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Old 12-10-2010, 03:59 AM   #21

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By the way, the above Fatwa by Mufti Lajpuri was in defense of Mawlana Rashid AHmad Gangohi who stated that narrating the story of Karbala during the month of Muharram would be forbidden, even if the narrations are sound. See the actual Fatwa in Fatawa Rashidiyya [p. 149] here: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l3...hidiyya149.jpg
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Old 12-10-2010, 04:41 AM   #22

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just a few weeks ago was the anniversaries of the sad deaths of hazrat umar (ra) and uthman (ra) who with all due love and repect to hazrat hussain (ra) hold a higher status than them yet we dont mention their martydom. so why should we talk of hazrat hussains (ra) death? just because everyone else is doing it. i guess if its for educational purpose and clearing up a few misconceptions then fair enough but not just for the sake of it.

also hussain (ra) was destined to be martyred it had to happen has his granddad (saw) prophecised it. leave it as that. no one exactly know the full events of karbala. those directly responible obaidullah bin ziad died a disgraceful death, his head was chopped of and a snake was seen entering and exiting his mouth and nose.
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Old 12-10-2010, 07:09 AM   #23

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BTW, one of the reasons Ibn Abbas (rah) disagreed with Hussain ibn Ali (rah) was because they considered the people of Kufa unreliable since they allowed the enemy to reside there. He did not accept Yazid nor oppose the khilafa to go to Hussain. In fact I read that Ibn Abbas recommended that Hussain go to Yemen where he would declare his khilafah.

Ibn Zubayr as well. I dont recall what Ibn Umar (ra) said on the matter, but he too did not oppose the khilafah of Hussain.

Most sahaba didnt want him to go to his peril and death in the hands of traitors and hypocrites.

And Allah knows best.
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Old 12-10-2010, 03:25 PM   #24

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"Matyrdom of Imam Hussain(ra) in the light of historical sources" a translation of "Waaqia-e-Karbala" by Mawlana Atiq al Rahman Sambhali, the son of Mawlana Muhammad Manzoor Nu'mani for those who want to read a balanced view on the issue.
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Old 12-10-2010, 05:49 PM   #25

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assalamu alaikum
our belovd shaikhul hadis haz.mo.shaikh hanif sb luharvi(d.b) delivered amazing bayan about history of karbala and told detail history of this story.
hazrat told about some mistakes by ibne jarir tabri(r.a) and other schoolars of history.he also told about some wrong ahadis which are famous among people.for know truth about this topic must listen this bayan


Speaker: Shaikhul Hadis Hazrat Maulana hanif Sahab Luharvi Damatbarakatuhum

Date: 10-12-2010


(for download right click on bayan title and save target as)
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Old 12-10-2010, 08:10 PM   #26

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assalamu alaikum
our belovd shaikhul hadis haz.mo.shaikh hanif sb luharvi(d.b) delivered amazing bayan about history of karbala and told detail history of this story.
hazrat told about some mistakes by ibne jarir tabri(r.a) and other schoolars of history.he also told about some wrong ahadis which are famous among people.for know truth about this topic must listen this bayan
Is there any short biography of the shaykh available, who his teachers were?

I believe Tabari in the beginning of his book stated that he was going to collect all kind of narrations, not looking at the sanad.
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Old 12-10-2010, 08:59 PM   #27

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Is there any short biography of the shaykh available, who his teachers were?

I believe Tabari in the beginning of his book stated that he was going to collect all kind of narrations, not looking at the sanad.
haz.shaikh hanif sb is a shaikhul hadis in jamia qassimiya,kharod,gujarat
he is khalifa of shaikhul hadis mo.yusun sb jonpuri from saharanpur & mo.mukarram husain sb(d.b)[one of last 2 khalifa of mo.a.qadir raipuri(r.a)]
his teacher were
shaikh yunus sb jonpuri(d.b)
mufti muzaffar husain sb(r.a)
mufti ismail wadi wala(r.a) etc
he is now chairmain of surat dist.jamiat uleema.
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Old 12-10-2010, 09:02 PM   #28

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haz.shaikh hanif sb is a shaikhul hadis in jamia qassimiya,kharod,gujarat
he is khalifa of shaikhul hadis mo.yusun sb jonpuri from saharanpur & mo.mukarram husain sb(d.b)[one of last 2 khalifa of mo.a.qadir raipuri(r.a)]
his teacher were
shaikh yunus sb jonpuri(d.b)
mufti muzaffar husain sb(r.a)
mufti ismail wadi wala(r.a) etc
he is now chairmain of surat dist.jamiat uleema.

In which Madrasah did Hadrat Shaykh Hanif sahib complete his main studies?

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Old 12-10-2010, 09:08 PM   #29

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In which Madrasah did Hadrat Shaykh Hanif sahib complete his main studies?

jamia mazahir ulum saharanpur
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Old 12-11-2010, 09:44 PM   #30

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Sheikh Muhammad al Arefe's Sermon on Ashura (2010):

He talked about:
1-The story of Moses PBUH and Pharaoh.
2-Islamic conduct and morals and how to give advice.
3-Spreading the Da'awah of Islam constantly.

The Imam of our local masjid was giving a Sermon on rejecting the secular rulers and the importance of Caliphate n jihad : p
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Old 12-17-2010, 01:08 AM   #31

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assalamu alaikum
our belovd shaikhul hadis haz.mo.shaikh hanif sb luharvi(d.b) delivered amazing bayan about history of karbala and told detail history of this story.
hazrat told about some mistakes by ibne jarir tabri(r.a) and other schoolars of history.he also told about some wrong ahadis which are famous among people.for know truth about this topic must listen this bayan


Speaker: Shaikhul Hadis Hazrat Maulana hanif Sahab Luharvi Damatbarakatuhum

Date: 10-12-2010


(for download right click on bayan title and save target as)
I've listened the bayan. He had explained vey well in such a short span.
Whenever I will go to surat, I'll try to meet him.

I am still confused regarding Yazid. What is the perspective of Ahlus wal jamate, I mean should he be cursed or he is innocent?
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Old 12-17-2010, 03:54 AM   #32

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what is cursing yazid going to achieve? he was not involved in the death of hussain (ra) and there are many reports narratting how upset he was when he found out he was martyred. saying that he was no saint either he did alot of bad things. Allah (swt) knows best and will judge him accordingly. he wasnt a kaafir though so cant really curse him
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Old 05-20-2011, 03:29 PM   #33

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Salaam brother,
if history and hadith is contemplated with objectivity we come to know that yazid was responsible for murder of hussain(ra) and also ther sahabas, may Allah be pleased with them all. people who say he wasnt responsible include ibn taimiyah and ghazali. the students of these scholars like ibn kathir, hafiz dhahabi etc. negate this notion and hold yazid responsible for it. the same view is sponsored by ibn athir, ibn khaldun , masoodi, ibn hajar mecci, shah abdul aziz muhaddith dehalvi, abdul haqq muhaddith dehalvi, ibn hazm, allama alusi, imam ibn jauzi, sibt ibn jauzi, imam ahmed ibn hanbal, etc..
if there was an iota of faith in yazid would he dare kill hussain , other sahabas, burn kaaba and spoil the sanctity of medina.. if muslims so as feel that prophet touched a thing we revere it and see this yazids acts.
prophet (saw) said who fights hussain fights me(tirmizi)..so in context of this hadith yazid fought the prophet. was he a muslim then.??

dont become a nasibi
doint become a rafizi
be on the true path of ahl sunnah wal jammat
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Old 05-20-2011, 03:35 PM   #34

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The testimony of Imam Dhahabi that Yazeed killed Imam Hussain (as)

Imam Dhahabi in his authority work 'Tarikh Islam' Volume 5 page 30 states:

قلت: ولما فعل يزيد بأهل المدينة ما فعل، وقتل الحسين وإخوته وآله، وشرب يزيد الخمر، وارتكب أشياء منكرة، بغضه الناس، وخرج عليه غير واحد، ولم يبارك الله في عمره، فخرج عليه أبو بلال مرداس بن أدية الحنظلي

I say: 'When Yazeed did to the people of Madina what he did and killed al-Hussain and his brothers and progeny, and Yazeed drank alcohol, and performed abominable things, then the people hated him and rose up against him more than once. God didn't bless his life and Abu Bilal Mirdas bin Adya al-Hanzali rose against him.'

The testimony of Ibn Khaldun that Yazeed killed Imam Hussain (as)

“It is impermissible to support Yazeed in the matter of killing Hussain, nay (Hussain's) murder is Yazeed's deed that proves him to be a Fasiq and Hussain a martyr.”

The testimony of Ibn Hazm that Yazeed killed Imam Hussain (as)
ويزيد أمير المؤمنين؛ وكان قبيح الآثار في الإسلام؛ قتل أهل المدينة، وأفاضل الناس، وبقية الصحابة -رضي الله عنهم- يوم الحرة، في آخر دولته؛ وقتل الحسين -رضي الله عنه- وأهل بيته في أول دولته؛ وحاصر ابن الزبير -رضي الله عنه- في المسجد الحرام، واستخف بحرمة الكعبة والإسلام؛ فأماته الله في تلك الأيام

"Yazid Amir ul Momineen, was an evil doer in Islam. During the last days of his rule he massacred the people of Madina on the day of Hara. He killed the best of people and the remaining companions (ra). During the initial part of his rule, he killed Husain (ra) and his Ahle Bait. He surrounded Ibn Zubair in Masjid al-Haram. He violated the sanctity of Ka'ba and Islam. And during these days Allah killed him"
Jamharat Ansab al-Arab, page 112

Ibn Kathir student of ibn taimiyah, criticizes him regarding the role of Yazeed in the murder of Imam Hussain. While dicussing the events of 63 H, He stated:

وقد تقدم أنه قتل الحسين وأصحابه على يدي عبيد الله بن زياد‏

"It is already mentioned that he (Yazeed) killed al-Hussain and his companions through Ubaidullah bin Zyad"
Al Bidayah Wal Nihayah, Volume 8 page 243

Testimony of Sahabi Ibn Abbas (ra) that Yazeed killed Imam Hussain (as)

We read in Tareekh Kamil:

فكتب إليه ابن عباس:...وقد قتلت حسيناً وفتيان عبد المطلب مصابيح الهدى ونجوم الأعلام غادرتهم خيولك بأمرك

Ibn Abbas replied to Yazeed’s letter stating: “… You killed Husayn as well as the youth from Banu Abdul Muttalib who were beacons of guidance and famed stars, your troops marched on them at your orders ."
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Old 05-20-2011, 04:55 PM   #35

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Found a fatwa regarding this:
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Old 05-24-2011, 02:36 AM   #36

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what is cursing yazid going to achieve? he was not involved in the death of hussain (ra) and there are many reports narratting how upset he was when he found out he was martyred. saying that he was no saint either he did alot of bad things. Allah (swt) knows best and will judge him accordingly. he wasnt a kaafir though so cant really curse him
The testimony of Imam Dhahabi that Yazeed killed Imam Hussain (as)

Imam Dhahabi in his authority work 'Tarikh Islam' Volume 5 page 30 states:

قلت: ولما فعل يزيد بأهل المدينة ما فعل، وقتل الحسين وإخوته وآله، وشرب يزيد الخمر، وارتكب أشياء منكرة، بغضه الناس، وخرج عليه غير واحد، ولم يبارك الله في عمره، فخرج عليه أبو بلال مرداس بن أدية الحنظلي

I say: 'When Yazeed did to the people of Madina what he did and killed al-Hussain and his brothers and progeny, and Yazeed drank alcohol, and performed abominable things, then the people hated him and rose up against him more than once. God didn't bless his life and Abu Bilal Mirdas bin Adya al-Hanzali rose against him.'

The testimony of Ibn Khaldun that Yazeed killed Imam Hussain (as)

“It is impermissible to support Yazeed in the matter of killing Hussain, nay (Hussain's) murder is Yazeed's deed that proves him to be a Fasiq and Hussain a martyr.”

The testimony of Ibn Hazm that Yazeed killed Imam Hussain (as)
ويزيد أمير المؤمنين؛ وكان قبيح الآثار في الإسلام؛ قتل أهل المدينة، وأفاضل الناس، وبقية الصحابة -رضي الله عنهم- يوم الحرة، في آخر دولته؛ وقتل الحسين -رضي الله عنه- وأهل بيته في أول دولته؛ وحاصر ابن الزبير -رضي الله عنه- في المسجد الحرام، واستخف بحرمة الكعبة والإسلام؛ فأماته الله في تلك الأيام

"Yazid Amir ul Momineen, was an evil doer in Islam. During the last days of his rule he massacred the people of Madina on the day of Hara. He killed the best of people and the remaining companions (ra). During the initial part of his rule, he killed Husain (ra) and his Ahle Bait. He surrounded Ibn Zubair in Masjid al-Haram. He violated the sanctity of Ka'ba and Islam. And during these days Allah killed him"
Jamharat Ansab al-Arab, page 112

Ibn Kathir student of ibn taimiyah, criticizes him regarding the role of Yazeed in the murder of Imam Hussain. While dicussing the events of 63 H, He stated:

وقد تقدم أنه قتل الحسين وأصحابه على يدي عبيد الله بن زياد‏

"It is already mentioned that he (Yazeed) killed al-Hussain and his companions through Ubaidullah bin Zyad"
Al Bidayah Wal Nihayah, Volume 8 page 243

Testimony of Sahabi Ibn Abbas (ra) that Yazeed killed Imam Hussain (as)

We read in Tareekh Kamil:

فكتب إليه ابن عباس:...وقد قتلت حسيناً وفتيان عبد المطلب مصابيح الهدى ونجوم الأعلام غادرتهم خيولك بأمرك

Ibn Abbas replied to Yazeed’s letter stating: “… You killed Husayn as well as the youth from Banu Abdul Muttalib who were beacons of guidance and famed stars, your troops marched on them at your orders ."
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Old 05-24-2011, 02:41 AM   #37

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Is there any short biography of the shaykh available, who his teachers were?

I believe Tabari in the beginning of his book stated that he was going to collect all kind of narrations, not looking at the sanad.
salam brother,
let me first highlight you about the truth that before tabari, abu hanifa dinawari, ibn saad etc had written history. the contribution of tabari was accepted and utilized by later historians like ibn athir, ibn kathir, ibn khgaldun etc.
ahl sunnah recognizes only sahih incidents in ibn jarir's book, the stand over the issue of karbala remains firm, however., in keeping with the ijmah of fourteen centuries
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Old 05-29-2011, 01:12 AM   #38

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I've listened the bayan. He had explained vey well in such a short span.
Whenever I will go to surat, I'll try to meet him.

I am still confused regarding Yazid. What is the perspective of Ahlus wal jamate, I mean should he be cursed or he is innocent?
Asalamu alykum,
brother shoiab, there is no consensus of ahl sunnah on yazid. some deem him a kafir while others deem him a fasiq. however, he is an abominable personality who is not liked or revered. salaf have even permitted cursing him.
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Old 05-29-2011, 01:20 AM   #39

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"Matyrdom of Imam Hussain(ra) in the light of historical sources" a translation of "Waaqia-e-Karbala" by Mawlana Atiq al Rahman Sambhali, the son of Mawlana Muhammad Manzoor Nu'mani for those who want to read a balanced view on the issue.
asalamu alykum,
brother, the author aqeequl rehman simbhli son of late manzoor noamani has written this book based on fallacies. the book was refuted by late abu hassan ali nadwi(ra), mohsin usmani nadwi, and of late hassan siddiqui of deoband. i am myself preparing a detailed refutation of the same provided Allah wills.
the objective books in this regard are:-
1/ hadisa karbala ka pas manzar by abdur rasheed noamani
2/ shahhed ibn shaheed part 2
3/ shaheed karbala ka difah by hassan siddiqui
4/ shaheed karbala by mufti muhammad shafi usmani
5/ shaheed karbala aur yazeed by qari muhammad tayeb
6/ imam paak aur yazid paleed by mufti mohammad shafi okarvi

hope my thoughts are beneficial to you
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Old 05-29-2011, 02:58 AM   #40

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Assalaamu alaykum, hope everyone on the forum is in the best of health and imam, inshah Allah.

What is the ahle sunnah view on karbala? I know Shia will have a different story. But do salafis have a different story as well ?

How about barelvis? There is a show on ummah channel , the truth about karbala, is that ok to watch ? Do barelvis and deobandis have same view on this issue ?

Can any recommend any reading on this, books , websites ?

Asalamu alykum,
glad to learn you want to study the issue of kerbala. according to ahl sunnah, syeddina imam hussain(ra) fought the tyrannic regime of yazid. well barelvis and most deobandis agree to the point. as far as salafis are concerned the view used to be same as other sects however with publication of books by nasibi authors their views have become visceral and subjective.study two books for now
" hadisa karbala ka pas manzar" by abdurashid noamani
" shaheeday karbala ka difah" by hassan siddiqui
both are deobandi scholars but the books are very good.
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