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Old 01-06-2011, 11:40 PM   #1

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Default Was hz fatima(ra) eligible to recieve to inheritance of prophet(saw)?
I will answer this question in most simplest and time saving manner, and inshallah the shia e dajjal will not find a way to answer it as long as they remain sensible.


Al-Kulayni narrates in al-Kafi: Abu ‘Abdillah (Imam Ja‘far as-Sadiq) says that Rasulullah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa-alihi wasallam said: “... And the ‘Ulama(scholars) are the heirs of the Ambiya; and the Ambiya did not leave dinars and dirhams as inheritance; but they left knowledge. Therefore whosoever takes knowledge has taken a great portion.” (al-Kafi, vol. 1 p. 42)

Regarding the authenticity of this hadith, ‘Allamah Muhammad Baqir Majlisi states in his commentary on al-Kafi, entitled Mir’at al-‘Uqul:[This] hadith has two chains of narration. The first is majhul [contains an unknown narrator], and the second is hasan or muwaththaq. [Together] they do not fall short of being sahih. (Mir’at al-‘Uqul, vol. 1 p. 111)

Ali ibn Ibrahim narrates from his father, from Hammad ibn ‘Isa, on the authority of [‘Abdullah ibn Maymun] al-Qaddah that Abu ‘Abdillah [Imam Ja‘far as-Sadiq] ‘alayhis salam said: Rasulullah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa-alihi wasallam said: “Whoever walks a path seeking therein knowledge, Allah will lead him on a road to Jannah... And the ‘Ulama are the heirs of the Ambiya; and the Ambiya did not leave dinars and dirhams as inheritance; but they left knowledge. Therefore whosoever takes knowledge has taken a great portion.” (al-Kafi, Kitab Fadl al-‘Ilm, Bab Sifat al-‘Ilm wa-Fadlihi, hadith no. 2)
To this narration Khomeini appends the following remark:

The narrators of this tradition are all reliable and trustworthy. The father of ‘Ali ibn Ibrahim [namely Ibrahim ibn Hashim] is not only reliable; he is one of the most reliable and trustworthy narrators. (al-Hukumat al-Islamiyyah, p. 133, published by Markaz Baqiyyat Allah al-A‘zam, Beirut.


Saduq in "al-Khisal":

3-115 حدثنا محمد بن الحسن رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا محمد بن الحسن الصفار عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى، عن الحسن بن علي الوشاء.عن أحمد بن عائذ، عن أبي خديجة عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال:الناس يغدون على ثلاثة عالم ومتعلم وغثاء، فنحن العلماء وشيعتنا المتعلمون وسائر الناس غثاء.
3-115 Muhammad ibn al-Hassan - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Muhammad ibn al-Hassan al-Saffar quoted on the authority of Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Isa, on the authority of Al-Hassan ibn Ali al-Vasha, on the authority of Ahmad ibn A’ez, on the authority of Abi Khadijeh that Aba Abdullah as-Sadiq (MGB) said, “The people can be divided into three groups: the scholars, the seekers of knowledge and the scum. We are the scholars. Our shia are the seekers of knowledge and the rest of the people are the scum.”

It was also narrated in "Basair darajat" p 25 via 4 chains:

حدثنا إبراهيم بن هاشم عن يحيى بن أبي عمران عن يونس عن جميل قال سمعت أبا عبد الله ع يقول يغدوا الناس على ثلاثة صنوف عالم ومتعلم وغثاء فنحن العلماء وشيعتنا المتعلمون وسائر الناس غثاء
حدثني الحسن بن علي عن العباس بن عامر عن سيف بن عميرة عن عمرو بن شمر عن جابر عن أبي عبد الله ع قال إن الناس رجلان عالم ومتعلم وساير الناس غثاء فنحن العلماء وشيعتنا المتعلمون وسائر الناس غثاء
حدثنا محمد بن الحسين بن عبد الرحمن بن أبي هاشم عن سالم عن أبي عبد الله ع قال الناس يغدون على ثلاثة عالم ومتعلم وغثاء فنحن العلماء وشيعتنا المتعلمون وسائر الناس غثاء
حدثني محمد بن عبد الحميد عن سيف بن عميره قال حدثني أبو سلمة قال سمعت أبا عبد الله ع يقول يغدوا الناس على ثلاثة عالم ومتعلم وغثاء فسئلوه عن ذلك فقال نحن العلماء وشيعتنا المتعلمون وسائر الناس غثاء
حدثنا أحمد بن محمد عن الحسن بن علي الوشا عن أحمد بن عايذ عن أبي خديجة عن أبي عبد الله ع قال إن الناس يغدون على ثلاثة عالم ومتعلم وغثاء فنحن العلماء وشيعتنا المتعلمون وسائر الناس غثاء

So according to shia imam ahlebayt are the ulama(scholars) , their shia are seekers of knowledge(شيعتنا المتعلمون), So this means that all those shia ayatullahs or hujjatullahs or those shias who are not from 14(members of ahlebayt) they are seekers of knowledge, and even if the shia of today title them as scholars, yet they remain as shia, and they come under the category of seekers of knowledge.

Thus after establishing that for ulama there is no materialistic inheritance of prophet(saw). We found that according to shia imam Ulama are only 14 members of ahlebayt.

So let us substitute this in the hadees of inheritance:

According to shia Imam: 14 members of Ahlebayt are ulama.(the shia are seekers of knowledge)

According to prophet(Saw): Ulama doesnt inherit materialistic possession from the prophet(Saw).

subsitution: This means that 14 members of ahlebayt(ulama) doesnt inherit materialistic possession from the prophet(Saw).

Conclusion: Hence fatima(ra) was not eligible to receive fadak as inheritance. And if she was eligible then the shias will have to either say that hz fatima(ra) is seekers of knowledge(shia), not ulama(ahlebayt). Lets see what they decide.

And if any stupid shia tries to bring the argument that fadak was a gift not inheritance, then we would like to ask them first that, before jumping to this please answer that why did hz fatima(ra) demanded fadak as her inheritance? Was she eligible to receive it.(in the light of your own authentic narrations)? If yes then , does that mean that shia is not an ulama(ahlebayt), but just a shia(seeker of knowledge)?

Then after the shia answers these questions we say that, there is not a single authentic narration which states that fadak was gift granted to hz fatima(ra) in the books of ahlesunnah.
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Old 01-07-2011, 04:07 AM   #2

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You mentioned that Fatimah (RA) demanded inheritance, can you just shed some light on this?

I don't understand why Fatimah (RA), the same woman, who would give her own share of food to feed others, and sacrificed all she had. Why would she demand something that she's not entitled to? Saying that she demanded something, which she didn't have any right over, is suggesting an element of greed. But that just isn't possible- either she didn't demand anything, or she demanded whatever she had right over.

Remember, Fatimah (RA) is one of the very few, who are given the bashaarah of paradise directly in the Quran. If shias are claiming that Fatimah (RA) had demanded something, which she had no right over- then they are telling a major lie.

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Old 01-07-2011, 04:24 AM   #3

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After the death of Allah's Apostle Fatima the daughter of Allah's Apostle asked Abu Bakr As-Siddiq to give her, her share of inheritance from what Allah's Apostle had left of the Fai (i.e. booty gained without fighting) which Allah had given him. Abu Bakr said to her, "Allah's Apostle said, 'Our property will not be inherited, whatever we (i.e. prophets) leave is Sadaqa (to be used for charity)." Fatima, the daughter of Allah's Apostle got angry and stopped speaking to Abu Bakr, and continued assuming that attitude till she died. Fatima remained alive for six months after the death of Allah's Apostle.
—Muhammad al-Bukhari, Sahih al-Bukhari, Book 53

Maybe one of the brothers with access to Fath ul-Bari could also post the explanation for Br. E-M (i.e. remove any doubts)
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Old 01-07-2011, 04:36 AM   #4

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After the death of Allah's Apostle Fatima the daughter of Allah's Apostle asked Abu Bakr As-Siddiq to give her, her share of inheritance from what Allah's Apostle had left of the Fai (i.e. booty gained without fighting) which Allah had given him. Abu Bakr said to her, "Allah's Apostle said, 'Our property will not be inherited, whatever we (i.e. prophets) leave is Sadaqa (to be used for charity)." Fatima, the daughter of Allah's Apostle got angry and stopped speaking to Abu Bakr, and continued assuming that attitude till she died. Fatima remained alive for six months after the death of Allah's Apostle.
—Muhammad al-Bukhari, Sahih al-Bukhari, Book 53

Maybe one of the brothers with access to Fath ul-Bari could also post the explanation for Br. E-M (i.e. remove any doubts)
جزاك الله خيرا, a detailed explanation would be appreciated. Does the explanation cover Ayehsa (RA)'s share of inheritance, and why she received a share, if she did?

Also, who else was witness to the narration, that inheritance shouldn't be given to the ahlulbayt?

I don't understand the shias position, nor yours. Both sides appear to be saying that either Abu Bakr (RA), or Fatimah (RA) are at fault. I'm yet to see a complete explanation. The most common responses I've heard, include the words rawafid or naasbi.

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Old 01-07-2011, 04:43 AM   #5

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As you can see from the hadith, not only did Fatima عليها السلام get angry, but she stopped speaking to her Imam (khailfa) - Abu Bakr, until she died!
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Old 01-07-2011, 04:49 AM   #6

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As you can see from the hadith, not only did Fatima عليها السلام get angry, but she stopped speaking to her Imam (khailfa) - Abu Bakr, until she died!
She Got Angry at Ali RA !??? Asstaghfirulllaaaahhhh

Narrated 'ali bin Al-Husain: That when they reached Medina after returning from Yazid bin Mu'awaiya after the martyrdom of Husain bin 'ali (may Allah bestow His Mercy upon him), Al-Miswar bin Makhrama met him and said to him, "Do you have any need you may order me to satisfy?" 'ali said, "No." Al-Miswar said, Will you give me the sword of Allah's Apostle for I am afraid that people may take it from you by force? By Allah, if you give it to me, they will never be able to take it till I die." When ali bin Abu Talib demanded the hand of the daughter of Abi Jahal to be his wife besides fatima, I heard Allah's Apostle on his pulpit delivering a sermon in this connection before the people, and I had then attained my age of puberty. Allah's Apostle said, "fatima is from me, and I am afraid she will be subjected to trials in her religion (because of jealousy)." (Bukhari Book #53, Hadith #342)

Narrated Al-Miswar bin Makhrama: 'ali demanded the hand of the daughter of Abu jahl. fatima heard of this and went to Allah's Apostle saying, "Your people think that you do not become angry for the sake of your daughters as 'ali is now going to marry the daughter of Abu jahl. "On that Allah's Apostle got up and after his recitation of Tashah-hud. I heard him saying, "Then after! I married one of my daughters to Abu Al-'As bin Al-Rabi' (the husband of Zainab, the daughter of the Prophet ) before Islam and he proved truthful in whatever he said to me. No doubt, fatima is a part of me, I hate to see her being troubled. By Allah, the daughter of Allah's Apostle and the daughter of Allah's Enemy cannot be the wives of one man." So 'ali gave up that engagement. (Bukhari Book #57, Hadith #76)

OMG What could this Mean!? It means Shia are Idiots.

BUT guess what... She did speak to him.

“When Fatima became ill, Abu Bakr came to her and asked for permission to enter. So Ali said, ‘O Fatima, this is Abu Bakr asking for permission to enter.’ She answerd, ‘Do you want me to give him permission?’ He said, ‘Yes.’ So she allowed him (to enter), and he came in seeking her pleasure, so he told her: ‘By Allah, I only left my home and property and my family seeking the pleasure of Allah and His Messenger and you, O Ahlel Bayt.’ So he talked to her until she was pleased with him.” (Sunan Al-Bayhaqi)

This Hadith is narrated by Bayhaqi in al Sunan al Kubra (6:300-301) and Dala’il al-Nubuwwa (7:273-281) who said: “It is narrated with a good (hasan) chain.” Muhibb al Din al-Tabari cited it in al Riyad Al Nadira (2:96-97 #534) and Dhahabi in the Siyar (Ibid). Ibn Kathir states it as Sahih in his Al Bidayah and Ibn Hajar in his Fath Al Bari.

Bayhaqi said: مرسل حسن بإسناد صحيح / السنن الكبرى للبيهقي 6/301-
A good Mursal Hadith with a SAHIH Isnad.

Ibn Katheer said: إسناده جيد قوي والظاهر أن الشعبي سمعه من علي أو ممن سمعه من علي / البداية والنهاية 5/253
The Isnad is good and strong and it is apparent that al Sh'ubi heard it from Ali or from somebody who heard it from Ali.

Ibn Hajar al Asqalani said: وهو وإن كان مرسلاً فاسناده إلى الشعبي صحيح، وبه يزول الإشكال في جواز تمادي فاطمة عليها السلام على هجر أبي بكر / فتح الباري 6/202-
Even if it is Mursal but the Isnad to al Sh'ubi is SAHIH and it solves the problem...
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Old 01-07-2011, 04:50 AM   #7

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As you can see from the hadith, not only did Fatima عليها السلام get angry, but she stopped speaking to her Imam (khailfa) - Abu Bakr, until she died!
Its not easy to accept any one view, without knowing exactly what happen. On the one side, there's the best friend of the Prophet (AS), and on the other- His (AS) beloved daughter Fatimah (RA), the leader of the women of paradise.

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Old 01-07-2011, 04:54 AM   #8

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The Prophet PBUH said: The learned(Scholars) are the heirs of the Prophets, and the Prophets leave neither dinar nor dirham, leaving only knowledge, and he who takes it takes an abundant portion. (Sunan Abu Dawood, Book #25, Hadith #3634)
Hadith: SAHIH

Narrated Amr bin Al-Harith RAA: (The brother of the wife of Allah's Apostle. Juwaira bint Al-Harith) When Allah's Apostle died, he did not leave any Dirham or dinar (i.e. money), a slave or a slave woman or anything else except his white mule, his arms and a piece of land which he had given in charity . (Sahih al bukhari - Book #51, Hadith #2)
Hadith: SAHIH

Narrated Abu Huraira RAA: Allah's Apostle said, "My heirs will not inherit a dinar or a Dirham (i.e. money), for whatever I leave excluding the adequate support of my wives(Nafaqah) and the wages of my employees (All else) is given in charity." (Sahih al bukhari Book #51, Hadith #37)
Hadith: SAHIH

Narrated Malik bin Aus RAA narrated in a long narration that Al Abbas RAA and Ali bin abi talib RAA came to Ameer Umar RAA and had a conflict on some issues of inheritance so they told him to judge between them:

...They had a dispute regarding the property of Bani An-Nadir which Allah had given to His Apostle as Fai. The group (i.e. 'Uthman and his companions) said, "O chief of the believers! Judge between them and relieve both of them front each other." 'Umar said, "Be patient! I beseech you by Allah by Whose Permission the Heaven and the Earth exist, do you know that Allah's Apostle said, 'Our (i.e. prophets') property will not be inherited, and whatever we leave, is Sadaqa (to be used for charity),' and Allah's Apostle meant himself (by saying "we'')?" The group said, "He said so." 'Umar then turned to 'Ali and 'Abbas and said, "I beseech you by Allah, do you know that Allah's Apostle said so?" They replied, " He said so." 'Umar then said, "So, I will talk to you about this matter...
[Sahih al bukhari]

In a Long narration al abbas RAA and fatima bint Muhammad RAA came to the caliph Abu Bakr RAA to ask for their share of a Land left by the Prophet PBUH:

Abu Bakr said, "Allah's Apostle said, 'We (Prophets), our property is not inherited, and whatever we leave is Sadaqa, but Muhammad's Family can eat from this property, i.e. Allah's property, but they have no right to take more than the food they need.' By Allah! I will not bring any change in dealing with the Sadaqa of the Prophet (and will keep them) as they used to be observed in his (i.e. the Prophet's) life-time, and I will dispose with it as Allah's Apostle used to do," Then 'Ali said, "I testify that None has the right to be worshipped but Allah, and that Muhammad is His Apostle," and added, "O Abu Bakr! We acknowledge your superiority." Then he (i.e. 'Ali) mentioned their own relationship to Allah's Apostle and their right. Abu Bakr then spoke saying, "By Allah in Whose Hands my life is. I love to do good to the relatives of Allah's Apostle rather than to my own relatives" Abu Bark added: Look at Muhammad through his family (i.e. if you are no good to his family you are not good to him).

[Sahih al Bukhari]

Narrated 'Urwa RAA: 'Aisha said, "When Allah's Apostle died, his wives intended to send 'Uthman to Abu Bakr asking him for their share of the inheritance." Then 'Aisha said to them, "Didn't Allah's Apostle say, 'Our (Apostles') property is not to be inherited, and whatever we leave is to be spent in charity?'"
[Sahih al Bukhari]
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Old 01-07-2011, 05:00 AM   #9

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The Prophet PBUH said: The learned(Scholars) are the heirs of the Prophets, and the Prophets leave neither dinar nor dirham, leaving only knowledge, and he who takes it takes an abundant portion. (Sunan Abu Dawood, Book #25, Hadith #3634)
Hadith: SAHIH

Narrated Amr bin Al-Harith RAA: (The brother of the wife of Allah's Apostle. Juwaira bint Al-Harith) When Allah's Apostle died, he did not leave any Dirham or dinar (i.e. money), a slave or a slave woman or anything else except his white mule, his arms and a piece of land which he had given in charity . (Sahih al bukhari - Book #51, Hadith #2)
Hadith: SAHIH

Narrated Abu Huraira RAA: Allah's Apostle said, "My heirs will not inherit a dinar or a Dirham (i.e. money), for whatever I leave excluding the adequate support of my wives(Nafaqah) and the wages of my employees (All else) is given in charity." (Sahih al bukhari Book #51, Hadith #37)
Hadith: SAHIH

Narrated Malik bin Aus RAA narrated in a long narration that Al Abbas RAA and Ali bin abi talib RAA came to Ameer Umar RAA and had a conflict on some issues of inheritance so they told him to judge between them:

...They had a dispute regarding the property of Bani An-Nadir which Allah had given to His Apostle as Fai. The group (i.e. 'Uthman and his companions) said, "O chief of the believers! Judge between them and relieve both of them front each other." 'Umar said, "Be patient! I beseech you by Allah by Whose Permission the Heaven and the Earth exist, do you know that Allah's Apostle said, 'Our (i.e. prophets') property will not be inherited, and whatever we leave, is Sadaqa (to be used for charity),' and Allah's Apostle meant himself (by saying "we'')?" The group said, "He said so." 'Umar then turned to 'Ali and 'Abbas and said, "I beseech you by Allah, do you know that Allah's Apostle said so?" They replied, " He said so." 'Umar then said, "So, I will talk to you about this matter...
[Sahih al bukhari]

In a Long narration al abbas RAA and fatima bint Muhammad RAA came to the caliph Abu Bakr RAA to ask for their share of a Land left by the Prophet PBUH:

Abu Bakr said, "Allah's Apostle said, 'We (Prophets), our property is not inherited, and whatever we leave is Sadaqa, but Muhammad's Family can eat from this property, i.e. Allah's property, but they have no right to take more than the food they need.' By Allah! I will not bring any change in dealing with the Sadaqa of the Prophet (and will keep them) as they used to be observed in his (i.e. the Prophet's) life-time, and I will dispose with it as Allah's Apostle used to do," Then 'Ali said, "I testify that None has the right to be worshipped but Allah, and that Muhammad is His Apostle," and added, "O Abu Bakr! We acknowledge your superiority." Then he (i.e. 'Ali) mentioned their own relationship to Allah's Apostle and their right. Abu Bakr then spoke saying, "By Allah in Whose Hands my life is. I love to do good to the relatives of Allah's Apostle rather than to my own relatives" Abu Bark added: Look at Muhammad through his family (i.e. if you are no good to his family you are not good to him).

[Sahih al Bukhari]

Narrated 'Urwa RAA: 'Aisha said, "When Allah's Apostle died, his wives intended to send 'Uthman to Abu Bakr asking him for their share of the inheritance." Then 'Aisha said to them, "Didn't Allah's Apostle say, 'Our (Apostles') property is not to be inherited, and whatever we leave is to be spent in charity?'"
[Sahih al Bukhari]
I'm aware of all the above ahadeeth, thats why I requested an explanation.

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Old 01-07-2011, 05:25 AM   #10

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I'm aware of all the above ahadeeth, thats why I requested an explanation.

Wa Aleykum el Salam,

The explanation is she may Allah be pleased with her came to ask for the inheritance from the Caliph Abu Bakr RA, He told her what you read in the narrations above, She accepted his ruling and she didn't debate him on the issue nor did she insist on her position, only one Sahih narration uses the Term "Angry" but that could have been the case, Although he was extremely busy with the Murtadds and fighting Bani Hanifa and Musaylamah al Kazzab and The armies of Tulayhah and Sending the forces of Usamah as the prophet PBUH instructed then gathering the Mushaf ect... He still went to check on Fatima RA who was extremely sick at the time as he wanted her pleasure.

You ask why didn't Fatima RA know the ruling?
1- She's not an infallible divine being like in Shiism so there are things she never heard nor does she have perfect knowledge like in Shiism.
2- She was not the type of person to ask her father PBUH about this kind of thing, I myself don't ask my father "What will I inherit from you?".

Why didn't she speak to him again?
1- A Very strong narration says she did.
2- He is a Non-Mahram, meaning it's not a normal thing for her to talk to non-Mahram Men (but she does it continniously in Shia books).
3- She was busy with her father's death PBUH.
4- She got extremely sick quickly and died 6 months after her father's death PBUH.
5- Abu Bakr RA was even busier, just read the history of that period of time you cannot even imagine how bad the situation got.

Ali RA during his Caliphate left the land of Fadak exactly as Abu bakr RA and Umar RA did, he did not offer it to the children of Fatima RA.
Al Hassan bin Ali RA did the same as his father although he had 40,000 troops and the support of the extreme majority of Mouhajirun and Ansars.

(Shia will use anything to make any companion a Kaffir, That's an Aqeedah).
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Old 01-07-2011, 05:44 AM   #11

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Wa Aleykum el Salam,

The explanation is she may Allah be pleased with her came to ask for the inheritance from the Caliph Abu Bakr RA, He told her what you read in the narrations above, She accepted his ruling and she didn't debate him on the issue, only one Sahih narration uses the Term "Angry" but that could have been the case, Although he was extremely busy with the Murtadds and fighting Bani Hanifa and Musaylamah al Kazzab and The armies of Tulayhah and Sending the forces of Usamah as the prophet PBUH instructed then gathering the Mushaf ect... He still went to check on Fatima RA who was extremely sick at the time as he wanted her pleasure.

Ali RA during his Caliphate left the land of Fadak exactly as Abu bakr RA and Umar RA did, he did not offer it to the children of Fatima RA.

(Shia will use anything to make any companion a Kaffir, That's an Aqeedah).
The Ridda wars were indeed quite a task. Its possible that wars and illness were a major factor, contributing to why Fatimah (RA) and Abu Bakr (RA) never spoke after that, especially as Fatimah (RA) was ill and later passed away.

As very little of any situation can ever be considered, to have static factors; its difficult to base any ruling, to side with a particular person based merely on the few hearsays.

I don't see how its within the power of any shia, to turn a companion into a kafir. I've seen where some of their teaching claim that certain few companions had deviated, but I've never seen one where they place takfeer on the entire community of the companions.

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Old 01-07-2011, 05:48 AM   #12

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The Ridda wars were indeed quite a task. Its possible that wars and illness were a major factor, contributing to why Fatimah (RA) and Abu Bakr (RA) never spoke after that, especially as Fatimah (RA) was ill and later passed away.

As very little of any situation can ever be considered, to have static factors; its difficult to base any ruling, to side with a particular person based merely on the few hearsays.

I edited my previous post so check it out.

also here is a thing I previously wrote about the subject, post #439:
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Old 01-07-2011, 05:48 AM   #13

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Wa Aleykum el Salam,

The explanation is she may Allah be pleased with her came to ask for the inheritance from the Caliph Abu Bakr RA, He told her what you read in the narrations above, She accepted his ruling and she didn't debate him on the issue nor did she insist on her position, only one Sahih narration uses the Term "Angry" but that could have been the case, Although he was extremely busy with the Murtadds and fighting Bani Hanifa and Musaylamah al Kazzab and The armies of Tulayhah and Sending the forces of Usamah as the prophet PBUH instructed then gathering the Mushaf ect... He still went to check on Fatima RA who was extremely sick at the time as he wanted her pleasure.

You ask why didn't Fatima RA know the ruling?
1- She's not an infallible divine being like in Shiism so there are things she never heard nor does she have perfect knowledge like in Shiism.
2- She was not the type of person to ask her father PBUH about this kind of thing, I myself don't ask my father "What will I inherit from you?".

Why didn't she speak to him again?
1- A Very strong narration says she did.
2- He is a Non-Mahram, meaning it's not a normal thing for her to talk to non-Mahram Men (but she does it continniously in Shia books).
3- She was busy with her father's death PBUH.
4- She got extremely sick quickly and died 6 months after her father's death PBUH.
5- Abu Bakr RA was even busier, just read the history of that period of time you cannot even imagine how bad the situation got.

Ali RA during his Caliphate left the land of Fadak exactly as Abu bakr RA and Umar RA did, he did not offer it to the children of Fatima RA.
Al Hassan bin Ali RA did the same as his father although he had 40,000 troops and the support of the extreme majority of Mouhajirun and Ansars.

(Shia will use anything to make any companion a Kaffir, That's an Aqeedah).
You've raised an interesting point on infallibility; do you consider any of the sahabah (including ahlulbayt) to be infallible? If so, who and why?

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Old 01-07-2011, 05:53 AM   #14

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You've raised an interesting point on infallibility; do you consider any of the sahabah (including ahlulbayt) to be infallible? If so, who and why?

the ahlus sunnah do not consider any Sahabi to be infallible, ie. ma'soom, but we do consider them to be mahfooz ( protected) i.e. from the fire.
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Old 01-07-2011, 05:58 AM   #15

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the ahlus sunnah do not consider any Sahabi to be infallible, ie. ma'soom, but we do consider them to be mahfooz ( protected) i.e. from the fire.
Whats the basis for the companions being mahfooz?

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Old 01-07-2011, 06:04 AM   #16

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I don't see how its within the power of any shia, to turn a companion into a kafir. I've seen where some of their teaching claim that certain few companions had deviated, but I've never seen one where they place takfeer on the entire community of the companions.

I'll quickly translate a few samples

In Al Kafi the most famous and authentic shia book They narrate from their holy infallible Imam:

عن أبي عبد الله قال " اللهم العن فلاناً وفلاناً والفرق المختلفة على رسولك وولاة الأمر من بعد رسولك والأئمة من بعده وشيعتهم " (الكافي 2/385 كتاب الدعاء باب القول عند الإصباح والإمساء). Imam Abu Abdullah Ja'afar al Sadiq PBUH said: May Allah curse so and so (Abu bakr and Umar) and the different sects after the Prophet PBUH and The Wulat al Amr (Rulers) after the Prophet PBUH and the Imams (Scholars) and their followers ( All Laymen).

Al Kafi 2/385.

He just made takfeer on everyone.

عن أبي عبد الله قال » لا دين لمن دان الله بولاية إمام جائر ليس من الله… فلما أن تولوا كل إمام جائر ليس من الله عز وجل خرجوا بولايتهم إياه من نور الإسلام إلى ظلمات الكفر فأوجب الله لهم النار مع الكفار« (الكافي 1/307 كتاب الحجة. باب: فيمن دان الله عز وجل بغير إمام من الله). Imam AbU Abdullah PBUH says: There is No religion for he who believes in the wilayah of a tyrant Imam not assigned by Allah (he means First three Caliphs) ... And when they support/follow a Tyrant Imam not assigned by Allah they have left Islam's light and went to the darkness of KUFR so Allah will make them go to hell with the Kouffar.

al Kafi 1/307.

He just made Takfeer on all Ahlul Sunnah and even other Shia sects like Ismailis and Zaidis ect..

عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال » ثلاثة لا يكلمهم الله يوم القيامة ولا يزكيهم ولهم عذاب أليم: من ادعى إمامة من الله ليست له. ومن جحد إماما من الله، ومن زعم أن لهما في الإسلام نصيبا« (الكافي 1/304 كتاب الحجة: باب من ادعى الإمامة وليس لها بأهل). Abu Abdullah PBUH said: "Three people Allah will never speak to them on the day of Judgement (meaning they go to hell) and they have a painful punishment: A Man who falsely claims Imamah from Allah, a Man Who rejects an Imam Appointed by Allah (All non Twelvers), a Man who claims that the first two are Muslims.

Al Kafi 1/304.

(this is a Sahih hadith according to them).

This is Takfeer to ALL non-twelvers, No Muslim on the face of this earth accepts the Shia Imams are divinely appointed by Allah.

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Old 01-07-2011, 06:04 AM   #17

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Whats the basis for the companions being mahfooz?

Radhi Allahu Anhum wa radhu Anh.... ( Surah Fath , Last Ayah). You can also find details in any reliable sharh of Aqeedatut Tahawiyyah
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Old 01-07-2011, 06:05 AM   #18

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You've raised an interesting point on infallibility; do you consider any of the sahabah (including ahlulbayt) to be infallible? If so, who and why?

No they are normal Humans, Anyone who claims they are infallible and divine saints must bring forth proof from the Quran and the Authentic Sunnah.
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Old 01-07-2011, 06:22 AM   #19

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[9:117] "Allah has forgiven the prophet, the muhajirun and the ansar who followed him in the time of distress..."
those 30,000 who left with the prophet(PBUH) to Tabuk.

[48:18] "Indeed Allah was pleased with the believers when they gave the Bai'ah(Pledge) to you(O Muhammad) under the tree:"
It was 1400 Sahabi have pleaged thier allegiance to the prophet under the tree in the Hudibia Concilliation.

Who are the Twelver Shia to come and say "We are not pleased with Abu bakr"? If Allah is pleased with him then everyone must be pleased with him.

[59:8] "For the poor emigrants, who were expelled from thier homes and thier property Seeking bounties from ALLAH and to please him and his messenger such are indeed the TRUTHFUL".
He Said "Sadikun" Truthful Not Liars So here Allah says that they are truthful So Abu Bakr could not have lied to Fatima on the matter of Fadak As he was described by Allah as truthful and by his Prophet as "Al Siddiq" meaning the True believing person.

[59:9] "And (It is Also For) Those who before them, had homes (In Al-Madina) and had adopted the Faith (Meaning al Ansar) Love those who emigrate to them, and have no jealousy in thier breasts for that which they have been given (Booty of Banu Nadir) and give them (emigrants) preference over themselves even though they were in need of that, and whosoever is saved from thier own covetousness, such are they who will be the successful".

[59:10] "And those who came after them (me and you) say: Our Lord! Forgive us our bretheren who have preceded us in faith, and put not in our hearts any hatred against those who have believed"

this is what the shia will never understand, their hatred will blind them.

[9:100] "The vanguard (of Islam)- the first of those who forsook (their homes) and of those who gave them aid, and (also) those who follow them in (all) good deeds,- well-pleased is God with them, as are they with Him: for them hath He prepared gardens under which rivers flow, to dwell therein for ever: that is the supreme felicity."

[48:29] "Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah ; and those with him are forceful against the disbelievers, merciful among themselves. You see them bowing and prostrating [in prayer], seeking bounty from Allah and [His] pleasure. Their mark is on their faces from the trace of prostration. That is their description in the Torah. And their description in the Gospel is as a plant which produces its offshoots and strengthens them so they grow firm and stand upon their stalks, delighting the sowers - so that Allah may enrage by them the disbelievers. Allah has promised those who believe and do righteous deeds among them forgiveness and a great reward."

And here Allah is talking about the companions "Those who are with Muhammad PBUH" that they seek the pleasure of Allah and that Allah has made a promise to them that they will go to heaven and be rewarded for thier Good Deeds.

Also He says "That he may enrage the disbelievers" by their mention, If a person is enraged by the mention of these pious Men like Abu Bakr and Umar and Ali and Hamza ect... Then he should know that there is something terribly wrong with his belief and doctrine.

[33:6] "The Prophet is more worthy of the believers than themselves, and his wives are [in the position of] their mothers."

according to this Anyone who speaks ill of his wives is a Kaffir, the mothers of believers are to be respected by the person who respects the Prophet PBUH, any SHia who considers Aisha RA or Hafsa RA to not be their mothers is therefore NOT A BELIEVER according to the clear text.

These verses are VERY CLEAR and there are many others...

Salam Aleykum,
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Old 01-07-2011, 11:33 AM   #20

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You mentioned that Fatimah (RA) demanded inheritance, can you just shed some light on this?

I don't understand why Fatimah (RA), the same woman, who would give her own share of food to feed others, and sacrificed all she had. Why would she demand something that she's not entitled to? Saying that she demanded something, which she didn't have any right over, is suggesting an element of greed. But that just isn't possible- either she didn't demand anything, or she demanded whatever she had right over.

Remember, Fatimah (RA) is one of the very few, who are given the bashaarah of paradise directly in the Quran. If shias are claiming that Fatimah (RA) had demanded something, which she had no right over- then they are telling a major lie.

We are asking the questions under the light of shia narrations... we provided... So answer in accordance to what is asked... And after you answer we will surely answer all what you have asked.(and you wouldn't have asked that question if you had some common sense)
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