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#21 |
Western Muslims are Indeed Vulnerable
Q. Where do we live A. In Cities surrounded by non-Muslim communities who are often hostile to us thanks to media distortions of Islam. Always under some vague future threat from racist riots and other signs of social breakdown. Q. If society in any way breaks down as a result of a failure to cope with Peak Oil, climate changes etc, where will the food come from in these modern cities? A. The countryside, a place where the Western Muslims have very few links and only a tiny presence. Q. is it sensible for Western Muslims to remain an almost totally urban population in current situations when cities are full of drugs, perverts, pollution, gangs etc and where the Muslim youth is being affected by the worst dregs of the unbelieving society because they go to school and college with them.. and thus we see many of the the Muslim young people in the west poisoned by these people, many of the girls wearing a head Hijab/shela, but with lipstick and wearing tight trousers clothes that clearly show the shape of their breasts and backsides to anyone who cares to look (clothes copied of their disbelieving schoolmates and social idols) and many of the boys shaving their beards to a little shape or nothing at all and wearing effeminate fashion clothes designed by gays according to their tastes or alternatively wearing gang style clothes in emulation of the helpers of Iblees. Most of us are also trapped into a convenience food and fast food culture of stuffing our faces with more soft drinks and unhealthy foods whilst our families are often watching more television than even the ignorant disbelievers and also sorts of things are entering our homes through the open sewer in the corner of the room that is a TV. We don't really even know that most of the food we eat is halal, we just trust the non-Muslim companies who produce most of it not to lie to us but can we really trust them? Many of us are big consumers of donner meat and battery chicken, the first of these has often been found to be contaminated with pork according to government tests in the UK even though it has supposedly been certified as halal, whilst the cheap 'halal' chicken that we mostly eat daily or at least weekly is a chicken that has been kept nearly all of its life in a cage not much bigger than itself, deprived it of sunlight and natural conditions (i.e. kept in a way that even a child can know is forbidden) before it is typically hung upside down on hooks and mechanically slaughtered (the man who operates the machine says Bismillah), dipped in boiling water and mechanically plucked.... and sometimes a tough bird will not be killed by the cut and if no one notices or bothers to finish it off then it will thus be dipped in boiling water and then mechanically plucked while it is still alive and then without knowing any of this we will later put it in our mouths and eat it, wrongly thinking that we are eating something pure and good like it would be if it had been kept in a barn or backyard. But if this makes you sick then you just try to find Halal chicken in the UK and other similar countries that wasn't kept in this way and the fact that it is very rare should make you more sick, when you think about the fact that Allah ordered us to treat animals kindly and spare them from suffering. We mostly live in places you cannot go outside without seeing semi-nude women or let our children out to play unsupervised without fear that they will in danger from the many dangers that exist in the modern urban environment or that they will be learning the ways of the hellfire people from harmful new friends. After all we live in an age when those who can are starting to move into gated private communities, the middle classes are moving out of city centers whilst many of those who remain are moving into buildings with a security guard and there are a lot of reports of even liberally minded people having 'safe rooms' installed in their homes to which they can flee to hide from all sorts of modern threats in an emergency. and in addition to all this Muslims position in these built up urban areas of are putting them at danger of any social disorder that may occur in future due to various economic and social factors.... or does it make more sense for them to set up private Muslim communities in rural areas that are based upon the principle of getting on with our own lives in a halal way as Muslims and minding our own business, and actually living in a healthy natural way as Muslims following the model of the Sahaba rather than just talking about it? A. answer that one yourself.. |
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#22 |
Western Muslims are Indeed Vulnerable |
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#24 |
That is a great insight. I support this. But , Muslims should keep weapons. Do not expect the police to come to you on time !! but in a lot of countries like the UK if they do that in any type of obviously self-defensive way they will bring down a whole heap of trouble on themselves because those countries do not give people a right to keep weapons for self defense. what they can do in these type of countries however is learn how to defend themselves against violent attackers using whatever comes to hand, using minimal necessary force depending on the circumstances, and they may benefit if they learn an effective practical martial art (none are better than Jeet Kun Do) along with Escrima (stick fighting) so that they are able to ward off attackers empty handed or using any type of sticks etc and this will not cause them any grief with authorities in these countries as it is seen as a completely reasonable and respectable thing to do nowadays. anyway, if they are living in the country then they may reasonably get a licensed shotgun (or a less lethal unlicensed 12ftb air rifle) for pest control or sporting use, and if society becomes partly broken down, lawless and out of control then in such circumstances no government representative is going to have much excuse to blame them for defending themselves against a group of violent attackers - so long as their shotgun was only used as a last resort and not in an offensive way. Thanks to Osama bin Laden and the Media Muslims in the non-Muslim countries have to be more obviously law abiding and squeaky clean in every way than any other social group. Obviously, nowadays Western Muslims cannot play games like were played by the young Muslims who got ready to go to Afghanistan in the 1980s or Bosnia in the early 1990s by running round the European countryside playing Jihad because this would cause them individually and the Muslim community at large untold grief even if there was no intent of terrorism at all involved. Yet Muslims in the West need to be tough, but not in any type of offensive way, they need to be tough like the Turks and Kurds in London who defended their shops and communities against the recent spree of looting and rioting (when the police refused to protect them for some bizarre logic defying reason), they were armed only with suitable things that one has about the house anyway, like sporting equipment, big sticks etc and their unity and determination not to be attacked and robbed. |
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#25 |
Related link. |
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#26 |
The riot-prone cities will find their economic conditions collaping. Why ? People need to be made angry and desperate . Then , they will be manipulated. Check this.
##################### ################## Heck, let's just call it a continental depression. And one that is as unnecessary as it is terrible. The elites that set up the European Union by subterfuge bribed the Southern government PIGS with funds. This is no different than the way the tag team of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund act. The World Bank lends money to dictators and then hauls in the IMF to make the suffering citizens pay the bill. The strategy is doubly delicious because the "banks" get blamed for what is essentially a top-end elite plot. Capitalism and the mechanical process of paying interest are blamed while the planners behind it all remain unscathed. When things get too bad, other tried and true formulas are pushed to the fore. It's all been done before, after all. The apparent dynastic families that are trying to set up world government are seemingly pushing ahead with this scheme via economic depression and war – as they have in the past. We can see this same formula in use in the 1930s. First came a great money-printing euphoria in the 1920s, then a central-banking-caused depression and finally a world war. The war is generated during the depression as people grow angry and are ready to lash out at any perceived enemy. Not only this, but a war allows the government to renounce its debts and put the entire economy on a command-and-control footing where young men are dragooned into military service to work for a dollar a day. Companies are commandeered to make military equipment. The depression is short-circuited by the government's state of emergency. Yes ... we can see this sort of paradigm taking shape now if we look hard. And within this context austerity makes sense. Those whom the elites wish to manipulate must first be made destitute and miserable. Only then will war and state dirigisme seem attractive or at least tolerable. Surely there were many individuals during the Great Depression that found war to be an attractive alternative to the prospect of starving slowly to death. This is likely the plan. It seems evident and obvious to us, as we've pointed out numerous times, that the Western powers-that-be are setting up a kind of Islamic crescent in the Middle East. Almost every country that has been destabilized was secular and will now emerge with an Islamic government. Step by step, the West is creating an "Islamic threat." In the meantime, the creation of an economic collapse continues apace. It is the elite's economy, after all. A tiny group of people now control the world's central banks. And through money printing they have so distorted the world's economy that it will take years, if not decades, to recover. Within this context, the power elite continually aggravates the situation by pressing ruined civilizations to give up more wealth and treasure. It is a sub-dominant theme of sorts, that Europe needs to struggle through austerity to come out stronger and leaner. What is also true is that these public promotions are patient based and focus on the hapless citizen as a passive observer. Just yesterday we pointed out how articles often refer to the average citizen as a patient, and elite central bankers as doctors. And then there is the metaphor of the punchbowl that treats people as partygoers. And now we have the European metaphor of consumer as lazy weakling with central bankers seen as administering strong, severe medicine ... austerity. Always, people are presented as lazy, sick, lackadaisical or ne'er do wells staying at the "punch bowl" too long. Always, the current system is presented as stern, sorrowful, wise but merciless. It is a parent/child relationship with the self-appointed elites playing the role of omnipotent father figure. The propaganda is relentless and contemptuous. In fact, he hundreds of millions of Europeans are not children. And the handful of bankers and Brussels bureaucrats supervising their demise are not their fathers. Step back and look at the "big picture." An economic depression is being foisted on the Western world and the world at large. Once the BRICs collapse, the world's economy is finished. There will likely be no "recovery," not in the short term anyway. And so bang the drums of war. For war seems an inevitability. The one difference between now and the 1930s is the Internet and what we call the Internet Reformation. Many more people are aware of the manipulations that we've presented above and written about numerous times along with the rest of the alternative media. The Renaissance and Reformation changed the context of the world after the advent of the Gutenberg Press. The Internet is doing so again. |
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#27 |
More insights on London Olympic 2012.
########### Anything is possible. Especially this year. Public vigilance is vital. Unfortunately, they got away with the colossal 7/7 cock up because of the sheer stupidity of the British public and the uniform spinelessness of Britain's journalists. That alone would make the UK an ideal target for a major attack. After Fukushima, a nuclear war begins to look acceptable from the point of view of radioactive fallout. The Chinese even have empty cities lined up in central China, so they're ready to lose a few dozen cities in the east. After 9/11 there was an American website called Veterans and members of the public wrote about everything that looked suspicious - counter-terror exercises, suspicious satellite photos, radioactivity leaking from the Israeli Embassy. One way or another, Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld never managed to pull off another big one like 9/11. New York City even wanted to ban [sic] the carrying of pocket geiger counters. Watchful citizens make false flag attacks very difficult. The web site closed down in 2010, after eight years of publicizing non-events! It was a huge success because the Americans are far less submissive than the British. Rumsfeld had an Iran War ready to go for much of his time in the Pentagon but the attack that was to trigger it had to be constantly delayed until he was finally kicked out by his own officers! ############## |
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#28 |
More insights.
################ As the video points out, both Beijing & London have the keywords 'Zion'. Iran would not attack Israel for it would lose support from Russia and China. Putin is well aware of Jewish meddling. My belief is Mossad, with British & American security services (and I say British & American very lightly) will launch an attack on Israel very soon, of course blame it on Iran, The west will side with Israel (duh) and Muslims feeling under attack will demonstrate, causing clashes with police,& EDL, leaving Mossad to strike the Olympics and of course Muslims (shot by police, obviously) will be blamed, portrayed by the MSM as Iranian terrorists and voila a repetition of 9/11 and the west is off to war!!! Regardless, Iran is 'getting it'. Are people so naive to believe that the UK imported Muslims 'just' to work in the factories in the north? It was done in order to allow them to grow and create clash of culture friction with the locals in the future. And ironically, the only people in the UK who have a culture are the Muslims, unlike the British who gave theirs up years ago. It's laughable, but when you look at the average EDL pillock, waving the George cross, his/her favourite food is curry/foreign. His/her favourite drink is foreign. His/her favourite films are foreign along with their holidays. There is no nation or indigenous culture left in the UK, only globalism, indoctrinated into society from 1945 onwards. ################# |
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#29 |
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#30 |
Check this how the mainstream media promotes a virtual enemy out of moonlight !! They make it happen on purpose.
############# ############# Details of the alleged terror plot is timed to occur during the London Olympics were posted on an al-Qaeda linked online forum recently. Terrorists linked to Al Qaeda are plotting a cyanide attack during the London Olympics it has been claimed. It comes as it has emerged every single MI5 agent will be deployed during the event to keep the public safe. Details of the alleged lethal plot were posted on a website with links to six terrorists involved in the infamous terror group. One man, who calls himself Abu Hija Ansari, said cyanide poison should be mixed with handcream so it can be absorbed into the skin. Writing in Arabic he wrote instructions on how anyone planning the attack should wear 'medical gloves'. He allegedly said: 'Through skin: 1 – cyanide, 2 – skin cream'. 'Mix the ingredients. The skin cream will open the pores in the skin and speed up the absorption and effectiveness of the poison.' Meanwhile, a second extremist wrote on the website which The Sun was able to access: 'It is a good idea and you need to plan well.' She went on: 'It's time to prepare for the event, as once again they are interfering with innocent Muslims.' Meanwhile, MI5 is planning its biggest operation since the Second World War with counter-espionage agents quitting their day jobs to focus on tackling terrorism during the event. All 3,800 agents will have to work throughout the Games and annual leave has either been cancelled or severely restricted. MI5 has set up a new monitoring and intelligence gathering system especially for the event which has been in place since October. The security service will carry out checks on more than 540,000 people in the run-up to the event, which begins on July 27 and runs until August 29. Athletes, their families, officials, the media and workers will all have to be vetted for the London Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games. They will also perform checks on militant groups and liaise with foreign intelligence services, the Independent said. The cost of the security service's Olympic operation as risen to £1billion. It is not known if the security service has uncovered any terrorist plots, however, there is said to be 'chatter' among jihadist groups. The Games, at Stratford, East London, will involve 14,700 athletes from 205 countries competing in 26 sports. The event will be staffed by 20,000 people across all 34 venues, including the 80,000-seat Olympic Stadium. Last week MI5 director-general Jonathan Evans briefed the Cabinet on the terrorist threats facing the UK in the run-up to the event. He said the terrorism threat level remains 'substantial'. |
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#31 |
Let's learn from Beijing Olympics.
############ ########## The following video was found here. I watched this part of the Beijing Olympics closing ceremony on TV and wondered at the shocking chutzpah of having a 7/7-style London bus with its roof 'blown off' as part of the act. I also wondered at the choice of famous Satanist Jimmy Page to front the music. Page is a devout follower of Alistair Crowley's and would prefer to be known as a 'Thelemist'...... ....but we get the idea, Jimmy. In the following video we can can see the entire act/ritual decoded. There are some very sick people in some very high places out there. Just in case you do not know about 7/7, see the following.......(full article here) There are two competing narratives to explain this great crime: 1) The official story of four suicide bombers murdering 52 people and injuring hundreds by exploding four bombs on three tube trains and one bus on the morning of 7/7. 2) Forces embedded within the establishment carried out a false-flag attack against the British people. As with nearly all false-flag events, patsies were set up to take the blame for the crime. The four Muslims were completely innocent actors paid to participate in a concurrent anti-terror 'drill'. As you will have guessed, I am one of the many who subscribe to conspiracy theory number two. HERE'S WHY ############## |
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#32 |
http://theupliftingcrane.wordpress.c...ndon-olympics/ ########### It’s the Illuminati’s creed that they have to let the public know there plans before hand,”let those who have eyes see, let those who have ears hear” ,if they told all of there members we would know by there absence at each event, Before 9 / 11 and 7 / 7 there were clues in card games, comics, film and TV programs, of the events that would later take place. Similarly, the BBC has broadcasted a series imagining a nuclear explosion at the London Olympics. The series includes several clues that suggest that the “Illuminati” are behind the making of the series and that therefore the events that the series imagines, are being planned to take place in the real world. There are also clues that suggest the “Illuminati” are plotting an attack on the London Underground. If the “Illuminati” are to move forward their plans to establish a “New World Order,” they would have to use a large-scale fake terror event to scare people into accepting increased surveillance and control of their lives. The clues presented in this video suggest that such an event is being planned to happen at the London Olympics and on the London Underground. If enough people are made aware of this information however, the “Illuminati” may be forced to cancel their plans and many lives will be saved. The Triumph of The Unreal: 2012 London Olympics And Totalitarian Propaganda In The 21st Century London Olympics 2012 Illuminati Card Game NWO Zion False Flag Attack? (3 min. Video) RIK CLAY – Exposes 2012 London Olympics NWO agenda & then KILLS himself (1 hr Video) |
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#33 |
More insight how media informs the gullible public of their own plots !!
############# Be aware of female pic ######## ############################ Extremists have posted “detailed instructions” on a website with links to the terror group on how launch an attack this summer’s games in the capital. One member, called Abu Hija Ansari claimed the cyanide should be mixed with an unidentified hand cream so it could be absorbed through human skin, according to The Sun. Writing in Arabic, he said anyone planning such an attack should wear "medical gloves" as they produce their lethal mixture. "Through skin: 1 – cyanide, 2 – skin cream,” he reportedly said. “Mix the ingredients. The skin cream will open the pores in the skin and speed up the absorption and effectiveness of the poison." he newspaper said they were able to access the website, which has 17,000 members worldwide and known links to six al-Qaeda terrorists, using a false identity. A second extremist, who has not been identified, also wrote on the website: "It is a good idea and you need to plan well." Writing under a logo of the 2012 Games, she said: "It's time to prepare for the event, as once again they are interfering with innocent Muslims." Britain's security services are on high alert for any form of attack on the Olympics, which start on July 27 in the main stadium in Stratford, east London. Last week Jonathan Evans, the MI5 director-general, briefed the Cabinet on the terrorist threats facing the UK in the run-up to the London Olympics. Also last week it emerged that two convicted terrorists, including one involved in the “liquids” plot to blow up trans-Atlantic passenger jets, were back on the streets after being released from prison. Bernard Jenkin, the Conservative MP for Essex North and chairman of the all-party homeland security group, told the newspaper: "I hope the individuals are identified so action can be taken. “Those who believe there is no terrorist threat are living in cloud cuckoo land." Neither the government, Scotland Yard nor the Security Services have commented on the reports. |
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#34 |
Check this how the real plotters with its whoorish mainstream media creates an atmosphere of suspicion . When challenged, they hide their tracks under the pretext of national security !!
The real issue is to kick out the honest officers from the police so that the bankers face no rebellion during its false flag operation !! ############ ############# Mr Rahman’s father, who lives in Poplar, east London, said: “He is a very genuine and very honest man. He has nothing to hide. He is a family man. “The allegations against him are untrue. He is very pious, he prays five times a day and I think he didn’t fit in in the police because of that.” Last month, after a five-year legal battle, the Employment Appeal Tribunal ruled that his case could be held in secret although Mr Rahman had wanted a public hearing. Mr Justice Mitting, a High Court judge who also specialises in terror cases in his role as chairman of the Special Immigration Appeals Commission, ruled that Mr Rahman and his legal team would be banned from parts of the hearing that concerned issues of national security. Scotland Yard applied to have Mr Rahman’s case heard in secret because it is keen to protect intelligence sources which provide highly-sensitive information. These sources might be compromised if the sensitive evidence emerges in open court. Some of the information might have come from overseas security services, such as the CIA. Instead, a security-cleared “special advocate”, rather than his own lawyer, will be appointed on Mr Rahman’s behalf. However, he will be banned from discussing the case with Mr Rahman and his lawyers. Mrs van Loggerenberg said that it was Mr Rahman’s position that questions of national security could “override natural justice”. Mr Rahman’s father, who lives in Poplar, east London, said: “He is a very genuine and very honest man. He has nothing to hide. He is a family man. “The allegations against him are untrue. He is very pious, he prays five times a day and I think he didn’t fit in in the police because of that.” Last month, after a five-year legal battle, the Employment Appeal Tribunal ruled that his case could be held in secret although Mr Rahman had wanted a public hearing. Mr Justice Mitting, a High Court judge who also specialises in terror cases in his role as chairman of the Special Immigration Appeals Commission, ruled that Mr Rahman and his legal team would be banned from parts of the hearing that concerned issues of national security. Scotland Yard applied to have Mr Rahman’s case heard in secret because it is keen to protect intelligence sources which provide highly-sensitive information. These sources might be compromised if the sensitive evidence emerges in open court. Some of the information might have come from overseas security services, such as the CIA. Instead, a security-cleared “special advocate”, rather than his own lawyer, will be appointed on Mr Rahman’s behalf. However, he will be banned from discussing the case with Mr Rahman and his lawyers. Mrs van Loggerenberg said that it was Mr Rahman’s position that questions of national security could “override natural justice”. |
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