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Old 05-04-2012, 12:25 AM   #1

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Default Did Amir Muawiyah ra hate ali ra?? Please respond.

My dear respected brothers and sisters. I have a question which I know is not a part of aqeedah as such and we are not here to judge our glorious ancestors in a bad way () but I am only asking to clear doubts in my mind.

The question is did Amir Muawiya ra hate ali ra?

Why do I ask such a devisive question.

Because in the lectures I have heard from shia "scholars" referring to classical scholars/books from ibne kather ra to imam ahmad ra - they quote these books openly with references and with the book in their hand that amir muawiyah ra started the cursing of ali ra which carried on until umar bin abdul aziz ra stopped it. Other companions such as Mugheerah bin shubah ra and marwan bin hakam ra (not sure if he is a sahabi) under muawiyah ra khalifa cursed ali ra on the minbar regularly.
I have heard this accusation reblurted out also by the braelwi/sufi-type "scholars" such sheikh Ninowy, tahir qadri, and some pir guy who kinda implies all the banu ummayah khalifah except umar bin abdul aziz ra were bad but particularly umar bin abdul aziz ra stopped the cursing of ali ra.
Then some other speakers such as kamal al makki (The history of Fitnah) and bashar asla (Ummayad Caliphate) also imply that muawiyah ra started the cursing of ali ra.
Then I hear the shias loving to quote the hadith muawiyah ra asking saad ra why did he not curse ali ra? I have also read in hayatus sahabah of an incident when muawiyah ra left mugheerah bin shubah ra as a governer - a man came to mugheera bin shubah ra and insulted ali ra to his face. Mugheerah bin shubah ra did not disapprove - however saeed bin zayd ra was there and then he reprimanded mugheerah bin shubah ra by informing him of the 10 companions who recieved the glad tidings of jannah.

There just seems to be too many references to muawiyah ra hating ali ra. please can a knowleagable person advise and I do not want a raifdhi to hijack this thread.

Now my question is purely on muawiyah ra hating ali ra and I do not doubt that he was a great sahabi, a great amir, a kaatibi wahi, a sahabi who gave his life for allah swt. I love and respect muawiyah ra but can we say even though we ackowledge his status that he ra as a sahabi made some mistakes with regards to 1) siffeen 2) hating ali ra 3) appointing his son yazid a successor despite being warned to hence why people say that umar bin abdul aziz was a better khalifah than muawiyah ra (the 5th rightly guided khalifa).

May allah swt forgive me for anything that I said wrong. ameen.
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Old 05-04-2012, 12:31 AM   #2

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What I do know is that 'hate' is the wrong word. The Sahabah differed with one another, but like you said, we are not here to judge persons who have already attained success, Inshallah. Your question is therefore superflous.
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Old 05-04-2012, 12:34 AM   #3

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No he did not hate Ali

Please see this link -> http://www.sunniforum.com/forum/show...d-proofreading
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Old 05-04-2012, 12:34 AM   #4

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What I do know is that 'hate' is the wrong word. The Sahabah differed with one another, but like you said, we are not here to judge persons who have already attained success, Inshallah. Your question is therefore superflous.
I understand your answer but when it creates doubts - just ignoring it will not do. We shall always answer those who attack or religion
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Old 05-04-2012, 12:58 AM   #5

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No he did not hate Ali

Please see this link -> http://www.sunniforum.com/forum/show...d-proofreading
jazakallah for the information - it seems absolutely unthinkable to me that our great scholars would just compile such narrations. I heard ibne kathir mentioned as well as imam ahmad, imam muslim and even albani aswell. why are there so many of these narrations of this particular issue?
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Old 05-04-2012, 01:17 AM   #6

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No They did not hate each other. Read this thread on Muawiya (ra) and you will understand the fallacies and lies of shia propaganda.

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Old 05-04-2012, 01:19 AM   #7

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Also you can read this booklet for clearing more doubts of Hazrat Muawiya (ra) : http://islamicdatabase.org/content/7...-ra-one-glance
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Old 05-04-2012, 01:42 AM   #8

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Nature of Relationship between Ahlebayt(ra) and Muawiya(ra)
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Old 05-04-2012, 03:10 AM   #9

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I read a book by Mufti Ghulam Rasool - his book was on Imam Hassan (R) - in his book it is written that Ameer Muawiya was responsible in poisoning Imam Hassan - and at the death of Imam Hassan Ameer Muawiya was rejoiced very much - what should be our opinion then ?? Imam Hassan Was grandson of Holy Prophet (S) , Ali (R) was cousin , should we take side of family of Holy Prophet (S) or take side of a companion ? Imam Hassan is leader of youth of Paradise , so whose side should we take ? the leader of Paradise's side or take side of a companion who fought against leader of PAradise ?

his book was Imam Hassan and khilafat its in urdu plz do read that book
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Old 05-04-2012, 03:15 AM   #10

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Ameer Muawiya fought against Ali , ok that was because of killers of Hazrat Usman - but why did he fought against Imam Hassan ?? why would anyone fight agqainst Grandson of Holy Prophet (S) ??? isnt that like fighting against Holy Prophet (S) Himself ?????
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Old 05-04-2012, 04:07 AM   #11

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I read a book by Mufti Ghulam Rasool - his book was on Imam Hassan (R) - in his book it is written that Ameer Muawiya was responsible in poisoning Imam Hassan - and at the death of Imam Hassan Ameer Muawiya was rejoiced very much - what should be our opinion then ?? Imam Hassan Was grandson of Holy Prophet (S) , Ali (R) was cousin , should we take side of family of Holy Prophet (S) or take side of a companion ? Imam Hassan is leader of youth of Paradise , so whose side should we take ? the leader of Paradise's side or take side of a companion who fought against leader of PAradise ?

his book was Imam Hassan and khilafat its in urdu plz do read that book
Argument 8: Did muawiya felt happy on death of hasan(ra) ? Or was he involved in the poisoning of Hassan(ra)?

Answer: This claim is false for several reasons:

1. It is not proven, nor there is a clear evidence that Mu’awiyah poisoned Al-Hasan.

At those days, people were in an affliction, and their desires leading their instincts, each sect attributing bad things to other sects. If a story was told about that, then we ought not to accept it unless just and trustworthy people narrated it.

2. It is said that the person who poisoned Al-Hasan was not Mu’awiyah but Al-Hasan’s wife. It is also said her father, Al-Ash’ath bin Qays ordered her to do that. It is also said that it was Mu’awiyah who ordered her and some say it was Yazeed. These contradictory stories about who poisoned Al-Hasan weaken these stories because they lack the trustworthy narrators.

3. Intellect would accept shia arguments in a situation where Al-Hasan refuses to make peace with Mu’awiyah and wanted to fight Mu’awiyah for the leadership. But the truth is that Al-Hasan made peace with Mu’awiyah, and gave him the leadership and the allegiance. Therefore, for what reason would Mu’awiyah poison Al-Hasan? For these reasons I say that shian e dajjals argument has no basis for truth.

4. The fact is that neither Imam Hasan nor Imam Hussain knew with certainty who were the real culprits. If they didn’t know it, than how anyone else came to know that who poisoned Imam Hasan?

When Sayyiduna Hasan lay on his deathbed, dying from poisoning, his brother, Sayyiduna Husayn came to him and asked him, “Brother, tell me who is the one who poisoned you.” Sayyiduna Hasan asked, “Why? That you may kill him?” Sayyiduna Husayn said, “Yes,” to which Sayyiduna Hasan responded, “I will not tell you anything. If it is the one I think it is, then Allah’s revenge is harsher. And if it is not he, then by Allah, no innocent person will be killed on account of me.” [al-Bidayah wan-Nihayah vol. 7 p. 41; Siyar A‘lam an-Nubala vol. 3 p. 273] http://youpuncturedtheark.wordpress....and-muawiyara/

Moreover, Muawiya(ra) was the one who held very good relationship with hassan(ra), check out my article.

قد روى الإمام أحمد في مسنده عن معاوية ما نصه : عن عبد الرحمن بن أبي عوف الجرشي،عن معاوية، قال: رأيت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ” يمص لسانه – أو قال: شفته، يعني الحسن بن علي صلوات الله عليه – وإنه لن يعذب لسان أو شفتان مصهما رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم “. وقال الشيخ شعيب الأرناؤوط: إسناده صحيح.

Ahmad bin Hanbal in his Musnad: 'Abdul-Rahman bin abi 'Awf al-Jarshi that Mu'awiyah bin abi Suffian (ra) said about al-Hasan bin 'Ali (ra): I saw the Prophet SAWS suck his tongue (or he said his lips) and these lips or the tongue can never be tortured.

Grading: al-Arnaout said SAHIH.
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Old 05-04-2012, 04:13 AM   #12

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I read a book by Mufti Ghulam Rasool - his book was on Imam Hassan (R) - in his book it is written that Ameer Muawiya was responsible in poisoning Imam Hassan - and at the death of Imam Hassan Ameer Muawiya was rejoiced very much - what should be our opinion then ??
Just because 'Mufti Ghulam Rasool' made that claim it doesn't mean it is true. There is no evidence for this false claim. What is his evidence, can you quote the source he used in his book?

Imam Hassan Was grandson of Holy Prophet (S) , Ali (R) was cousin , should we take side of family of Holy Prophet (S) or take side of a companion ? Imam Hassan is leader of youth of Paradise , so whose side should we take ? the leader of Paradise's side or take side of a companion who fought against leader of PAradise ?

his book was Imam Hassan and khilafat its in urdu plz do read that book What do you mean whose side should we take? You are talking as if the battle is going on right now? Secondly, they didn't fight each other rather they made peace and Hasan (ra) gave the Caliphate to Moaviah (ra). The wars and Fitans ended so there is no room for argument.

That was a nation which has passed on. It will have [the consequence of] what it earned, and you will have what you have earned. And you will not be asked about what they used to do. [Surah Baqarah 134]
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Old 05-04-2012, 05:24 AM   #13

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Mufti Ghulam Rasool was a Sunni if he lied then i dont know who is correct O_O if we ahlus sunnah scholars dont even agree with each other then who is right ? everyone has different views and each one claim he is right other provided false claims :S then whom should i listen to ? Mufti Ghulam RAsool has provided references in his book in the book of ghulam rasool there is clear evidence ameer muawiya hated Ali and Imam Hassan but brother wellwisher's post has different story its just like each sect has their own stories and evidences each claiming only they are right
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Old 05-04-2012, 07:22 AM   #14

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Mufti Ghulam Rasool was a Sunni if he lied then i dont know who is correct O_O if we ahlus sunnah scholars dont even agree with each other then who is right ? everyone has different views and each one claim he is right other provided false claims :S then whom should i listen to ? Mufti Ghulam RAsool has provided references in his book in the book of ghulam rasool there is clear evidence ameer muawiya hated Ali and Imam Hassan but brother wellwisher's post has different story its just like each sect has their own stories and evidences each claiming only they are right

Not "Lying" he could be wrong, especially since it's most probably not his field.

If it confuses you and you cannot open the Arabic history books and read for yourself and verify the narrations and chains to reach your own conclusion, then why do you waste your time reading about such nonsense? reading about the great Fitnah between the Sahaba (ra) will not benefit you in any way in the life or the after-life.
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Old 05-04-2012, 08:36 AM   #15

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It is quite clear that muawiyah did dislike Ali (ra). The weight of evidence points in that way. It could be related to their relationship before the fall of Mecca and the quite apparent claim of the caliphate for Ali(RA).

Now there are a lot of truth deniers, and I don't know why people solemnly defend muawiyah even over and above hazmat Ali(ra).

All I can say about this s that my loyalty in Islam is to the prophet (pbuh) and I hope he (pbuh) taught people, especially his immediate family, I.e. Ali(ra) well enough in Islam so they know right from wrong. Rather than someone who was obliged to come to Islam after the fall of Mecca. Where were muawiyah and Abu Sufyan at Badr, Uhud, khandaq?

Infact hazrat Ali (ra) 's story is quite sad, Muslims didn't support him because they were scared of his strong personality. Nowadays if you say anything nice or stick up for Ali(ra) you are automatically a Shia.
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Old 05-04-2012, 12:20 PM   #16

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It is quite clear that muawiyah did dislike Ali (ra).

8.First from Tabari

ت قال أحمد قال على عن جويرية بن أسماء أن بسر بن أبى أرطاة نال من
على عند معاوية وزيد بن عمر بن الخطاب جالس فعلاه بعصا فشجه فقال معاوية لزيد عمدت إلى شيخ من قريش سيد أهل الشأم فضربته وأقبل على بسر فقال تشتم عليا وهو جده وابن الفاروق على رءوس الناس أو كنت ترى أنه يصبر على ذلك ثم أرضاهما جميعا قال وقال معاوية إنى لارفع نفسي من أن يكون ذنب أعظم من عفوى وجهل أكثر من حلمي أو عورة لا أواريها بستري أو إساءة أكثر من إحساني قال وقال معاوية زين الشريف العفاف قال وقال معاوية ما من شئ أحب إلى من عين خرارة في أرض خوارة فقال عمرو بن العاص ما من شئ أحب إلى من أن أبيت عروسا بعقيلة من عقائل العرب فقال وردان مولى عمرو بن العاص ما من شئ أحب إلى من الافضال على الاخوان فقال معاوية أنا أحق بهذا منك قال ما تحب فافعل
Ahmed said that Ali bin Juwairya bin Asma said that Bisr bin abi Artaa said bad things about Ali in Muwaiya’s presence while Zaid bin Umar bin Alkhattab was sitting so he got up with a stick and hit his head. Then Muwaiya said to Zaid: you came to a Sheikh from Quraish, master of the people of Syria and hit him?! Then he went to Bisr and said: you verbally abuse Ali and he is his grandfather, and the son of Farooq (Umar) is above the heads of the people. did you believe that he be patient with that?! Then he reconciled between them. And Muwaiya said: It’s not fitting that a fault be greater than my forgiveness or ignorance greater than my forebearance, or a shame which I do not conceal with my veil, or malice greater than my benevolence, and Muawiya also said: The most noble person is the generous one. And he also said: nothing is more loved by me than a plentiful spring in a desert land. And Amru bin al Aas said: nothing is more beloved to me than to spend a night newly married by one of the Arab families. Wirdan the servant of Amro said: Nothing is more loved by me than being kind to the brothers. Then Muwaiya said: I have more right in this than you. He said: Is there anything you’d like so I can serve you? [(At-Tabari Vol. 4 Pg 248) & (Ibn Atheer Vol 4 Pg 5)]

Comment: Muawiya(ra) scolded the person who abused Ali(ra) and neither did he encourage that person to do that.
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Old 05-04-2012, 12:27 PM   #17

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Where were muawiyah and Abu Sufyan at Badr, Uhud, khandaq?
This is irrelevant. There were other great Sahabah who were not on the Muslim side during Badr, Uhud and Khandaq. Do the names Khalid bin Waleed, Wahshi or Ikramah bin Abi Jahl sound familiar?
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Old 05-04-2012, 12:28 PM   #18

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Once Sayyidna Amir Muawiyah (RA) received a letter from the Ceaser of Rome, it said:
"I know that your brother Sayyidna Ali Bin Abi Talib (RA) has caused you a lot of trouble so if you wish I will send a large Roman army to help you against him."
Muawiya(ra) wrote Back: "Oh Christian, If ever Ali (ra)'s army has to march against you, then the first soldier to join them and pluck out your eyes will be Muawiya!"
(Al Bidaya).
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Old 05-04-2012, 12:31 PM   #19

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Where were muawiyah and Abu Sufyan at Badr, Uhud, khandaq?
Woe to you, you wretched Soul, Who the hell are you to question the integrity of the Sahabah when Allah is pleased with them and they are pleased with Allah the almighty.

If idiots like these are given a free run and not banned. I don't want to come to sunniforum.
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Old 05-04-2012, 02:05 PM   #20

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It is quite clear that muawiyah did dislike Ali (ra). The weight of evidence points in that way. It could be related to their relationship before the fall of Mecca and the quite apparent claim of the caliphate for Ali(RA).

Now there are a lot of truth deniers, and I don't know why people solemnly defend muawiyah even over and above hazmat Ali(ra).

All I can say about this s that my loyalty in Islam is to the prophet (pbuh) and I hope he (pbuh) taught people, especially his immediate family, I.e. Ali(ra) well enough in Islam so they know right from wrong. Rather than someone who was obliged to come to Islam after the fall of Mecca. Where were muawiyah and Abu Sufyan at Badr, Uhud, khandaq?

Infact hazrat Ali (ra) 's story is quite sad, Muslims didn't support him because they were scared of his strong personality. Nowadays if you say anything nice or stick up for Ali(ra) you are automatically a Shia.
Al-Thahabi narrated in “Sayr A’alam Al-Nubala’a” from Ya’ali bin Ubayd from his father who says: (Abu Muslim Al-Khulani and some others went to Mu’awiyah and asked him: “Do you dispute Ali or are you equal to him? Mu’awiyah answered: “By Allah no. I know he is better than I am, and he has the right to rule, but do not you know that Uthman was killed as an innocent? And I am his cousin and the seeker of his revenge. Therefore go to Ali and tell him to send me Uthman’s murderers then I will obey him.” They went to Ali and talked to him, but Ali refused to hand in Uthman’s murderers to Mu’awiyah.) [ Sayr A’alam Al-Nubala’a, vol.3, p.140, the examiner of the book said that its narrators are trustworthy]

Muawiyah Radhi Allaahu Ta’ala ‘anh said: “Ali is better and more virtuous than me and I differ from him only in the matter of qisaas of Uthmaan (Radhi Allaahu Ta’ala ‘anh) and if he takes the qisaas of the blood of uthmaan I will be the first of the people of syria to make bayah to him” [al-Bidayatu wan Nihaayah page 129,259 vol 7]

قال ابن كثير: « وقد ورد من غير وجه: أن أبا مسلم الخولاني وجماعة معه دخلوا على معاوية فقالوا له: هل تنازع علياً أم أنت مثله؟ فقال: والله إني لأعلم أنه خير مني وأفضل، وأحق بالأمر مني…).(1) الخبر
Ibn Katheer said that: Abu Muslim Al-Khawalani and a group with him, entered on Mu’awiyah and said to him: “Are you competing with Ali, or [do you think that] you are like him?” So he replied: “By Allah, I know that he is better than me, and more virtuous ...”.[Al bidaya wal nihaya 132/8]

muawatta Book 36, Number 36.19.18: Malik related to me from Yahya ibn Said from Said ibn al−Musayyab that a Syrian man called Ibn Khaybari found a man with his wife and killed him, or killed them both. Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan found it difficult to make a decision and he wrote to Abu Musa al−Ashari to ask Ali ibn Abi Talib for him about that. So Abu Musa asked Ali ibn Abi Talib and AIi said to him, “Is this thing in my land? I adjure you, you must tell me.” Abu Musa explained to him how Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan had written him to ask Ali about it. Ali said, “I am Abu Hasan. If he does not bring four witnesses, then let him be completely handed over,” (to the relatives of the murdered man).

Comments: This shows us the bonding of brotherhood in faith between Ali(ra) and Muawiya(ra) , because though they had differences in political issues, yet it didn’t stop Muawiya(ra) from asking hz ali(ra) a fiqhi question. Hz muawiya(ra) SPECIFICALLY SAID ABU MUSA TO ASK TO ALI(RA). Now had it been the conditions like the shian e dajjal often portray, then why would Muawiya(ra) ask question to Ali(ra), if he had hatred for him? He could have asked someone else for that or could have sorted out the issue the way he wanted, who was there to stop him? Many of us might have experienced that, we often don’t ask for help, etc with people whom we hate, since our ego stops us from doing so. And yes there could be some situations that there is no other way expect to take help from our enemy(though even in those situations people avoid taking help from their enemies if that enemy of their is a staunch enemy whom they curse day and night), at that time people might take help, but just see here, was there no other way for Muawiya(ra)? He could have easily sorted that issue the way he wanted. Who was going to ask him? But see these great people, and their love for Islam and shariah. Could any true muslim bear enemity for such great people except the shian e dajjal?

Muawiya(ra)’s reaction on death of Ali(ra) and Hassan(ra)

1. Shia scholar al-sadooq’s book amali:

حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل (رضي الله عنه)، قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار، قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسين بن أبي الخطاب، قال: حدثنا محمد بن سنان، عن المفضل بن عمر، عن يونس بن ظبيان، عن سعد بن طريف، عن الاصبغ ابن نباتة، قال: دخل ضرار بن ضمرة النهشلي على معاوية بن أبي سفيان، فقال له: صف لي عليا. قال: أو تعفيني. فقال: لا، بل صفه لي. فقال له ضرار: رحم الله عليا، كان والله فينا كأحدنا، يدنينا إذا أتيناه، ويجيبنا إذا سألناه، ويقربنا إذا زرناه، لا يغلق له دوننا باب، ولا يحجبنا عنه حاجب، ونحن والله مع تقريبه لنا وقربه منا، لا نكلمه لهيبته، ولا نبتديه لعظمته، فإذا تبسم فعن مثل اللؤلؤ المنظوم. فقال المعاوية: زدني من صفته. فقال ضرار: رحم الله عليا، كان والله طويل السهاد، قليل الرقاد، يتلو كتاب الله آناء الليل وأطراف النهار، ويجود لله بمهجته، ويبوء إليه بعبرته، لا تغلق له الستور، ولا يدخر عنا البدور، ولا يستلين الاتكاء، ولا يستخشن الجفاء، ولو رأيته إذ مثل في محرابه، وقد أرخى الليل سدوله، وغارت نجومه، وهو قابض على لحيته، يتململ تململ السليم (1)، ويبكي بكاء الحزين، وهو يقول: يا دنيا، إلي تعرضت، أم إلي تشوقت، هيهات هيهات لا حاجة لي فيك، أبنتك ثلاثا لا رجعة لي عليك. ثم يقول: واه واه لبعد السفر، وقلة الزاد، وخشونة الطريق. قال: فبكى معاوية، وقال: حسبك يا ضرار، كذلك كان والله علي، رحم الله أبا الحسن (

Translation: Dirar bin dhamrah al nahshali entered upon Muwaiya so muwaiya asked him to describe Ali to him. Dirar said: please pardon me from it. Muwaiya said but please do. So he said: May Allah have mercy upon Ali, he was amongst us as one of us, he brought us nearer if we came to him and answered us if we asked him and treats us well if we visited him. His door is not closed for us and no one stays as a barrier between us and him. And we, despite his closeness to us and his making us close to him, do not speak to him for his greatness and presence. Whenever he smiles it is like pearls.

Then Muwaiya said: tell me more. Dirar said: May Allah have mercy upon Ali, he was staying up late at night. Did not sleep much, he read the book of Allah in the middle of the night and the edges of the day. He was generous with his eyes (tears) and expressive in returning to his Lord. And he would not close a door, nor find soft the leaning nor find hard being alone. If you find him in his mihrab, deep in the night, you find him touching his beard, crying the crying of a sad person and says: O this life, to me you presented yourself or did you miss me. I have no need in you. Then he says: Oh Oh for the distance of travel and the lack of provisions and the harshness of the road. Then Mu’awiyah weeped, and said: Sufficient is that O Dirar, verily, by Allah, that is how Ali was. May Allah shower Abu Al-Hasan with Mercy” [ Al-Amali by Al-Sadooq 2nd tradition in The 91st Majlis page 724] Also [bihar al anwar, 41/16]

Similar report in sunni books: Abu Salih narrated that once Dirar bin Damrah Al-Kinani visited Hadrat Muawiyah (may God be pleased with him) who asked him to narrate the good qualities of Hadrat Ali (may God be pleased with him). Dirar requested of Hadrat Muawiyah, O Amir of the believers! Please excuse me from this!. Hadrat Muawiyah said, I will not excuse you unless you narrate the good qualities of Ali. Dirar said, If I am compelled to do so then listen! By Allah! He was a man of great courage and strength. He used to talk decisively and govern justly. The knowledge flowed out of him copiously and the wisdom appeared upon his front teeth (he always talked wisely). He was averse to the worldly ends and renounced them, but loved the night and its darkness (loved to worship in the darkness of the night). I swear by Allah, he used to take admonition for the matters concerning the Hereafter very much, to contemplate the wonders of Allah’s creation for a long time, to turn his hand in surprise, and to address his own soul for admonition. He loved plain dress and simple food. I swear by Allah he treated himself like an ordinary person. When we visited him he drew us closer and when we put to him any question he replied to us. In spite of all this closeness with him, we did not dare to talk with him due to his natural dignity and awe. When he smiled, his teeth appeared like strung pearls. He esteemed the religious people and loved the poor. No one-however powerful he may be-would be successful to prove his false claim as the right one before him, and no one-however weak he may be- would lose hope to get justice from him. I declare Allah as my witness to the fact that I have seen him on certain occasions-in the darkness of the night when the stars were to disappear from the sky-sitting in the arch of the mosque holding his beard in his hand, in a restless condition- a condition similar to the person who has been bitten by a poisonous reptile, and weeping like a grieved man. His voice is still alive to me ‘O our Lord, O our Lord, then he supplicated to Him, and afterwards said ‘O world! Do you want to deceive me after being decorated? Get out from here and deceive some other person. I sever all of my relations from you for ever. Your age is short and your company is abject, and to be overtaken by misery here in this world is easier than in the Hereafter. Ah! The Provision is short and the journey is long and the way is dangerous’

Hearing this Hadrat Muawiya (may God be pleased with him) wept so much that his beard was wet with tears. When the tears overflowed he cleaned them with the sleeve of his shirt. The people around him also wept bitterly until they were suffocated. Then Hadrat Muawiyah remarked ‘No doubt, Abul Hassan (Ali) was such a man‘ Then he asked Dirar ‘How do you feel after Ali’s death’? Dirar said ‘I feel like a woman whose only child has been killed in her lap. She cannot be consoled. Then he stood up and went out. [Abu Na'im 'al Hilliyah';Abd Al-Barr 'Al Isti'ab' Vol III p 44 (on the authority of Hirmazi, a man from Hamadan, who narrated from Dirar Al Suda') (Sifatus-Safwah 1/66) ]

Comment: Imam Al-Qurtubi comments on the weeping of Muawiya and his affirmation to the description of Dirar [taken from "Al-Intisar Lil Sahb wa Alaal .." - referenced earlier]: “This narration shows the acholwledgment of Muawiya to the virtue of Ali [May Allah be pleased with him] and his rank, and his great due right, and level. At that point, it is far fetched to declare insults and slanders [on Ali], after what Muawiya was described by of intellect and piety, patience and generosity of manners. The majority of what was narrated of that are lies which are not authentic.

ونقل ابن كثير أيضاً عن جرير بن عبد الحميد عن مغيرة قال: (لما جاء خبر قتل علي إلى معاوية جعل يبكي، فقالت له امرأته: أتبكيه وقد قاتلته؟ فقال: ويحك إنك لا تدرين ما فقد الناس من الفضل والفقه والعلم).
2. Ibn Katheer also narrates from the way of Jarir b. ‘Abdalhameed from Al-Mugheera that he said: When the news of the killing of Ali came to Muawiyah, he started weeping. His wife said to him: “You weep for his death, and you have fought him?”. So he said: “Woe unto you, you do not realize what the people lost [by his death] from virtue, Fiqh, and knowledge” [Nafs al Masdar 133/8 ( al bidaya wa nihaya, vol 8, page 129)]

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