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Old 04-23-2008, 04:24 PM   #1

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Default Radical Middle Way?
Assalamu alaykum

Is there anybody on this forum associated with Radical Middle Way?

wassalamu alaykum
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Old 04-23-2008, 06:00 PM   #2

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what is that
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Old 04-24-2008, 12:34 PM   #3

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They are a new Muslim Organisation that gets funding from the UK government.

The list of speakers seems to include a few traditional Ulamah as well.
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Old 04-24-2008, 04:17 PM   #4

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govt' funded pseudo-secularists. They are using those 'traditional ulema' as a way to gain influence, thats all.
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Old 04-24-2008, 05:06 PM   #5

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one things for sure, is that theres a bit of everything for everyone in this world

Ya Rab
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Old 04-25-2008, 12:35 AM   #6

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They got Shaykh Faraz Rabbani on there as well as a speaker.
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Old 04-30-2008, 05:20 AM   #7

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govt' funded pseudo-secularists. They are using those 'traditional ulema' as a way to gain influence, thats all.
Subhanallah, how easily you sacrifice your hasanat to those you backbite.

Do you have evidence that they are 'pseudo-secularists'?

What makes someone a pseudo-secularist?

And what evidence do you have from the RMW's work that this is the case?

Have you ever spoken to them in person to give nasiha?

And are the ulema, including the dozens who have spoken on their platform stupid enough to be 'used' by them?
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Old 04-30-2008, 05:22 AM   #8

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one things for sure, is that theres a bit of everything for everyone in this world

Ya Rab
Do you take all your opinions from online forums? Have you exercised the Islamic duty to verify information you hear from others?
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Old 04-30-2008, 05:25 AM   #9

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Shaykh Hamza Yusuf: http://www.radicalmiddleway.co.uk/vi...5&art=9&a_id=1

First of all, there’s a verse in the Qur’an that is very interesting to me, and probably to most of you, [verse in Arabic] ‘If people incline towards reconciliation, incline with them’ Wa tawakal alAllah ‘and trust in God’ inahu Huwa Samiul Aleem. [Arabic verse] When they want to incline towards peace, you incline towards peace; and if they want to deceive you, if there’s some hidden ulterior motive, God is enough for you. Don’t worry about that, that’s not your concern. Peace is so precious, that anybody who reaches out for peace, you should reach out with them for peace.

And there is another thing I want to say about this government – who do you think this government is? They are called civil servants. Who do you think pays their money? Where do you think this money is from that the government has? It’s from the pockets of the British people, who pay taxes. There are 2 million Muslims in this country paying taxes; they don’t want a little refund?
No seriously, I mean, I’m just amazed at this. Abu Hanifah said, [Arabic] The wealth of the non-Muslims, if they want to give it to you, it is permissible to take it.
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Old 04-30-2008, 05:27 AM   #10

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Source: http://www.radicalmiddleway.co.uk/about_us.php

The Radical Middle Way is based on clear principles:

  • a rejection of all forms of terrorism;
  • a commitment to the revival of mercy, public service and a concern for social justice as emblematic Islamic duties;
  • a commitment to the emergence of a distinct British Muslim identity that encourages the active involvement of British Muslims in social, public and economic life of Britain; and
  • inspiring young people to become active agents for peace and positive change in their local communities

These themes are grounded in Islamic scholarship, tradition and civilisation. The project is committed to creating spaces where young Muslims can engage with these ideas in a meaningful, open and creative way.

Fiercely Independent

RMW is an inclusive intellectual and theological movement determined to present the message of the faith in a manner that lacks ambiguity, is exciting and bold: no topic is taboo, dissention is considered a virtue and scholarship is highly respected. We have a rigorously negotiated “terms of reference” with our funders that guarantees the independence of participating scholars and ensures that all of our activities are undertaken in the best interests of Muslim communities. Visiting scholars are given no prior script and are free to both choose and decide on the nature and content of their presentations. RMW has hosted lectures, seminars and debates which have addressed significant issues of the day including foreign policy, faith and citizenship and the role of religion in the modern world. RMW is funded primarily by a grant from the UK Government‘s Global Opportunities Fund and DCLG. Additional support has come from a wide range of sponsors that in the past has included organisations like Islamic Relief.
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Old 04-30-2008, 05:49 AM   #11

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I like the title - you say:

Fiercely Independent

then in the paragraph state clearly:

RMW is funded primarily by a grant from the UK Government‘s Global Opportunities Fund and DCLG. Hopefully the muslims can see the contradiction there for themselves.
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Old 04-30-2008, 06:05 AM   #12

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I like the title - you say:

then in the paragraph state clearly:

Hopefully the muslims can see the contradiction there for themselves.
Brother, I love you for the sake of Allah and am not trying to be difficult. At least the RMW declare openly they receive funding. Isn't there merit in that?

They aren't trying to hide it and it isn't a big secret.

There are thousands of organisations, Muslim or otherwise, which receive grants - is this inherently a problem? If so, would you backbite like this about the Muslim Youth Helpline? They receive govt funding and in fact, their latest project is funded almost entirely by DCLG. They actually announced on their website that they received a grant for this - http://www.muslimyouth.net/guidance....=35&id_fkt=159

And what about the many many Muslim organisations that received Home Office funding in 2006/2007/2008 under the 'Community Development Fund'? You can see last year's and this year's applications and successful grants here: http://www.cdf.org.uk/bfora/systems/.../27&xsl_argx=4

So are all these Muslim organisations, including MYH, pseudo-secularists who have sold out to the government?
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Old 04-30-2008, 07:29 AM   #13

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Fiercely Independent

RMW is an inclusive intellectual and theological movement determined to present the message of the faith in a manner that lacks ambiguity, is exciting and bold: no topic is taboo, dissention is considered a virtue and scholarship is highly respected. We have a rigorously negotiated “terms of reference” with our funders that guarantees the independence of participating scholars and ensures that all of our activities are undertaken in the best interests of Muslim communities. Visiting scholars are given no prior script and are free to both choose and decide on the nature and content of their presentations. RMW has hosted lectures, seminars and debates which have addressed significant issues of the day including foreign policy, faith and citizenship and the role of religion in the modern world. RMW is funded primarily by a grant from the UK Government‘s Global Opportunities Fund and DCLG. Additional support has come from a wide range of sponsors that in the past has included organisations like Islamic Relief. What does that mean?
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Old 04-30-2008, 08:05 AM   #14

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Mr. Wallace: To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government further to the Preventing Extremism Together working plan, what funding each Department provided for The Radical Middle Way campaign; and how much was provided for the campaign's website. [104347]

Dr. Howells: I have been asked to reply.

The Radical Middle Way initiative has received funding totalling £350,000, of which £250,000 was provided by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and £100,000 by Home Office. http://www.publications.parliament.u...61204w0034.htm

The objective of Sheikh Muhammad's [Yacubi] talk was 'the way of the ulema', and upon expounding on this topic the sheikh mentioned there were ten points which marked and exemplified the 'way of the ulema'. It was during his explanation of the ten points that sheikh Muhammad advised that we should wary of groups which are funded by the government, and one such group he mentioned was RMW. He went on to say when non muslims are funding muslim talks you have to ask why? Sheikh Muhammad also gave examples of numerous 'ulema' of the past who turned down money from those in power and government as this would impact upon their independence and sincerity. It was explained that if you are paid by the government then it follows that what you can or do say is inevitably compromised. Sheikh Muhammad is fully aware of RMW, so his views were based on his personal experience and not hearsay, Sheikh Muhammad also stated it was not the way of the ulema to get up for bishops or go to paid events to be sung to by a group of women.

Allah knows best. http://www.deenport.com/iframes/view...c9e0a4e510160e
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Old 04-30-2008, 08:11 AM   #15

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What does that mean?
"Difference of opinion in my Community is a mercy" - the Prophet Muhammad, (saw)



–verb (used without object) 1. to differ in sentiment or opinion, esp. from the majority; withhold assent; disagree (often fol. by from): Two of the justices dissented from the majority decision.
2. to disagree with the methods, goals, etc., of a political party or government; take an opposing view.
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Old 04-30-2008, 08:19 AM   #16

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Thanks for correcting intoodeep's figure!
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Old 04-30-2008, 08:25 AM   #17

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I do not see how one can be fiercely independent from a source but still receive financing from it unless they do not value the financing, which is doubtful if they are accepting it.

Furthermore, Ulema in times past spoke at length about the necessity of keeping oneself independent FINANCIALLY from people so as to be able to enjoin the right and forbid the wrong upon them. The story of the Butcher and the Cat comes to mind.

Regardless, some of the most vocal supporters of the "Radical Middle Way", seem to be quite enraptured by the personalities associated with it as opposed to its work and what it has produced.
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Old 04-30-2008, 12:36 PM   #18

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ive heard of it and watched a lot of their videos on youtube, it is really good. I think it is a good way to do Dawah and create awareness.

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Old 04-30-2008, 12:47 PM   #19

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I do not see how one can be fiercely independent from a source but still receive financing from it unless they do not value the financing, which is doubtful if they are accepting it.

Furthermore, Ulema in times past spoke at length about the necessity of keeping oneself independent FINANCIALLY from people so as to be able to enjoin the right and forbid the wrong upon them. The story of the Butcher and the Cat comes to mind.

Regardless, some of the most vocal supporters of the "Radical Middle Way", seem to be quite enraptured by the personalities associated with it as opposed to its work and what it has produced.
Good points.

There is no way in the world a scholar or organization can be totally independent from a government's agenda is they are receiving direct aid in form of funds from them. This is a no-brainer. The agenda of the British government on the outset, at least from the outside, is to combat terrorism which obviously is the agenda of RMW as well. There is nothing wrong with combating terrorism but it would be very naive to think that's there nothing more to this agenda (of the government). Regardless of the issue surrounding agendas, the point that Shaykh Yaqubi (see above) makes is pertinent. This has been the position of ahle haqq 'ulama for a long time. I remember reading a book about when the foundations of Darul Ulum Deoband were laid, one of the founding principles explicitly states the prohibition from accepting any government funds. The reasoning behind refraining from accepting such funds is obvious. They don't want to be influenced or play in the hands of governments. While it's not necessary that the RMW is involved in some "conspiracy", at least the awam (masses) shouldn't have to worry about led by organizations which are funded by the British government.
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Old 04-30-2008, 03:50 PM   #20

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Good points.

There is no way in the world a scholar or organization can be totally independent from a government's agenda is they are receiving direct aid in form of funds from them. This is a no-brainer.
I think that is a dated way of looking at things. Not all Muslims are like the Quilliam Foundation or Sufi Muslim Council. Also, there are numerous examples when historically, there was involvement between ulema and government with their independence maintained.

Regardless of the issue surrounding agendas, the point that Shaykh Yaqubi (see above) makes is pertinent. This has been the position of ahle haqq 'ulama for a long time. There are inherent problems in quoting that source on this matter! But I will not go there! For one, Shaykh Abdallah bin Bayyah was Vice President of Mauritania and he is a giant of a scholar.

I remember reading a book about when the foundations of Darul Ulum Deoband were laid, one of the founding principles explicitly states the prohibition from accepting any government funds. The reasoning behind refraining from accepting such funds is obvious. They don't want to be influenced or play in the hands of governments. Again, you are theorising. Major Deobandi organisations in the UK, including the Ebrahim College in East London not only receive government funding, but they use it for programs you might consider part of the 'agenda'. They are doing a great job with that money and ultimately, it is our problem if we cannot accept that Muslims have matured enough to be able to balance the apparent contradictions.

While it's not necessary that the RMW is involved in some "conspiracy", at least the awam (masses) shouldn't have to worry about led by organizations which are funded by the British government.
Too late I'm afraid. See my earlier posts about the great numbers of Muslim organisations which are doing an effective job using central govt funding. It isn't ideal - I agree with you, but it is a reality and actually, I say good on them.

P.S. I little reminder - this isn't Karachi, Damascus or Kabul where you have to ask permission from the authorities to do the smallest things.
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