allah bless you too
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Old 06-19-2012, 06:38 PM   #33

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Allah has made enough food for us, but in the west, massive amounts of food is wasted. I used to work in a tesco in a small town and a cage of food got wasted every evening and tahts being repeated around the country.

"poverty line" is defined by the non muslims and I dont trust their statistics, most of the world is underdeveloped and has serious shortages of food, water and important natural resources, electricity etc, and its because of the wests extravagant living

the point im making is that only in the west will one person eat 20 peoples worth of food, i dont think this is true in the third world
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Old 06-19-2012, 11:30 PM   #34

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Akhi - don't scoff and jeer. Controlling what you eat is indeed a type of jihad-un-nafs and helps you control your carnal desires.
yes its a way of punishing ur nafs
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Old 06-19-2012, 11:41 PM   #35

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[]i dont feel hungry.. i dont feel actually like eating.. i eat.. i just eat.. because.. i dont want my health to go bad.. i dont wanna go to the doctor she is v gud yet i dont want to.. i dont wanna take medicines.. i m tired.. tired.. indeed tired.. i dont know whats happening.. i think i dont have any feelings.. i have to make wudu again and again.. and again and again.. and that is my exercise.. tireding.. and necessary... and when i see others doing wudu.. and prayin the WHOLE namaz with one wudu.. it makes me feel indeeeeeeeeeeeeeedddddd Sad! yes it does.. i feel lazy to pay for this thing comes into mind that u'l strt now and u'l b able to complete in.. an hour or two or two nd a half... yet i feel good that i dont get time to waste in in useless tv or usic or so.. whihch i see other people doing.. [/]
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Old 06-19-2012, 11:51 PM   #36

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Akhi - don't scoff and jeer. Controlling what you eat is indeed a type of jihad-un-nafs and helps you control your carnal desires.
With due Respect brother Jihad bin nafs means using your nafs, your ownself in Qital against Kuffar.

You can read Fazail-e-jihad by Maulana Fazal Muhammad sb where he explains this idea.
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Old 06-19-2012, 11:54 PM   #37

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jihad bis or bin saif is jihad against kuffar
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Old 06-19-2012, 11:58 PM   #38

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jihad bis or bin saif is jihad against kuffar
Jihad bis saif is doing jihad using saif\talwar!
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Old 06-19-2012, 11:59 PM   #39

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Define Jihad and the problem is solved.
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Old 06-20-2012, 12:13 AM   #40

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[]i dont feel hungry.. i dont feel actually like eating.. i eat.. i just eat.. because.. i dont want my health to go bad.. i dont wanna go to the doctor she is v gud yet i dont want to.. i dont wanna take medicines.. i m tired.. tired.. indeed tired.. i dont know whats happening.. i think i dont have any feelings.. i have to make wudu again and again.. and again and again.. and that is my exercise.. tireding.. and necessary... and when i see others doing wudu.. and prayin the WHOLE namaz with one wudu.. it makes me feel indeeeeeeeeeeeeeedddddd Sad! yes it does.. i feel lazy to pay for this thing comes into mind that u'l strt now and u'l b able to complete in.. an hour or two or two nd a half... yet i feel good that i dont get time to waste in in useless tv or usic or so.. whihch i see other people doing.. [/]

Just relax sis. I'll give you an idea - start exercising. I don't mean wudhu exercise, i mean REAL exercise. You can start every morning for about half and hour or as long as you like. It will make you feel well, energetic, hungry and healthy

Btw why do u need to take meds and visit the doc?
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