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Old 06-09-2012, 08:05 PM   #1

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Default The Future Of Islam In India, Pakistan & Bangladesh By Sheikh Imran Hosein
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Old 06-10-2012, 03:38 AM   #2

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May Allah (SWT) reward our dear, beolved and respected Shaykh (Maulana) Imran Hosein (HA) and in my opinion anyone interested in world politics in general and those from an Indian, Pakistani or Bangali (Bangladeshi) background should listen to this or at least from minutes 20-37.

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Old 06-10-2012, 06:58 PM   #3

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Many people disagree with him... but that's their misfortune. They miss out on a lot of things that need to be told to them. And sadly that fact makes the Muslims weak. Why aren't we 1 like we are supposed to be at times like this, we are after all, all believers of Allah. We are not fit to protect ourselves, we need to be there for each other. As Muslims.
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Old 06-10-2012, 07:01 PM   #4

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Many people disagree with him... but that's their misfortune. They miss out on a lot of things that need to be told to them. And sadly that fact makes the Muslims weak. Why aren't we 1 like we are supposed to be at times like this, we are after all, all believers of Allah. We are not fit to protect ourselves, we need to be there for each other. As Muslims.
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Old 06-10-2012, 07:13 PM   #5

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Posts 61 and 72 here.
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Old 06-10-2012, 08:30 PM   #6

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Assalam O Alaikum!

I just shut off the bayan when Sheikh Imran Hosein just said that within 20 years from now a person will say I am the Messiah.
I mean, this can't be happen so early ....
Although Sheikh Imran is MashAllah so respectable to me. But I won't agree with him here.
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Old 06-10-2012, 09:13 PM   #7

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To me, his speeches are no longer beneficial. As a rawafed sympathizer and conspiracy paranoid, he cynically accuses
Syrian armed opposition as terrorists.

See this 1 min 14 sec. video:

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Old 06-10-2012, 09:52 PM   #8

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Does anybody have information about the shaykh (bio) ?
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Old 06-10-2012, 10:25 PM   #9

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Does anybody have information about the shaykh (bio) ?
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Old 06-10-2012, 11:05 PM   #10

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Yeah you najdi's on this forum ...

NO rebelion against the syrian govt...

When Hussain (ra) went against Yazeed you hypcrytes said Husaain ra was wrong because he rebelled against the khaliphate/ govt.

why dont you apply the same rule to syrian armed oppositions...

You munafiq's have no shame left in you.....
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Old 06-10-2012, 11:41 PM   #11

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Yeah you najdi's on this forum ...

NO rebelion against the syrian govt...

When Hussain (ra) went against Yazeed you hypcrytes said Husaain ra was wrong because he rebelled against the khaliphate/ govt.

why dont you apply the same rule to syrian armed oppositions...

You munafiq's have no shame left in you.....
What are you on about?

Let us assume you're argument actually holds any wait (in reality, it doesn't, because Bashar is not a shar'i Imam, no bay'ah was taken from him, and his secularism and nusayrism puts some serious question marks on his Iman). . .

You guys are equally guilty of hypocrisy. If you believe in rebellion against a non-shar'i Imam such as what Imam al-Husayn did to Yazid, why don't you support the Syrians? Just because you believe the wahhabis are hypocrites, why do you have to be one too? Why can't you support both? You should go back to high school and learn about the fallacy of False Dilemma.

Before you start spewing emotional rhetoric, consider your own position.

By the way, I support the rebellions of Imam al-Husayn, Imam Zayd, Imam an-Nafs az-Zakiyyah and the rest.
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Old 06-11-2012, 12:16 AM   #12

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What are you on about?

Let us assume you're argument actually holds any wait (in reality, it doesn't, because Bashar is not a shar'i Imam, no bay'ah was taken from him, and his secularism and nusayrism puts some serious question marks on his Iman). . .

You guys are equally guilty of hypocrisy. If you believe in rebellion against a non-shar'i Imam such as what Imam al-Husayn did to Yazid, why don't you support the Syrians? Just because you believe the wahhabis are hypocrites, why do you have to be one too? Why can't you support both? You should go back to high school and learn about the fallacy of False Dilemma.

Before you start spewing emotional rhetoric, consider your own position.

By the way, I support the rebellions of Imam al-Husayn, Imam Zayd, Imam an-Nafs az-Zakiyyah and the rest.
Whatever dude! Books of najdi's are full of dis-respect to ahle-bayt.

So shut up okay.

and how did bashr come into power.. 76% sunnis are in syria . were they sleeping ????

Sunnis are always dumb and stupid... you know why because there are sunni's who say shia-sunni unity etc and think shia are our brothers..

Death to shia , Kill a shia u will get a reward of killing 2 jews.

they are the one spoiling ahlus sunnah wal jamah from its roots , then we have najdi wahabies who are convincing people that they r ahlus sunnah wal jamah.. But hey danny they are not !

then we have a sect in the sub continent (deobandi's ) who thinks the najdi's are our brothers.... many deobnadi's dont but many do ..... they are totaaly essed up in their heads. different opinions

Let me tell you openly on this forum what The problem with deobandi's is

1) it doesn't know what it has to eat and what it has to throw up

Shaykh Abd
al-Aziz al-Dehlawi (Allah have mercy on him), after studying Ibn Taymiyya�s Minhaj
al-Sunnah, was immensely distressed by his undermining of the Ahl al-Bayt (members
of the Prophet's family) and the Sufis.
Imam Anwar Shah al-Kashmiri then mentioned that his teacher Shaykh Mawlana
Husayn Ahmad al-Madani (Allah have mercy on him) was quite unsympathetic towards
Imam Ibn Taymiyya. He even disliked the title of �Shaykh al-Islam� being used for
him, hence he became upset when Shaykh Muhammad Zakariyya al-Kandahlawi (Allah
have mercy on him) used this title for Imam Ibn Taymiyya in one his works.
He then goes on to say that the most balanced approach with regards to Imam Ibn
Taymiyya is the approach of Imam Dhahabi, Imam Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani and others, in
that one may benefit from his great and extensive works, but be wary of his isolated
positions that number many in matters of Creed (usul) and particulars of Islamic
jurisprudence (furu�). This is the position of our (Deobandi) scholars. (Malfuzat
Muhaddith Kashmiri, P: 413-414)

see both attachments if you got the guts & dare to reply back

so things are very much messed up ...

That's the reason i don't give a damn to these immature deobandi scholars whom you see giving opinions here & there.

They are all sold out

The likes of Maulana ashraf ali thanwi ra , Maulana Qasim Nanotwi ra will always be missed ....

Infact these immature deobandi scholars should wash their mouth 3 times with the Holy ZamZam water before taking the name of Maulana Ashraf ali thanvi ra , Maulana Qasim nanotwi ra from their rotten mouths.
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Old 06-11-2012, 12:21 AM   #13

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Whatever dude! Books of najdi's are full of dis-respect to ahle-bayt.

So shut up okay.

and how did bashr come into power.. 76% sunnis are in syria . were they sleeping ????

Sunnis are always dumb and stupid... you know why because there are sunni's who say shia-sunni unity etc and think shia are our brothers..

Death to shia , Kill a shia u will get a reward of killing 2 jews.

they are the one spoiling ahlus sunnah wal jamah from its roots , then we have najdi wahabies who are convincing people that they r ahlus sunnah wal jamah.. But hey danny they are not !

then we have a sect in the sub continent (deobandi's ) who thinks the najdi's are our brothers.... many deobnadi's dont but many do ..... they are totaaly essed up in their heads. different opinions

Let me tell you openly on this forum what The problem with deobandi's is

1) it doesn't know what it has to eat and what it has to throw up

2) have you heard the saying " kutta apne maalik ka wafadaar hota hai " The Dog ( deobandi ) is faithful to his master ( saudi sheikhs) since many madarsah of deobandi's are runned by them and yes they provide money to them so yessssssssssss they have to speak good about saudi scholars. where as you if you look at the opinions of early deobandi scholars they were against the beliefs of najdi's.

Shaykh Abd
al-Aziz al-Dehlawi (Allah have mercy on him), after studying Ibn Taymiyya�s Minhaj
al-Sunnah, was immensely distressed by his undermining of the Ahl al-Bayt (members
of the Prophet's family) and the Sufis.
Imam Anwar Shah al-Kashmiri then mentioned that his teacher Shaykh Mawlana
Husayn Ahmad al-Madani (Allah have mercy on him) was quite unsympathetic towards
Imam Ibn Taymiyya. He even disliked the title of �Shaykh al-Islam� being used for
him, hence he became upset when Shaykh Muhammad Zakariyya al-Kandahlawi (Allah
have mercy on him) used this title for Imam Ibn Taymiyya in one his works.
He then goes on to say that the most balanced approach with regards to Imam Ibn
Taymiyya is the approach of Imam Dhahabi, Imam Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani and others, in
that one may benefit from his great and extensive works, but be wary of his isolated
positions that number many in matters of Creed (usul) and particulars of Islamic
jurisprudence (furu�). This is the position of our (Deobandi) scholars. (Malfuzat
Muhaddith Kashmiri, P: 413-414)

see both attachments if you got the guts & dare to reply back

so things are very much messed up ...

That's the reason i don't give a damn to these immature deobandi scholars whom you see giving opinions here & there.

They are all sold out

The likes of Maulana ashraf ali thanwi ra , Maulana Qasim Nanotwi ra will always be missed ....

Infact these immature deobandi scholars should wash their mouth 3 times with the Holy ZamZam water before taking the name of Maulana Ashraf ali thanvi ra , Maulana Qasim nanotwi ra from their rotten mouths.
First of all, you need to calm down if we're going to have an intelligible conversation. Secondly, I'm not a deobandi nor a najdi, so the post above was utterly irrelevant.

Thirdly, would you please respond to my previous post.

Essentially, if you support rebellion against a non-shar'i Imam (I support it), and thus you support Imam al-Husayn against yazid (as I do), why not support the Syrians against their dictator who has not been given bay'ah, and is a secularist and who has committed wholesale murder of his population which justifies rebellion according to Radd al-Muhtar of the Hanafis?

Yes, those who are against Imam al-Husayn may appear to be hypocritical when it comes to this revolution, but why do you have to learn hypocrisy from them? Why can't you support both?
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Old 06-11-2012, 12:40 AM   #14

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First of all, you need to calm down if we're going to have an intelligible conversation. Secondly, I'm not a deobandi nor a najdi, so the post above was utterly irrelevant.

Thirdly, would you please respond to my previous post.

Essentially, if you support rebellion against a non-shar'i Imam (I support it), and thus you support Imam al-Husayn against yazid (as I do), why not support the Syrians against their dictator who has not been given bay'ah, and is a secularist and who has committed wholesale murder of his population which justifies rebellion according to Radd al-Muhtar of the Hanafis?

Yes, those who are against Imam al-Husayn may appear to be hypocritical when it comes to this revolution, but why do you have to learn hypocrisy from them? Why can't you support both?
i do support my syrian bro & sisters oky..

i am just mad at those sunni's who despite been 76% couldnt see their enemies.. the shia dogs
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Old 06-11-2012, 01:01 AM   #15

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i do support my syrian bro & sisters oky..

i am just mad at those sunni's who despite been 76% couldnt see their enemies.. the shia dogs
ok, we have no difference then.

i thought i'd just say that if you ever want to debate someone, the way you went about doing it was seriously counter-productive. the more objective you appear, the more likely it is to be considered by your opponent.

keep me in your duas.
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Old 06-11-2012, 10:51 AM   #16

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Whatever dude! Books of najdi's are full of dis-respect to ahle-bayt.

So shut up okay.

and how did bashr come into power.. 76% sunnis are in syria . were they sleeping ????

Sunnis are always dumb and stupid... you know why because there are sunni's who say shia-sunni unity etc and think shia are our brothers..

Death to shia , Kill a shia u will get a reward of killing 2 jews.

they are the one spoiling ahlus sunnah wal jamah from its roots , then we have najdi wahabies who are convincing people that they r ahlus sunnah wal jamah.. But hey danny they are not !

then we have a sect in the sub continent (deobandi's ) who thinks the najdi's are our brothers.... many deobnadi's dont but many do ..... they are totaaly essed up in their heads. different opinions

Let me tell you openly on this forum what The problem with deobandi's is

1) it doesn't know what it has to eat and what it has to throw up

2) have you heard the saying " kutta apne maalik ka wafadaar hota hai " The Dog ( deobandi ) is faithful to his master ( saudi sheikhs) since many madarsah of deobandi's are runned by them and yes they provide money to them so yessssssssssss they have to speak good about saudi scholars. where as you if you look at the opinions of early deobandi scholars they were against the beliefs of najdi's.

Shaykh Abd
al-Aziz al-Dehlawi (Allah have mercy on him), after studying Ibn Taymiyya�s Minhaj
al-Sunnah, was immensely distressed by his undermining of the Ahl al-Bayt (members
of the Prophet's family) and the Sufis.
Imam Anwar Shah al-Kashmiri then mentioned that his teacher Shaykh Mawlana
Husayn Ahmad al-Madani (Allah have mercy on him) was quite unsympathetic towards
Imam Ibn Taymiyya. He even disliked the title of �Shaykh al-Islam� being used for
him, hence he became upset when Shaykh Muhammad Zakariyya al-Kandahlawi (Allah
have mercy on him) used this title for Imam Ibn Taymiyya in one his works.
He then goes on to say that the most balanced approach with regards to Imam Ibn
Taymiyya is the approach of Imam Dhahabi, Imam Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani and others, in
that one may benefit from his great and extensive works, but be wary of his isolated
positions that number many in matters of Creed (usul) and particulars of Islamic
jurisprudence (furu�). This is the position of our (Deobandi) scholars. (Malfuzat
Muhaddith Kashmiri, P: 413-414)

see both attachments if you got the guts & dare to reply back

so things are very much messed up ...

That's the reason i don't give a damn to these immature deobandi scholars whom you see giving opinions here & there.

They are all sold out

The likes of Maulana ashraf ali thanwi ra , Maulana Qasim Nanotwi ra will always be missed ....

Infact these immature deobandi scholars should wash their mouth 3 times with the Holy ZamZam water before taking the name of Maulana Ashraf ali thanvi ra , Maulana Qasim nanotwi ra from their rotten mouths.
Dear Paapi,
Quit sinning.
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Old 06-11-2012, 11:23 AM   #17

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^ Made me laugh at office.


Can any one tell me more about what scholar opinion is about shaikh ibn tamiyah?
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Old 06-11-2012, 11:41 AM   #18

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then we have a sect in the sub continent (deobandi's ) who thinks the najdi's are our brothers.... many deobnadi's dont but many do ..... they are totaaly essed up in their heads. different opinions
Yea i ve noticed some people are more apologetic to the salafis because they are too busy countering the berelvis. But don't make a general statement bro. Especially about the ulema.

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Old 06-11-2012, 12:14 PM   #19

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^ Made me laugh at office.


Can any one tell me more about what scholar opinion is about shaikh ibn tamiyah?
Waisay = Like that= On the other hand.

I think brother Paapi has given enough data to make up our mind - only if he could sort out his feelings about the matter. But this is not a complain because maturing of our view is not an instant coffee - Allah (SWT) has told us that there is time allotted for every thing and some things do take some time to materialize.

In short Imam Ibn-e-Taimiyya is not the son of god that some brothers try to make out and he is also not the devil that brother Paapi's erstwhile company try to make him out. May be he (RA) is a good example if you want to practice your balancing skills.
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Old 06-11-2012, 01:24 PM   #20

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Waisay = Like that= On the other hand.

I think brother Paapi has given enough data to make up our mind - only if he could sort out his feelings about the matter. But this is not a complain because maturing of our view is not an instant coffee - Allah (SWT) has told us that there is time allotted for every thing and some things do take some time to materialize.

In short Imam Ibn-e-Taimiyya is not the son of god that some brothers try to make out and he is also not the devil that brother Paapi's erstwhile company try to make him out. May be he (RA) is a good example if you want to practice your balancing skills.
This was not expected from you .

I never called Ibn Taymiyah a Devil. i just posted view of deoband.. but if you read the attachment "what do sholars say about Ibn Taymiya"

It clearly shows a balance view. You did not read the attachment , instead ......

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