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Old 06-11-2012, 01:34 PM   #21

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Old 06-11-2012, 02:44 PM   #22

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This was not expected from you .

I never called Ibn Taymiyah a Devil. i just posted view of deoband.. but if you read the attachment "what do sholars say about Ibn Taymiya"

It clearly shows a balance view. You did not read the attachment , instead ......

Hi Re Paapi! (O my dear!)
I did not say that you called him devil.
But there are people who hate him intensely - you must have met them.
You see you have to try every ta'aweel for a bygone Muslim.
Some people do not do that for Imam Ibn-e-Taimiyya (RA) and they abuse him.
I was referring to those people.

I have to do some reading on him and in my mind I filed your attachment for that purpose.


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Old 06-11-2012, 04:05 PM   #23

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This was not expected from you .

I never called Ibn Taymiyah a Devil. i just posted view of deoband.. but if you read the attachment "what do sholars say about Ibn Taymiya"

It clearly shows a balance view. You did not read the attachment , instead ......

Hi Re Paapi! (O my dear!)
I did not say that you called him devil.
But there are people who hate him intensely - you must have met them.
You see you have to try every ta'aweel for a bygone Muslim.
Some people do not do that for Imam Ibn-e-Taimiyya (RA) and they abuse him.
I was referring to those people.

I have to do some reading on him and in my mind I filed your attachment for that purpose.



The most balanced statements about Shaykhul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (RA) are from Allmah Anwar Shah Kashmiri (RA) who said:

Ibn Taymiyyah (RA) & his student Ibn Qayyim (RA) are Jibaal (mountains) of knowledge so high that when attempt to glance at their stature (and pedigree) in knowledge my Topi falls from my head. But if he was to come in here to discuss the Mas’ail of Istiwaa I won’t let him enter the Darul-uloom gates!”

Shaykh (Mufti) Taqi Usmani (HA) has devoted some paragraphs to Shaykhul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (RA) in Dars-e-Tirmidhi and concludes that according to us that his opinions on the attributes of Allah (SWT) are divergent from the opinions of the Salaf, nevertheless one can’t label him a heretic or throw him out of Ahlus-Sunnah Wal-Jamaah.

Recently, there has been a great influx of “Shami opinion” amongst the younger (British & SA Ulamah) and hence the frequent use of the term “Wahabi” and attempts to absolutely annihilate and try to demolish Shaykhul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (RA) are taking place. If you are even half a Deobandi then you are poles apart from most of these Shami Sufees and even Non-Sufees like Shaykh Ramadhan Al-Buti (HA). Take a good look at English writings of Deobandees even 5 years ago and you will notice little use of this term "Wahabi"...

No doubt that he was human thus obviously made errors but there have been plenty of Deobandi Ulamah and before them Pre-Deobandi Ulamah who called him “Shaykhul-Islam” and praised him and plenty who disagreed with him.
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Old 06-11-2012, 05:39 PM   #24

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Assalam O Alaikum!

I just shut off the bayan when Sheikh Imran Hosein just said that within 20 years from now a person will say I am the Messiah.
I mean, this can't be happen so early ....
Although Sheikh Imran is MashAllah so respectable to me. But I won't agree with him here.
Salaam Respected brother,

Permit me to say this - I think both approaches are incorrect.

There is nothing to indicate that the mahdi will appear within 20 years and there is nothing to say otherwise. This is from the 'ilm ul ghayb. The best we can say is Allahu a'lam.

I am just a bit perplexed as to how the thread shifted to Shaykh ul Islam ibn Taymiyah?!
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Old 06-11-2012, 05:45 PM   #25

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I am just a bit perplexed as to how the thread shifted to Shaykh ul Islam ibn Taymiyah?!
thank God it didnt shift to "shouldnt marry educated ladies", or "can we keep lizards as pets", the shift that it took is pretty standard for SF threads..
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Old 06-11-2012, 05:58 PM   #26

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thank God it didnt shift to "shouldnt marry educated ladies", or "can we keep lizards as pets", the shift that it took is pretty standard for SF threads..

Shaykh (Maulana) Imran Hosein (HA) isn’t a Deobandi so his case is closed on SF.

Dr Israr Ahmed (HA) who served the Deen of Allah (SWT) for over 40 years right in front of Deobandees never got the recognition he deserved so Shaykh (Maulana) Imran Hosein (HA) has no chance!

  1. Is he perfect? No!
  2. Is he always right? Off course, Not!
  3. Does he say things which don't make any sense and are divergent with the views of traditional Ulamah? Yes
  4. Does he stances which are at odds with current understanding of many Muslims? Yes, Syrian uprising.
  5. Is he a Shia or Rafidhi? Ridicolous!!!

So what?

If you look hard enough you will find disagreement with anyone and everyone. Shaykh (Maulana) Imran Hosein (HA) is offering his “opinion” on contemporary world issues and proving his analysis; he could be right and he could be wrong...

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Old 06-11-2012, 06:06 PM   #27

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Salaam Respected brother,

Permit me to say this - I think both approaches are incorrect.

There is nothing to indicate that the mahdi will appear within 20 years and there is nothing to say otherwise. This is from the 'ilm ul ghayb. The best we can say is Allahu a'lam.

I am just a bit perplexed as to how the thread shifted to Shaykh ul Islam ibn Taymiyah?!
Walaikum Assalam m brother

No doubt that ilm ul ghayb is under the authority of Allah!

But my Sheikh couldn't be incorrect.
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Old 06-11-2012, 06:07 PM   #28

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but my sheikh couldn't be incorrect.
deja vu
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Old 06-11-2012, 06:07 PM   #29

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Assalam O Alaikum!

I just shut off the bayan when Sheikh Imran Hosein just said that within 20 years from now a person will say I am the Messiah.
I mean, this can't be happen so early ....
Although Sheikh Imran is MashAllah so respectable to me. But I won't agree with him here.
Dear Respected Brother,

Can you please point out the exact point where he utters those words?

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Old 06-11-2012, 06:11 PM   #30

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I agree with you colonel saab, everyone is biased against the other person's maulvi and biased in favour of his own maulvi
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Old 06-11-2012, 06:27 PM   #31

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Why the hate ? ... like it's mentioned here take the good and leave the rest.
Man i just don't get it ...it's like zebras fighting over their stripe patterns !
I don't know about others but i found the shaykhs advise timely and make a lot of sense
in the current scenario. and to brother Xtreme what i remember from bayan he says some thing
like if the messiah comes tomorrow then explains that maybe in 20 years time ( then it's not a prophecy
he is just giving a timeline of sorts so he didn't beat your shaikh to it ... relax !).

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Old 06-11-2012, 06:45 PM   #32

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I took the brother's word for it that the Shaykh specified 20 years. If he did not say it, I repent from my earlier comment. Astaghfirullah.

I agree that no one Shaykh has the claim to 100% truth and that we should be open-minded. However, the amount of conviction with which the Shaykh said that the FSA are terrorists has made me very very wary of taking anything from him that relates to politics. If he teaches me Shafi'i fiqh, then Alhamdulillah - no problem.
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Old 06-11-2012, 06:51 PM   #33

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I took the brother's word for it that the Shaykh specified 20 years. If he did not say it, I repent from my earlier comment. Astaghfirullah.

I agree that no one Shaykh has the claim to 100% truth and that we should be open-minded. However, the amount of conviction with which the Shaykh said that the FSA are terrorists has made me very very wary of taking anything from him that relates to politics. If he teaches me Shafi'i fiqh, then Alhamdulillah - no problem.

He gives his opinion (with conviction) and he may be (most likely) wrong. Have you or Ulamah whom you know have NEVER been wrong about anything in life? Its about politics and hence he is making Ijtehaad there have been numerous examples in Islamic history where Ulamah and pious have made political Ijtehaad and have been wrong and lives have been lost due to it. Heard of MMA in Pakistan? Is their Ijtehaad of joining hands with everyone based on Qur'aan & Sunnah? Has it brought the right results? Did their endorsement of LFO not strengthen Musharraf?

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Old 06-11-2012, 07:04 PM   #34

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He gives his opinion (with conviction) and he may be (most likely) wrong. Have you or Ulamah whom you know have NEVER been wrong about anything in life? Its about politics and hence he is making Ijtehaad there have been numerous examples in Islamic history where Ulamah and pious have made political Ijtehaad and have been wrong and lives have been lost due to it. Heard of MMA in Pakistan? Is their Ijtehaad of joining hands with everyone based on Qur'aan & Sunnah? Has it brought the right results? Did their endorsement of LFO not strengthen Musharraf?

Wassalaamu Alaykum wa rahmatullah Akhil 'azeez

I never said that I am always correct + I have never been wrong + that the Shaykh is incorrect 100% of the time. This is supported by the fact that I said I am willing to learn Shafi'i fiqh under him if such an opportunity arises. He is entitled to his ijtihad in politics and we are all entitled to reject that ijtihad. The FSA are mujahideen in the sight of Allah inshaAllah and are being supported by numerous 'Ulama so I prefer to cling to their opinion instead. Besides, I know brothers who have acquaintances in the FSA and to call them terrorists without investigation is injustice.

I am not from Pakistan so do not know the intricacies of MMA/LFO.

As Br. Malcolm X (ra) said:
“If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.”
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Old 06-11-2012, 07:13 PM   #35

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Wassalaamu Alaykum wa rahmatullah Akhil 'azeez

I never said that I am always correct + I have never been wrong + that the Shaykh is incorrect 100% of the time. This is supported by the fact that I said I am willing to learn Shafi'i fiqh under him if such an opportunity arises. He is entitled to his ijtihad in politics and we are all entitled to reject that ijtihad. The FSA are mujahideen in the sight of Allah inshaAllah and are being supported by numerous 'Ulama so I prefer to cling to their opinion instead. Besides, I know brothers who have acquaintances in the FSA and to call them terrorists without investigation is injustice.

I am not from Pakistan so do not know the intricacies of MMA/LFO.

As Br. Malcolm X (ra) said:
“If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.”

No disagreements.

And it's the same case with Sh. Ramadaan Al Bouti. I am not going to throw away his excellent book on seerah just because of his position on the Syrian crisis. However, from now on, I don't think I will accept anything he says re: local politics at face value without verifying what other more informed Ulama have said about it.

Thats a different case as I don't know if him or his family has been co-erced into it.

Allah (SWT) knows best.
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Old 06-11-2012, 07:14 PM   #36

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And it's the same case with Sh. Ramadaan Al Bouti. I am not going to throw away his excellent book on seerah just because of his position on the Syrian crisis. However, from now on, I don't think I will accept anything he says re: local politics at face value without verifying what other more informed Ulama have said about it.
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Old 06-11-2012, 08:04 PM   #37

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deja vu
that's not the DEJA VU.

That's the Sufism
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Old 06-11-2012, 08:13 PM   #38

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Dear Respected Brother,

Can you please point out the exact point where he utters those words?

Here u go bro

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Old 06-11-2012, 08:38 PM   #39

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The reason for his hard hitting views on FSA is his premise based on his interpretations of signs of last day.

His pressumption from interpreting eschatology, is that the US and its alliance is presently Dajjals system and therefore those who are with them or supported by them are allied with dajjal or doing the handy work for dajjal. What America supports or offers is nothing but hell that apparently appears as heaven. So the Arab "spring" is not really a spring but in reality the fire that appears as the spring of heaven in the hands of Dajjal. And from history he sees this spring as a 2nd spring, while the 1st was the arab nationalism spring that destroyed the caliphate and divided Muslims into nation states. I say, this spring can become the 2nd great blow whereby Muslims in each nation states are going to be further divided into various political alliance and factions. And as the hadith ssays that Muslim ummah is going to be destroyed by fighting each other, I would say dajjal would create systems that are going to increase the division and fighting between muslims.

I am skeptic of his views from the fact that we see Christians with similar scenarios given to political events. But on the other hand I see his interpretations very convincing and explains much and puts into perspective a lot of issues, hence do not deny reject what he says. The issue to me is that the life events should not be approached by allowing a speculative interpretation of prophecy to overshadow clear shariah principles. The prophecy should act as a guide but not turned into the basis for everything.
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Old 06-11-2012, 08:44 PM   #40

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I have heard this talk and do you want me to listen to over an hour AGAIN or can you point out minutes where he says this:

Assalam O Alaikum!

I just shut off the bayan when Sheikh Imran Hosein just said that within 20 years from now a person will say I am the Messiah.
I mean, this can't be happen so early ....
Although Sheikh Imran is MashAllah so respectable to me. But I won't agree with him here.
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