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#1 |
Here in Northern Virginia, USA, Tuesday, November 29th was the first day of Muharram and I ended up going to this Shia masjid a little far from where I live. I was there again tonight, perhaps I love to be in mosques full of people, so I thought I would share my experience here. I will be going there, as many times possible, until Ashura, but I wanted to give you all a preview. I will add to this topic as I learn more things. With all due respect to our brother who has made the highest contribution to the topic "Various Scandalous Beliefs of Twelver Shias," or something to that effect, I have learned that the Shia stand-point is not as radical as the topic portrays it to be. It was a relief to hear praise for Allah (swt) and Qur'an. Although there are many narrations, supported by Shia scholars, found online which claim that Shia scholars of the past doubted the authenticity of the Qur'an, not once did anyone say anything which even remotely undermined the authenticity of the Qur'an. The speaker kept emphasizing on the Qur'an and daily recitation and reflection and that the Qur'an is a "light." And the mention of Imams (ra) nearly always came after Allah (swt) and Rasulullah (saw). But, what I did notice was the lax when it came to reciting the Qur'an. The masjid is highly influenced by Iranians and Afghans so for someone who speaks Farsi/Dari, I could hear the strong Farsi accent when they recite, even the imam of the masjid. Today, they had this sister recite from Surah Fajr and while many were saying "mashAllah," I was pinching myself to see if it was for real. I commend her for her effort, I cannot read Arabic fluently, but the sister's voice was harsh on my ears and her Farsi accent was coming forth a lot more than I thought it would since she is a prominent student of the Qur'an classes there. The other thing that offended me on the very first day was the fact that the speaker mentioned how those gathered there are gathered for Imam Hussain (ra). I was there with the intention that I am there for Allah's (swt) sake and to learn. Nevertheless, the speaker added that any gathering at the mosque is a gathering visited by angels. He mentioned that we were amongst angels and we have that belief as well, but as soon as he was done, right before they started matam, which I did not participate in, the imam of the masjid said, "you all are here and Imam Hussain (ra) sends peace upon you all.........Bibi Fatima (ra) is at the door of this masjid greeting you all and sending peace upon you." I wanted to say, "with all due respect imam, there is another Shia mosque 2 miles away from my home. Is Bibi Fatima (ra) there too? And if yes, then is she also at the door of the mosque in Maryland? What about the other Shia mosques around the US and the world?" I just kept my peace. Also, today the speaker was talking about sacrifice. He said that when Sayidina Ibrahim (as) was asked to sacrifice Sayidina Ismail (as), he nearly did so and was re-united with his son. When the mother of Sayidina Musa (as) was asked to set him afloat on the river, she sacrificed her love for him and did so. And later she was re-united with her son. Similarly, he said that when Imam Hussain (ra) sacrificed his life for us (very Christian-like), he was re-united with us because he (Hussain) now resides in our hearts. To draw parallels between Imam Hussain (ra) and prominent Prophets got me offended. And there is no connection or similarity between the first two cases and the latter case. There were also slogans like, "Hussain (ra) is love." Very Christianistic! And then the lights tonight were dimmed so that they could cry properly. Then the speaker spoke of a John, a Christian slave of Abu Dhar (ra) and later of Ahlul-Bait (ra), who accompanied Imam Hussain (ra) to the battleground of Karbala. And this John was supposedly 90 years old and never accepted Islam. But he was worthy of mention and gained the praise of Shias. Would they spare half of that praise for Abu Bakr, Umar or Uthman (ra)? Sad! Can anyone confirm the existence, or non-existence, of this Christian slave? The imam of the masjid, at one point, mentioned Yazeed and sent la'anat, the only time he sent la'anat on anyone, and said, "Yazeed the son of Muawiyah the son of Abu Sufiyan" and tacked on the la'anat at the end of that sentence. I can understand them sending la'anat on Yazeed, even Muawiyah, but why Abu Sufiyan (ra)? Lastly, their manners are truly worth mentioning. When I got there, I had to pray Isha. They had already prayed so I found two Shia brothers praying independent of each other so I stood next to them to pray. Others, who were done, were walking around and greeting each other. There were people walking in front of us, behind us and all over the place where we were making sujood on. After they started matam and beating their chests, I prayed nafil and put my jacket in front of me in case someone had to walk in front of me. Their kids were running around, stepping on my jacket and even running over the area between me and my jacket. Not once did any one say, "HEY, don't you see him praying?" Heck, when I was praying Isha, there were chairs in front of me and brothers were sitting on them, facing me, with their backs facing the qiblah, like nothing was happening. And I was technically making sujood three feet away from their feet. And the hymns they were singing were really annoying. In Farsi, they were saying, "ya Hussain (ra), you have guests over to visit you........" blah blah blah......made my ears hurt, couldn't bear them, so I left. This is my first time taking part in Muharram rituals of the Shias and it has been an eye-opening experience. I enjoy the lectures, as long as they are not overly exaggerated, but when it comes time for chest slapping, I look for the exit. |
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#2 |
e only time he sent la'anat on anyone, and said, "Yazeed the son of Muawiyah the son of Abu Sufiyan" and tacked on the la'anat at the end of that sentence. I can understand them sending la'anat on Yazeed, even Muawiyah, but why Abu Sufiyan (ra)?
![]() They send la'anat on Muawiya ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Narrated Abu Said (raa): The Prophet (saws) said, “Do not abuse my companions (raa) for if any one of you spent gold equal to Uhud (in Allah’s Cause) it would not be equal to a Mudd or even a half Mudd spent by one of them.” Sahih Bukhari: Volume 5, Book 57, Number 22 All this confirms their deviations from Islam.! This is exactly why we hate Shias. |
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#3 |
Asalaamualaikum, are u like ok? I mean seriously, u "understand" them cursing Hadhrat Ameer Muawiyah (Radhiyallahu anhu)??? and how on earth are u speaking, you dare address him as "muawiya" ??? Now, did u find my tone insulting? Relax, that is because i found ur use of "muawiya" equally insulting. Brother, please stay thousands and thousands of miles away from those filthy rawaafidites: the present day ones are worse since they have probably mastered the art of taqiyya (Concealing their beliefs) to fool ignorant sunnis. And again Brother, never ever attend their majlis again. commonsense should have dictated that... just imagine a fire breaks out and everyone dies. U wanna raised be raised in front of Allah ta'aala with them (and consequently suffer their fate)? Brother life is too short and the future too uncertain. U wanna risk your entire akhirat for some "eye-opening experience"? As an example, when we pass by those dwellings where the Punishment of Allah ta'aala befell long ago (like 'Aad, Thamud, Sodom etc.) we are supposed to hasten on, cry, and refrain from using anything from there, and we have NOT been commanded to broaden our mind by going sight-seeing like the kuffaar do. What then about a group whose beliefs are known to all, and who are day and night engaged in that which incurs the wrath of Allah ta'aala, who are the enemies of Allah ta'aala, His Rasul s.a.w. and all believers. Brother, I am very afraid that by even going to their u may have committed an act close to kufr. Again I am not being a keyboard Takfiri Khawaarij, but I have read the fatwas of reliable Sunni scholars in similar cases, where they have advised the brother to repeat his kalimah, re-perform his nikah and hajj. In that case it was about a brother who entered a church and respected the rituals going on there. So please take heed, dear brother, and engage yourself in that which would make you smile when it is played back on Qiyaamah. Brotherly yours Abul Lais |
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#4 |
Fatwa from Mufti Ebrahim Desai Extract: Attending gatherings of the kuffār in churches etc. and participating in their ceremonies is tantamount to honouring their religion and resembling them in action. Regarding this, Rasulullah Sallallāhu ̒alaihi Wa Sallam has said: "Whoever resembles a nation, then he is among them."[1] (Abu Dāwud) Therefore, in principle it is not permissible to enter churches/church halls etc. |
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#5 |
Brother, ![]() Coming to the point regarding Muawiya (ra), I want to apologize to brother Abul Lais before I put my case forth. I did not mean to disrespect Muawiya (ra) and I did not purposely omit "ra" after mentioning his name. Let us compare two phrases in my original post: Would they spare half of that praise for Abu Bakr, Umar or Uthman (ra)? I can understand them sending la'anat on Yazeed, even Muawiyah, but why Abu Sufiyan (ra)? See something similar? When I mention more than one Sahaba (ra) in a sentence, I add a plural "ra" at the end. So, the last thing I was doing was insulting Muawiya (ra). I do not put "ra" after Yazeed's name but you will never hear me curse Yazeed. From what I have read, scholars hold three opinions regarding Yazeed: those who curse him, those who praise him and those who leave him to Allah (swt). I go with the 3rd category. But that "ra" at the end of the phrase, after the name of Abu Sufiyan (ra), was for both Muawiya (ra) and Abu Sufiyan (ra) (here I place "ra" after each name so that I am not yelled at again, lol). Finally, when I said I could understand why they send la'anat on Muawiya (ra), it did not mean that I condone their action. As I mentioned above, I do not even send la'anat on Yazeed. I just hate the idea of cursing in mosques, period, and when it comes to Yazeed, I leave him to Allah (swt). But the Shias see him as the one directly responsible for Imam Hussain's (ra) death. And they claim that Muawiya (ra) was a kaffir, naudhibillah, because he fought against Ali (ra). Hence, I can understand, NOT CONDONE OR APPROVE, why they curse Muawiya (ra) and Yazeed. |
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#6 |
Fatwa from Mufti Ebrahim Desai 1. I pray with my right hand placed over my left wrist both sitting below my naval. 2. I refuse to use a turbah even when they offer me one. 3. When they make du'a and say, "ya Allah, make us followers of Rasulullah (saw) and Imams," before saying "aameen," I add "and Sahabas" and then say, "aameen." 4. When they mention the name of Rasulullah (saw), I am the only one who says, "salallahu alayhi wa salam." 5. When they sit in a circle for matam, I am the only one praying nafil. 6. When they send salawat and say, "Allahuma sali ala Muhammad wa aali Muhammad," I say, "Allahuma sali ala Muhammad wa aali hi WA SAHBIHI." That is an accepted salawat, as per scholars, to add "Sahbihi." There is no resemblance. |
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#7 |
![]() Its better to avoid them akhi. Once a scholar(forgot his name) was passing by some deviants, he plugged his ears. He was then asked why he did that. He replied that many years back he heard some deviant things from the same group and it was still ringing in his ears. Its wise to avoid such company bro, just a friendly request. ![]() |
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#8 |
![]() I want to see how many of those claims are true and how many are obscure, made-up allegations. Even a criminal gets a chance to present his side of the story, so why cannot I give them a chance? And let us not forget that they are Muslims |
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#9 |
Nobody noticed that these shiites were sitting in a masjid listening to a sister reciting the Quran. Astaghfirullah. These people have no shame.
I have seen shiites pray. They have no khushu. They pray so speedily, they are the exact image of the ahadith: 2. The Prophet ﺻﻟﻰﺍﷲ ﻋﻟﻳﻪ ﻮﺍﻟﺳﻠﻡ said, “The manner of Salah of the hypocrites is that they wait for the sun to set, up to the point that it (the sun) is between the two horns of Satan and then they stand (for Salah). He then bangs his head (on the earth) four times and he remembers Allah Ta’ala but rarely.” (Muslim) 3. Abu Musa(ra) reports that one day the Prophet ﺻﻟﻰﺍﷲ ﻋﻟﻳﻪ ﻮﺍﻟﺳﻠﻡ led the Companions in Salah and then sat amongst them. A person then entered and performed Salah. He was very hasty in bowing and prostrating. The Prophet ﺻﻟﻰﺍﷲ ﻋﻟﻳﻪ ﻮﺍﻟﺳﻠﻡ said, “Look at this person. If he were to die, he would not die on the religion of Muhammad ﺻﻟﻰﺍﷲ ﻋﻟﻳﻪ ﻮﺍﻟﺳﻠﻡ. He is pecking at Salah like a crow pecks at blood.” (Sahih Ibn Khuzayma) Their prayer is very different the prayer of Muslims, and they do believe that the quran we have in our possession is not the complete quran, even if some of them deny it. These are disgusting people, and even a sinner like me can literally sense the darkness emanating from their hearts. I have gotten that horrible feeling from every shiite "alim" I have met, although not always from the laymen. I really recommend you never listen to these lectures ever again. The words of these shiite "scholars" are poison. |
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#10 |
Taken from their very own website!!! http://www.*********/healthremedies.htm (LOL health remedies! will make their skins burn more fiercely in An-Naar if they do not repent and make amends) What the filthy rawaafidh dogs say about Hadhrat Ameer Muawiyah (radhiyallahu anhu) FOR FULFILLMENT OF HAJJAT AND REMOVING OF WORRIES. Pray 1000 times in one sitting Allahumma Laan Muawiya ibn Abi Saffyan. (Laan (part of tabbarrah), is very effective because it makes you realize why the laan is being sent on the person, and awakens you to stay away from evil deeds. Praying laan fulfills desires quickly,also pray salwat before and after the tasbihs, also do istigfar) ~Yeah, sure, your laan will be your first-class ticket to Jahannum, unless you repent, then Allah is most Forgiving. |
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#11 |
Aayatush-Shaitaan Khomeini's own words...- from Kashaful Asraar
We worship that God and recognise only Him as God whose acts are based on mature wisdom and who does not do anything against the dictates of wisdom. Nor do we recognise such God who having built the edifice of justice and piety on the exalted foundation of devotion to God, Himself paves the way for its destruction and ruin, and hands over leadership and governance to such oppressors and scoundrels as Yazeed, Mu’awiyah and Uthman. |
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#12 |
Why Shias are KAAFIR?
MISCELLANEOUS Listed below are just a few more of their heretic views: 1. “No one has total knowledge of Holy Quran except the Imams.” (Usool Kaafi, 1/ 228) 2. “Pakistan was mentioned in the Original Holy Quran, the present Quran is void of meaning.” (Hazaar Tumhari Das Hamari, 554) 3. Ali says..... “I am the first and I am the last. I am the manifest and I am the hidden and I am the heir of earth." (Rijaal Kashsi, 138. India Print.) This is a false allegation. 4. “Shaitan was the first to swear the oath of allegiance to Abu Bakr in the mosque.” (Israr-e-Muhammad, 30)S 5. “Neither we accept such a lord nor do we approve the prophet of such a lord whose Khalif is Abu Bakr.”(Anwaar ul Numaniyah, 2/278- Iran) 6. Muhammad (s.a.w.w) and his descendants are omnipresent and omniscient. (Na’uzubillah). (Jila-ul-U’yoon, 2/85- Lahore) 7. “The Qur'an has been consumed by God.” (Kitab-ul-Burhan Fee Tafseer-ul-Quran, 38) 8. “Angels bring wahi to the Imams every Friday and they also go for Mi’raj.” ( Usool-e-Kaafi, 135, 155) 9. Mullah Baqir writes: “A person should recite after every prayer: O Allaah! Curse Abu Bakr, Omar, Uthmaan, Mu'awiyah, Aa'ishah, Hafsah, Hind and Ummul Hakam. (Aynul Hayat: 599) 10.The leader of the Iranian revolution, Imam Khomeini writes: “Every prophet came to establish justice on Earth. The same is the position of the Seal of the Prophets who came to reform human society and establish justice but he failed during his lifetime.” (Ittihad wa-yak-jihati:15) 11."The Imams possess all the knowledge granted to angels, prophets and messengers" (Al-Kulaini, Al-kaafi, p.255.) 12.“The Imams have knowledge of whatever occurred in the past and whatever will happen in the future, and nothing is concealed from them” (Ibid, 260.) 13.“I asked Jafar Sadiq whether the earth can exist without an Imam. He replied: “If the earth is left without an Imam it will sink,” (Usool al kafi, 104) 14.“Ali will come back to life.” [Hayatul Quloob (urdutranslation), 1/ 204) 15.They also belief that neither was Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) nor was Fatimah (R.A) happy with the birth of Husain (R.A). Husain (R.A) perceived this as a child and refused to suckle from his mother, Fatimah (R.A) (Usool al kafi 294) 16.Khoemeini writes: “TAHREEF (deliberate alteration of words to change the meaning of the holy books, viz the Bible, etc.) is that fault which Muslims accuse Jews and Christians of indulging in, but its proven to be found in the Ashaabs (of Rasoolullah - sallal laahu alaihi wasallam)." (Kashful Asrar, 114) After learning the above mentioned beliefs of the Shias, one can have absolutely no doubt of their disbelief. That is why Shah Abdul Azeez Muhaddisth Dehlwi said that those who do not declare Shias as kafirs, are definitely unaware of their beliefs. (Faizul Bari Sharah Bukhari, 1/120). VERDICTS OF SENIOR SCHOLARS ON SHIAS Ulama regard those Shias who hold any of the above views to be excluded from the fold of Islam. Listed hereunder are the names of just a few Ulama who held this view. PAST SCHOLARS 1. Imam Shabi (Minhaj as sunnah 1/7) 2. Imam Malik (Tafseer Ibn Katheer 4/204, Ruhul ma’ani 26/128) 3. Imam Shafi (Minhaaj as-Sunnah an-Nabawiyyah, 1/39) 4. Sheikh Abdullah bin Mubarak (Al Muntaqaa min Minhaaj al-I`tidaal, 480) 5. Al-Qaadee Abu Ya`laa (As Sawaarim al-Maslool, 569) 6. Imam Bukhari (Khalq afaalil ibaad, 13) 7. At Tahaawee [Sharh al`Aqeedah at Tahaawiyyah, 528] 8. Abu Zur`ah ar-Raazee (Al-Isaba, 1/10) 9. Allama Ghazali (Al Mustsfi 1/110) 10.Qazie Ayaaz (Kitab as shifa 290) 11.Allamah Ibn Taymiyyah (As Sawaarim al-Maslool, 591-592) 12.Allamah Ibn Hazm (Al Fasl fil milal, 2/78, 3/182) 13.Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jailani (Ghunyatut talibeen,156-157) 14.Mullah Ali Qarie (Sharh fiqh al akbar, 198, Mirqaat, 9/137) 15.Mujaddid Alf Thani (Radd Rawaafidh) 16.Shah Wali ullah Ad Dehlawi (Mussawwaa 110) 17.Shah Abdul Azeea Dehlawi (Tuhfa ithna ashariyya) 18.The group of Ulama who wrote Alamgiri (Alamgiri 2/268) RECENT SCHOLARS 1. Moulana Rashid Ahmad Gangoi (Correct version of Fatawa Rashiddiyyah 2/10-12) 2. Moulana Zafar Uthmani (Imdaadul ahkaam 2/213) 3. Moulana Rashid Ludhwani (Ahsanul fataawa 1/73-106) 4. Moulana Yusuf Ludhwani (Aap ke masaail aur unka hal 1/49) 5. Mufti Nizaamud deen (Nizaamul fatawa 1/227) 6. Moulana Khair Muhammad Jalandry (Khair ul fataawa 1/374) 7. Moulana Anwar Shah Kashmiri (Ikfaar al Mulhideen 51) 8. Moulana Habeebur Rahmaan Azmi (Khumaini aur ithna ashra, 99-112) 9. Mufti Abdur Raheem Lajpuri (ibid) 10.Mufti Mahmood Gangoi (Fataawa Mahmudiyya 2/1-) 11.Mufti Aziz ur Rahman (Fatawa Darul Uloom Deoband,108) 12.Muhammad Rasheed Ridaa (As-Sunnah wa ash-Shee'ah) 13.Abul-A'laa al-Maududi (Ar-Riddah bain al-Ams wa al-Yaum) 14.Mufti Taqi Uthmani (Fataawaa Uthmani 1/108) 15.The present day verdict of Darul uloom Deoband can be read on their web site (fatwa no 3632) The fataawaa (verdicts) and endorsements of many senior U lama ( -200) of India and Pakistaan (incl Ulama of Deoband, Sahanpur, Lucknow, Rander, Delhi, Azamghar, Muradabad, Gondh, Jalaalabad, Banaris, Bihaar, Karachi and many more places) has been gathered in the book Khumaini aur Ithna ashra ke bare me Ulama kiraam ke mutafiqa faisla 97-166 Al Furqan book depo). This book was overseen by Moulana Manzoor Numani. The conclusion is that there is no doubt on the disbelief of present day Shias. Many Arab Ulama also concur with the above view. The following are the names of just a few Ulama 1. Sheikh Abdullah bin Qu’ood (Fatawa al lujna addaima lil buhooth wal ifta 3/492, Reassah idaratul buhooth al-ilmiyyah-Riyaadh). 2. Sheikh Abdullah bin Ghadiyaan (ibid) 3. Sheikh Abdur Razaaq Afeefy (ibid) 4. Sheikh Abdul Azeez bin Abdullah bin Baaz (ibid) 5. Sheikh Muheebudeen Khateeb (Al Khutul Areedha) 6. Sheeikh Nasir Al Qafary (Fikratut taqreeb) 7. Sheikh Ali Huzaifi (Delivered a sermon in Masjid Nabawi, on 15th Dhu-l-Qadah, 1418 Hijri/ 13th March 1998) (The English translation could be read on the following site ) 8. Ibn Jibreen (Sharh akhsar al mukhtasaraat 13/79) 9. Abdul Rahman al-Barak (fatwa can be read on ) 10.Dr Hilaalee, The famous Moroccan scholar, wrote a pamplet on Shias in which he declared them disbelievers. 11.Sheikh Bahja al Baitar (Syria) (Al-islam wa as-Sahaabah al-Kiraam bain as-Sunnah wa ash-Shee'ah). These are the views of non Shia scholars on the Shias. Now look at what the Shias very own scholars had to say… قال ابو عبدالله عليه السلام ما انزل الله آية في المنافقين الا و هي في من ينتحل التشييع (رجال كشي 193 س16( ((Abu Abdullah stated: Allah has not revealed a verse regarding hypocrites, except that they fit aptly those who attribute to Shi’ism)) (Rijaal kashi 16/193) قال ابو الحسن لو ميزت شيعتي ما وجدتهم الا واصفة ولو امتحنتهم لما وجدتهم الا مرتدين (روضة كليني 107( ((Abul Hasan said: “If you distinguish my Shias, you will find them to be fabricators, and if you test them you’ll find to be renegades)) (Rauza Kulaini 107) |
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#13 |
Shia Rafida are the Chiefs of Munafiqeen and our Worst enemies, they can never be our brothers. They are the same menace involved in Lal Masjid Massacre along with Secularists and Qadiyanis. Besides most Secularists in Pakistan are Rafida Shias. They are the same people who supported Northern Alliance against Taliban in coalition with India and Russia. They are the same Kuffar who welcome Crusaders against Muslims of Iraq, and their Lanatullah Seestani issued the fatwa for his shias to take part in the engineered elections under crusaders. They can never be our friends, wherever they are, they cause fitnah for us. Who do we think was involved in the Lal Masjid onslaught, that shook the soul of every believer??? |
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#14 |
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#15 |
![]() I do not understand how you can risk your own religion for the sake of understanding non-Muslims - or even extreme deviants if you consider Shi'as as Muslims. If you want to attend their gatherings, okay, Allaahu a'alam if it will have an effect on your heart, but why do you pray behind them? Salah behind a mushrik, a kaafir, is invalid. Also, as another brother noted, women reciting the Qur'an so that non-mahram men can hear is not permitted in Islam... |
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#16 |
![]() Please see this thread where the beliefs of the Shia are laid out for all to see, with reference from their books/scholars/video's/etc: To go to the gatherings of kuffar to understand their beliefs is strange. For example, how do you know they will not lie to you, to make their claims seems more palatable? How do you know they even have knowledge of the things they tell you? For example, I can go to a Christian and ask him a question on Christianity but that does not mean he knows what the answer is We are also commanded to stay away from gatherings of bidah and these gatherings are without a doubt bidah... ![]() |
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#17 |
As for those who asked me if I would go to a temple or church, I was raised in India and if anything, I have, while living in India, learned not to take the created as the Creator. That is why no Christian can convince me that Jesus (as) is God. And no Shia can ever convince me that Imams (ra) have knowledge of the unseen and are somewhat divine, or divinely-guided. Lastly, I do not condone women reciting the Qur'an in presence of brothers NOR DO I PRAY BEHIND THEM LIKE THEY DO. However, we all are accustomed to taking the path of least resistance. We come here, read two topics and form an opinion of Shias. I swim against the flow and go to their masjids to see who they are and what they preach. And I have already mentioned their behavior which are quite anti-thesis to mainstream Islam. I will keep adding more to that list in due time, inshAllah. |
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#18 |
Tonight I learned something very heart-breaking.
I was in another Shia masjid, close to home, and in the downstairs hall where they have lectures in Farsi/Dari for Afghans and Iranians. And one of the speakers, in fact all of them, were quoting poetry. One brother said something to the effect, "saaqi, barem pyaala......" "Saaqi," in Farsi or Dari, means the person who pours out alcohol or wine for someone. So metaphorically he was asking "saaqi" to pour him a cup of whatever it was. My eyes popped out of their sockets. How can anyone quote such filthy poetry in a mosque? They also had a skid based on the story of Imam Hassan and Hussain (ra) where they make wudhu in front of an old man, being polite enough not to correct the man directly, because of his old age, and therefore indirectly making the old man aware of his mistake (while performing ablution). I fished out my phone and started reciting the Qur'an. |
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#20 |
Tonight I learned something very heart-breaking. why is it that you keep going again and again to the same (kind of) place??? ( I refuse to put the word "shia" beside "mosque") That so many people reacted with shock at your decision should have alerted you to your grave error. Sometimes we need to take into account the advise of the more experienced seniors who may know what we know not. Anyway you don't seem to be taking our advices seriously, so no point giving anymore since you won't even consider what we are sincerely trying to tell you. You are glad we are showing care and concern, yet when out of that precise concern we advise you to stay away from that sort of filthy places, you end up going to another one. Again, apologies, but I am extremely frank and straight-to-the-point. So please answer my question. What is your real niyyah in going there and then posting here? Is it (a) to genuinely learn about the shias' corruption/deviation? (b) to be a tourist/sightseer (there) and an attention-grabber (here)? If (a), then welcome you will find the most knowledgeable brothers who are well-versed in the deviation of the shias. just go through threads like this one: If you have personal doubts, you can request Bro TripolySunni's e-mail from the mods. He's a specialist on them (mashaa Allah)... and would help clarify your doubts. And powerhouse websites such as this one: Haq Chaar Yaar Books Shi’ism Exposed (Very informative and straightforward) and if (b) then just give it up bro, a friendly advice. A hideout of the rawaafidh is hardly the place for sightseeing and this is hardly the place to describe what we already know very well, alhamdulillah. No need to repeat the same old stuff. It's like someone saying everyday,"Women in the west dress very scantily." Er, wasn't that supposed to be understood long ago? Same thing with the shias' beliefs. Brotherly yours, Abul Lais P.S. No offense, just what i genuinely feel.... |
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