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Old 05-18-2011, 05:03 PM   #1

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Default Translation maulana yusuf kandahlawi's bayanes.

This is a request to get information on the translation of Ml Yusuf RA's bayanes, recently printed in India.

The request is to first contact the Mufti who compiled them and inquire on whether a translation in English and Arabic is being undertaken at the moment.

If it is not, the request is then for us to put our minds together to see how to make it happen.

What comes to my mind is the following:
1/ Urdu to English and Urdu to Arabic would have to be done separately.
2/ In both translations, it would be preferrable that a person well acquainted with the effort of Tabligh does the work.
3/ For English, Maulana Katani from South Africa comes to mind. Obviously, we would have to talk to him about it and see if he is able to spare time for it, or alternatively, if there is something that can be done to get his translation (for example, he could record it digitally and pass it on to us so we can transcribe it, and then give him the written translation for review etc...).
4/ For Arabic, I do not have anyone in mind; suggestions are requested. Again, I believe someone well acquainted with the effort should undertake it. The digital option may also be useful.
The reason I am suggesting digital is because writing and/or typing may require a lot of time that some people do not have due to their busy schedule with other equally important activities. Once the meaning is captured, we can make arrangements for someone else to transcribe the recording; the person transcribing can literally be anyone.

I guess these are my thoughts, and I am seeking the brothers/sisters opinions and efforts to make this happen. Ml Sa'd has been insisting for many years on the importance of the sayings of Ml Yusuf RA. There is no need for additional targheeb here; the only targheeb is the hadeeth of Nabee SAW.

لاَ تَحْتَقِرَنَّ مِنَ اْلمَعْرُوْفِ شَيْئاً وَلَوْ أَنْ تَلْقَى أَخاَكَ بِوَجْهِ طَلْقٍ (رواه مسلم)

Do not consider as insignificant the slightest good deed, even if it is only meeting your brother with a cheerful face. (Hadith Narrated by Muslim).

The first step is to see if something is already being done.

Brothers Maripat, Abu_Uzair, and AbuTamim are names that come to mind for starting to look into what is already being done.

We ask Allah for tawfeeq.
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Old 05-18-2011, 05:31 PM   #2

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The Malfuzat of Hadhrat-ji Maulana Ilyas [RH] have been translated into Arabic (published by Idara), so you might consider the same translator for the Urdu -> Arabic translation of Maulana Yusuf [RH]'s speeches. Wallahu 'Alam.
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Old 05-18-2011, 05:39 PM   #3

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The last time I was in Nizamuddin Maulana Sa'd said that he himself reads Maulana Yusuf's bayans before giving bayans. So based on that targheeb I went and purchased majmu'ul bayanat in Urdu. I asked quite a few Ulamaa, mostly from South Africa, as to who would be the best Alim to translate it from Urdu into English, and most of them recommended Mufti Afzal Husein Ilyas. He has already translated Hayastus Sahabah, Maulana Yusuf's masterpiece and many other books. He also has the meezaj of Da'wah and the translating expertise. I emailed Mufti Afzal from his website requesting if it were a possibility to translate that book as well as the book Lisanud-Da'wah wat Tabligh (a book in Arabic of usool of Da'wah as well as 20 or so bayans of Maulana Umar palumpuri ) in English. The Mufti seems very busy, I haven't got a response yet.

The same person who translated the book Lisanud Da'wah into Arabic could also translate Maulana Yusuf's bayans.

I have to check who the translator was, I think his name was Fareed Iraqi. I'm not sure, I'd have to check, .
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Old 05-18-2011, 06:47 PM   #4

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for both your replies.

Let's just keep the thread going as a mashura and try to assist eachother in how to go about this.

I agree that the Arabic translator who did the work from Ml Ilyas RA's malfoozaat would be ideal.
Is he reachable?

As regards the English translation; glad to see that you have attempted to contact Mufti Afzal.

English in my opinion is easier to organize. If the would be translators have too many tasks at hand, which is understandable, then we need to find an alternative way that would not require to wait until they are available. The intent is to benefit everyone. Some of the young brilliant 'ulama in the UK can volunteer to start the work. I'm sure there is someone out there. They should be given targheeb for it, and they should be given confidence that their contribution is valuable.

I will attempt to find someone in South Africa in shaa Allah. Maybe someone here can assist with someone in the UK.

Reviewing will be a lighter task than doing all the work alltogether; the proven capable translators can be contacted at that point.

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Old 05-18-2011, 06:58 PM   #5

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for both your replies.

Let's just keep the thread going as a mashura and try to assist eachother in how to go about this.

I agree that the Arabic translator who did the work from Ml Ilyas RA's malfoozaat would be ideal.
Is he reachable?

As regards the English translation; glad to see that you have attempted to contact Mufti Afzal.

English in my opinion is easier to organize. If the would be translators have too many tasks at hand, which is understandable, then we need to find an alternative way that would not require to wait until they are available. The intent is to benefit everyone. Some of the young brilliant 'ulama in the UK can volunteer to start the work. I'm sure there is someone out there. They should be given targheeb for it, and they should be given confidence that their contribution is valuable.

I will attempt to find someone in South Africa in shaa Allah. Maybe someone here can assist with someone in the UK.

Reviewing will be a lighter task than doing all the work alltogether; the proven capable translators can be contacted at that point.

For starters, I'd suggest Dr. Abu_Tamim for the Urdu translation with review by Maulana Abu Bilal. For Arabic you might want to tap into some tullaab in South African Madaaris. Because of their zeal and talab to learn, they eat and drink books for breakfast, lunch and dinner. They might be able to translate into Arabic and maybe even to English as well.

Unfortunately, I don't know of Ulamaa in UK that might be able to translate.
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Old 05-18-2011, 07:09 PM   #6

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The last time I was in Nizamuddin Maulana Sa'd said that he himself reads Maulana Yusuf's bayans before giving bayans.

and this is also the case with hafiz patel saab, he also has this book and takes it on his travels, when i was with him he used to read it very often and sometimes would read it in small gatherings, he did this after fajr at leicester markaz many years ago and he would read this to me on a journey or in his room, the golden days of my life before my downfall (before i was ex-communicated from room 5), make dua
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Old 05-18-2011, 07:16 PM   #7

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and this is also the case with hafiz patel saab, he also has this book and takes it on his travels, when i was with him he used to read it very often and sometimes would read it in small gatherings, he did this after fajr at leicester markaz many years ago and he would read this to me on a journey or in his room, the golden days of my life before my downfall (before i was ex-communicated from room 5), make dua
May Allah always keep you with the saaliheen and protect you from all types of shayaateen, ameen!

Sometimes I think I'd have to walk on eggs if I come over there in Jama'ah.
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Old 05-18-2011, 07:29 PM   #8

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(1) The Book is published in 6 volumes by Fareed Book Depot, New Delhi.
(2) The compiler is Muft Roshan Shah Qasmi Sahab running a Daru-ul-Uloom, at National Highway No. 6, in Sonori, Akola, Maharashtra, India
(3) I have been trying to contact him ever since my last post but without success.
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Old 05-18-2011, 07:35 PM   #9

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Please keep me posted too on any developments.
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Old 05-18-2011, 09:18 PM   #10

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assalamu alaikum
haz.mufti roshan shah qasmi d.b published new bayanat in his book named"Dawati bayanat of moulana yusuf sb kandhalvi r.a" in 10 volumes.there are about 150 to 170 bayanat in it.mostly written originally by moulana umar sb palanpuri r.a.
plz contact him on following adddress:
Mufti Roshan shah qasmi
Principal madressa daruulum Sonori
National highway road no.6
taluka: murtuzapur,dist:Akola
phone no: 07256 244204
mobile: 09422162298

i purchased this books somee days ago in only 400 rs though original prize is 1350 rs but i bought with 70% discount from deoband,if some 1 wants to but it i will manage it
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Old 05-18-2011, 10:52 PM   #11

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(1) The Book is published in 6 volumes by Fareed Book Depot, New Delhi.
(2) The compiler is Muft Roshan Shah Qasmi Sahab running a Daru-ul-Uloom, at National Highway No. 6, in Sonori, Akola, Maharashtra, India
(3) I have been trying to contact him ever since my last post but without success.

for your effort.

I talked to Mufti Sahab 1.5 hrs ago; we were not able to understand eachother.

I sent him a short sms in english, I guess someone will translate for him.

Can you please ask him directly if someone is working on anything right now for both English and Arabic?

I have talked to someone else from Makka Mukarramah; in shaa Allah, I believe we have a solution for the arabic. I will keep you brothers informed of developments.

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Old 05-19-2011, 12:17 AM   #12

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haz.mufti roshan shah qasmi d.b published new bayanat in his book named"Dawati bayanat of moulana yusuf sb kandhalvi r.a" in 10 volumes.there are about 150 to 170 bayanat in it.mostly written originally by moulana umar sb palanpuri r.a. It soothens the heart to hear the quantity of bayanes; and the fact that Ml Umar RA originally wrote them.

i purchased this books somee days ago in only 400 rs though original prize is 1350 rs but i bought with 70% discount from deoband,if some 1 wants to but it i will manage it Would you be able to arrange for the books to be shipped to Karachi? Or alternatively, could you ask the book shop if they have a distributor in Karachi so it can be purchased from there?

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Old 05-19-2011, 12:25 AM   #13

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The books are available in Urdu. I think there should be focus on confirming qualified translators (has translating and Da'wah experience). Otherwise these books will be like locked treasures. I have the one book of Maulana Yusuf's bayans sitting on my self...accumulating dust.
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Old 05-19-2011, 02:27 AM   #14

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It soothens the heart to hear the quantity of bayanes; and the fact that Ml Umar RA originally wrote them.

Would you be able to arrange for the books to be shipped to Karachi? Or alternatively, could you ask the book shop if they have a distributor in Karachi so it can be purchased from there?

i cant send books to pak but i will send via u.k,in that case shipping amount is may be heavy
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Old 05-19-2011, 12:30 PM   #15

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i cant send books to pak but i will send via u.k,in that case shipping amount is may be heavy
Mufti Usama has contacted Maktaba Naeemia, Deoband and they have it in stock. They have informed that the volumes are also available at a maktaba called Darul Isha'at in Karachi. Hope it helps. Mufti Roshan Shah Qasmi Sahab still could not be contacted.
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Old 05-19-2011, 02:25 PM   #16

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It soothens the heart to hear the quantity of bayanes; and the fact that Ml Umar RA originally wrote them.

Would you be able to arrange for the books to be shipped to Karachi? Or alternatively, could you ask the book shop if they have a distributor in Karachi so it can be purchased from there?

Assalam Alaikum.

If you need books from Pakistan, let me know inshAllah. They would be delivered to your doorstep inshAllah.

I had made this offer for all the brothers of SF sometime ago.
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Old 05-19-2011, 02:36 PM   #17

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Mufti Usama has contacted Maktaba Naeemia, Deoband and they have it in stock. They have informed that the volumes are also available at a maktaba called Darul Isha'at in Karachi. Hope it helps. Mufti Roshan Shah Qasmi Sahab still could not be contacted.
Salaam, brother Maripat.

This is very useful to know.

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Old 05-19-2011, 02:40 PM   #18

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Assalam Alaikum.

If you need books from Pakistan, let me know inshAllah. They would be delivered to your doorstep inshAllah.

I had made this offer for all the brothers of SF sometime ago.

for the offer.

Your name has been mentioned for a potential English translator. Please tell us what you think and if you would be able to contribute. If you are too busy, we perfectly understand...I will talk to someone from South Africa this evening in shaa Allah about the same matter. I wonder if the audio option may be easier for any eventual translator; Brother Suleiman has rightfully stressed that finding the most appropriate individual is primordial. In my opinion, a person who has fikr to do this service would be very capable of doing an excellent work. If time is a problem, I propose an audio translation and I would be willing to transcribe the audio. It would obviously be a project over some time. I believe we can all benefit from it, even if it's just little by little.

On the other hand, for Arabic, I would appreciate your assistance in verifying if the bookstore mentioned by brother Maripat has the book in stock (Darul Ishat, Karachi).
I have talked to Ml Abdul Hafeez Makki yesterday; he recommended translators who are 'ulama in Karachi. I have to call him back today to get their contact. We will need someone to deliver the book to them once we have their contact.

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Old 05-19-2011, 03:05 PM   #19

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Somebody should contact the people in Raiwind too. I'll not be surprised if some translation is already in pipe.
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Old 05-19-2011, 06:24 PM   #20

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The books are available in Urdu. I think there should be focus on confirming qualified translators (has translating and Da'wah experience). Otherwise these books will be like locked treasures. I have the one book of Maulana Yusuf's bayans sitting on my self...accumulating dust.
for the link on the arabic bayane request. You have saved me a lot of unavailable time.

I agree with you.
Among the people I have met over the years, Maulana Sulaiman Katani is among the most capable all criterias compounded.

I will put in the request to him in shaa Allah, as soon as I am able to get in contact with him; hopefully in a short time. I have requested someone to re-give me his contact info.

If you read urdu, and are from the uk, I am sure you are also capable of doing it; so I will take the liberty to put your name on the list of potential participants

As mentioned earlier, nothing to add to Ml Sad's insistence on these talks...

We ask Allah ta'alaa to make this endeavour successfull.

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