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Old 06-11-2012, 07:42 PM   #1

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Default Mufti Ebrahim Desai Saheb (Damat Barakatuhum) on Tabligh Jamaat
Al hamdullillah Mufti Ebrahim Desai Saheb (Damat Barakatuhum) has cleared the confusion which I had and other people had.

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

As-salāmu `alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.


Tabligh is an Arabic word literally meaning “to convey”.

Contextually it refers to conveying the message of Islam. The word Tableegh is commonly used to refer to the Tableegh Jamaat movement in which people spend 3 days or 40 days or 4 months or 1 year in Tableegh.

Alhamdulillah, the Tabligh effort has been proven to be beneficial in conscientising people about their religious duties and reforming the lives of many people.

I fully support the noble effort of Tableegh.

However, it is important to note that the specific form and way of the Tabligh effort is not specifically mentioned in the Shariah. It is recommended. The actual mission of Rasullullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) was Da’wah with Ta’leem (educating) and Tazkiyah (purification of the soul). The present form of Tableegh is one form of Da’wah. It is not the only way of Da’wah. To confine the obligation of Da’wah to the Tableegh movement is erroneous.

There are innumerable ways of Da’wah and all forms of Da’wah practiced within the confines of Shariah should be supported and complimented. It is therefore incorrect for some ardent supporters of Tabligh to claim an absolute right of Da’wah through Tabligh. Such an attitude is a great injustice to the broader concept of Da’wah and is an extremist attitude.

It is even worse to claim that Tabligh is more important than Tazkiyah. Tazkiyah is Fardh. The specific form and way of Tabligh is not Fardh. It is merely recommended. How can a recommended form of Da’wah be preferred over a Fardh act?

To reform oneself and cleanse oneself from the evil instincts within ourselves is Fardh.

It is also very unfortunate that we hear of reports from some elders of Tabligh Jamaat referring to Tazkiyah as a secondary issue, not so important, e.t.c.

How can a Fardh act not be of any importance at all? Such statements are incorrect and misleading. It is expected of the Ulama engaged in Tabligh and Tazkiyah to encourage people to do both, Tazkiyah and Tabligh.

If one does not go out for 3 days, 40 days or 4 months in Jamaat, he is not sinful and will not be answerable in the court of Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala). However, if one does not reform himself from pride, jealousy, ostentation, e.t.c, he will be sinful and answerable to Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala).

People actively engaged in Tabligh should realize this and adjust accordingly. One can never attain the Maqam (position) of Ihsaan by merely going out in Tabligh without reforming oneself. The singular approach of Tabligh whilst sidestepping the importance of Tazkiyah is an incorrect view and erroneous. It is misleading.

Tazkiyah is Fardh. The specific form of Tabligh is not Fardh. It is recommended. It is an effort we too support.

And Allah knows best.

Mufti Ebrahim Desai

Dar al- Mahmood

Source : http://tasawwuf.daralmahmood.org/muf...tabligh-jamaat
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Old 06-11-2012, 08:27 PM   #2

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Before people over react. Wait. and think. Press Alt + F4
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Old 06-11-2012, 08:34 PM   #3

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Well there is nothing to over react about.
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Old 06-11-2012, 08:39 PM   #4

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Before people over react. Wait. and think. Press Alt + F4

Where is this collection of Alt+F4 and Ctrl+V type commands?
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Old 06-11-2012, 08:44 PM   #5

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Well there is nothing to over react about.

If i was given elaan responsibility in TJ (i.e, the annoucement thats given after jamaat salah in the masjid by TJs that such and such a talk will take place) i'll say it as this:

"Our success in this world and the world hereafter lays in following the commands of Allah through the way shown by Nabi (saw). To get this into our lives requires effort, regarding one of these efforts and one of the ways in practicing one of these efforts, inshalllah an important talk will take place after the remaining salah/duas. All brothers are requested to participant, inshallah it'll be very beneficial"

Rather than the one thats always said:

"Our success in this world and the world hereafter lays in following the commands of Allah through the way shown by Nabi (saw). To get this into our lives requires effort, regarding this effort, inshalllah an important talk will take place after the remaining salah/duas. All brothers are requested to participant, inshallah it'll be very beneficial"
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Old 06-11-2012, 09:03 PM   #6

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If i was given elaan responsibility in TJ (i.e, the annoucement thats given after jamaat salah in the masjid by TJs that such and such a talk will take place) i'll say it as this:

"Our success in this world and the world hereafter lays in following the commands of Allah through the way shown by Nabi (saw). To get this into our lives requires effort, regarding one of these efforts and one of the ways in practicing one of these efforts, inshalllah an important talk will take place after the remaining salah/duas. All brothers are requested to participant, inshallah it'll be very beneficial"

Rather than the one thats always said:

"Our success in this world and the world hereafter lays in following the commands of Allah through the way shown by Nabi (saw). To get this into our lives requires effort, regarding this effort, inshalllah an important talk will take place after the remaining salah/duas. All brothers are requested to participant, inshallah it'll be very beneficial"

I would like to add something. Follow what our akabarieen (buzurg of deen) says not what we think and what we will do.

The one that is always said is the proper announcement taught by the buzurg of tabligh, I myself have made alaan many times. And my first 'alaan was when I was 13/14 years old and my first chilla (40 days to raiwind) was when I was 13/14 also, throughout till now in tabligh I have been taught this alaan by the buzurgs. So don't follow what you desire, follow what your buzurg say, there is always wisdom behind this.
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Old 06-11-2012, 09:14 PM   #7

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i agree with the whole article, but i do not understand the tazkiyyah part.

just the same way that tabligh can be done in different forms, so can tazkiyyah. and tazkiyyah is also (meant to be) done in tabligh albeit they dont specialise in it, the same way tabligh is done in some forms of tazkiyyah efforts (eg tassawuf), but they dont specialise in tabligh.

and isnt tabligh and dawah also fard just the same way as tazkiyyah and self rectification?

it seems to me that the article will read just as true if you replace tabligh with tazkiyyah (tassawuf), or any other effort for that matter.
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Old 06-11-2012, 09:15 PM   #8

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I would like to add something. Follow what our akabarieen (buzurg of deen) says not what we think and what we will do.

The one that is always said is the proper announcement taught by the buzurg of tabligh, I myself have made alaan many times. And my first 'alaan was when I was 13/14 years old and my first chilla (40 days to raiwind) was when I was 13/14 also, throughout till now in tabligh I have been taught this alaan by the buzurgs. So don't follow what you desire, follow what your buzurg say, there is always wisdom behind this.
how did moulana ilyas (ra) make his alaan?

did he do it right or did he do it the 'wrong' way?
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Old 06-11-2012, 09:22 PM   #9

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how did moulana ilyas (ra) make his alaan?

did he do it right or did he do it the 'wrong' way?

I did not understand what you mean.

This lowly person is very poor in english.
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Old 06-11-2012, 09:28 PM   #10

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If i was given elaan responsibility in TJ (i.e, the annoucement thats given after jamaat salah in the masjid by TJs that such and such a talk will take place) i'll say it as this:

"Our success in this world and the world hereafter lays in following the commands of Allah through the way shown by Nabi (saw). To get this into our lives requires effort, regarding one of these efforts and one of the ways in practicing one of these efforts, inshalllah an important talk will take place after the remaining salah/duas. All brothers are requested to participant, inshallah it'll be very beneficial"

Rather than the one thats always said:

"Our success in this world and the world hereafter lays in following the commands of Allah through the way shown by Nabi (saw). To get this into our lives requires effort, regarding this effort, inshalllah an important talk will take place after the remaining salah/duas. All brothers are requested to participant, inshallah it'll be very beneficial"
Assalamu alaykum

Mashaa Allah your elaan is very nice. i might have to use it myself or teach it some tablighis.
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Old 06-11-2012, 09:40 PM   #11

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If i was given elaan responsibility in TJ (i.e, the annoucement thats given after jamaat salah in the masjid by TJs that such and such a talk will take place) i'll say it as this:

"Our success in this world and the world hereafter lays in following the commands of Allah through the way shown by Nabi (saw). To get this into our lives requires effort, regarding one of these efforts and one of the ways in practicing one of these efforts, inshalllah an important talk will take place after the remaining salah/duas. All brothers are requested to participant, inshallah it'll be very beneficial"

Rather than the one thats always said:

"Our success in this world and the world hereafter lays in following the commands of Allah through the way shown by Nabi (saw). To get this into our lives requires effort, regarding this effort, inshalllah an important talk will take place after the remaining salah/duas. All brothers are requested to participant, inshallah it'll be very beneficial"

Your additional Eilaan is neither correct nor conducive nor beneficial because when as a laymen your job is to follow Allah (SWT), Sayyidina Rasul-ullah and those in Authority over you.

  1. You have gone in the Jamaat so its NOW your Islamic obligation to follow the Ameer and his methodology and not insert your own (thinking into it).
  2. People are used to listening to Eilaan in a specific way so no point in confusing masses because in 5 seconds you don’t have the time to clarify what you are saying.
  3. Your aim should be to encourage MAXIMUM PARTICPIATION in Aa’maal and not to start a Ijtehaadi discussion.

In person or online we can discuss the merits and shortcomings of Tableeh (as we do) but when in Jamaat obey the Ameer (Implicitly and explicitly) and thats Waajib upon you.

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Old 06-11-2012, 10:15 PM   #12

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Your additional Eilaan is neither correct nor conducive nor beneficial because when as a laymen your job is to follow Allah (SWT), Sayyidina Rasul-ullah and those in Authority over you.

  1. You have gone in the Jamaat so its NOW your Islamic obligation to follow the Ameer and his methodology and not insert your own (thinking into it).
  2. People are used to listening to Eilaan in a specific way so no point in confusing masses because in 5 seconds you don’t have the time to clarify what you are saying.
  3. Your aim should be to encourage MAXIMUM PARTICPIATION in Aa’maal and not to start a Ijtehaadi discussion.

In person or online we can discuss the merits and shortcomings of Tableeh (as we do) but when in Jamaat obey the Ameer (Implicitly and explicitly) and thats Waajib upon you.

"simple pimple" solution: xs11ax will be my ameer!
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Old 06-11-2012, 10:17 PM   #13

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"simple pimple" solution: xs11ax will be my ameer!
I know which Markaz this Jamaat will he heading to...
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Old 06-11-2012, 10:37 PM   #14

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I feel ashamed that people mock and refute the work of tabligh.

My purpose of making thread was not this, but to clarify a confusion. If people who refute or mock the work of tabligh then read what great personalites like these said :

Hakimul Ummah Hazrat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi r.alayhi : "Molvi Ilyas has changed 'yas' (despondency) into 'as' (hope)" "This is the original effort."

Sheikhul Islam Hazrat Maulana Husain Ahmad Madani r.alayhi :"Dear brothers! This is a tablighi gathering and this tabligh was originally the practice of Rasulullah s.a.w. The work you are doing is therefore not insignificant. I give you the glad tidings that Allah has granted you the opportunity to carry out a great service."

Hazrat Maulana Qari Muhammad Tayyib r.alayhi: "There are four ways of attaining self reformation and by good chance, they all happen to be found in the tablighi jama'at. It includes sitting in the company of the pious, it includes dzikr and fikr, it includes brotherhood for the pleasure of Allah, it includes taking lessons from enemies and also taking account of oneself. The tablighi jama'at is a conglomeration of the four. For an average person there can be no way better than this for attaining self-reformation.

Hazrat Mufti Mahmud Hassan Gangohi r.alayhi: "The tablighi jama'at gave Darul Ulum (Deoband) a Mufti. The Darul Ulum needed a Mufti, so they requested the tablighi jama'at who gave them a Mufti as I am first a tablighi then a Mufti."

Hazrat Maulana Yusuf Binori r.alayhi :"The work of da'wah is the greater jihad."

People who support the work of tabligh :
Haji Abdul Wahab (db) [ khalifa of moulana ahmed ali lahori (ra), and moulana raipuri (ra)]
Moualana saad (db)
Shaykh ul hadith moulana zakariya (ra)
Moulana Ilyas ghouman (db)
Mufti Taqi Usmani (db)
Mufti Rafi Usmani (db)
Moulana Tariq Jameel (db)
How can I forget the great scholar of this time who is Moulana makki al hijazi (db)
....Soooo many more, I can keep going on and on...

But one thing to point, when these great 'ulama who have spent their life studying hadith and quran are saying that this work is authentic and is the greatest work of today's time, then should I listen to those who are layman and mock/refute this work?

One more thing to notice, my local Imam is from Al-Azhar University (in egypt) and is a great scholar, visits there every year. He himself has praised moulana ilyas (ra), and said that this work of tabligh is authentic. And the Al-Azhar University has put a stamp that this work is authentic.

I feel ashamed, we follow our desires and our opinions. Do you want me to leave a rolls royce and take the mini cooper (actually even mini cooper is nice) but lets say something cheaper then that? simple a person who is mentally crazy will pick rolls royce, and they are great ulama who have supported this work and spent their time in this work.
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Old 06-11-2012, 11:39 PM   #15

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Old 06-12-2012, 12:08 AM   #16

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"Our way or the highway (i.e. looking down the barrel of a gun)"
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Old 06-12-2012, 12:08 AM   #17

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Thats a dangerous gun. Don't shoot it at me, or I'll be gone to four months lol. Shoot at those who need it so that they taste the sweetness of iman and what tabligh is in actual, rather then what they hear wrong things about it.

Also, hadhrat, can you unquote my post so that I can edit my post. I want to remove the secret of Haji abdul wahab (db), I do not have the right to post that.

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Old 06-12-2012, 12:11 AM   #18

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"simple pimple" solution: xs11ax will be my ameer!
bring it on lol

last time i was ameer of a jamaat i ended up beating a very troublesome guy up.
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Old 06-12-2012, 12:16 AM   #19

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bring it on lol

last time i was ameer of a jamaat i ended up beating a very troublesome guy up.
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Old 06-12-2012, 12:20 AM   #20

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can i get a name change here. MODDDSSSSS!

never a mod around when you need one
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