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Old 05-30-2012, 12:16 AM   #1

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Default Wearing trousers over ankles
As Salamu alaikum.

Many scholars say that wearing the trousers over your ankle is 'Farz' and to let it go down below that is 'Haram.'

I see lots of muslim around me and not many of them follow this. Plus, definitely Islam is beautiful and it would not task us something awkward. It sure looks odd when you tug up your black trouser over your ankle with those long oxford shoes on your feet (our college uniform is black pant, black shoe).

But this hadith does concern me-

(Bukhari shareef)
Volume 7, Book 72, Number 678:
Narrated Abu Huraira:
The Prophet said, "The part of an Izar which hangs below the ankles is in the Fire."

But I could not find an exact hadith in Muslim shareef. However, hadith about draggin your clothes is available there.

Book 024, Number 5191:
Ibn 'Umar reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) having said: Allah will not look upon him who trails his garment out of pride.

Again, in bukhari shareef, there's a hadith-

Volume 7, Book 72, Number 675:
Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar:

The Prophet said Allah will not look, on the Day of Resurrection at the person who drags his garment (behind him) out of conceit. On that Abu Bakr said, "O Allah's Apostle! One side of my Izar hangs low if I do not take care of it." The Prophet said, 'You are not one of those who do that out of conceit."

If it is a 'Haram' how can the Prophet permit it?

Moreover, social norms have changed massively in the past thousand years. Is it haram if we don't mean arrogance or conceit?

I need to be certain. Any brilliant scholar to help me out?
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Old 05-30-2012, 12:27 AM   #2

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If it is a 'Haram' how can the Prophet permit it?

Your companion [Muhammad] has not strayed, nor has he erred, (2)
Nor does he speak from [his own] inclination.(3)

[Quran-53:Surah An-Najm]

All that our Rasoolullah taught us is Allah's commands, not his own desires. In Islam there are exceptions to some rules, many are mentioned in the Quran and many were taught to us through the Prophet's Sunnah, which is mentioned in hadith like the ones mentioned.
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Old 05-30-2012, 04:23 AM   #3

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Mufti Mohammed Sajjad

Q) Is having it below the ankle in today’s society that bad especially since wearing trousers/jeans (which go below the ankles) is normal? The ahadith prohibit wearing it with pride as doing anything with pride is haram. The majority of the fuqaha (including al-Nawawi, Ibn Hajar and the Hanafi jurists) have said to have it below the ankle without pride is makruh tanzihi/permissible with slight distaste.

Only a few scholars have said otherwise e.g. Ibn Arabi al-Mailiki. This is from my reading anyway. So in this society when people wear it below the ankle is it convenient or even legally substantiated to condemn people for doing it?


The idea that if a person does not have pride he can lower his garments below the ankles is incorrect. The truth is, with this ruling, regardless of whether a person has pride or not he must keep his garments above the ankles. Though, if accidentally and unintentionally they were to fall below the ankles there would be no sin upon the person.

However the ruling cannot be made to revolve around a person’s own view about whether he has pride. This is because pride is a surreptitious thing. A person who is afflicted with this evil spiritual disease will, not only will never acknowledge he has pride, in fact in many cases, he will not even know. It is simply silly to think an individual will be able to assert about himself that: Yes I am free of pride thus I can keep the garments below the ankles. Yet this is the bizarre consequence of holding this view.

The reality is that the ruling about having the garment above the ankles is one in which the Sabbab (apparent cause) has been treated like the Illah (real underlying cause). Just as in travel, the dispensation to shorten the prayer was obviously given due to hardship. However, because it is difficult to always say when hardship is being met by the traveller, the cause for this ruling to shorten was not made the basis of this ruling, such that if a person did not find hardship, even when travelling a thousand miles, he could not shorten. Rather the apparent cause was made the cause for the ruling, namely travel. Thus wherever travel (48 miles) is found this ruling applies regardless of the extent of the hardship. (See Shaikh Taqi Uthmani’s Takmilah Fath al-Mulhim, p122, vol.4)

Similarly, in the case of the ruling of having garments above the ankles, because it is highly difficult to tell if a person has pride in this act, its apparent cause (garments above the ankles) was made the ruling’s cause- rather than the real underlying cause (pride). Thus, it will be sinful every time a person intentionally lets his garments go below the ankles.

The very act of Isbal being outlawed in this manner also tells us that this act in itself is a cause of creating pride. Imam Ibn Hajr, in Fath al-Bari, Kitab al-Libas, p324 vol.10, writes: “Lowering the garments below the ankles must bring dragging the garment and dragging the garment must bring with it pride even if the wearer does not intend pride (Khuyula)."

This meaning is supported by the hadith narrated by Ahmad bin Manee: the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings upon him), said: “Beware of dragging the garment, for indeed this is from pride.”

Ibn Hajr then narrates the following hadith that emphatically show this ruling is not restricted to when this act is done in pride:

[1] In a hadith from Imam Tabarani, whose chain is sound, which is emphatic in this ruling not being restricted to when this act is done in pride. Namely: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings upon him), struck four fingers of his hand below the knee (on the shin) and said: “O Amar (bin Zurarah)! this is the place of the garment.” After citing this hadith, Imam Ibn Hajr writes: “It is obvious the aforementioned Amar did not intend pride in lowering his garment.”

[2] Also narrated by Tabarani, the Prophet (peace and blessing upon him), saw a man whose garments were below the ankles, he ordered him: “Raise your waist-wrap!” The man said: “I have an ailment in my legs; my knees collide with each other.” He (saw), replied: “Raise your garment because all of the creation of Allah is beautiful.” Again, it is clear in this hadith this man was not doing this due to pride yet still he was ordered to raise his garments.

[3] Ibn Majah, Nasai and Ibn Hibban narrate with a sound chain that: Mughirah ibn Shubah said: I saw the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings upon him), seized the wrap of Sufyan ibn Suhail, saying: "O Sufyan do not lower garments below the ankles, verily Allah detests those who lower their garments below the ankles (Laa Tusbil fa-inna-allaha laa yuhibbu-l-Musbileen). All three hadith are recorded in Fath al-Bari.

It would be incorrect to think that the majority of the scholars hold that it is fine to lower garments below the ankles if there is no pride in it. Similalry, it also wrong and misleading to suggest the ruling of Tahreem (unlawfulness) is peculiar to the Indian scholars.

Ibn Hajr, himself a prominent Shafi jurist, records that Imam Shafi’s position is that under all circumstances it will forbidden to allow the garment to go below the ankles; except that if it is with the absence of pride the sin gained will be less. However, there will be the sin of resembling women as their garments are to be below the ankles. Imam Hakim, with a sound chain narrates: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), cursed the man who wears women’s clothes."

Similarly, the Maliki jurist Ibn al-Arabi, affirming the above explanation of the threat of pride, states:”It is not permitted for a man to allow his garment to go beyond his ankle saying: ‘I am not doing it in pride.’ This is because the prohibition includes this by virtue of the wording. It is not permitted for a person who is being included in the ruling by the words (of a text) to say: ‘I will not follow it because that reason (Illah) is not found in me,’ for it is an unacceptable claim- rather his lowering his garment tells of his pride."

Thus it will always be forbidden (Makruh Tahrimi) to allow the garment to go below the ankles and the Salah of a person in this manner will have to be repeated in its time. Although Shaikh Faraz Rabbani cites Fataawa Hindiyya, for his view that it is Makruh tanzihi without pride, on the same page of this work, strong words are used against this practice. It says on p333 vol.5, that: “…lowering the waist wrap and the shirt below the ankles is a reprehensible innovation (Bidah). The garment should be above the ankles up to the middle of the shins.”

There are ahadith that mention that Isbal is blameworthy when done in pride. However, there are also many hadith that prohibit this act irrelevant of the reason, suggesting this is supposed to be the dress of the believer at all times. I will record below the many hadith that clearly tell us that this ruling was not restricted to pride:

1) The Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him), said: “There are three people Allah will not speak to on the Day of Judgement, nor will He look at them or purify them of their sins. For them will be a painful chastisement….The one who allows his garments to fall below the ankles, a person who recounts favours he has done to others and a person who sells his goods by a false oath.” (Muslim)

2) The Messenger of Allah , peace and blessings upon him, said: “Beware of lowering the garment for it is from pride and Allah detests pride….” (Tirmidhi)

This hadith tells us that actually this act in itself brings pride in a person.

3)The hadith in Sunnan Abu Daud, hadith no.638, Bab al-Isbal fi al-Salah: Abu Hurairah narrates that: “A man was praying with his garment below his ankles when the Messenger of Allah , peace and blessings upon him, said: ‘Go and repeat your Wudu.’ So the man went and did his Wudu and returned. The Messenger (peace and blessings upon him) again said: ‘Go and repeat your Wudu.’ So the man went and repeated his Wudu and returned. The man asked: ‘O Messenger of Allah what is it that you told him to do Wudu (again) and then you did not say anything?’ The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings upon him) said: ‘He was praying with his garment below his ankles, verily Allah (may His mention be magnified) does not accept the prayer of a man who lowers his garments.’”

Some have challenged the authenticity of this hadith. The fact is the hadith is sound and has also been narrated by Imam Bayhaqi in his Sunnan, vol.2 p342, Kitab Karahiyyat Isbal al-Izar fi-Salah. Imam Nawawi in Riyad al-Salihin has confirmed that it is Sahih, hadith no.797.

4) The Messenger of Allah , peace and blessings upon him, said:
“The waist-wrap of the Muslim must be up to the middle of the shins; and there is no harm if it goes between there and the ankles….” (Abu Dawud)

Also note that the Sahaba never thought this ruling was restricted to if done in pride; they thought this was in fact the dress of the believing men. It is for this reason that, as Shaikh al-Hadith Muhammad Zakariyya writes in Awjaz al-Masaalik, vol.14 p220, Umm Salamah r.a. brought up the issue with the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings upon him) having understood that the above hadith were not to be restricted to the case of pride, (i.e. this was the instructions for how dress in general should be) and as such applied to women as well. She asked the Messenger of Allah peace and blessings upon him) when he spoke about the lowering the garments, ‘What about the woman O Messenger of Allah ?’ This clearly shows she understood the condemnation for lowering the garment was general (Mutlaq) irrespective of pride. But she asked because women also had the order to cover their Awrah. He (peace and blessings be upon him) then elaborated for her that they were exempt from this ruling.

5) Ibn Umar r.a. narrates that: “I passed by the Messenger of Allah , peace and blessings be upon him, and my garment was loose, so he, peace and blessings upon him, said: "O Abdullah raise your garment,’ so I raised it. Then he said, ‘more,’ so I raised it more. Ever since then I have been vigilant regarding it.” (Muslim)

It was also wrongly argued that the Hanafi school actually does not hold that garments for men must be above the ankles always. Rather it was claimed, they say, if a person does not do this in pride then it is considered to be merely Makruh Tanzihi. The evidence they have cited for this is the view of Imam Badr al-Din al-Ayni and the same is also written in Fataawa Hindiyyah. The truth however is that in Umdat al-Qari, Imam Ayni, does not say this is the position of the Hanafi School. What can correctly be ascribed to Imam Al-Ayni are the following words explaining the heading in Sahih al-Bukhari: The Chapter of he who pulled his garment (below the ankles) without pride. Imam Ayni immediately after this wrote: “This chapter is to explain the ruling of that person who lowered his garment without the intention of pride, for there is no harm in it without any dislike…,” vol.21 p295, Kitab al-Libas. Under the above heading the famous hadith in which Abu Bakr complains of his garment going below the ankles is mentioned, and in which the Prophet (peace and blessings upon him) says: You are not from those who do it out of pride.
As can be seen from the context all that Imam Ayni is saying, which we of course accept, is that if unintentionally the garment goes below the ankles one need not worry that he has committed the great sin that lies in Isbal. But, this does not mean, and nor could it mean if the context is kept in view, that: A person is permitted to lower his garment if he thinks he is not doing it in pride.

The second source some people have used to claim this erroneous view, that if a person does not do it in pride he is blameless, is Fataawa Hindiyyah. The text is also said to say without pride this act is Makruh Tanzihi.
However again it seems this is a misrepresentation of the facts. In this work the text does say: “…If it is not done in pride then it is Makruh Tanzihi…,” Ninth chapter on Clothing, vol.5 p333. Those who quote this however fail to mention that the very sentence before this said: “Raising up the garments is Sunna and lowering the garments below the ankles is a reprehensible innovation (Bidah). The garment should be above the ankles up to half way of the shins….” This text is emphatic in stating the evil of this act and its being always impermissible. And, again one can clearly tell from the context, that the jurists mentioned the ruling of Tanzihi (which technically means there is no sin upon a person for doing that act), for that case when it is done unintentionally or for a need- to simply outline that there is no sin.

As mentioned earlier one may not lower his garment without a need. To do so claiming that one does not have pride is simply distorting the Shariah. For the best of generations, Sahaba, Tabeen and Tab` Tabeen, never ever played with the words of the hadith in this manner. Not one from them understood this ruling in this way such that a single one of them (though if anyone could be free of pride it was them) asserted, “I will keep my garments below the ankles as I am free of pride.” Had there been some leeway in this regard in the Shariah they would never have been so careful regarding it to the point that they would prevent others from doing it. Yet they appreciated more than us that one should have good opinions about others and not judge their intentions. In other words it was not just left to personal opinion about whether one had pride or not. We see Umar r.a., having been fatally wounded, on his death bed stop a young man who had his garment below the ankles and commanded him to raise it.

So how can this attitude be given any credence today? Especially, when we see many men today, not desiring to raise their garments above the ankles and looking down upon those who do. For them, it is obvious, the motivation in not raising their garments is shame, and the greater respect and prestige they feel in wearing the garments below the ankles, all of which is a symptom of that surreptitious disease called pride.

If the reason for this ruling was pride such that if it is done without it then there is no blame, then are we really saying our judgement about our internal state is better than that of the likes of Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali (r.a.) who all would keep their garments above their ankles?

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Old 05-30-2012, 07:41 AM   #4

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as Salamu alaikum.

Thank you shaykh for the post.

I realise that saying " i do not do it out of pride and thus i can let my trousers flow" is not an acceptable excuse. We don't have the right to say that we have no pride in our hearts

[2] Also narrated by Tabarani, the Prophet (peace and blessing upon him), saw a man whose garments were below the ankles, he ordered him: “Raise your waist-wrap!” The man said: “I have an ailment in my legs; my knees collide with each other.” He (saw), replied: “Raise your garment because all of the creation of Allah is beautiful.”
4) The Messenger of Allah , peace and blessings upon him, said:
“The waist-wrap of the Muslim must be up to the middle of the shins; and there is no harm if it goes between there and the ankles….” (Abu Dawud) Ibn Majah, Nasai and Ibn Hibban narrate

with a sound chain that: Mughirah ibn Shubah

said: I saw the Messenger of Allah (peace and

blessings upon him), seized the wrap of Sufyan

ibn Suhail, saying: "O Sufyan do not lower

garments below the ankles, verily Allah

detests those who lower their garments below

the ankles (Laa Tusbil fa-inna-allaha laa


Thus it appears the Prophet (SM) himself wore his izar above the ankle and instructed others to do it. So it is atleast a sunnat e muwakkada.

Most of the hadith that refer severe punishment rather mention dragging the izar or hanging it rather than placing it below the ankle. Save the hadith from bukhari shareef which mentions isbal is haram in a very straight forward way.

But this hadith does concern me-

(Bukhari shareef)
Volume 7, Book 72, Number 678:
Narrated Abu Huraira:
The Prophet said, "The part of an Izar which hangs below the ankles is in the Fire." HOwever, not all Hadith are authentic. It's most probable that this is a flawless hadith though.

So, what I understand is, wearing below the ankles is a bad thing and we have to avoid it. And there's a good possibility that it is a Haram
. The rules of shariat by which the universe is governed is with Allah and no matter how much we argue over this facts don't change. If it is a haram we will continue to accumulate tons of sin. Therefore, we have to stay away from this as it might be a haram.

Thank you.
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Old 05-30-2012, 08:09 AM   #5

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I know how you feel. It does feel awkward to keep your pants above the ankle, but we have to do what is commanded.
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Old 05-30-2012, 12:52 PM   #6

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Your companion [Muhammad] has not strayed, nor has he erred, (2)
Nor does he speak from [his own] inclination.(3)

[Quran-53:Surah An-Najm]
True. Although I cudnt find a Quran verse that directly instructs us to raise our trousers, the many hadith of the Prophet is sufficient to prove that we have to do it.
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Old 05-30-2012, 01:00 PM   #7

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But I have two more Questions.

1. IZAR - scholars say all lower garments are included in it. But isn't there a possibility that it could refer to a specific sort of clothe worn in the past?

2. Our socks do cover the ankles. Even some shoes cover our ankles. Now does that fall in izar or is that haram?

Please reply if you know the answer.
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Old 05-30-2012, 01:26 PM   #8

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for the shawafi' it is sunnah to have garments above the ankle but better to have it at your shins. It would be makru to let it go below the ankle if this is not out of pride, if out of pride then it is haraam (pride is haraam whether the garments are below or above the ankles).
rolling the pants is also makru as well as the rolling the sleeves for salah.
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Old 05-30-2012, 01:28 PM   #9

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But I have two more Questions.

1. IZAR - scholars say all lower garments are included in it. But isn't there a possibility that it could refer to a specific sort of clothe worn in the past?

2. Our socks do cover the ankles. Even some shoes cover our ankles. Now does that fall in izar or is that haram?

Please reply if you know the answer.
the izaar cloth of the time of Rasulullah SAWS is still worn in places like yemen if you would like to see or buy. socks cover the ankle but it covers from the bottom up, the garments cover from the top down. there is a difference because it is also a requirment for the khufayn to cover the ankle in order to make mash.
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Old 05-31-2012, 04:25 AM   #10

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Hanafi Fiqh:
Praying with pants folded is OK. Ideally the pants should be short, but if someone folds them, then it is OK.


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Old 05-31-2012, 06:24 AM   #11

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Plus, definitely Islam is beautiful and it would not task us something awkward.
In fact it's not awkward.
Pay attention before calling a blessed Sunnah as "awkward"
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Old 05-31-2012, 02:01 PM   #12

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As Salamu alaikum fellows.
I think I’ve finally unraveled this mystery.
You know, there isn’t any QURAN verse directly instructing us to raise our trousers or izar above our ankles. This ayat is close to the topic though-

وَلاَ تُصَعِّرْ خَدَّكَ لِلنَّاسِ وَلاَ تَمْشِ فِى الاٌّرْضِ مَرَحاً إِنَّ اللَّهَ لاَ يُحِبُّ كُلَّ مُخْتَالٍ فَخُورٍ
18. "And turn not your face away from men with pride, nor walk in insolence through the earth. Verily, Allah likes not any arrogant boaster.'' (surah Luqman).

We see that ALLAH has banned pride.
Let us take a look at the following hadith-

The Prophet said Allah will not look, on the Day of Resurrection at the person who drags his garment (behind him) out of conceit. On that Abu Bakr said, "O Allah's Apostle! One side of my Izar hangs low if I do not take care of it." The Prophet said, 'You are not one of those who do that out of conceit."

Narated By Salim : That his father said; "When Allah's Apostle mentioned what he mentioned about (the hanging of) the Izar (waist sheet), Abu Bakr said, "O Allah's Apostle! My Izar slackens on one side (without my intention)." The Prophet said, "You are not among those who (out of pride) drag their Izars behind them."

Allah's Apostle, "Allah will not look, on the Day of Resurrection, at a person who drags his Izar (behind him) out of pride and arrogance."

Abu Dawood:27:4082:-
AbdurRahman said: I asked Abu Sa'id al-Khudri about wearing lower garment. He said: You have come to the man who knows it very well. The Apostle of Allah (pbuh) said: The way for a believer to wear a lower garment is to have it halfway down his legs and he is guilty of no sin if it comes halfway between that and the ankles, but what comes lower than the ankles is in Hell. On the day of Resurrection, Allah will not look at him who trails his lower garment conceitedly.

Word "conceit/proud" is missing in some hadees like following one & that's why our scholars took them "Literally" instead of looking into the spirit of what Prophet said.

The Prophet said, "The part of an Izar which hangs below the ankles is in the Fire."

Allah's Apostle said, "While a man was dragging his Izar on the ground (behind him), suddenly Allah made him sink into the earth and he will go on sinking into it till the Day of Resurrection."

Now let’s take a look at this hadith-

The Prophet said, "The part of an Izar which hangs below the ankles is in the Fire."

We do not know in what context or situation prophet has said it. So by comparing with the other similar hadith we can say that it is about those who hang their izar low out of pride.

That those days people used to lower their clothes out of pride is evident from the previous hadiths.
" The Prophet said, "You are not among those who (out of pride) drag their Izars behind them."
Abu Dawood:27:4082:-
. On the day of Resurrection, Allah will not look at him who trails his lower garment conceitedly.

Now, these days lowering the garment upto the shoe is in no way directly out of pride. It’s just a social norm. Yeah I don’t have the right to say I don’t have any pride in my heart but I can say I don’t intend pride in wearing my garment upto the shoe. If unintentional hidden pride is the problem then you’re just exaggerating. We may have such hidden pride in everything we do. How do you know you don’t have pride in sitting on the sofa or using a laptop. Sit on the floor buddy and get yourself a typewriter (and a cheap desktop). Drink in brass pots.

You all know the definition of pride?

'Abdullah ibn Mas'ud reported that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "No one who has an atom's weight of pride in his heart will enter the Garden." A man said, "And if the man likes his clothes to be good and his sandals to be good?" He said, "Allah is Beautiful and loves beauty. Pride means to renounce the truth and abase people." [Muslim]

So pride in wearing long garments is definitely abasing/belittling people. There is no belittling people when letting the pant reach the ankle (upto the shoe) is universal. Everybody in the society does that more or less. (but still dragging the clothes is unnatural and arrogant, cause he shows that he doesn’t care his clothes getting worn out and dirty, it can never be a natural thing. )

I’m saying this because rasul warned us of isbal due to pride, not wearing a shoe and letting the garment reach that. Rasul allowed abu Bakr (R) to do that. Now if it were haram to lower it with or without pride rasul would’ve strictly warned abu Bakr.
Like, you can’t say that ‘I get involved in telling lies if I don’t pay attention’ and expect prophet to say, ‘don’t worry, you don’t mean no harm.’
This is because lying itself is potentially haram and lowering the garment is not.

But still, you need to be aware if you really do intend pride. Like as in the parallel examples I’ve cited, you need to know if you are showing off your comfortable sofas. If not, there’s no harm sitting on them.

You might say, then what do you have to say about this?

[2] Also narrated by Tabarani, the Prophet (peace and blessing upon him), saw a man whose garments were below the ankles, he ordered him: “Raise your waist-wrap!” The man said: “I have an ailment in my legs; my knees collide with each other.” He (saw), replied: “Raise your garment because all of the creation of Allah is beautiful.”

Answer is, the prophet also said these-

1] In a hadith from Imam Tabarani, whose chain is sound, which is emphatic in this ruling not being restricted to when this act is done in pride. Namely: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), struck four fingers of his hand below the knee (on the shin) and said: “O Amar (bin Zurarah)! this is the place of the garment.”

5) Ibn Umar r.a. narrates that: “I passed by the Messenger of Allah , peace and blessings be upon him, and my garment was loose, so he, peace and blessings upon him, said: "O Abdullah raise your garment,’ so I raised it. Then he said, ‘more,’ so I raised it more. Ever since then I have been vigilant regarding it.” (Muslim)

Does that mean raising your trouser up to the shin is FARZ? In this case, you are gonna refer to other hadith as it does not offer complete information-

The Messenger of Allah , peace and blessings upon him, said:
“The waist-wrap of the Muslim must be up to the middle of the shins; and there is no harm if it goes between there and the ankles….” (Abu Dawud)

And I’d refer to other hadith like-

The Prophet said Allah will not look, on the Day of Resurrection at the person who drags his garment (behind him) out of conceit. On that Abu Bakr said, "O Allah's Apostle! One side of my Izar hangs low if I do not take care of it." The Prophet said, 'You are not one of those who do that out of conceit."

Allah's Apostle, "Allah will not look, on the Day of Resurrection, at a person who drags his Izar (behind him) out of pride and arrogance."

Makes sense doesn’t it?

I agree, it’s true that raising your garment is a good thing, a sunnat. But it would not be right to tell us that it’s a farz and that you have to do it no matter what.
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Old 05-31-2012, 06:53 PM   #13

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As Salamu alaikum fellows.
I think I’ve finally unraveled this mystery.
You know, there isn’t any QURAN verse directly instructing us to raise our trousers or izar above our ankles. This ayat is close to the topic though-

وَلاَ تُصَعِّرْ خَدَّكَ لِلنَّاسِ وَلاَ تَمْشِ فِى الاٌّرْضِ مَرَحاً إِنَّ اللَّهَ لاَ يُحِبُّ كُلَّ مُخْتَالٍ فَخُورٍ
18. "And turn not your face away from men with pride, nor walk in insolence through the earth. Verily, Allah likes not any arrogant boaster.'' (surah Luqman).

We see that ALLAH has banned pride.
Let us take a look at the following hadith-

The Prophet said Allah will not look, on the Day of Resurrection at the person who drags his garment (behind him) out of conceit. On that Abu Bakr said, "O Allah's Apostle! One side of my Izar hangs low if I do not take care of it." The Prophet said, 'You are not one of those who do that out of conceit."

Narated By Salim : That his father said; "When Allah's Apostle mentioned what he mentioned about (the hanging of) the Izar (waist sheet), Abu Bakr said, "O Allah's Apostle! My Izar slackens on one side (without my intention)." The Prophet said, "You are not among those who (out of pride) drag their Izars behind them."

Allah's Apostle, "Allah will not look, on the Day of Resurrection, at a person who drags his Izar (behind him) out of pride and arrogance."

Abu Dawood:27:4082:-
AbdurRahman said: I asked Abu Sa'id al-Khudri about wearing lower garment. He said: You have come to the man who knows it very well. The Apostle of Allah (pbuh) said: The way for a believer to wear a lower garment is to have it halfway down his legs and he is guilty of no sin if it comes halfway between that and the ankles, but what comes lower than the ankles is in Hell. On the day of Resurrection, Allah will not look at him who trails his lower garment conceitedly.

Word "conceit/proud" is missing in some hadees like following one & that's why our scholars took them "Literally" instead of looking into the spirit of what Prophet said.

The Prophet said, "The part of an Izar which hangs below the ankles is in the Fire."

Allah's Apostle said, "While a man was dragging his Izar on the ground (behind him), suddenly Allah made him sink into the earth and he will go on sinking into it till the Day of Resurrection."

Now let’s take a look at this hadith-

The Prophet said, "The part of an Izar which hangs below the ankles is in the Fire."

We do not know in what context or situation prophet has said it. So by comparing with the other similar hadith we can say that it is about those who hang their izar low out of pride.

That those days people used to lower their clothes out of pride is evident from the previous hadiths.
" The Prophet said, "You are not among those who (out of pride) drag their Izars behind them."
Abu Dawood:27:4082:-
. On the day of Resurrection, Allah will not look at him who trails his lower garment conceitedly.

Now, these days lowering the garment upto the shoe is in no way directly out of pride. It’s just a social norm. Yeah I don’t have the right to say I don’t have any pride in my heart but I can say I don’t intend pride in wearing my garment upto the shoe. If unintentional hidden pride is the problem then you’re just exaggerating. We may have such hidden pride in everything we do. How do you know you don’t have pride in sitting on the sofa or using a laptop. Sit on the floor buddy and get yourself a typewriter (and a cheap desktop). Drink in brass pots.

You all know the definition of pride?

'Abdullah ibn Mas'ud reported that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "No one who has an atom's weight of pride in his heart will enter the Garden." A man said, "And if the man likes his clothes to be good and his sandals to be good?" He said, "Allah is Beautiful and loves beauty. Pride means to renounce the truth and abase people." [Muslim]

So pride in wearing long garments is definitely abasing/belittling people. There is no belittling people when letting the pant reach the ankle (upto the shoe) is universal. Everybody in the society does that more or less. (but still dragging the clothes is unnatural and arrogant, cause he shows that he doesn’t care his clothes getting worn out and dirty, it can never be a natural thing. )

I’m saying this because rasul warned us of isbal due to pride, not wearing a shoe and letting the garment reach that. Rasul allowed abu Bakr (R) to do that. Now if it were haram to lower it with or without pride rasul would’ve strictly warned abu Bakr.
Like, you can’t say that ‘I get involved in telling lies if I don’t pay attention’ and expect prophet to say, ‘don’t worry, you don’t mean no harm.’
This is because lying itself is potentially haram and lowering the garment is not.

But still, you need to be aware if you really do intend pride. Like as in the parallel examples I’ve cited, you need to know if you are showing off your comfortable sofas. If not, there’s no harm sitting on them.

You might say, then what do you have to say about this?

[2] Also narrated by Tabarani, the Prophet (peace and blessing upon him), saw a man whose garments were below the ankles, he ordered him: “Raise your waist-wrap!” The man said: “I have an ailment in my legs; my knees collide with each other.” He (saw), replied: “Raise your garment because all of the creation of Allah is beautiful.”

Answer is, the prophet also said these-

1] In a hadith from Imam Tabarani, whose chain is sound, which is emphatic in this ruling not being restricted to when this act is done in pride. Namely: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), struck four fingers of his hand below the knee (on the shin) and said: “O Amar (bin Zurarah)! this is the place of the garment.”

5) Ibn Umar r.a. narrates that: “I passed by the Messenger of Allah , peace and blessings be upon him, and my garment was loose, so he, peace and blessings upon him, said: "O Abdullah raise your garment,’ so I raised it. Then he said, ‘more,’ so I raised it more. Ever since then I have been vigilant regarding it.” (Muslim)

Does that mean raising your trouser up to the shin is FARZ? In this case, you are gonna refer to other hadith as it does not offer complete information-

The Messenger of Allah , peace and blessings upon him, said:
“The waist-wrap of the Muslim must be up to the middle of the shins; and there is no harm if it goes between there and the ankles….” (Abu Dawud)

And I’d refer to other hadith like-

The Prophet said Allah will not look, on the Day of Resurrection at the person who drags his garment (behind him) out of conceit. On that Abu Bakr said, "O Allah's Apostle! One side of my Izar hangs low if I do not take care of it." The Prophet said, 'You are not one of those who do that out of conceit."

Allah's Apostle, "Allah will not look, on the Day of Resurrection, at a person who drags his Izar (behind him) out of pride and arrogance."

Makes sense doesn’t it?

I agree, it’s true that raising your garment is a good thing, a sunnat. But it would not be right to tell us that it’s a farz and that you have to do it no matter what.
Fine, you have managed to justify in your mind an impermissible act, as already explained; happy now?
Hankie is offline

Old 06-02-2012, 02:46 AM   #14

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Advice: Wear a pair of socks that matches with the color of your trouser.

If you are calling a Sunnah awkward: Don't tell us, go to Roza e Rasool Saw, stand there and tell the Prophet Saw. Then you might realize what are you calling awkward. Don't try to gift wrap everything to please yourself and to hide your Muslim identity. If the Aamal(deeds) go wrong there is still hope, but if the Ilm(knowledge) goes wrong then there is not much hope left.

What is so difficult to do with that? IF we cannot even move the trouser by one inch to save ourself from hell fire then what more can we do? Just 1 inch that's it?Are we so stubborn that we can't move an inch?
If our boss asks us to do something, do we ask, "Sir is it absolutely necessary for me to do what you are saying? Will you fire me if I don't do what you say?"
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Old 06-02-2012, 04:08 AM   #15

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Dress code described here.
The notion of izar is seen by scholars as manifestion of pride and arrogance and some don't. One should ask themselves their condition of the heart. Sometime going against self is a good way of training ones naffs!
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Old 06-02-2012, 04:33 AM   #16

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As Salamu alaikum fellows.
I think I’ve finally unraveled this mystery.

We see that ALLAH has banned pride.

I and some scholars agree with you on this issue. These scholars are mostly scholars from the West, where pants below the ankles are common among us common people.

Some things that Muhammad, Allah's Messenger (sallahu `alayhi wa salaam) forbade or commanded were prohibitions more against mindsets behind certain actions rather than the actions themselves. And some of these actions that he prohibited are against cultural norms, and they don't necessarily apply to all people of all time. Note that this only applies to a few of his commands. Most of his commands apply to everyone, and EVERYTHING that Allah commands in the Qur'an is eternal and universal (i.e. it applies to everyone) unless He states otherwise (usually by directing certain commands at certain groups of people, such as the command to kill the polytheists which only applied to the Muslims at that time who were in a state of war and not to every Muslim of every place).

An example of this is the Prophet's command to do ghusl before Friday prayers. According to a Hadith from Abu Dawood's collection, a scholar was speaking to a student (forget the names of the people) and the scholar basically said that ghusl before Friday prayers isn't obligatory but mustahhab, and what Rasulallah (sallahu `alayhi wa salaam) was ordering was that the people not be sweaty or stink when going to Friday prayers. The scholar further gave the history behind Rasulallah's prohibition. To sum it up, Rasulallah's prohibition stems from the people working right before Friday prayer and stinking up the place. So that's why he said "Ghusl is obligatory before Friday's prayers".

It's important to look at the reasons behind some of the Prophet's (sallahu `alayhi wa salaam) prohibitions and statements. They all stem from Allah's commands, but some of them are commanded only to ensure that we fulfill Allah's commands.

Getting back to this subject, I and some other scholars would agree with you in that Allah's Apostle (sallahu `alayhi wa salaam) forbade clothing to go below the ankle because it was associated with pride back in his time. In other words, it's not haraam to have pants that go below your knee. It's haraam to project pride, even if you don't have it. Its haraam to even look like you have pride. So RasulAllah (sallahu `alayhi wa salaam) forbade his companions from looking like they have pride by forbidding them to follow a cultural icon of pride---clothing below the ankle.

Nowadays, especially in the West, clothing that goes below the ankle is not a sign of pride, but just an average style. So many (Western) scholars, who truly understand the culture, would say that it's allowed because people here don't do it out of pride, but rather because that's just how jeans are made.

My advice to you is to not argue on this forum about it. People here don't take disagreeing opinions like how we Muslims are supposed to (i.e. with kindness and gentle debate). Instead, it leads to a lot of accusations about someone's deen and little change in anyone's heart, and it leads to anger. Instead, ask a respectable sheikh or imam from the West.

Often times we get sheikhs from the East denouncing everything about Western culture because it contradicts their culture, but Islam is above all cultures. It's best to get an opinion from someone from your culture when it comes to doing things within your culture, as only this person will truly understand why certain things are done in certain ways, as opposed to operating based on stereotypes or as opposed to trying to apply their culture (not Islam, but culture) to you.

To sum it up, I believe and some scholars and other brothers believe that you must not have pride, and you must not look like you have pride. Therefore, whatever clothing styles your culture associates with pride, stay away from them. It would be haraam to wear clothing that projects pride (and note that pride is not the same as confidence and self-esteem). But, it's always mustahhab to follow what Allah's Messenger (sallahu `alayhi wa salaam) commanded. So it's mustahhab to wear your pants above your ankles, but it's not necessarily haraam if you wear jeans that go below it.

Allahu `alaam of course.
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Old 06-03-2012, 11:20 PM   #17

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as Salamu alaikum fellows.

For the people, who have struggled hard against society to establish this sunnah as a part of their life, every little details of your hard work shall receive great rewards as the impeccable QURAN states.

Although I do not agree that it is a FARZ, I myself keep my trousers upto my shin most of the time because the Prophet sm used to.

Thank you all the people for your valuable consents.

Therefore, whatever clothing styles your culture associates with pride, stay away from them.
yes, that's true. ALLAH has banned pride, may it be in clothes, may it be in voice, showoff, money, anything.

I've got the answers I've been looking for.

May ALLAH help us all big time.
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Old 06-06-2012, 09:29 PM   #18

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I and some scholars agree with you on this issue. These scholars are mostly scholars from the West, where pants below the ankles are common among us common people.

Some things that Muhammad, Allah's Messenger (sallahu `alayhi wa salaam) forbade or commanded were prohibitions more against mindsets behind certain actions rather than the actions themselves. And some of these actions that he prohibited are against cultural norms, and they don't necessarily apply to all people of all time. Note that this only applies to a few of his commands. Most of his commands apply to everyone, and EVERYTHING that Allah commands in the Qur'an is eternal and universal (i.e. it applies to everyone) unless He states otherwise (usually by directing certain commands at certain groups of people, such as the command to kill the polytheists which only applied to the Muslims at that time who were in a state of war and not to every Muslim of every place).

An example of this is the Prophet's command to do ghusl before Friday prayers. According to a Hadith from Abu Dawood's collection, a scholar was speaking to a student (forget the names of the people) and the scholar basically said that ghusl before Friday prayers isn't obligatory but mustahhab, and what Rasulallah (sallahu `alayhi wa salaam) was ordering was that the people not be sweaty or stink when going to Friday prayers. The scholar further gave the history behind Rasulallah's prohibition. To sum it up, Rasulallah's prohibition stems from the people working right before Friday prayer and stinking up the place. So that's why he said "Ghusl is obligatory before Friday's prayers".

It's important to look at the reasons behind some of the Prophet's (sallahu `alayhi wa salaam) prohibitions and statements. They all stem from Allah's commands, but some of them are commanded only to ensure that we fulfill Allah's commands.

Getting back to this subject, I and some other scholars would agree with you in that Allah's Apostle (sallahu `alayhi wa salaam) forbade clothing to go below the ankle because it was associated with pride back in his time. In other words, it's not haraam to have pants that go below your knee. It's haraam to project pride, even if you don't have it. Its haraam to even look like you have pride. So RasulAllah (sallahu `alayhi wa salaam) forbade his companions from looking like they have pride by forbidding them to follow a cultural icon of pride---clothing below the ankle.

Nowadays, especially in the West, clothing that goes below the ankle is not a sign of pride, but just an average style. So many (Western) scholars, who truly understand the culture, would say that it's allowed because people here don't do it out of pride, but rather because that's just how jeans are made.

My advice to you is to not argue on this forum about it. People here don't take disagreeing opinions like how we Muslims are supposed to (i.e. with kindness and gentle debate). Instead, it leads to a lot of accusations about someone's deen and little change in anyone's heart, and it leads to anger. Instead, ask a respectable sheikh or imam from the West.

Often times we get sheikhs from the East denouncing everything about Western culture because it contradicts their culture, but Islam is above all cultures. It's best to get an opinion from someone from your culture when it comes to doing things within your culture, as only this person will truly understand why certain things are done in certain ways, as opposed to operating based on stereotypes or as opposed to trying to apply their culture (not Islam, but culture) to you.

To sum it up, I believe and some scholars and other brothers believe that you must not have pride, and you must not look like you have pride. Therefore, whatever clothing styles your culture associates with pride, stay away from them. It would be haraam to wear clothing that projects pride (and note that pride is not the same as confidence and self-esteem). But, it's always mustahhab to follow what Allah's Messenger (sallahu `alayhi wa salaam) commanded. So it's mustahhab to wear your pants above your ankles, but it's not necessarily haraam if you wear jeans that go below it.

Allahu `alaam of course.
So masha'Allah we have yet another mujtahid and do-it-yourself Mufti who is able to extract the 'illas of the hukum just by reading some translations of ahadith!
Even though Ulama gave different opinion and they mention the hadith (iirc) in which is said that to wear garments below ankles is in itself riya...
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Old 06-07-2012, 01:10 PM   #19

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So masha'Allah we have yet another mujtahid and do-it-yourself Mufti who is able to extract the 'illas of the hukum just by reading some translations of ahadith!
Even though Ulama gave different opinion and they mention the hadith (iirc) in which is said that to wear garments below ankles is in itself riya...
I dont know I agree with him. I just dont like that he comes across or tries to come across as a scholar at the begining where he states I & a few scholars from the west.
However his view is a valid view in shariah & we should entertain it. its not the clothing & the way it fits that is haraam but the kibr that it brings about or projects. & this is also the view of many traditional ulama of the past. Allahu ya'lam.
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Old 06-07-2012, 01:38 PM   #20

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I dont know I agree with him. I just dont like that he comes across or tries to come across as a scholar at the begining where he states I & a few scholars from the west.
However his view is a valid view in shariah & we should entertain it. its not the clothing & the way it fits that is haraam but the kibr that it brings about or projects. & this is also the view of many traditional ulama of the past. Allahu ya'lam.

Hope ur in good health... can u quote some traditional ulema of the past if possible..

wa assalam..
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