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#1 |
May i know who is running this website. They have books on various topics including Hanabli texts , Fiqh May be i should spend some time . Don't come & attack me . I'm just taking time reading this. You see you should hear all sides and come to a judgement |
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#2 |
Holding Debates with Ahl ul-Bid'ah Abu Muhammad Ibraheem al-Hanbali says: July 12, 2010 at 11:02 am Salamun ‘Alaykum Wa alaykum al-hmmm The Kulabiyyah are mentioned in Imaam Muwaafaq ud-Deen’s Lum’at ul-I’tiqaad as being one of the groups of bid’ah. The Imaam did not mention the Ash’ariyah as one of the groups of bid’ah. However it must be said here that other scholars of the Ahl us-Sunnah have deemed their founder Ibn Kullab to be from the Ahl us-Sunnah. This is a matter of dispute. Ibn Kullab is said to have delved into speculative theology, and due to this, got into a few issues that displeased the early Hanbali scholars. I am going to side on the sideline when it comes to such condemnations and leave such condemnations to the scholars who know better. Wahhabis want people to believe that the Ash’ariyyah are the Kullabiyyah. It is interesting to note however, that the Ash’ariyah were known to Ibn Qudaamah’s teacher as seen from from Shaykh ‘Abdul Qaadir al-Jilaani’s text al-Ghunyah in which he mentions the Ash’ariyyah in his on point on the istiwaa, but Imaam Ibn Qudaamah not once mentions the Ash’ariyyah as being a group of deviance. Why I mention this is to show that the Kulabiyyah were known as the Kulabiyyah and the Ash’ariyyah were known as the Ash’ariyah in the teacher and student’s time, as Ibn Qudaamah was a student of the Shaykh. According to the enemies of Ibn Kullab 240 AH, he is said to have denied the Sifaat ul-Fi’liyyah of Allah, whereas Imaam Abu Hasan al-Ash’ari, and those who call themselves Ash’aris actually confirm them. Therefore the Kullabiyyah cannot be the Ash’ariyah as Wahhabis would have us believe. Also, the issue of Kalaam Nafsi, [which myself being Hanbali Athaari, do not support] was said to be an innovation introduced into the creed by Ibn Kullab 240AH, and upon this premise the Wahhabis accuse the Ash’ariyyah of being Kullabiyah, however Imaam Abu Hanifah 140AH held the doctrine of Kalaam Nafsi in his treatise on Sunni creed al-Fiqh al-Akbar. This fact flushes the Wahhabi claims straigh into the sewage. Wahhabis posing as Hanbalis would like you to believe that the Kulabiyyah are the Ash’ariyah, or even are pretending to be Ash’aris. This is simply not true, therefore theres no link, no connection with the Ash’aris, and especially not the Imaam Abul Hasan al-Ash’ari. All because Imaam Abul Hasan al Ash’ari quoted from Ibn Kullab now anad again does not proove nothing. Imaam Bukhaari also quoted from Ibn Kullab, but do the Wahhabis use the same judgement upon Imaam Bukhaari? Simply quoting Ibn Kullab is not enough evidence for them to accuse the Ash’ariyyah of being Kullabiyyah. I hope this helped a little more than you expected Wa as-Salaam excuse any humor |
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#3 |
How to Know Real Islam and the true manhaj of the Salaf. I.e. The Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah
by Abu Ja’far al-Hanbali |
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#9 |
The Genealogy of Shaykh Muhammad Bin Abd Al-Wahhaab |
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#10 |
The Genealogy of Shaykh Muhammad Bin Abd Al-Wahhaab Abu Jafar Hanbali is more reliable , your link is by Ulamaa Najd... LMAO ulamaa Najd are you joking........... The Prophet ![]() ![]() Don't come & attack me . I'm just taking time reading this. You see you should hear all sides and come to a judgement |
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#11 |
The Problems with Kitaab ut-Tawheed [the short version]
Though i do not agree with some of the parts mentioned like asking others from grave . but yeah still posting. |
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#12 |
Why I am not a Wahhabi | Reason. 1 Why I am not a Wahhabi reason 2. |
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#14 |
Abu Muhammad Ibraheem al-Hanbali says: August 3, 2011 at 3:22 am Allah has revealed the ayah “The truth has come and falsehood as perished”. This ayah was revealed upon the conquest of Mecca. All idol worshipped was destroyed in Arabia, and Shaytaan lost all hope of taghut being worshipped ever again in Arabia. Whoever says that the Prophet’s grave has become an idol that is worshipped is a Kaafir, for denying the words of Allah and His Rasul sal Allahu alayhi wasallam, this is the opinion of those who considered Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab a Kaafir, with reason. After all, they are saying the Prophet sal Allahu alayhi wasallam lied when he said “Wallahi, I do not fear that my ummah will fall into shirk”. Al-Qadi Iyad, Imaam Muwaafaq ud-Deen and Imaam Nawawi all quote the evidence of facing the Messenger of Allah. What you quote is unheard of and highly doubtful to be the words of the Imaams mentioned. The Prophet sal Allahu alayhi wasallam was buried in his house, he was buried on the ground. The thing that Wahhabis waggle on about being an elevated grave is simply a wooden box placed on top of the grave to stop the people of the past from sitting on the grave. As for the Dome, the dome was not built over his grave, but over his house. Wahhabis admit they want to destroy this and it displays their hypocrisy. They can quote how much they want from Imaam Nawawi and Ibn Hajar al-Asqalaani on building domes over graves, but the simple fact is, the green dome is the very same dome that they both saw with their own eyes, and yet they said nothing about it should be destroyed. Only the Wahhabis seem to arrive at this conclusion. The Wahhabis are in great kufr concerning their creed. They say: 1. The mushrikeen were upon tawheed ur-Rububiyyah – Yet this is refuted by the simple fact they took Lords besides Allah, they worshipped a pantheon of deities besides Allah, and considered Allah to be the top ranking god of this pantheon. Yet the Wahhabies suggest their tawheed would have been perfect had not CALLED UPON others besides Allah. This is because their understanding of shirk is flawed within itself. 2. The Wahhabis define tawheed ul-Uuhiyyah to single Allah out in worship, and at the same time they define shirk to CALL UPON others besides Allah. They say the ONLY thing that negated the faith of the mushrikeen is that they CALLED UPON others besides Allah. Wahhabis do not take into account that the mushrikeen BELIEVED in 360 gods and attributed to them powers of divinity. All they was called to do [according to Wahhabi Islam] is to stop calling upon them and SINGLE OUT Allah in WORSHIP. This is the shirk in the Wahhabi creed, because to define tawheed as to SINGLE OUT ALLAH IN WORSHIP is like saying, “there is a moon god, a sun god, a hubal god, hmmm i think I will pick the Allah god to worship, I still believe in those gods, but I will just single out Allah today in my pantheon of taghut”. Let it be known, that the mere belief of another god of the possibility besides Allah merits disbelief, not to believe in 360 gods and then all of a sudden it only becomes shirk when they are CALLED UPON. This is the folly of Wahhabi creed. 3. Redefining the terms is a big problem in the Wahhabi creed. They have raped the classical terminologies and then applied new meanings to them. They have CHANGED the meaning of tawheed. They have CHANGED the meaning of shirk, They have CHANGED the meaning of ilah, They have CHANGED the meaning of Ibaadah, They have CHANGED the meaning of Dua’. They misconstrue the hadeeth ad-dua huwa al-Ibaadah and say all du’a is worship. Then they accuse the people who call upon the Prophet of grave worship. However, we do not understand this type of du’a to be ibaadah, just as we do not define sending Salah [sending peace and blessings on the Prophet] on the Prophet as ibaadah. When Wahhabis say all dua is ibaadah contradict the Qu’ran where Allah said: Surah an-Nur [24] ayah 63:“la taj’alu du’a ar-Rasul baynakum ka- du’a ba’dikum ba’da”Which translates as:“Do not make the calling [du’a] of the Messenger between you like the calling [du’a] of each other”. If all dua is worship then either Allah is wrong or the Wahhabiyyah are wrong in their defintion. When we call upon the living or the dead, is this du’a the du’a of worship? Is ALL DUA WORSHIP? Simply put no. The fact of the matter is they quote ayah’s like the Khawaarij because they are the Khawaarij. This is exactly what our “friend” is upon as you can clearly see by his style of Qur’anic quotation. Does this brother even consider Surah Fusssilaat, ayah 40, where Allah says: Indeed, those who misinterpret Our ayat are not concealed from Us. So, is he who is cast into the Fire better or he who comes secure on the Day of Resurrection? Do whatever you will; indeed, He is Seeing of what you do. Does they ponder over the very words of the beloved Prophet Muhammad sal Allahu alayhi wasallam when he said: The holy Prophet said: “What I fear most in my community is a man who interprets passages of the Qur’an out of their context” Does they reflect over the words of Ibn Abbas, the one who was given direct understanding of the Qur’an three times over when said: “Do not be like the Khawarij, interpreting the ayat of the Qur’an about the common Muslims and it was only sent down regarding the People of the Book and the idol worshippers. So they were ignorant of its’ knowledge and they used it to spill the blood, seize wealth and make the charge of astrayness against Muslim Orthodoxy. You must have the knowledge of what was sent down by way of these things in the Qur’an.” Does they consider the words of Ibn Umar who said about people who use ayahs in the very fashion that they do: “They are the most evil of Allah’s creation for they re-interpret the passages that were revealed about the Kuffar and used them upon the [Muslim] believers” Saheeh al-Bukhaari, vol. 9, p. 50; Fath ul-Baari, vol. 12, Kitaab Istitaabat ul-Murtadeen, p. 397 They accuse the believers of shirk and kufr by re-interpreting the passages that were revealed by the Kuffar and them applying them to the believers. The Holy Prophet sal Allahu alayhi wasallam said to the effect that they would not understand the Qur’an when he said “They will recite the Qur’an but it will not go past their throats” ? Do they consider ? no. they are dumbstruck Don't come & attack me . I'm just taking time reading this. You see you should hear all sides and come to a judgement |
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#17 |
Sorry Najdi Deviant links are not welcome. The Messenger of Allaah, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, said, "O Allaah bestow your blessings on our Shaam. O Allaah bestow your blessings on our Yemen." The people said, "O Messenger of Allaah, and our Najd." I think the third time the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, said, "There (in Najd) will occur earthquakes, trials and tribulations, and from their appears the Horn of Satan." Reported in al-Bukhaaree [Book of Trials, Chpt. 'The afflictions will come from the East' 9/166 no. 214 Eng. Trans] A hadeeth which has some controversy surrounding it due to obvious sectarian reasons. A hadeeth which has been (deliberately) misunderstood by certain groups of people in order that they may spread their misguidance and deceive ignorant Muslims. This because upon research and investigation and looking to the words of our early scholars we find that this hadeeth does not refer to the Najd that is famously known in Saudi today, but rather it refers to Iraaq. About two years ago I read a book entirely devoted to this hadeeth entitled, "an-Najd Qarnu ash-Shaytaan" [I cannot remember the author as I do not have the book on me anymore.] I will quote in general from what I remember from this book, and refrain from mentioning precise quotes except from those references that I have on me. Amongst the scholars that are mentioned who referred this hadeeth to Iraaq were: al-Khattaabee, al-Kirmaanee, al-Aynee, an-Nawawee, ibn Hajr and others. The reasons behind this are numerous and clear: The Generality of the Hadeeth Pertaining to the Fitna Coming from the East. Al-Bukhaaree includes this hadeeth in the chapter: "The affliction will appear from the East" 212) From the father of Saalim: The Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, stood up besides the pulpit (and pointed towards the east) and said: "Afflictions are there! Afflictions are there! From where appears the horn of Satan" or he said, "the horn of the Sun" 213) From ibn Umar that he said: I heard the Messenger of Allaah, sallallaahu alyahi wa sallam, saying while facing the east: "Indeed Afflictions are there, from where appears the Horn of Satan." 214) The hadeeth of Najd under discussion. Similar hadeeth can be found in Saheeh Muslim (volume 4 no.'s. 6938+). Hadeeth that give the same meaning can be found in Saheeh Muslim (volume 1 no.'s 83+) That the Generality of the Early Trials and Tribulations arose from the East, many of them actually in Iraaq itself. Ibn Hajr al-Asqalaanee said after quoting the words of al-Khattaabee explaining the meaning of Qarn (horn), "and others have said that the People of the East were disbelievers at that time and the Messenger of Allaah, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, informed us that the trials and tribulations would arise from that direction and it was as he said. And the first of the trials that arose, arose from the direction of the east and they were the reason for the splitting of the Muslim ranks, and this is what Satan loves and delights in. Likewise the innovations appeared from that direction." [Fath al-Baaree 13/58 in commentary to the hadeeth of Najd] Amongst the trials that arose in Iraaq and the east was the martyrdom of Alee, the martyrdom of the grandson of the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, the first battle between the Muslims occurred in Iraaq, and many more. Imaam Nawawee mentions that one of the greatest trials to appear from the East will be the appearance of the Dajjaal. [Sharh Saheeh Muslim 2/29] From the innovations that appeared in the east and specifically Iraaq, was many of the early deviant sects amongst them the Qadariyyah (as the first hadeeth in Muslim shows), the Jahmiyyah and their offshoots etc... That at the time of the Prophet, sallaahu alayhis wa sallaam, there were 13 places known as Najd [according to 'Najd Qarnu ash-Shaytaan'] depending on where one was. This because Najd linguistically means a raised/elevated land. Therefore the Arabs referred to lands that were elevated with respect to them as Najd. One of the most commonly referred to areas at that time as Najd was Iraaq. The Najd for those people living in Madeenah in the direction of the East would be Iraaq. Ibn Hajr said: "al-Khattaabee said: 'the najd in the direction of the east, and for the one who is in Madeenah then his Najd would be the desert of Iraaq and it's regions [baadiya al-Iraaq wa Nawaaheehaa] for this is to the east of the People of Madeenah. The basic meaning of Najd is that which is raised/elevated from the earth in contravention to al-Gawr for that is what is lower than it. Tihaamah [the coastal plain along the south-western and southern shores of the Arabian Peninsula] is entirely al-Gawr and Mecca is in Tihaamah.'" Ibn Hajr continues, "by this [saying of al-Khattaabee] the weakness of the saying of ad-Daawodee is understood that 'Najd is in the direction of Iraaq' [min Naahiya al-Iraaq] for he suggests that Najd is a specific place. This is not the case, rather everything that is elevated with respect to what adjoins it is called Najd and the lower area called Gawr." [Fath al-Baaree 13/58-59] Al-Mubaarakfooree endorses these words in his commentary to Sunan at-Tirmidhee (10/314 no.4212) The Hadeeth in Saheeh Muslim [4/1505 no.6943] Saalim bin Abdullaah bin Umar said: O people of Iraaq, how strange is it that you ask about the minor sins but commit the major sins? [The killing of al-Husayn] I heard my father, Abdullaah bin Umar narrating that he heard the Messenger of Allaah, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, saying while pointing his hand to the east: "Indeed the turmoil would come from this side, from where appear the horns of Satan and you would strike the necks of one another..." The Variations in Wording of the Hadeeth of Najd that Leave no Doubt Whatsoever as to what it refers to The hadeeth of ibn Umar Reported by Abu Nu'aym in al-Hilya (6/133), "O Allaah bestow your blessings on our Madeenah, and bestow your blessings on our Mecca, and bestow your blessings on our Shaam, and bestow your blessings on our Yemen, and bestow your blessings in our measuring (fee saa'inaa wa muddinaa)." A person said, " O Messenger of Allaah and in our Iraaq" and so he turned away from him and said, "there will occur earthquakes, trials and tribulations and there will appear the horn of Satan." Shu'ayb al-Arna'ut declares it's isnaad to be saheeh as in his footnotes to 'Sharh as-Sunnah' (14/206-207 fn. 2) and he too endorses the words of al-Khattaabee quoted above. The hadeeth of ibn Umar reported in at-Tabaraanee in 'al-Awsat' that the Messenger of Allaah, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam prayed Fajr and then faced the people and said, "O Allaah bestow your blessings on our Madeenah, O Allaah bestow your blessings in our measuring, O Allaah bestow your blessings in our Shaam and our Yemen." A person said, "And Iraaq O Messenger of Allaah?" He said, "from there arises the horn of Satan and the trials and tribulations would come like mounting waves." Ibn Hajr al-Haythamee says in his 'Mujma az-Zawaa'id' (3/305 - chapter 'collection of du'aas made for (Madeenah)'): 'its narrators are trustworthy and precise.' [This hadeeth could possibly considered to be the same as b) above, but I have included it separately due to the slight difference in wording. Allaah knows best.] The hadeeth of ibn Abbaas reported by at-Tabaraanee in 'al-Kabeer' that the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, supplicated and said, "O Allaah bestow your blessings on our Shaam and Yemen." A person from amongst the people said, "O Prophet of Allaah and Iraaq?" He said, "indeed there is the Horn of Satan, and the trials and tribulations will come like mounting waves, and indeed harshness/coarseness is in the east." Al-Haythamee says: "it's narrators are trustworthy and precise." (ibid.) The Virtues of Bani Tameem Bani Tameem constitute the majority of the inhabitants of the Najd that is in Saudi Arabia. The hadeeth of Saheeh Bukhaaree reported by Abu Hurayra (RA): "I have loved the people of the tribe of Bani Tameem, ever since I heard three things the Messenger of Allaah , sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, said about them. I heard him saying, 'these people (of the tribe of Bani Tameem) would stand firm against the Dajjaal.' When the Saddaqat from that tribe came, the Messenger of Allaah , sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, said, "these are the Saddaqat (charitable gifts) of our folk." Aa'ishah had a slave girl from that tribe, and the Prophet , sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, said to Aa'ishah, 'manumit her as she is a descendant of Ismaa'eel, alayhis salaam.'" [Hadeeth no. 2543, 4366 of al-Fath] Ibn Hajr al-Asqalaanee said, "this hadeeth also contains a clear mention of the excellence and superiority of Bani Tameem." [Fath 5/217] The hadeeth of Ikrimah from one of the Companions reported in the Musnad of Imaam Ahmad and in it occurs, "do not say of Bani Tameem anything but good, for indeed they are the severest of people in attacking the Dajjaal." Al-Haythamee says: "its narrators are those of the Saheeh." [Mujma 10/48 chpt: What is reported concerning Bani Tameem] It is not strange that Bani Tameem would be the most severe against the Dajjaal, because the tools required to combat him are none but a correct and firm belief and proper beneficial knowledge. Alhumdolillaah many of the scholars of Saudi are from the most noble and skilled scholars on the face of this earth today, firmly upon the way of our noble Messenger, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam. This is what Allaah has allowed me to very quickly put together. And our Lord Most High Knows best. |
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#18 |
Video lectures: "A Gift to the Barailwis" These are a series of lectures regarding the creed of the Barailwis, quoting from their own translated books of Tafsir and Hadith, to show the truth to the laymen. First lecture: Introduction to the series of lectures and exposition of the creed of the Barailwis quoting from the Malfuz and Hadaiq Bakhshish of Ahmad Raza Khan Al-Barailwi, click on the links below to watch the lectures: The scans of the quotes mentioned in this lecture can be downloaded at the following link: Second lecture: Tafsir of verses 45-49 of Surah Hud, showing that Prophet Nuh (aleyhi salam) did not have the knowledge of the Unseen and likewise the Prophet (saw) did not witness the events of Prophet Nuh (aleyhi salam), quoting from the Tafsir of An-Nasafi, Tafsir Al-Mazhari, Tafsir Al-Jalalayn and others translated by the Barailwis, click on the links below to watch the lectures: The scans of the quotes mentioned in this lecture can be downloaded at the following link: Third lecture: Shocking quotes from “Al-Amn wal Ula” of Ahmad Raza Khan telling that Al-Jilani knows Al-Lawh Al-Mahfuz and sun does not rise except by giving Salam to him, and the new year, new week and new year inform him of whatever is to happen. Also quotes from Tafaseer including Barailwi Tafaseer showing that Prophet Ibrahim and Musa (peace be upon them) did not know Ghayb, click on the links below to watch this lecture: The scans of the quotes mentioned in this lecture can be downloaded at the following link: Fourth lecture: Shameful quotes from the Barailwi recommended book “Al-Ibriz” of Ad-Dabbagh, showing the reality of the Barailwis, followed by quotes from tafaseer An-Nasafi, Al-Mazhari, Ruh Al-Bayan of Ismail Haqqi and others showing that Dawud and Sulayman, may peace be upon them, did not possess the knowledge of the Unseen (Ilm al-Ghayb). The scans of the quotes mentioned in this lecture can be downloaded at the following link: May Allah send Salah and Salam on the Prophet (saw), his family and companions |
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#20 |
Refutation of the creed of Ahmad Raza Khan : Quotes from the book "Malfuzat" of Ahmad Raza Khan, the founder of the Brlawi sect, showing his belief that Awliya know everything, know Lawh Al-Mahfuz, watch all the universe even their students having intercourse with their wives: |
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