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Old 06-05-2009, 12:49 AM   #1

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Default How many muridin of Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad (or any khalifa) on SF?

In those days I realized that a lot of members of Sunniforum are ba`yah with Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad (hafizahu Allah).

If you are murid of Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad (hafizahu Allah) or any of his khulafa, you are kindly requested to vote it on the pool.

If you don't want to say it publicly, you can just vote on the anonymous pool.

If you want to add anyhing: WELCOME!

Note: This is not in any way meant to be a "competition" about "who has more muridin".

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Old 06-05-2009, 03:38 AM   #2

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I find more and more where ever I turn. There are so many amazing Khulafa of Hadhrat Ji everywhere. A few weeks ago I spent a few hours with Shaykh Khalid Abdul Sattar and I learned/gained so much from him in just a few hours. Shaykh Ahmed also just visited our masjid and again, just being in their presence is a blessing.
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Old 06-07-2009, 11:00 AM   #3

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Old 06-07-2009, 11:13 AM   #4

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wa `alaykum as-salaam `Umar,

Hey, I was just curious, are you an Italian convert? If so, how have you been introduced to the Deobandi tradition?

I ask because I've been to Italy, and although this was a while ago and I didn't get to interact with the Muslim community there besides one jumu`ah prayer, I find it hard to imagine there being any Deobandi `ulema there...
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Old 06-07-2009, 03:47 PM   #5

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In those days I realized that a lot of members of Sunniforum are ba`yah with Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad (hafizahu Allah).

If you are murid of Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad (hafizahu Allah) or any of his khulafa, you are kindly requested to vote it on the pool.

If you don't want to say it publicly, you can just vote on the anonymous pool.

If you want to add anyhing: WELCOME!

Note: This is not in any way meant to be a "competition" about "who has more muridin".

Yes I made Bait with him when he was in Riyadh 2 years back. Alhamdulillah through his Barakah Allah swt gave me ideological stability also as I was then heavily involved with Jamaat Islami and then was some what being affected by Barelvi elements of Sunnipath and Sheikh Kabbani (Meelad, Music etc) brand of traditional Islam. Alhamdulillah, now I follow the Deobandi manhaj and am deeply indebted to Hazratji for that as well ( Though he never spoke to me about deobandi or barelwi or Maududi- Infact he only speaks of tazkiya. May be it was his Tawajjuh and Duas and the Baraka of the Nisbat) . May Allah preserve him.
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Old 06-07-2009, 09:13 PM   #6

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wa `alaykum as-salaam `Umar,

Hey, I was just curious, are you an Italian convert? If so, how have you been introduced to the Deobandi tradition?

I ask because I've been to Italy, and although this was a while ago and I didn't get to interact with the Muslim community there besides one jumu`ah prayer, I find it hard to imagine there being any Deobandi `ulema there...

Yes I'm an italian convert.

You are right, we suffer deeply for the almost complete lack of `ulama'.
The few madrasa-graduates that you find in this or that musalla mostly work and have no concern for keeping taking care about their islamic education.

I've known about Deobandi Maslak on the net and books; here it is what I wrote to another brother that asked me the same.

Synthetically, I embraced Islam through Tasawwuf, but for a while after declaring Shahadah I've been busy with Islam basics and so on.
After some months I "fell" in Sh. GF Haddad-related "Living Islam.org" and that gave me a good understanding and clarifications about what Traditional Sunni Islam is, and so on.

Then keeping studying and reading, I kept track of the "endless" debates and discussions, and with the time it appeared clearly in front of my eyes that the Deobandi `ulama' had the soundest and strongest positions in every debate, be it with Rawafid, with pseudo-Salafies, or with extreme Barelwis.
I saw great connection with Imam Rabbani Mujaddid Alf-i Thani Shaykh Ahmad Sirhindi (that I love so much, RA), a strong emphasis on following the Sunnah and the Shari`ah, a following of classical `ulama' tempered by the continuous reference to Qur'an and Sunnah, deep spirituality and Tasawwuf without deviations or innovations, and so on.
Also Deobandi `ulama' don't focus only on one department of Din, but are busy on the whole spectrum: Madaris for spreading knowledge, Fiqh, `Aqidah, Tabligh, Jihad, Tasawwuf, rebuttals of Batili sect, and shunning of Shirk and bid`ah.

Sorry for the OT, we can keep talking about more important things now. ;-)

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Old 06-07-2009, 09:42 PM   #7

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Salamu aleykum,

Could some brother maybe share with me how you relationship with the Shaykh is? Especially if you do not live close to him. What does it look like? When do you contact him? How is that contact going? Do you only talk about your Islam and spiritual progress? Does he only talk to you and you listen? Etc.

If its not to private or against any rules of course. I ask this because I have always been curious how people interact with their Shaykh, what it looks like in practical terms, if they live far away in another country or continent.
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Old 06-07-2009, 10:59 PM   #8

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Yes I'm an italian convert.

You are right, we suffer deeply for the almost complete lack of `ulama'.
The few madrasa-graduates that you find in this or that musalla mostly work and have no concern for keeping taking care about their islamic education.

I've known about Deobandi Maslak on the net and books; here it is what I wrote to another brother that asked me the same.

Synthetically, I embraced Islam through Tasawwuf, but for a while after declaring Shahadah I've been busy with Islam basics and so on.
After some months I "fell" in Sh. GF Haddad-related "Living Islam.org" and that gave me a good understanding and clarifications about what Traditional Sunni Islam is, and so on.

Then keeping studying and reading, I kept track of the "endless" debates and discussions, and with the time it appeared clearly in front of my eyes that the Deobandi `ulama' had the soundest and strongest positions in every debate, be it with Rawafid, with pseudo-Salafies, or with extreme Barelwis.
I saw great connection with Imam Rabbani Mujaddid Alf-i Thani Shaykh Ahmad Sirhindi (that I love so much, RA), a strong emphasis on following the Sunnah and the Shari`ah, a following of classical `ulama' tempered by the continuous reference to Qur'an and Sunnah, deep spirituality and Tasawwuf without deviations or innovations, and so on.
Also Deobandi `ulama' don't focus only on one department of Din, but are busy on the whole spectrum: Madaris for spreading knowledge, Fiqh, `Aqidah, Tabligh, Jihad, Tasawwuf, rebuttals of Batili sect, and shunning of Shirk and bid`ah.

Sorry for the OT, we can keep talking about more important things now. ;-)

masha`Allah, that's pretty interesting. So, have you met Sheikh Zulfiqar or any of his khulafaa? If so, where? I know that he's traveled quite extensively, but I don't think Italy is one of the places he has visited...
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Old 06-07-2009, 11:13 PM   #9

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masha`Allah, that's pretty interesting. So, have you met Sheikh Zulfiqar or any of his khulafaa? If so, where? I know that he's traveled quite extensively, but I don't think Italy is one of the places he has visited...

Neither him nor any of his khulafa nor any of his muridin. :-(

I'm among the ones who voted the second option.

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Old 06-08-2009, 02:49 AM   #10

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Although i am not his murid,most of my family are and i can say that once you are ba'at to shaykh his tawajuh works wonders in your life.hadratjee comes twice every year here in Zambia and most of all my family men are his special attendents.Also I have a great conection with Shaykh's daughter in law.she told us so much of shaykh's qualities that one just cries and truly you can say that he is a born waliullah.inshallah will try and post some of the stories.his son,mlna sayf is writing his biography.
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Old 06-08-2009, 03:46 AM   #11

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Moulana Husain Abdul Sattar (who is khalifa of Shaykh Zulfiqar) who I find amazing. When he speaks it penetrates the heart. And I have seen him, and he is not like normal people. If I can say there is anyone who totally avoids the irrelevant (like in the hadith) - his actions demonstrate it. And he seems always focused on Allah.
Couldn't have said it better myself.. masha'Allah he is just amazing. I gave bayah to him 2 years ago, and I can see the positive effects in my life, Alhumdulillah. Though I will admit I do have some difficulties keeping up with my muraqabah
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Old 06-17-2009, 09:16 PM   #12

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Salaam alaikum

Dear bro/Sis

i am from bangalore india and also i wan tto learn islam under some one . i am a compute rpost graduate but i feel s omething is missing in my life . an di need to work har don islam. yes i am a hanafi and love deoband.

can someone help me in advising me.
also i have heard a lot about sheikh zulfiar ahmad naqsbandi i downloaded some of his books from www.tasawuff,com if this is the correct site and imnot mistaken. please brothers and sisters help me

jazakallah khair
The correct web address is www.tasawwuf.org. One of Sheik's khalifa Maulana Salahuddin Saifi is in Gujarat, Surat and travels extensively , regularly visits Hyderabad. I dont know about Banglore. you may try mailing the webmaster at above link you may get his contact number. Wassalaam
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Old 06-18-2009, 06:20 PM   #13

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How would a woman get bait with Shaykh Zulfiqar?
How would she benefit if she couldn't meet him i.e. if she lived on the other side of the world?

Would it be better if the woman got bait with someone in her own country, but who is not as pious?
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Old 06-18-2009, 07:01 PM   #14

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The correct web address is www.tasawwuf.org. One of Sheik's khalifa Maulana Salahuddin Saifi is in Gujarat, Surat and travels extensively , regularly visits Hyderabad. I dont know about Banglore. you may try mailing the webmaster at above link you may get his contact number. Wassalaam

Maulana Saluhuddin Saifi (db) is mashaAllah a very pious khalifa of Hazratjee. He does visit Bangalore although not frequently. Infact, we had the good fortune of having him in Bangalore just a month ago and there were many programs conducted in both Bangalore and Mysore. My brother could give more information on future visits, but I wouldnt want to share his number on the forum. Unsure how else to put you in touch with him.

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Old 06-18-2009, 07:06 PM   #15

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How would a woman get bait with Shaykh Zulfiqar?
How would she benefit if she couldn't meet him i.e. if she lived on the other side of the world?

Would it be better if the woman got bait with someone in her own country, but who is not as pious?

A woman can get bait with Hazratjee over the phone as do many men as well, who are unable to meet with him. Any authentic Shaykh who follows the sunnah in every walk of his life will not meet a woman without a purdah between them. So it doesnt make much difference if you are bait with a Shaykh living in your country or choose to take benefit from someone as amazing mashaAllah as Hazratjee. Every salik is allowed and encouraged to keep in touch with Hazratjee over the phone and many salik who are able to travel to Mecca/ Medina during Hajj/ Umra to be able to meet with Hazratjee.

MashaAllah there are many many salik women and men alike who have received tremendous benefits from their bait with Hazratjee.

Hope this information helps.

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Old 06-18-2009, 07:35 PM   #16

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Maulana Saluhuddin Saifi (db) is mashaAllah a very pious khalifa of Hazratjee. He does visit Bangalore although not frequently. Infact, we had the good fortune of having him in Bangalore just a month ago and there were many programs conducted in both Bangalore and Mysore. My brother could give more information on future visits, but I wouldnt want to share his number on the forum. Unsure how else to put you in touch with him.

Maulana Saluhuddin Saifi (db) phone- 0091262323667, currently he is on umrah, will return in a week inshallah.
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Old 06-19-2009, 01:10 AM   #17

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To all interested:

Live talks on "Tazkiya (Purification of the heart)" by Mufti Kamaluddin Ahmed (khalifa of Shaykh Zulfiqar) on Channel Islam International; www.ciinetwork.net every Thursdays. This program is hosted by Maulana Moosa Akoodie in Johannesburg, South Africa. The talk is followed by a Question and Answer session and you can send
your questions through an SMS, email, or a phone call; details will be
announced during the program.

Time: 7:00PM Central South African Time
11:10 PM Pakistan Time Zone
1:10PM EST

Listen Now
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Old 06-19-2009, 01:12 AM   #18

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To all interested:

Live talks on "Tazkiya (Purification of the heart)" by Mufti Kamaluddin Ahmed (khalifa of Shaykh Zulfiqar) on Channel Islam International; www.ciinetwork.net every Thursdays. This program is hosted by Maulana Moosa Akoodie in Johannesburg, South Africa. The talk is followed by a Question and Answer session and you can send
your questions through an SMS, email, or a phone call; details will be
announced during the program.

Time: 7:00PM Central South African Time
11:10 PM Pakistan Time Zone
1:10PM EST

Listen Now

for the above, sis! Listening to it right now!
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Old 06-19-2009, 01:48 AM   #19

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Just had my first taste of the Shaykh Dhulfiqar group when I visited Mufti Kamaluddin sahib at LUMS. a very nice person.
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Old 06-19-2009, 02:01 AM   #20

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To all interested:

Live talks on "Tazkiya (Purification of the heart)" by Mufti Kamaluddin Ahmed (khalifa of Shaykh Zulfiqar) on Channel Islam International; www.ciinetwork.net every Thursdays. This program is hosted by Maulana Moosa Akoodie in Johannesburg, South Africa. The talk is followed by a Question and Answer session and you can send
your questions through an SMS, email, or a phone call; details will be
announced during the program.

Time: 7:00PM Central South African Time
11:10 PM Pakistan Time Zone
1:10PM EST

Listen Now
JazakAllah for the link!! I guess I missed it, its 2pm EST now insha'Allah will check it next week
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