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Old 05-10-2012, 03:46 AM   #21

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Perhaps the UK communities can start something like Imam Siraj Wahhaj did in Brooklyn, sort of like a neighborhood watch:

Anti drug movement
In 1988 he led his community in an anti-drug patrol in which they staked out drug houses in Bedford-Stuyvesant in the cold of winter for 40 days and nights, forcing the closure of 15 drug houses. This effort received high praise from the New York City Police Department and the media.
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Old 05-10-2012, 05:04 AM   #22

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A possible solution...maybe thinking outside the box...empower the muslim women...I'm sure most of these men would be married and have kids especially the disgusting 40 somethings.

How many of these men would now be looking to losing their families, none I'm assuming, because the women and kids will most likely be under their thumbs. So empowering e women would mean the men would think twice about what they're doing because they could potentially lose everything they have.

The truth is I doubt if any of the Friday kutbahs will be about this topic and that says something about what the mentality of the community is.


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Old 05-10-2012, 09:37 AM   #23

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A possible solution...maybe thinking outside the box...empower the muslim women...I'm sure most of these men would be married and have kids especially the disgusting 40 somethings.

How many of these men would now be looking to losing their families, none I'm assuming, because the women and kids will most likely be under their thumbs. So empowering e women would mean the men would think twice about what they're doing because they could potentially lose everything they have.

The truth is I doubt if any of the Friday kutbahs will be about this topic and that says something about what the mentality of the community is.


How could you imagine that those who are involved in such "glorious" activities are married?

They are just like street dogs which migrate to an area for searching food and after getting it, start chasing and biting local people.
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Old 05-10-2012, 09:47 AM   #24

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Assalamu alaykum

it would be better if community would form a group who go out and do enjoin the good forbid the evil take neccessary action against drug dealers,thieves, gangs under supervision of ulema. we need the imams of the masajid, community elders, and youth organisations to agree

Only rendering this duty on Imams and community elders is not correct. In fact, its your duty too. Please don't be offended, bro.

Its neither impossible nor silly. You can take the permission from Imam to say something briefly in front of Juma congregation at the last of the sermon (before Khutba). If you think that no one will take your words seriously, then request a well known personality of the community to speak. I think it will work .
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Old 05-10-2012, 11:33 AM   #25

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Imams and committee and community can only control it to a certain extent but not solve it. Upbringing and environment at home have profound impact on the way people eventually grow. we need to educate families and parents, do dawah to them through tabligh to establish a deeni environment at home, encourage parents to adopt taqwa and sunnah, and that is how we will have productive and pious adults in future. We have got to start at the root.

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Old 05-10-2012, 12:34 PM   #26

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Britain is NOT a Muslim country, nor is Islam implemented there. So the order of the street, so to speak, is not in the hands of the Muslims. Did you know that Britain has legalized prostitution? that it legalizes adultery and fornication (zina)? And of course it permits porn and portrayals of sexual objectification of women. So British society has opened the door to this kind of fahsha and munkar.
Muslims just happen to be living there.

"Pimping" - what these men were caught doing - is also a subcultural and underground economic phenomenon throughout the world today, thanks in large part to modern capitalism and the Western imperial world order. The economic factors cannot be denied: there is an underground demand for underage prostitutes- who is going to meet that demand?
Criminal syndicates of all kinds are seeing growth potential in pimping, prostituting, and trafficking women.
It's certainly not just Pakistanis or Muslims.

Again: Britain has a society which permits zina, they have opened the door to this chaos.

As for how Muslim communities in Britain can deal with this, they have to first care for those in their authority, namely their families and children. Do you know where your daughters/sisters/cousins are going?
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Old 05-11-2012, 02:19 AM   #27

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Perhaps the UK communities can start something like Imam Siraj Wahhaj did in Brooklyn, sort of like a neighborhood watch:
that would be good InshaAllah but some Muslim communities in the UK seem past saving and are further than the Sahaba in their way of thinking and life than even many of the non-Muslims are, they are only holding on to Islam by a thread of the Shahada and a few deeds. They need a big overhaul this sort of thing is just because they are becoming like the scumbags who lives near them.
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Old 05-11-2012, 02:27 AM   #28

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Assalamu alaykum

how should muslim communities and especially the pakistani community deal with this. i feel so angry that our muslim communities are so weak to handle drug and gang problems. i know some people are scared because they might be targeted by the gangs. parents don't do much when they see their 21 year old with a £50,000 new car. our masajids are run by old men who get a foreign imam who neither speaks english and is just their to lead the salah, what's the point of being a scholar if you are just their to tow the commitee orders.e.g (don't speak about riba, selling alcohol etc). this will just add fuel to the edl and bnp and increase their following. the community need to start to act, these grooming gangs are more common than i thought.
Without saying where, where I live its a bit rough and there are Asian Muslim drug gangs and Somali gangs amongst others, in a way it makes things easier for Muslims here because at least they don't harass Muslims like Caribbean or white gangs would. I know it isn't good that Muslims are so weak and disunited that this unfortunate situation is a help but really their existence helps keep the white racist thugs away from our area.
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Old 05-11-2012, 03:07 AM   #29

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It isn't really just the fault of the Imams but the fault of parents too. The parents send the kids to kuffar schools and let them watch kuffar on tv, let them listen to music promoting pimping and drug dealing and then they wonder why the kids are acting out. They focus on their kid getting a degree and a big money job (even if that big money job was dealing directly with riba like in banks and so forth) and then they wonder why the kids don't follow the deen or pray 5 times a day. They swear at the kid daily and beat him senseless and then wonder why he does that to other people when he goes out. He see's his parents caring about the dunya and they wonder why he cares about the dunya. From what I have seen, parents don't know how to raise their kids and half the time, they are raised by the kuffar in schools and by tv anyway so how is this kind of behaviour a surprise?

With regards to sorting this out, bro Nnoor gave a good suggestion (Imam Siraah Wahaaj did some epic stuff when it came to cleaning his community up). If something like that was worked out here too, it would work

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Old 05-11-2012, 03:53 AM   #30

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Without saying where, where I live its a bit rough and there are Asian Muslim drug gangs and Somali gangs amongst others, in a way it makes things easier for Muslims here because at least they don't harass Muslims like Caribbean or white gangs would. I know it isn't good that Muslims are so weak and disunited that this unfortunate situation is a help but really their existence helps keep the white racist thugs away from our area.
So crime is ok as long as it doesn't affect you? How do you think the white or black or any other people feel living in an area like this? Probably the same way you would if you were in an area controlled by black gangs.

Ah, the news. A source of spreading of both lies and truth. I'll never believe most of their claims unless I've seen it with my own eyes or more evidence hits me (don't forget about the ettiquetes which is to verify everything before spreading or making judgement etc. and AS LONG AS IT CONCERNS YOU PERSONALLY (else drop it)). Bottom line though: don't leave your womens alone to roam the streets at times where there are little people around (or not at all in fact). I think this advice should also be told to non-muslims (if they would start listening to what our beloved prophet Muhammad PBUH said). That is why they should look at shariah law in a different light. Another thing is to increase the work of da'wah and increase the techniques i.e. more wisdom, go to places where there is more fitnah (ACCORDING TO WHAT YOUR IMAN CAN HANDLE) (i.e. not just around the mosque or in nice public places). May Allah protect the ummah.
The evidence is in police investigation that recommended to them to carry forward a case, which resulted in a prosecution and they were found guilty. Not to say to believe all news, but there is no case here to bury your head in the sand like it is not happening. Most of the people on this thread are advocated inrealistic propositions like 'if only they listened to islam' this is not sensible!

And how dare you try to put the blame on the young girls, most of them from poor families and some of the girls were in care because their families was so screwed up - if you don't want your daughters to be raped you should keep them indoors?! Wow, great advice. Not a word of condemnation for these sick people. Others on this topc have not even read the news saying things like 'how can men like this be married'? They were - one 42 year old married man was a father when he made a 13 year old girl believe he was in love her and impregnated her.

If you will bother to read the report the child eploitation task force put out, you will see that even though they do not agree the data on race was well compiled, the statistics are shocking. 38% of offenders were unknown racial origin. 30% were white but 28% were Asian. The problem is south asians in the UK make only FOUR PERCENT of the population. No matter how bad the data collection is, you would not see a rise like that unless there was a serious problem.

Pakistanis need to wake up.
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Old 05-11-2012, 06:00 AM   #31

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out of curiosity - what would have been the punishment for this according to sharia law?

The asian community is really getting out of hand and something needs to be done fast. They are not only grooming 'white' girls but our own aswell. Things that I have seen and heard about is shocking.

Not only do men need guidance but women too. They are the carer and nurtures of the future generation. Most do not have a clue as to what is actually going on out in the streets/schools. Particulary those mothers that weren't brough up here, rather were raised back home.

khutbahs would be a good starting point. Having an attitude that these men dont need to told they are wronging does not justify letting them continue. We all make mistakes. We all need guidance and reminders. Who knows, perhaps these long punishments are a blessing in disguise for these men to ponder over what they did and repent insha'allah.

Imam Siraj Wahhaj sets a create example on what the community can do if people can join forces. The ummah needs to get its act together and unite!
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Old 05-15-2012, 07:11 PM   #32

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we could have vigilante group like Republican Action Against Drugs (RAAD)

BBC Interview

The Guardian
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Old 05-15-2012, 09:49 PM   #33

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Pakistanis should stop forced marriages. It's so embarrassing these men are almost always married with kids. Something is seriously wrong with the Pakistani communities in the U.K. I had the misfortune of standing next to a woman who was reading this horrible news, I didn't know where to look from the shame!! uffff!
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Old 05-15-2012, 10:57 PM   #34

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Just because they have Muslim names and come from a Pakistani back ground it does not mean they are Muslims or in anyway followers of Islam. The only way they can be spoken to is by telling the great wrongs they are committing and how behaving like a wolf is not conducive to their future health. Muslims in the UK have no community...too many divisions, no leadership and no collective and public actions.
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Old 05-16-2012, 01:39 AM   #35

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Pakistanis should stop forced marriages. It's so embarrassing these men are almost always married with kids. Something is seriously wrong with the Pakistani communities in the U.K. I had the misfortune of standing next to a woman who was reading this horrible news, I didn't know where to look from the shame!! uffff!
Why conflate two seperate issues? Do you honestly think these problems stem from 'forced marriages'? The irony of your proposition is that it's an extremely misogynist idea, even if only indirectly. Do you realise what you're implying? You're saying that these rapists and brothel-runners (may Allah give them what they're due) did what they did out of sexual deprivation! I mean, really? Do you honestly believe they set up child prostitution networks because they didn't get to marry a nice British wife? LOL, what a joke! It looks like you're attempt at singing from the feminist hymn-sheet has backfired on you. إلعب غيرها

The pakistani community here clearly is in need of serious help (a community which I am not a part of, by the way), and they certainly can do without flippant remarks like yours.
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Old 05-16-2012, 03:17 AM   #36

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another case from today http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cumbria-18068516
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Old 05-16-2012, 03:43 AM   #37

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I am not making excuses for these nasty hairy 50 year old men....but the fact that it is Pakistanis every time suggests there's something wrong with their culture.
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Old 05-16-2012, 04:05 AM   #38

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I am not making excuses for these nasty hairy 50 year old men....but the fact that it is Pakistanis every time suggests there's something wrong with their culture.
If it were Pakistani culture to blame then this perverted behaviour would be epidemic across Pakistan. As a matter of fact it is not. It has nothing to do with race, religion or culture. White men, black men, men from Far East Asia and Middle Asia do this also. It's no specific to any nation or tribe.
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Old 05-16-2012, 04:12 AM   #39

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I am not making excuses for these nasty hairy 50 year old men....but the fact that it is Pakistanis every time suggests there's something wrong with their culture.
You are making such a sweeping statement. These convicted men are not followers of Islam. They have shown no mercy or respect toward these young girls. They know what is right and what is wrong and they chose wrong and they will be punished.
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Old 05-16-2012, 04:15 AM   #40

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What makes you guys think that the people who do this ever go to the masjid to begin with?
Even if they go they clearly don't pay attention to what Islam has to say about their evil vile ways.
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