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Old 06-08-2009, 03:56 AM   #1

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Default Dajjal by Mufti Abu Lubaba Shah Mansoor
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Old 06-08-2009, 04:29 AM   #2

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is this the same mufti abu lubaba from darul ifta wal irshad, nazimabad?
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Old 06-08-2009, 04:45 AM   #3

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in english would be appreciated brother.
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Old 06-08-2009, 10:55 AM   #4

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mashallah very informative and interesting read
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Old 06-08-2009, 04:30 PM   #5

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Yes he is, now Bayt to Shaykh Zulfiqar (DB).
does he teach at darul ifta?
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Old 06-08-2009, 05:14 PM   #6

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Anyone please give a brief description of the contents please?
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Old 06-08-2009, 06:31 PM   #7

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Asslamo Allaikum,

I am skipping the discussions about evidence because some of it I haven’t understood myself

There are a few things which Miufti Saheb (DB) says which I have NOT heard before…

1) The first rector of Darul-uloom Deoband Hadhrat Maulana Rafee-uddin Naqshbandi (RA) migrated to Hijaz to be in the army of Mahdi. He was so overwhelmed with the desire of joining the army of Mahdi that he pondered over the matter and came with a unique Ijtehaad. He (RA) knew that Rasul-ullah (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) had entrusted the tribe of Shaiba with the keys of Kaaba so he deduced that this tribe will remain until the time of Mahdi so he wrote a letter to Madhi with a sword and a Hamail and he requested that the Madhi should take the Hamail and entrust the sword to a Mujahid in his army.

I don’t know what “Hamail” means in this context!

2) Seven scholars from Pakistan/Afghanistan, Turkey, Morocco, Algeria, Uzbekistan and Sudan) each with over 310 people (Bayah on their hands) will find Mahdi and do Bayah on their hands

3) Mahdi will be a Jihadi leader so to expect him to be from an ideological Muslim organisation (or any Non-Jihadi party etc.) is a sheer folly. Anyone who "claims" to be Mahdi can NEVER be Mahdi. Mahdi will face strict opposition from not only Non-Muslims but also sell-out Muslims.

4) Mahdi will exhibit Karamat (no doubt) but in this writers humble opinion due to such a serious scientific and technological gap between the Muslims (& the West) some sort of redress is necessary therefore I believe:

a. Muslims who excel in science and technology will join the Army of Mahdi

b. Jews (who oppose Zionists and the state of Israel) will also join (or provide assistance) to the army of Mahdi

c. Good Christians will also join (or provide assistance) to the army of Mahdi
All of this will narrow the technological divide but still won’t bridge the gap so the only thing we can say is the help of Allah (SWT) will be with Mahdi because of him and his followers being strict on the Sunnah

5) There will be three (3) strategic battles before the end of time:

a. In India where the supporters of Mahdi will defeat the Non-Muslims and chain their leaders

b. Army of Mahdi will fight the European Union

c. Isa (RA) will fight Jews and dajjal

6) When the army of Mahdi will face EU, they will make a strange request which will be to handover “Reverts” (Europeans) to the EU and they will NOT fight the native Muslims. The army of Mahdi will refuse to hand over the Reverts and fighting will commence.

7) The best of science and technology will be incorporated into the being of Dajjal and the prophecy of Hadeeth that Dajjal will “melt” upon seeing Isa (AS) could be a terminator like scenario
what are the proofs or explanations for this. how has he come to these conclusions?
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Old 06-08-2009, 07:26 PM   #8

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fascinating mashallah
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Old 06-08-2009, 09:07 PM   #9

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Subhanallah this sounds like it will happen tomorrow... May Allah save us.
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Old 06-09-2009, 02:58 AM   #10

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2) If the Saudi regime is what Mufti Saheb says it is then how come their leader is/was an Ameer to Muslims?

3) In general, when did the Saudi rulers became Ameer to Muslims?

Well, who has ever claimed such a thing?!
That's maybe their dream, but - excluded maybe Saudi Salafies - who has ever claimed the Saudi king to be the Amir of Muslims?!

P.S.: Sidi Muadh That video doesn't work -at least with me-, sorry for the delay.

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Old 06-09-2009, 07:19 PM   #11

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The Hadeeth states that Muslims will be without an Ameer and looking for an Ameer when Mahdi appears.

To imply that this event will occur with King Fahd or King Abdullah is considering them "Ameer for Muslims", isn't it?

Muslims have been without an Ameer (Abdul Hameed Khan (RA)) since 1924, what have the Saudees got to do with this?
May be Mullah Umar is that Ameer because Muslims from many parts of the world came to Afghanistan to do bait on his hand.

May be after the death of Mullah Umar
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Old 06-09-2009, 07:55 PM   #12

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The Hadeeth states that Muslims will be without an Ameer and looking for an Ameer when Mahdi appears.
but does this mean that the muslims will be immediately looking for an ameer when there is no longer an ameer? or will there be a period of not having an ameer and and then the muslims will have some sort of re-awakening or a pressing need that they will then look for an ameer? in fact the need to find an ameer after a period of not having an ameer makes sense to me if you take into consderation the state of the ummah today and how the muslims are being persecuted by the kuffar.

To imply that this event will occur with King Fahd or King Abdullah is considering them "Ameer for Muslims", isn't it?
yes it does seem that way. maybe someone could contact mufti saheb and get a clarification.

Muslims have been without an Ameer (Abdul Hameed Khan (RA)) since 1924, what have the Saudees got to do with this?
again someone needs to ask mufti saheb.

i have spent some time with mufti saheb at darul ifta, although i have nothing bad to say about him but from what i saw he did not seem to be over impressive in terms of ilm or anything (in comparison to other alims) from what i have heard directly from him. but he did seem like a nice down to earth guy. a type of mufti you can chill with. i could be completely wrong about him. what do other alims make of him?
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Old 06-09-2009, 09:32 PM   #13

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mufti abu lubaba is a great guy. He is a khalifah of shaykh zulfiqar.
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Old 06-10-2009, 09:00 PM   #14

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The reference to Christians asking for Muslim to be handed over to them, the refusal to do so which will lead to war against the ummah has already happened in September 2001 when the Afghan leadership refused to hand over Muslims to the US.
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Old 06-11-2009, 06:22 PM   #15

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these are some very strange and unusual claims that mufti saheb is making.

i dont really know what to make of this and unfortunately i cannot read urdu much so i cannot read the book myself.

i would love to know what the book contains. will a translation be available at some date?
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Old 06-17-2009, 02:13 AM   #16

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Asslamo Allaikum,

Mufti Saheb also discussed the dream interpreted by Daniels in the bible.


Applying a timeline that would mean that Israel was created in 1967 because that was the first time they captured Jerusalem.

And then Mufti Saheb says that according to the bible the Kingdom will last 45 years which put the end of Israel in 2012

Allah (SWT) knows best.
As Salamu Alaykum

I frankly wouldn't rely on any book on the Bible as a source because none of them have been transmitted to us by tawattur nor do we know the narrators who relayed such story. Therefore it would be unreliable to use such sources. Our weakest hadiths are a lot more reliable in the terms of isnad and matn compared to any book in the Bible: Hebrew Bible and or the New Testament.

This also puts us in a trap in terms of dawah to Christians. When we use the actual Bible to prove our point that lends validity to the Bible itself. Then they can accuse us as we have accused them of picking and choosing.
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Old 06-17-2009, 02:18 AM   #17

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I am not sure.
One thing is sure he is very PRO-JIHAD and PRO-TALIBAN throughout the book.
He is a brother of Moulana Abdullah Shah Mazhar ex Ameer e Karachi Jaish e Muhammad.
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Old 09-21-2009, 04:52 AM   #18

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brother muadh,how could i make a new posts in this forum actually i m not getting the way to do so,hence made my posts (question) as reply to your posts.

1.can anybdy say about that authenticity that AAP (swallahu alyhiwassallam) had seen ALLAH as majority of ulema has ijma (consensus) on it but is thr any hadith or Quranic verse for their veiws.
2.please provide authenticity that ADAM (alyhisalaam) had seek forgivenss frm ALLAH with the intercession of AAP (swallahu alyhiwassallam).
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Old 09-25-2009, 10:43 AM   #19

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W-Salam Brother,

I am not aware that there is an Ijmah on the issue that the Prophet (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) physically saw Allah (SWT)? Can you please tell me where you heard this from?

Rasool Allah Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam He saw Allah Subhan o TaaAllah that's 100% confirm from Quran verses.
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Old 09-25-2009, 10:58 AM   #20

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mashallah very nice book and the best bookseller.
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