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Old 01-11-2006, 08:28 AM   #1

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Default Masjid Rahmah.....
As-Salaam Walikum..... Have you ever attended Masjid Rahmah? What do you think of that Masjid?
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Old 01-11-2006, 09:50 AM   #2

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As-Salaam Walikum..... Have you ever attended Masjid Rahmah? What do you think of that Masjid?
Masjid Rahmah is where?
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Old 01-12-2006, 08:58 AM   #3

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As-Salaam Walikum Masjid Rahmah is located in Newark, New Jersey Inshallah.
~~~As-Salaam Waikum~~~
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Old 01-12-2006, 09:49 AM   #4

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OK. They're hardcore Salafi.
I suppose that says it all. (I doubt too many people here would know that Masjid though, so your poll might not get many responses.)
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Old 01-16-2006, 06:11 AM   #5

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OK. They're hardcore Salafi.
I suppose that says it all. (I doubt too many people here would know that Masjid though, so your poll might not get many responses.)
You See someone TRYING Their BEST To IMPLEMENT THIS DEEN AND YOU SAY THAT THEIR ROUGH!!! La huwa la wa khatta illa billa!!!
Have yo EVER VISTED The ''Masjid'' in New York ?,WELL I HAVE and they are STRAIGHT UP ''HATERS OF THE NIQAAB"
They say that we THINK THAT WE ARE BETTER Then them..... EXCUSE ME!!! .Well their the ones LOOOKING DOWN ON US!!! We GAVE THEM THE SALAAMS AND GUESS WHAT THEY GAVE US? GUESS... A HARDCORE LOOK.... In RETURN!!! And if it was not a Masjid and I Did NOT Fear Allah (SWT) I WOULD HAVE ARGUED WITH THEM.... AND Alot of other actions that a Muslima does NOT HAVE BUT Since I am A MUSLIMA..... Inshallah I HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO BE A MUSLIMA INSHALLAH.
~~~As-Salaam Walikum~~~
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Old 01-16-2006, 06:14 AM   #6

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how can a masjid be very impatient

Old 01-16-2006, 06:24 AM   #7

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how can a masjid be very impatient
As-Salaam Walikum- I WAS JUST Asking.... Because some people say that Masjid Rahmah is Impatient and I wanted to see if the people on this forum thought the same thing because that is the Masjid that I Attend Inshallah...And if Perhaps you People thought the same thing I would stop attending this forum. Because what Masjid Rahmah is UPON I am also upon Inshallah....
~~~As-Salaam Walikum~~~
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Old 01-16-2006, 09:03 AM   #8

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Is it that masjid on Branford off Broad street??
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Old 01-16-2006, 12:05 PM   #9

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Is it that masjid on Branford off Broad street??
No akhi, Masjid Rahmah is near UMDNJ.

walaikum asalaam
I meant that by their own definition they are Salafi. I use the term "hardcore" to indicate that they are very serious about their salafism. As in Salafipubs, Troid type of salafis.
If you're upon what they are upon, as you say, and you don't think there is anything wrong with that, then you needn't get offended by what I said. Most hardcore Salafis are proud of being such.
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Old 01-16-2006, 01:17 PM   #10

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No akhi, Masjid Rahmah is near UMDNJ.

Masjid Rahmah is on MLK Blvd in and old store right above it

walaikum asalaam
I meant that by their own definition they are Salafi. I use the term "hardcore" to indicate that they are very serious about their salafism. As in Salafipubs, Troid type of salafis.
If you're upon what they are upon, as you say, and you don't think there is anything wrong with that, then you needn't get offended by what I said. Most hardcore Salafis are proud of being such.
In all honesty the people of that area is a bit rough around the edges. However I cannot speak for all of them it's basically the environment that came up upon, Newark, NJ is a rough crowd, they've accepted Islam and are doing their best to learn the deen. Actually they've cleaned up that place from all of the hoodlums who reside in that particular section of Newark. it's truly refreshing to see the muslims who're walking around in their thoubs, niqabs etc in the city of Newark. I can speak the same for the brothers in Baltimore,Washington DC and also Philly that are doing the same as well.

As you stated that most hardcore salafis are proud of being such is a bit of a blanket statement bro. Alex, alot of it comes from the lack of understanding and the lack of sabr when dealing with others. There have been alot of 'isolated cases' that has arisen however people fail to realize is that alot of muslims who accept islam bring about alot of baggage with them. It's going to take a moment to get this baggage removed from them. Those brothers that I've ran across some of them will give you the shirt off of their back. Therefore from their actions that we see are doing their best to learn and practice this deen. I feel like it's important to cover their faults and be patient with these individuals who really don't understand much of what is going on besides anything outside of (Bukhari, Muslim, etc....)

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Old 01-16-2006, 01:57 PM   #11

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Salaam 'alaikum

I didn't mean hardcore as an insult. I simply meant that these brothers and sisters are very committed to their view of Islam, wether its from newness to the deen or from being firmly convinced from in-depth study or some other reason.
Its much the same as being called a "hardcore" hanafi. It just means that they're strict in adhering to their way of approaching Islam.
Again, I said what I did because its true, not to pass judgement. In fact a brother I know who attends that masjid was instrumental in my coming to Islam and in my development as a Muslim early on.
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Old 01-16-2006, 03:51 PM   #12

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Salaam 'alaikum

I didn't mean hardcore as an insult. I simply meant that these brothers and sisters are very committed to their view of Islam, wether its from newness to the deen or from being firmly convinced from in-depth study or some other reason.
Its much the same as being called a "hardcore" hanafi. It just means that they're strict in adhering to their way of approaching Islam.
Again, I said what I did because its true, not to pass judgement. In fact a brother I know who attends that masjid was instrumental in my coming to Islam and in my development as a Muslim early on.

It just sad to see people being onesided and yet don't look at their own personal stance as well, I hope everyone can keep a balanced view on others.

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Old 01-16-2006, 04:09 PM   #13

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It just sad to see people being onesided and yet don't look at their own personal stance as well, I hope everyone can keep a balanced view on others.

Why does everyone asume that everone else has problems?

"doesn't look at thier own personal stance" -- what si that supposed to mean?

although this comment is not directed at me, i am still offended, one being, not everyone is in such a position that they ahve a need to examine themselves, not everyone is a sinner, i do find it offensive when people say 'WE' need to look at ourselves.

saying that WE need to check ourselevs is indirectly saying that everyone included in this 'we' is a sinner and in a problem, and/or inncorrect

and also, you don't know everyone elses situation..so one is not in a position to correct them on what they do not know

and there is a diffrence between knowing wether someone is in a abd situation personaly, and when they openly advertise their sins/blapshemy

if someone does somethign bad in the open, others have the right and the obligation to correct them, and warn others if it is soemhtign that can effect others [such as teachign msiguidence]

people don't have the right, however, to asume that everyoen is jsut as bad as they are

being humble is not about admiting to everyone else you ahve issues, but about nto talking about it all together, beacsue it is not soemthign to be said

if anythign should be said, it would be better to say 'i shoudl examine my situation' then to say 'we shoudl examine our situation' or to inform others that they shoudl examine thier situation

i know what my situation is, i don't need anyoen else tellign me to examine it

in my opinion, to say "we shoudl all examine our own situation ebfore we jduge others" is jsut a way to advertise that your trying to be humble

anyways, assalaam alaikum
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Old 01-16-2006, 07:50 PM   #14

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Why does everyone asume that everone else has problems?

To "error" is to be human
"doesn't look at thier own personal stance" -- what si that supposed to mean?

although this comment is not directed at me, i am still offended, one being, not everyone is in such a position that they ahve a need to examine themselves, not everyone is a sinner, i do find it offensive when people say 'WE' need to look at ourselves.
Really?not everyone is a sinner eh? People have desires that they try to overcome, personal demons man was created in a weak sense and this is why the sunnah of our Nabi came about . In order to become 'sucessful' we need to follow this particular path.
saying that WE need to check ourselevs is indirectly saying that everyone included in this 'we' is a sinner and in a problem, and/or inncorrect

and also, you don't know everyone elses situation..so one is not in a position to correct them on what they do not know
Exactly just like you donot know everyone position as well, that is why some people who use hikmah are not to be so quick on the draw cast aside everyone don't you agree since you have proof that such and such is upon misguidance and your not. As if you know that you die upon the haqq, and you have a covenent with Al-Khaliq that you're going to be sucessful in this life and in the hearafter. Correct my friend?
and there is a diffrence between knowing wether someone is in a abd situation personaly, and when they openly advertise their sins/blapshemy

if someone does somethign bad in the open, others have the right and the obligation to correct them, and warn others if it is soemhtign that can effect others [such as teachign msiguidence]
Exactly, and this is why issues should be presented to the 'more' knowledgeable individuals not towards the laymen muslim.
people don't have the right, however, to asume that everyoen is jsut as bad as they are

being humble is not about admiting to everyone else you ahve issues, but about nto talking about it all together, beacsue it is not soemthign to be said

if anythign should be said, it would be better to say 'i shoudl examine my situation' then to say 'we shoudl examine our situation' or to inform others that they shoudl examine thier situation
Just accept brother Crono, everyone has baggage that they need to deal with, to say a person doesn't have any faults it's either two things

1. a serious lying problem
2 a serious dash of hypocrisy

The choice is yours! Futhermore you can refer to my signature statement as a reminder as well brother.

i know what my situation is, i don't need anyoen else tellign me to examine it

in my opinion, to say "we shoudl all examine our own situation ebfore we jduge others" is jsut a way to advertise that your trying to be humble
I know myself better than you know me, so therefore I try not to broadcast my shortcomings. Why not try to be humble that is better than being arrogant and being in denial that you feel like that you don't have any faults.
assalaam alaikum
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Old 01-17-2006, 01:40 AM   #15

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I believe it's arrogant to asume everyone else is in the same situation as you are..

and if one were trying to be humble, they wouldn't judge others nor themselves, period.

'we should look at our own selves....' is a judgement

as for not being perfect, no, no one is perfect, everyoen has done a sin at ONE point in time or another, but i know for instance, that i can go a whole day without doing anything wrong, though it isn't normal

i just don't like the fact that people try to asume the worst of others, and then try to tell everyone that , that is how they are humble

it's jsut like people who arn't arab, but act arab, beacsue they think it makes them more like a muslim

there is a comercial, and this is a quote from it: "A company spent 120 thousand dollars to give to a charity, then that company spent 21 million tellings others about it"....people should reflect off that
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Old 01-17-2006, 03:21 AM   #16

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Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim

Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam has mentioned in a narration that all the children of Adam(Alayhi Salam) are mistakers(or have sins, depends on what translation) and the best ones are those who repent.

Everyone living today on earth who is not a Nabi has sins.

Ma salam
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Old 01-17-2006, 07:30 AM   #17

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Is it that Masjid on Branford off Broad street??
As-Salaam Walikum- No... That Masjid On Brandford, Is Caled Brandford Pl..... Masjid Rahmah is Located on 587 Martin Luther King Bl.
~~~As-Salaam Walikum~~~
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Old 01-17-2006, 07:32 AM   #18

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Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim

Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam has mentioned in a narration that all the children of Adam(Alayhi Salam) are mistakers(or have sins, depends on what translation) and the best ones are those who repent.

Everyone living today on earth who is not a Nabi has sins.

Ma salam
As-Salaam Walikum- YES!!! This is SOOOO TRUE Mashallah....
~~~As-Salaam Walikum~~~
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Old 01-17-2006, 11:52 AM   #19

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Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim

Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam has mentioned in a narration that all the children of Adam(Alayhi Salam) are mistakers(or have sins, depends on what translation) and the best ones are those who repent.

Everyone living today on earth who is not a Nabi has sins.

Ma salam

Thank you for this reminder it was truly a good thing to present
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Old 01-18-2006, 10:43 AM   #20

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I havent read the whole discussion, but I personally know many brothers from Masjid Rahmah in Newark. (may Allah preserve them) I know the Imam Abu Muhammad personally and the ex. Imam Abu Uwais (rahimahullah) who just recently passed away.
I know nothing but good from those brothers. They do their best in helping the general muslims connect to the teachings of the Ulamah and they appear to adhere to the sunnah to the best of their ability. may Allah preserve us and them and forgive us and them for their shortcomings, Ameen.
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