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Old 06-08-2006, 07:10 AM   #1

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Default The time of the Mahdi
Salaam aleikom dear brothes and sisters,

When is was surfing the internet i came across a website about the Mahdi, and it's arrivel. However i was kinda shocked at their conclusion:

After a prosperous century has passed upon the signs mentioned in the above narrations, and after a period of approximately 100 years during which cruelty and blasphemy will dominate, the Judgment Day will be expected.

The calculation done above will only be verified if the Mahdi emerges by the beginning of the 15th century according to the Muslim Calendar. Since the life of the people will not exceed 1500 according to the Muslim Calendar, the Mahdi should come by the beginning of 1400s according to the Muslim Calendar.

.......If the death of 'Eessa is expected between 1475-1480, then that means his descent would be either 1475 - 40 = 1435 or 1480 - 40 = 1440,



I mean aren't we living now already in the 15th century, or am i mistake, according to the above narrations and info it could be like the Mahdi and isa (peace be upno them) are here like over 10 years or 20, something which would shock me, i never expected this. Is the above info correct, and are narrations they use reliable. I want to know. What do scholars say about the expected time of the arrival of the Mahdi etc.

wa salam
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Old 06-08-2006, 07:19 AM   #2

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wa alaykum salaam. its part of the unseen and you should not trust these predictions. perhaps hell be here next week, perhaps not for another 500 years.
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Old 06-08-2006, 07:21 AM   #3

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The issue is, they quote hadith, about the lenght of the world, check it akhi , click on the link
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Old 06-08-2006, 07:24 AM   #4

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It is best not to speculate, rather to accept the fact, that Imam Mahdi will appear when Allah tala wills - there is nothing we can do to make his arrival sooner or later - but it clear from all evidence in hadith - that his arrival is imminent - it may be in several months time, couple of years times or a few years time!!!

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Old 06-08-2006, 07:30 AM   #5

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It is best not to speculate, rather to accept the fact, that Imam Mahdi will appear when Allah tala wills - there is nothing we can do to make his arrival sooner or later - but it clear from all evidence in hadith - that his arrival is imminent - it may be in several months time, couple of years times or a few years time!!!

It worries me a lot, i mean i would love the Mahdi, but the point is, isn;t the dajjal there when the mahdi comes ? And what i've have read on hadith about the Dajjal and his fitnah, damn brothers and sister that would be a time of a nightmare,
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Old 06-08-2006, 07:36 AM   #6

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It worries me a lot, i mean i would love the Mahdi, but the point is, isn;t the dajjal there when the mahdi comes ? And what i've have read on hadith about the Dajjal and his fitnah, damn brothers and sister that would be a time of a nightmare,
Dajjal will be one of the greatest trial to hit the muslim ummah - just looking around today, most muslim are failing the trials and tribulation we face today, how are we going to face the test of dajjal - That is why it is so important to seek protection from the trials and tribulations of dajjal..
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Old 06-08-2006, 07:37 AM   #7

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This hadith shocked me

Ahmet Ibni Hanbel’s narration:
Five thousand six hundred years have passed on earth.

(Al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir al-Zaman, 89 )

We have seen that the hadiths mentioned above indicated that the life of the world is 7 thousand years. Here, it is indicated that 5 thousand 600 years had passed until our Prophet (praise and peace be upon him). According to the above narration, the life of the People is until the year 1400 according to the Muslim Calendar. (7000-5600=1400) (Allah knows the best)
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Old 06-08-2006, 01:40 PM   #8

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This hadith shocked me
Not everything in Imam Ahmad's book is sound.

That hadith is problematic, since we know very well that the world has been around much longer than 5,600 years. In fact, i have seen other hadiths that will confirm that the world has been around longer than that, but I do not have the references handy here.

Wa al-salam,
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Old 06-08-2006, 08:34 PM   #9

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There has been very Lenghy discussions on this Issue on this Forum already, infact it is still going, so please visit that thread and contribute to that instead of discussing the same issue in a seperate thread, as you will see in the thread below some Sunni Shaikhs have claimed that The Mahdi has been born!

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Old 06-08-2006, 08:57 PM   #10

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i am confused about Imam Mahdi..is it true the early muslims like Imam Malik and Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim etc etc..didnt believe in him?? is it possible this was borrowed from the Shias?
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Old 06-08-2006, 09:02 PM   #11

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how can people even predict when the world will end?? the mushriks asked the Prophet about the HOUR..he said only Allah knows about it!! all these hadeeths posted here are nonsense!
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Old 06-08-2006, 09:12 PM   #12

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how can people even predict when the world will end?? the mushriks asked the Prophet about the HOUR..he said only Allah knows about it!! all these hadeeths posted here are nonsense!
i think you have a point, i mean the hadith you mention i know is autentic, so it's impossible to know the time of the world etc.

sister thx for waking me up , djazakallah !
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Old 06-08-2006, 09:13 PM   #13

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we shouldn't worry about when this would happen. There is no doubt that it will. For Allah SWT knows best. we should worry about how many good deeds have we done and how many bad deeds were avoided.

May Allah grant us all jannah and protect from the hellfire. May we all drink from the fountain of kawthar and be present in the assembly of all those whom Allah SWT loves. ameen thumma ameen.
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Old 06-08-2006, 09:31 PM   #14

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i think you have a point, i mean the hadith you mention i know is autentic, so it's impossible to know the time of the world etc.

sister thx for waking me up , djazakallah !
the world is billions of years old according to science...however noone should predict when the hour will be..the knowledge of the unseen only belongs to Allah swt

inshaAllah someone answer my previous question..coz i have a hard time believing in the coming of Imam Mahdi..since Imam Malik and others didnt even mention it?? such an important thing and they didnt even mention it?
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Old 06-08-2006, 09:35 PM   #15

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I do believe that there is also one hadith (correct me if I'm wrong) where Sayyidina Jibreal also states that he doesn't know when the hour is. Not a single creation knows and only Allah SWT knows the timing of all things.
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Old 06-08-2006, 10:52 PM   #16

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inshaAllah someone answer my previous question..coz i have a hard time believing in the coming of Imam Mahdi..since Imam Malik and others didnt even mention it?? such an important thing and they didnt even mention it?
Shaykh Gibril Haddad states "The hadiths about the Mahdi are so numerous that many of the Ulema consider the topic to be mutawatir in meaning, i.e. mass-transmitted and not possibly invented."

I also found this hadith regarding the Mahdi - The Prophet said: "The Hour shall not rise until a man from the People of my House [again the concept of royal family] shall rule by kingdom (yamluk), named after me, his father named after mine, and fill the earth with justice and equity just as it had been filled with oppression and injustice." Narrated from Ibn Mas`ud by Abu Dawud in his Sunan (book of al-Mahdi), al-Tabarani in al-Mu`jam al-Kabir (10:165 #10219), al-Hakim in al-Mustadrak (4:442) where al-Dhahabi said it is sound (sahih).

According to Shaykh Gibril Haddad "Belief in the Mahdi is Obligatory in Islam. It should be remembered also, that belief in al-Mahdi's coming and in his God-sanctioned reformative functions is an obligatory tenet of belief in Islam. The opening lines of Shaykh al-Islam, Ibn Hajar al-Haytami's book on the Mahdi entitled Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi `Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntazar ("The Brief Discourse on the Portents of the Awaited Mahdi") are:

It has been related that the Prophet said: "Whoever denies belief in the Dajjal, has certainly committed disbelief (man kadhdhaba bi al-dajjali fa qad kafara), and whoever denies belief in the Mahdi, has certainly committed disbelief (wa man kadhdhaba bi al-mahdi fa qad kafara)."
Abu Bakr al-Askafi narrated it in Fawa'id al-akhbar, and also [the hadith master] Abu al-Qasim al-Suhayli in his book Sharh al-Sira. End of Haytami's words.

The hadith mentioned above is also narrated by the hadith master Ibn Nasir al-Din al-Dimashqi in his book `Uqud al-durar fi `ulum al-athar (The pearl necklaces in the science of tradition) p. 156 and the hadith master Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti in his monograph al- `Arf al-wardi fi akhbar al-mahdi (The roselike fragrance in the reports of al-Mahdi) in his collected fatwas entitled al-Hawi li al-fatawi 2:161.

Under note #18 Dr.Suhaib Hasan in his book "An Introduction to the Science of Hadis wrote:"Although the Mahdi is not mentioned explicitly in the collections of al-Bukhari and Muslim, numerous sahih ahadith which are mutawatir in meaning speak of the coming of the Mahdi, a man named Muhammad bin 'Abdullah and a descendant of the Prophet through Fatimah who will be the Leader (Imam ,Khalifah) of the Muslims , rule for seven years and fill the world with justice and equity after it had been filled with tyranny and oppression.He will also fight along with Jesus son of Mary.The author, in his" The Concept of the Mahdi among the Ahlul Sunnah" has named 37 scholars who collected ahadith about the Mahdi with their own isnads and 69 later scholars who wropte in support of the concept compared to 8 scholars who rejected the idea.(page 62 of An Introduction to the Science of Hadith published by Darusalam,Riyadh , Saudi Arabia)

The author he means seems to be `Abd al-`Alim `Abd al-`Azim who wrote a Master's thesis titled al-Ahadeeth al-Waaridah fi al-Mahdi fi Meezan al-Jarh wa al-Ta'deel in which he states that there are thirty two authentic (hasan or sahih) Hadiths about Mahdi. Of these, nine of them mention the Mahdi explicitly while the others simply give a description of him. This quantification, of course, is unreliable as the man is obviously not a hadith master and is using a computer to reach his conclusion. However, he and Hasan can be cited insofar as they confirm what actual hadith masters and the Ulema of Ahl al-Sunna have long since established."

Also See this http://www.livingislam.org/comahdi_e.html

and Almighty Allah knows best
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Old 06-08-2006, 10:57 PM   #17

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Djazakallah prince,

we must indeed believe in the Mahdi, but when he will come no one knows, i checked some info, and indeed a lot of scholars agree on the fatc that no one can now the end of the world, all the end about the lenght of the world etc cannot be accepted, since no one cna know when the world will end etc. However we must believe the Mahdi comes.

i found some rest now in myself, that the time of when the Mahdi comes is unknown, now i will close for me this topic, and spent time on working on my deen etc.

wa salam
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Old 06-08-2006, 11:10 PM   #18

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I do believe that there is also one hadith (correct me if I'm wrong) where Sayyidina Jibreal also states that he doesn't know when the hour is. Not a single creation knows and only Allah SWT knows the timing of all things.
Na'am sister Jaylen, the famous hadith is in Bukhari.

It is related from Abu Hurayra that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, went out one day to the people and Jibril came to him and asked, "What is belief?" He said, "Belief is that you believe in Allah and His angels, in the meeting with Him, and in His Messengers and that you believe in the Resurrection." Then he asked, "What is Islam?" He replied, "Islam is that you worship Allah and do not associate anything with Him, perform the prayer [perfectly], pay the obligatory poor-tax, and fast Ramadan." He asked, "What is Ihsan?" He said, "To worship Allah as if you were seeing Him. For even if you do not see Him, [be aware that] He sees you." He asked, "When is the Last Hour?" He answered, "The one who is asked does not know more than the asker, but I will tell you its signs: when the slave-girl gives birth to her master and when the herdsmen of black camels begin to rival one another erecting in tall buildings. And there are five things which only Allah knows." Then the Prophet recited, "Truly Allah has knowledge of the Hour..." (31:34) Then the man turned away. The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Call him back," but they could not see him anywhere. The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "That was Jibril who came to teach people their deen." Abu 'Abdullah said, "He considered all of these things part of belief."
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Old 06-08-2006, 11:46 PM   #19

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i didnt see any hadeeth of Bukhari or Muslim about the Mahdi? is there any hadeeth about Al Mahdi in Imam Malik's Muwatta? because i heard there is none..??
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Old 06-09-2006, 01:37 AM   #20

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i didnt see any hadeeth of Bukhari or Muslim about the Mahdi? is there any hadeeth about Al Mahdi in Imam Malik's Muwatta? because i heard there is none..??

Just because, a hadith is not specifically mention in the colections of Bukhari, Muslim or Malik - does not mean that they did not believe in the coming of Al Mahdi. Imam Thirmidhi, Imam Nasai and Imam Abu Dawood - were all students of Imam Bukhari and so was Imam Muslim. Imam Bukhari says about Imam Thirmidhi, that what I learnt from him is more than what he learnt from me.

Imam Bukhari and Muslim, objective of writing there hadith was different from the others, neither of these muhaditheen wrote there books, to give us all the sahih hadith they know.

In the collection Abu Dawood, he devotes a whole chapter to Imam Mahdi - If Imam Bukhari or muslim, did not believe in the coming of Al- Madhi then Imam Bukhari and also Imam Muslim, students (Nisai, Thirmidhi and Abu Dawood) - have not narrated these hadith in there collection!!!

If I remember correctly - Imam Suyuti, writes a book on Imam Mahdhi, narrating 240 hadith on him - starting with the most authentic and then going into weak hadith - so the evidence from all the scholars of hadith are there are authentic hadith on him - it is best to believe in the coming of Imam Madhi as some scholars even consider it kuffar to deny his coming!!!

Allah Knows Best

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